The Ambrose Papers #10: The Children Cry, While Money Drives Connecticut Family Court – as Daddy Ambrose Pays

This is the story of former TV writer Chris Alwyn Ambrose, 59, and his efforts to divorce his wife, Karen Beth Riordan, 55, get permanent and exclusive custody of their children, M 14, M, 14 and S 11, avoid alimony and child support and keep all the marital assets.

All three children want to live with their mother by their own accounts.

His career was shattered so he came back to Connecticut to live with his children and his wife and to arrange to divorce her. The reason his career was lost was that he was caught plagiarizing and fired from the TV show Instincts. His agents dropped him – for this is the one unforgivable offense for Hollywood writers – stealing intellectual property of others and calling it your own.

The mother, Karen, is an unimpeachable character. She is one of those rare souls in this world who is pure, who is honest, who never did a foul deed or commit a breach.  For 17 years she taught and was awarded teacher of the year for the Greenwich school district in 2003.

Chris Ambrose was riding high in April 2018 – until he got shot down in May – plagiarizing scripts from the TV show Bones for the show Instinct.

Her only mistake was marrying a scoundrel, a closeted gay man who married her then proceeded to never once have sex with her – using a variety of limp excuses as to why they could not have sex and hence why they could not have children.

So Karen chose to adopt and her choice was, in keeping with her sterling character, to adopt three special needs children, the above named M, M and S, three Hispanic children, when they were tiny infants, and she became their fulltime mother. She devoted 13 years, every day of her life during all those years, to raising her children. They were her life and she theirs.

Then Ambrose came home from California after being booted out of the industry he worked in — sent hat in hand home, and he succeeded in taking them away and subsuming all of the marital assets, and even Karen’s inheritance from her mother, which none of it was his.

Today she is not permitted to have contact with her children by order of Connecticut Family Court monsters, Judge Gerald Adelman and  Judge Jane Grossman: No contact with the children Karen alone raised.

Both of these judges allowed Ambrose to keep more than $2 million in joint marital assets, and keep Karen’s inheritance without requiring him to disclose where he put any of the money after, just prior to filing for divorce, he covertly transferred their assets into accounts he controlled. All except one, a small mutual funds account, which had both of their signatures on it, which he is trying to get control of now.

This is a story that may wind up as national news because it reveals some very interesting aspects of divorce and custody of children when it is decided by family court judges when one party has control of the money.

Karen Riordan was a stay at home mother until April 24, 2020, when Judge Jane Grossman, in collaboration with the Ambrose-paid guardian ad litem, Jocelyn Hurwitz and the recommendation of the Ambrose-paid custody evaluator, Dr. Jessica Biren-Caverly, took the children away from their mother and into the hands of the father, Chris Ambrose.

On July 19, 2019, Ambrose, represented by attorney Nancy Aldrich, brought an action for divorce against Karen, his wife of 14 years. At the time the family was living in Westport Connecticut. Soon after the mother and the children went to Narragansett, Rhode Island where they usually spent summers with her family. [There are no more summer vacations with the family since Ambrose has denied the children access to the mother’s side of the family.]

On August 19, 2019, Connecticut Superior Court Judge Eddie Rodriguez Jr. granted the mother “temporary primary physical and shared legal custody.”  Ambrose had visitation. No orders were put forth for child support.

In September, Judge Rodriguez appointed attorney Jocelyn B. Hurwitz, of the law firm of Cohen and Wolf, as guardian ad litem for the children. Her retainer called for payment from the parents of $400 per hour. Because Karen was locked out of the marital assets [and even her own inheritance] she was not able to pay her share. Ambrose began paying Hurwitz and the two, Hurwitz and Ambrose, got along famously.

The wolf of Cohen and Wolf, Jocelyn Hurwitz.

Ambrose quickly understood how the bread was buttered in Connecticut Family Court and he buttered her richly, making it easy for Hurwitz to bill obscene amounts of money— so far more than $180,000 – to assist in determining what is best for the kids.

He knew that this $180,000 was far less than the more than one million he took from Karen’s share of the marital assets and if the guardian ad litem sided with him – in fact, if she would do as he bid her do – he could avoid child support and alimony too. That was worth hundreds of thousands.

Smart boy, that Ambrose.

With the help of the guardian ad litem, the well-paid wolf of Cohen and Wolf, the ravenous Jocelyn Hurwitz, a change of judges was effected and a friendly female Judge, Jane Grossman took over. The orders of Judge Eddie Rodriquez were cast aside.

Between Nancy Aldrich, Ambrose’s attorney, the wolf Hurwitz, the Ambrose-paid guardian ad litem, and an Ambrose-paid psychologist, the quack, Dr. Jessica Biren-Caverly, who after meeting with Karen for a few hours declared in her report that Karen had an unspecified personality disorder, Judge Grossman handed the children to their father – with a no contact order for the children with their mother.

Jessica Biren-Caverly is so good at diagnoses that, though she is not a medical doctor, she can detect mental illness simply by meeting people and getting them to take a few written tests. Somehow she can find mental illness when the guardian ad litem tells her to find them even in persons who never had a history of mental illness before.

Biren-Caverly was paid $17,000 for her finding that Karen had a personality disorder, and the plagiarizing, closeted gay man with a penchant for porn that borders on the very young adult Latino, by his own admission, and who trolls the internet pretending he is a barber, for he has a fetish with hair – and whose children accused him of sexually molesting them — of him, Dr. Biren Caverly determined, he is not only perfectly fine, but the sole fit parent for the children.

By the way, did I mention that Ambrose paid for the report?

That’s all it took.

On April 24, 2020, [a day of infamy] the court granted Ambrose “temporary sole legal and physical custody” and ordered that, “the mother may not have any contact with the children, directly or via third parties. She is not to respond to any contact the children may initiate.”

That temporary custody is now 18 months and counting. But a strange thing happened. You might think that these young minds with their young hearts would forget their mother.

But somehow, worse luck for Ambrose — they haven’t.

Yet – no matter how many times the children beg their mother to rescue them, she may not, by order of the infamous Connecticut family court, have contact with the children, the ones she raised every day of their lives from their infancy to their early teens.

Until the day when Judge Jane Grossman stepped in.

Cruel Judge Jane Grossman ordered the removal of three happy children living with their mother, where they wanted to live, to go to the home of a psychotic and abusive father. She never met the children whose lives she upended and destroyed. Her term expires in 2022, unless the legislature and the governor reappoint her – and with the Ambrose scandal hanging over her – she may wind up off the bench. This may be one reason she herself got off the case and handed it to the notorious Judge Gerard Adelman.

Out of sight is not out of mind however for the children – though it has been 18 months without their mother.

For it wrung the hearts of these children. When they need the comfort of their mother, all Ambrose, in his deviant mind, can offer is loneliness. He moved them to a secluded home. He cut off all contact with the mother’s family and friends – the people they grew up with – for remember the father was always away in Los Angeles, while they grew up in Connecticut.

Sadness caused by the absence of love is the lot of these children. It must be clear to any thinking person that the father does not love them. He can’t love them, for if he loved them even slightly he would not fight to deprive them of their mother. He would fight to see she was in their lives.

This is Part 10 of the Ambrose Papers.

In case you doubt the children want to be with their mother, here is what M wrote [she is gifted poet]:

M wrote the following poems.


A place filled with thoughts,
Thoughts of peace.
Thoughts of hope.
I am not alone there,
She’s there.
My mom,
She walks me to the river,
The river of laughs,
When we were together,
Together at the beach.
Together throwing the ball for the dogs.
I was happy with her,
She made me feel safe,
She’s my mom.
I miss her everyday,
But I hold onto the dream land I call home,
In hopes of one day returning like Wendy to
Here is another of her poems – that touches on her summers in Rhode Island – and her mother and her family – now lost to her.

Bike Ride

The light blue bike,

Weight the reflection of the Narragansett ocean,

With seagulls in the air and a cool summer breeze.

Where I boogie board in the summer.

Where I see my family,

The bike moves down the street with a path,

A path like a path like a treasure hunt leading us

to new places every turn.


Here is what M wrote to his mother [if Judge Adelman reads this he will probably punish Karen for accepting the text].

TEXT #1:

Now just to see you one more time.

I can’t do this.

I can’t stay here.

I don’t want to do anything.

I just want to see you.

If I had the choice of

spending my life here or

seeing you for one more

day and then I die, at least

I would die happy.

Right now, I’m burning alive in hell.

But nothing is killing me. It’s

just endless torture.


Here is another text


Text #2:

I miss you so much.

I love you.

I just want to see you again.

Hi mom

I love you

And miss you.

I miss you so much

I can’t feel my hands

Because I’m hyperventilating from crying

I miss you

I love and miss you

I can’t stress enough how much I miss you. It is hurting

me. I just want this to end.


I can produce hundreds more of the same ilk – children crying for their mother, dying a little inside each day.  But don’t tell Judge Adelman or Judge Grossman. Don’t tell the rapacious wolf of Cohen and Wolf, Jocelyn Hurwitz.  Or Dr. Jessica Biren-Caverly.

Ambrose moved the children out to this rural home far from the friends and family they knew.

They’ll just find a way to punish the mother and of course the children. Isn’t it bad enough? Ambrose took their cell phones, suspended their internet. Has no land line and keeps them from their family and their mother? He took the door knobs off their doors on Christmas day so they could not shut him out of their hurting hearts for even a minute.

Though two hospitals, Yale New Haven and Children’s Hospital, reported that the children claimed sexual abuse and should be tested and that two of the children have been cutting themselves, the wolf Hurwitz and the judge intervened and did not require the children to be tested for abuse.

They were returned to their father in the teeth of Department of Children and Families’ recommendation to the contrary.

Here is another text from M to his missing mother


TEXT #3:

Hi mom. I miss you. I want

to go home. Dad is saying

we might have to stay here

longer, which is literally

going to kill me. I miss you

and love you.


I miss you so much.

It feels like the world is

crushing me.

I can’t take it anymore.

I miss you so much. I love


Connecticut Family Court Judge Gerald Adelman


Now you have read what the children wrote, in our next post you will get to read what the hard hearted Judge Adelman wrote. I promise you will be shocked.

Stay tuned.


About the author

Frank Parlato

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[…] Judge Adelman Over ‘Gag Order’ on Mother; Media, After Reinforcing No Contact With Children! The Ambrose Papers #10: The Children Cry, While Money Drives Connecticut Family Court – as Daddy A… The Ambrose Papers #11: What Connecticut Family Court Did to the Children is a […]


[…] Judge Adelman Over ‘Gag Order’ on Mother; Media, After Reinforcing No Contact With Children! The Ambrose Papers #10: The Children Cry, While Money Drives Connecticut Family Court – as Daddy A… The Ambrose Papers #11: What Connecticut Family Court Did to the Children is a […]


[…] Judge Adelman Over ‘Gag Order’ on Mother; Media, After Reinforcing No Contact With Children! The Ambrose Papers #10: The Children Cry, While Money Drives Connecticut Family Court – as Daddy A… The Ambrose Papers #11: What Connecticut Family Court Did to the Children is a […]


[…] Adelman Over ‘Gag Order’ on Mother; Media, After Reinforcing No Contact With Children! 10 The Ambrose Papers #10: The Children Cry, While Money Drives Connecticut Family Court – as Daddy A… 11 The Ambrose Papers #11: What Connecticut Family Court Did to the Children is a […]


[…] The Ambrose Papers #7: Forensic Examiner Investigating Image of Ambrose’s Hard Drive – Charges May Be Coming for Father Who Allegedly Abuses Children  The Ambrose Papers #8: Art Reveals Life: Hurwitz, Caverly & Grossman, the Money-Driven Monsters of CT Family Court The Ambrose Papers Part #9: Dolcefino Blasts Judge Adelman Over ‘Gag Order’ on Mother; Media, After Reinforcing No Contact With Children!… […]

Sarah Picots
Sarah Picots
2 years ago

Are the kids back with the mom yet?

Heather Martin
Heather Martin
2 years ago

The judges and attorneys are violating State and federal laws – zero accountability. Judicial review is a joke. How many times does Adelman play God- and decide children will be raised without a mother or father? In 2017 he was petitioned against- he out- judicial review found no wrong doing. It’s a game fueled by money and sadism.

Same players. Jocelyn Hurwitz and Caverly need to be in jail among with Ambrose. Intentional psychological abuse. Our own government is allowing our children to be abused and denied the God-given right to be brought up by their mother. These kids have been isolated and traumatized. It happens constantly.

This is a silent epidemic in family courts in the US and internationally.

Frank – get your team to expose these criminals. Be more relentless than they are. Our kids deserve to be protected.

Judge Adelman
Judge Adelman
2 years ago

This free expression violates Judge Adelman’s gag order. No one can write about the children being raped by Chris Ambrose and the jew lawyers and jew judge….this is willful violation of the Connecticut Court order, which defies the First Amendment. The FrankReport is in direct violation of the gag order of JUDGE GERARD ADELMAN!!!! Flying monkeys will be dispatched to punish FRANK and his contemptuous pals who think they can defy the power of ADELMAN!!!

Casual Observer
Casual Observer
2 years ago

Connecticut judges have been raping childhoods for the last 40 years. Nothing is going to change, nothing has changed, the inbred form of state sponsored child abuse is firmly rooted. Keep whining about it, nothing will change.

Man Boiz loves love
Man Boiz loves love
2 years ago

Ambrose is a good daddy. Real good. He cuts hair too.

2 years ago

This is too insane and is apparently being shielded from the public with big bucks and big power. Thank you, Frank, for bringing this to mainstream attention. It might, hopefully, be the reason this gets national coverage and national outrage. Please, somebody listen and intervene on behalf of these children and their mother. This man should be arrested.

They ALL should be arrested
They ALL should be arrested
2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

The GAL, PhD, Judge and Latino Boiz lover Barber Ambrose should all be in the clink for a variety of reasons, most glaringly brushing the child abuse under the rug and blocking any further investigation in to the matter. Sickening. Shame on them all. There is a special place in hell for people of this ilk.

Jack Dunn
Jack Dunn
2 years ago

Ambrose and many other pedophiles in Connecticut enjoy police protection. The judicial branch trafficks children for the state pedo ring. All municipal police chiefs and the Chief of the State Police are owned by the pedo ring, are sworn to it, and do not get their high-paying jobs by protecting children. Simple reality of Connecticut.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jack Dunn

Jack, is this really true?

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083


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