BK’s Bluster: All Bark, No Byte: I Challenge Him to Debate on Sandusky’s Innocence

The Little Guy, BK Corruptible is all worked up over my defense of Jerry Sandusky

BK’s Little World: Big on Claims, Short on Courage

There is a tiny person who calls himself BK Corruptible. He is a moderator of a small Reddit thread. He is deathly afraid of me, so he remains anonymous. I do not know what BK stands for. Blubbering Kitten?

I do not know his real name or what he looks like. I use this picture of him, which might be precisely what he looks like, or maybe not.

BK the Timid.  

At Frank Report, we call him “The Littlest Guy.” Or “KC” (for Keyboard Coward.)

A Feud with Faceless Foe?

People ask me why I do not bother disputing what Reddit’s recluse says about me.

To paraphrase Judge Garaufis – “I’m just a local guy from Buffalo, and you’ve got an anonymous guy who hasn’t the guts to use his own name. Why should anyone look upon that person as someone who is worthy of respect?”

The other problem with BK is that he is no journalist and not a critical thinker. When he brings up me, I laugh at his smallness. He would not dare meddle with me if he signed his own name.  But since he brought up Sandusky and claims he is guilty, I sense an opportunity to prove that BK is either:

  1. Stupid
  2. A coward
  3. Dishonest
  4. All of the above

Therefore, I will challenge this timid taunter to a debate on Jerry Sandusky.  Though I doubt my invisible critic will dare take me up lest I expose his lack of logic.

Jerry Sandusky…

Now, let me deconstruct BK’s latest foolishness, which he posted on Reddit recently.

The Little Guy’s Tiny Tantrum

The self-righteous BK, AKA The Littlest Guy

In a recent post, BK wrote:

For a while on (BK’s Reddit thread), I have shown some tolerance to the posting of links to Frank Parlato’s blog, even as I spoke up against him.

This was on the off chance that there was some redeeming value to Frank Parlato’s “journalism” to somebody.

Parlato’s latest article convinces me that he has no redeeming qualities at all. So I would like it clear:

FR writes:

I laughed when BK wrote, “I spoke up against him,” when he cannot stand behind what he writes with his real name?

BK continued:

  • Parlato and his employees are not welcome here (under any pseudonyms)
  • Direct links to his content are not welcome here.
  • If there is any reason to post material as necessary context, you can use org or Archive.is.

Unlike Reddit’s little rascal, I welcome differing opinions on my site.

BK Fumbles Facts

BK: I will give the rationale in full.

Parlato –who is likely desperate for anyone’s money — has taken to working for the supporters of Jerry Sandusky, former coach of the Penn State University football program.

For the record, I believe Sandusky is innocent, and I am not making any money from it. Once he is freed from prison, I may opt to take some financial opportunity that comes my way for my work in showing he is innocent.

BK: Sandusky was criminally convicted of the rape and molestation of over 10 children;

BK does not know the case. They were not children when they testified. They were men. Most of them claimed they had repressed memory recollections right after they got civil lawyers. Every one of the eight (not ten) men who testified (falsely) against the innocent Jerry Sandusky got more than one million dollars.

Bogus Millionaires

Here is the list of so-called victims and the amount of money they got for their untrue stories about Sandusky from Penn State.

Aaron Fisher, $7.5 million

Aaron Fisher, “victim”#1, provided this photograph as an answer to his detractors.

Jason Simcisko, $7.25 million. His story kept changing as the green kept enlarging,

Brett Swisher-Houtz, $7.25 million. Investigators and his civil lawyer, who was with him from the start, were caught on tape conspiring to lie to Houtz and, in effect, get Houtz to lie about Sandusky.

Michal Kajak’s story changed many times, not only as to what happened, but also when it happened. He changed the dates to maximize Penn State’s payments [i.e., after 2001]. He wound up with $8.1 million

Zachary Konstas, $1.5 million for a single hug.

Dustin Struble, $3.25 million. This young man was persuaded to remember Sandusky abused him after his civil lawyer set him up with a memory therapist.

Sabastian Paden got $20 million for a story that even BK could discern was a lie.

Criminal Ryan Rittmeyer, $5.5 million. He probably never met Sandusky, but no one checked out the “victims'” stories.

Other Thinkers on Sandusky’s Innocence

I am not alone in thinking Sandusky is innocent. Among those who preceded me in this belief are:

Dr. Frederick Crews is a former chair of English at UC Berkeley and a best-selling author. He wrote the Random House Handbook, which more than one million college students have used.

Famed radio personality, John Ziegler: This in your face, hard nosed investigator did the compelling series, “With the Benefit of Hindsight.”

I defy anyone to listen to all the episodes and not walk away a lot smarter than BK. Indeed, BK represents the kind of shallow judgment that allows innocent people to go to prison.

BK has not studied the case, but he is ready to proclaim Sandusky is guilty. Why? Because he does not like me. But that’s no reason to fail to investigate.

Ziegler is the opposite. This guy digs in relentlessly, and when the world said Sandusky was guilty, this brave man came out publicly and said he was innocent. And he said it in his own name.

Then there is Philadelphia’s top investigative reporter, Ralph Cipriano,

John and Patti Galluppi, of Justice for Jerry.

Former Rutgers Head Coach Dick Anderson.

The Penn State Voice of Wrestling Jeff Byers.

NCIS Special Agent John Snedden, who hosts Search Warrant. He did a comprehensive federal investigation of the supposed coverup at Penn State in 2012, only to find no coverup. Sandusky is innocent, and famed coach Joe Paterno, went to his grave discredited for absolutely no reason.

Rev. Joseph Stains risked his position as the minister of his Methodist church in Pennsylvania to declare Sandusky was innocent.

Well-known author Mark Pendergrast, who wrote the forensic masterpiece The Most Hated Man in America, Jerry Sandusky and The Rush to Judgement

One may also consider reading Dr. Graham Spanier’s In the Lion’s Den to look at the collateral damage and behind-the-scenes politics of this false prosecution.

 Back to BK’s Tirade

Penn State’s civil settlements suggest the actual number of victims may be several multiples of that.

Penn State settled with 34 liars. Most came on board after the trial, when the legal community knew that Ira Lubert, a trustee of Penn State, was giving away millions of dollars of Penn State’s money to anyone with a BS story, provided they had the “right” lawyer.

The stories were so ridiculous that Penn State’s insurer refused to reimburse and went to court. That’s a story for another day.

BK: Sandusky’s appeals and motions for retrial have been thrown out, and there is little doubt of his guilt.

Unlike BK, I investigated the case and I see significant doubt about Sandusky’s guilt.

BK: Somehow, Parlato has managed to take working for this pedophile’s fan club even worse than at first blush.

News broke yesterday that one of the victims who testified against Sandusky was recently stabbed in a fight. That victim is now 30 years old; he was 11 when Sandusky began grooming him.

The so-called victim, Aaron Fisher, lied about his victimization. He claimed he went every weekend to Sandusky’s basement when he was 13-15 and was abused. But he forgot it the moment he left and then went back the next weekend to do it over again.

BK: The stabbing incident had nothing to do with Sandusky. Police accounts indicate the 30-year-old man was not the aggressor but was stabbed in the back while trying to disarm a man menacing people with a sword.

Fisher is a man who always gets into fights and loses. He was a good runner – a track star. He should have run away.

Aaron Fisher could run pretty fast, but he lost every fight he was in.

BK’s Lament

BK: Parlato saw fit to publicize and celebrate the attack on Sandusky’s victim, using it as an opportunity to once rehash personal attacks on his character and his family. Despite several winks and nods, the response of more than one of Sandusky’s supporters shows the kind of bloodlust Parlato is all too happy to sate.

It is at this point that any kind of traffic to Parlato is helping Sandusky revictimize people who should be allowed to walk away from that episode of their lives.

I can get along without BK sending traffic my way.

BK: In close, I want folks who have illusions that Parlato was some kind of avenging angel for the victims of Keith Raniere to remember: this exact kind of material –“smash mouth” retaliation– was why NXIVM hired Parlato to start.

And if you ever wonder why victims of Raniere did not come forward for decades, it was because Parlato and people like him exist.

Victims in NXIVM came to me for help, for I was the one man who stood up to Raniere and wrote stories that took him down. But then again, what would BK understand about that? I spoke up against NXIVM in my own name.

In the meantime, little guy, show me where I was wrong in my stories about Sandusky. Don’t worry, you don’t have to use your real name.

Here are some of my stories:

About the author

Frank Parlato

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2 months ago

Is BK a journalist with an interest in New York politics — who can’t work as a journalist?

Why has he posted so extensively and so anonymously on Reddit for so long?

2 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

SHE! And No, not a journalist. BK stands for Brooklyn.

2 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Prolly not,

2 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

… and prolly more journalist than mod — and maybe more shill than journalist?

2 months ago

It’s truly amazing you don’t know who BK is by now! If you really want to know, you might begin with getting HER sex right. Everything else can be found by simple cross referencing.

2 months ago
Reply to  Intheknow

Bk writes like a man with a personal and professional interest in:

politics, New York news publications and “NXIVM”

2 months ago

Hysterical over emotional woman who got her cushy job because of her sex AND a certain judge.

Pretty horrifying
Pretty horrifying
2 months ago

Respectfully, your approach to this subject show zero understanding of how underage victims are typically groomed by pedophiles. Clearly it is not your area of expertise. maybe read a few books on the subject? Or even a pamphlet?

Even if it is true that these young men lied about being abused, you saying that a minor can’t be a victim bc they returned to the company of the abuser is completely outrageous. In this type of scenario where the victim isn’t trapped living in the home with the abuser, the abuser typically does a long grooming process to have the victim believing they enjoy and are consenting participants in the sexual activity (abuse). it’s often only with maturity (and a lot of strength to actually think about what happened to them) the child realizes how they were cruelly brainwashed and abused.

There was some cult that approved of pedophilia and there was a young boy who the woman were engaging in sex with and they were taking photos of him and sharing it in the cult newsletter, and the boy looked happy as can be in those pictures. Once that boy grew up and gained understanding of what happened , he went on to murder his abusers and kill himself. Would you say oh but the boy has seen in pictures smiling with those women how can he now claim abuse? give me a break.

Ghost of Franco Harris
Ghost of Franco Harris
2 months ago

Someone needs to start a sub reddit for “Jerry Sandusky is Innocent.” I can’t do it because I have negative Karma from talking about Jerry Sandusky. If you ever mention him you will be instantly banned from r/Pennsylvania, and virtually all subreddits. I have lost track of all of the bans. Granted I need to make a list for historians when they document the degree society went to censor truth and perpetuate the greatest hoax in recent years.

Politics for power and control isn’t politics.
Politics for power and control isn’t politics.
2 months ago
  1. Are r/theNXIVMcase and u/incorruptible the same person?
  2. Is Ghislaine Maxwell Reddit user u/Maxwellhill?
  3. Why do r/theNXIVMcase and u/incorruptible spend so much time on Reddit?
  4. r/theNXIVMcase and u/incorruptible?
  5. In January 2013 shortly after he died, WikiLeaks said that Aaron Swartz had helped WikiLeaks and talked to Julian Assange in 2010 and 2011. WikiLeaks also said they had “strong reasons to believe, but cannot prove” he may have been a source, possibly breaking WikiLeaks’ rules about source anonymity. WikiLeaks may have made the statements to imply that Swartz was targeted by the US Attorney’s Office and Secret Service in order to get at WikiLeaks.


Maxwell, NXVIUM, Nazis, Superman, Ovaman
Maxwell, NXVIUM, Nazis, Superman, Ovaman
2 months ago
Polly St George’s website ...
Polly St George’s website ...
2 months ago

She’s brilliant.


A NXIVM Reddit group “MOD” with skills ... and💰?
A NXIVM Reddit group “MOD” with skills ... and💰?
2 months ago

Four years ago …


4 yr. ago

Hi, I’m the mod of r/theNXIVMcase, a new subreddit started because the old mods of this one quit. Want to catch up on NXIVM news? Please go to r/theNXIVMcase (it’s linked here) and join! …

2 months ago


Can we please get a full interview with Nicki Clyne?

Or a roundtable with You and a few Defectors, Dead-enders and Dimwits?

I’d really like to know what they are all currently up to.

Maybe, Mr. and Mrs. Mengele (Porter Potty and Roberts), Nicki, Mark, Dones, Eduardo, Chungky. And DEF have to have Suneel. Need some asswiping Q and A.

Who can set this up?

2 months ago

I still don’t understand why you are using these pictures of Richard Luthmann to represent some guy on Reddit.

Richard Luthmann
2 months ago

Soon enough, I will have my discovery in my case against Chris Ambrose, and I will have Incorrutible_BK’s identity unequivocally established. Ambrose and BK have been colluding for some time. Ambrose will have to give up BK’s details – including the monies he’s paid him, and then I get to subpoena BK, his emails, and his bank records and then depose him under oath.

The sick part is that BK justifies not publicizing what Frank Parlato writes in defense of BK’s libelous statements because it “re-victimizes the victims.”

I believe that discovery will show that Ambrose used BK to release sealed documents that “re-victimized victims.”

Further, I believe that discovery will show that BK is not a reporter, but he is worse than what he accuses Frank Parlato of being. BK is an opportunist who doesn’t just “re-victimize.” BK enables predators like Chris Ambrose by taking their money and serving as their undisclosed press agents

BK won’t debate Frank Parlato. He won’t allow himself to become unmasked.

But let it be known: the deposition will be televised.

Last edited 2 months ago by Richard Luthmann
2 months ago

I’ve been following both this blog and that Reddit for years. There has never been a peep about anything Ambrose-related except for one fairly recent post when the poor kids were on the run and it appeared BK was trying to warn the mother she could get in serious legal trouble.
for whatever reason Florida decided to make that body cam video accessible upon request, which is what Florida usually does. If Ambrose has been colluding with and paying BK, he’s gotten jack shit for his money.

Sorry Richard, maybe take a good hard look in the mirror instead of blaming and attacking other people for your self-created problems.

Why so much venom for a random person on a Reddit thread?? Seems strangely out of proportion.

It also is the peak of hypocrisy. do you mean to tell me that Weigel didn’t pay you to be his PR agent? Unlike you, it seems that BK actually has a job. They don’t need to take handouts to act as a (useless) hitman in mentally unstable peope’s domestic disputes.

2 months ago
Reply to  Nuts777

Richard, any comeback?

2 months ago
Reply to  Nuts777

On the off chance you haven’t already figured it out – Nuts777 is BK.

(BTW – swing and a miss, BK. You’re welcome for letting you know. Paranoia is a bitch… Buh-bye)

2 months ago
Reply to  Nutjob


A little logic anyone?
A little logic anyone?
2 months ago

Why the hell would Ambrose pay someone to post on Reddit when he could just post on Reddit anonymously for free himself?? That’s the most harebrained thing I’ve read in a while.

2 months ago

Ambrose went searching for someone who hated Frank as much as he does. A match made in heaven. #tandembikes #onemilkshake2straws

2 months ago
Reply to  Nutjob

You all sound like a bunch of immature middle schoolers.

And you don’t even know what you are talking about. There have been about zero posts about anything CT-custody related. Aside from the one when the kids were being passed across state lines.

I certainly hope Richard isn’t trying to say that when BK oulined the content of the body cam footage that BK “revictimized victims”. After all, Richard is of the belief that there was no victim. According to him, that incident never happened and was all a conspiracy by police to frame Frank at the behest of Keith Raniere. 😂😆🥹 🥺🫡🙄

2 months ago
Reply to  Nutjob

You don’t have to look too far…like a couple of inches.

2 months ago

More credibility coming from theirs party – nice try Chris.

2 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

What is more credible than a body cam video from the police? You all live in a fantasy world. Some anonymous guy or woman on Reddit has credibility people would pay for? give me a break.

Enough with the political hit jobs, already.
Enough with the political hit jobs, already.
2 months ago

… On the Penn State campus in 2012, with national security at stake, that’s just what Special Agent Snedden did on behalf of the U.S. government. And instead of finding a sex scandal or a cover-up in the cold case he was investigating in Happy Valley, Snedden said he discovered ample evidence of a “political hit job.”

Back in 2012, Snedden was working as a special agent for the Federal Investigative Services. His assignment against the backdrop of the so-called Penn State sex abuse scandal was to determine whether former Penn State President Graham Spanier deserved to have his high-level national security clearance renewed.

The focus was on Spanier, but to do that investigation properly, Snedden, a PSU alum himself, had to unravel a big mess at his old alma mater. To figure out whether Spanier could be trusted with access to the most sensitive national secrets. …


2 months ago

BK the brave king of shit publishes slander and then locks his “work” preventing responses from the public.

His arrogance will destroy him- he’s a moron to challenge on the Sandusky case because Penn State and the government know exactly what happened- and FR is bringing it to the public.

The Freeh report is a work of fraud- bought and paid; used as the sole weapon to annihilate Penn State, eliminate their strongest of leaders, to fulfill a political agenda.

BK will be destroyed in any attempt to prove Sandusky’s guilt.

Because there is no evidence and Sandusky is innocent.

Trish O’Brien
Trish O’Brien
2 months ago

Frank- Add BK to the list of rivals obsessed with you! Were BK and other insecure cowards not threatened and jealous, they would have no need to follow you publicly and personally, and make repeated baseless claims against you.

Who organized/managed/funded NXIVM networks?
Who organized/managed/funded NXIVM networks?
2 months ago


Jealousy threatened … and/or did someone pay “incorruptible bk” to manage the NXIVM Reddit groups for the past four(?) years.

bk writes like a professional writer. A professional writer who’s interested in history, current events and communicating with the public sounds like a journalist. It looks like maybe bk is a journalist with a vested interest in the hidden politics of NXIVM.

2 months ago

Maybe it’s Brokaw

2 months ago

Jealous and threatened rivals? Are you still in high school? Grow up.

2 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Obsessed. Indeed.

2 months ago

On what planet is a person being opposed to attacking a victim of a pedophile “a jealous and threatened rival.” ? You sound like the kind of person who would let your child molester boyfriend sleep in bed with your kid.

Joe Paterno was a good guy.
Joe Paterno was a good guy.
2 months ago

… Penn State coach Joe Paterno speaks to students from the front window of his house the day before he is fired. Paterno is greeted by hundreds of supporters as he returns from practice three days after Jerry Sandusky was indicted on sexual assault charges. …

Jerry Lynn Radar
Jerry Lynn Radar
2 months ago

I think you meant BTK?

Scratching' My Head
Scratching' My Head
2 months ago

BK trusts the judicial system more than the system trusts the system

Heather Dennis
Heather Dennis
2 months ago

BK is a coward. Men who have investigated the case and stand in defense of Jerry Sandusky, use their name.

The most fearless men like Frank Parlato, Ralph Cipriano, and John Snedden, stand alone in the truth they discovered and with intelligence bring the facts to the public.

They do so NOT for money as BK falsely claims, but because they have integrity and are aware of the ugly, selfish acts by those in power, who have stolen the life of Sandusky and defamed dedicated, upstanding men like Joe Paterno and Graham Spanier.

Unfortunately BK will never agree to debate Frank Parlato on the topic of Sandusky or ANY issue, for BK knows he or she is no match for the caliber and integrity Frank Parlato possesses.

2 months ago
Reply to  Heather Dennis

Crazy conspiracy theorists always use their names because they are hacks who have nothing to lose, or, as may be in this case, are being paid .

Why does Frank always defend pedophiles? I find that troubling.

Let’s also remember that he threatened many NXIVM victims that he would publish their names if they did not give him information.

Frank is not a hero for any victim. He understands nothing about victim psychology – child’ rape syndrome, etc. He needs to educate himself before he opens his big mouth about things he know nothing about.

And Sandusky is guilty as hell. Sorry Frank, you are not smarter than the appellate courts who rejected Sandusky’s appeals. You’re just a paid mouthpiece desperate for attention and clicks.

And that is precisely why BK would not waste an ounce of his time entertaining your bullshit on his reddit page.

2 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Stop this Anon person, he’s armed with logic!

Were Sandusky, Paterno and/or Penn State targets?
Were Sandusky, Paterno and/or Penn State targets?
2 months ago

… It’s also unclear what happened in the meeting. But emails suggest that the L3 complex was slipping from Cooper’s Ferry’s grasp. Two days later, the nonprofit executives linked up with Norcross’ hand-picked developers. Sheridan met with Lubert and later that afternoon joined up with Perno and Foster to meet Needleman; in a memo, Sheridan said they discussed, in part, “George and Phil’s views of Cooper’s Ferry Partnership and its leadership, including me.”

The next day, the nonprofit leaders appeared to give up the idea of owning L3. They wrote to Lubert and Needleman and asked them to name their terms. …

… Sheridan and his wife of 47 years, Joyce, died in late September 2014 at their home in Montgomery Township, about 6 miles outside Princeton. Firefighters responding to a fire in the master bedroom found the bodies of both Sheridans with stab wounds and other injuries.

Somerset County prosecutors initially concluded that Sheridan had killed his wife and then himself. But the state Medical Examiner’s Office later ruled that John Sheridan’s death was not suicide. His death certificate now lists his manner of death as undetermined. …

… “Cooper’s Ferry Partnership is Camden’s shadow government, if you will,” said Thomas Knoche, a community activist, teacher and author of a 2005 book about George Norcross’ political machine in Camden. “It’s hardly democratic. It’s an elite group that brings together corporate and development leaders, and pretty much their agenda is to do what’s going to benefit them.” ...

A special panel named by Gov. Phil Murphy later reported that Cooper University Health Care misled the state on a separate issue — by claiming it might move the jobs out of New Jersey. The hospital system, which has hired criminal defense attorney Abbe Lowell, has denied any wrongdoing.


2 months ago

Re’ BK’s Bluster: All Bark, No Byte’Shouldn’t it be ‘bite’ instead of ‘byte’?

BK stands for
BK stands for
2 months ago

“BK” stands for Blowjob King (at giving them).

2 months ago

Perhaps BK is from the UK? Over here the initials could represent Bloody Knobhead. 🇬🇧

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083
Email: frankreport76@gmail.com


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