All the World’s a Stage and Penn State Had Some Pretty Bad Actors in Sandusky Case

PSU V. OHIO STATE 2012 Photos by Steve Manuel

For those who think I must treat liars with courtesy, please do not read further. In this post, I will offer my opinion about some actors who played a role in the false conviction of Jerry Sandusky.

It seems my story, “The Plan to Expose the False Conviction of Jerry Sandusky,” provoked an anonymous comment as follows:

Thanks for the answer, Frank.

If only life were like a fictional play.

As I suspected, this has nothing to do with securing Sandusky’s freedom, but only with a PR campaign by wealthy Penn State football program donors who are embarrassed by all the side eye they get from people at the country club. Seems like they are pouring more money down the Paterno black hole, but that’s their right.

My Reply

Thanks for your comment, but no one is paying me to write these articles. I am writing because the public knows only the fictional play when Penn State was a stage. And all the men and women had their exits and entrances:

The mewling and puking Aaron Fisher and his mother, full of vent, who coerced, and cajoled her stooge son into reluctant deceit.

Lie and Grow Rich: Dawn Fisher Daniels Hennessey led her dimwit son Aaron Fisher to millions.

The whining so-called victim-millionaires, Struble, Simcisco, Swisher-Houtz, Paden, Kajak, Konstas, and ghastly Ryan Rittenmeyer, trying to hide the joy they felt about the millions their lurking lawyers said they’d get – after paying them a third.

Sniffle King Aaron ‘Teardrop’ Fisher, $7.5 million.

Jason ‘the Sinner’ Simcisko, $7.25 million.

Brett ‘Two-Faced’ Swisher-Houtz, $7.25 million.

Michal ‘Kayjackster’ Kajak, $8.1 million — I never saw man so completely altered. His beard turned quite gold from grief.

‘Slippery’ Zach Konstas, $1.5 million. He had the worst lawyer of them all.

Kenneth Suggs, who was quick to call Sandusky a coward to the media, only got his client $1.5 million when all the other “victims” got multiple millions.

Dustin ‘Sneaky’ Struble, $3.25 million.

Struble drives his new sports car with his new girlfriend.

Sabastian “Pinocchio” Paden, $20 million.

Lifelong criminal “Lyin’ Ryan Rittmeyer. His $5.5 million payday was one for the record books. The evidence shows he never met Sandusky, and his testimony at trial was a snot-filled tissue of lies.

Lies can drive a man to nice new rides…

Shower Power

Eight grown men whimpering on the witness stand, fooling the jury that they were still 10 years old, blubbering out their snivel of “repressed memories” then cashing their million dollar checks.

And let us not forget two other millionaires — the cowardly shower witness and the devious shower boy-in-hiding.

Vini, Vidi, Figit: Mike McQueary said he came, he saw and he fled. Everyone wants to know why, if he saw Sandusky rape a boy, he ran away? McQueary got $9.7 million for his strategic storytelling.

Allan Myers, the little “shower boy” who told law enforcement that Sandusky never raped him, then hid during the trial, then changed his story. He got $6.9 million.


The mendacious prosecutors, sighing like a furnace, a woeful ballad of their poor little child-witnesses’ sung to the jury’s eyebrow.

Porn King Frank Fina was fired for the porn he sent to judges. He was suspended for lying to a judge.

Lyin’ Joe McGettigan told the jury he knew not the name of the shower boy. For him, winning is the only thing.

Prosecutor Jonelle ‘Fibber’ Eschbach said in effect to the cowardly McQueary, “I know there are lies, but we have to lie for the cause, so keep your mouth shut, fool.”

The Media

The prosecutors’ best teammates: the media, accepting impossible lies like the gullible stenographers they were, jealous in defending their false narrative against any glimmer of truth that might have burned through their soulless ambition.

Quick to pounce with sudden judgment, held to no standard, fast to write, never correct, seeking always the bubble reputation, reckless of guilt or innocence, or putting an innocent man in prison.

The Prosecutor’s Judge

Then there was the old white haired judge, gaunt, eyes severe, full of wise sayings, supporting the deceptions of the prosecutors, ever-assuming the air of feigned insult to any who noted his crimes, or his rush to a show trial.

Verdict first, trial afterward. Judge John Cleland rushed the trial, despite the defense not having enough time to study the mountain of discovery dumped at their doorstep 10 days before trial.

Foolish Court Jester

Then there was the court jester, Joe-for-the-defense, kissing up to the prosecution, the accusers, and the media, a con artist member of the prosecution team, with his show defense.

Joe Amendola smiles as he butters up the people who count – the media, as his client, Jerry Sandusky, heads toward a conviction.

Bad Actors

So many actors. The cravens at Penn State, the vengeful trustee, a ruthless governor, lying cops, glory mongering therapists, quacks peddling junk science.

Vengeful Governor Corbett

Quack therapist Michael Gillum. He believed every lie Aaron Fisher and Brett Swisher-Houtz told him. Why? Was it just lack of discernment? Incompetence? Or something more ambitious or rewarding?

And the cagey Penn State lawyers winking and nodding to their rapacious, friendly “sex abuse” civil lawyers whose faces they washed and what favors they got, we shall learn.

Better coach than Paterno: Ben Andreozzi, Brett Swisher-Houtz’s attorney. 

Penn State Money?

The anonymous commenter suggests I write about Sandusky for money at the call of wealthy Penn State regalers annoyed at furtive glances and ugly smirks at their country club.

I do this on my own account; I am a critic of the Penn State horror-fiction play. It has everything to do with Jerry Sandusky’s freedom. Not just for his sake. For your sake and mine, so that innocence does not suffer, and liars are exposed, and bad actors on stage are not mistaken for men and women of conscience.

This was a racketeering conspiracy; the enterprise deep and vast. Judge Cleland and others kept it alive within the time bar. And in due course, a group of criminals may trade places with Jerry Sandusky.

We’ve only just begun.


About the author

Frank Parlato

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Mike Dombroski
2 months ago

You’re going to need a bigger boat.

2 months ago

I wish the press coverage from the time of the trial were still available. Then you’d see that some of the lawers of the ‘victims’ actually were dotting every i and crossing every t to try not to impede impartial justice.

For example, in-between the time of the cancelled preliminary hearing and the actual hearing, Andreozzi repeated publicly very clearly that his client is not proceeding ahead for his own sake (nothing that happened to him is any concern) but on behalf of things Sandusky did to the others. Andreozzi.

Then in trial it comes out that someone had pressed ‘record’ when Leiter was telling Andreozzi’s client, victim 4, who was saying nothing ever happened to him, just wrestling, that doesn’t he know what the others said, with the others when they had been children around Sandusky, things had escalated into sexual abuse. Only after being lied-to to believe that him testifying falsely would have no legal consequences for Sandusky did victim 4 change his story, amplifying an angle that didn’t fit any other MO, that yeah it had been brutal.

Andreozzi had done his job fairly. He was transparent about the fact that his client isn’t reporting that anything happening to *himself* but when told words all the others had supposedly said about what happened to them (based in Leiter’s mind on the kernel of truth that both v1 and Sandusky had talked about bedtime kisses and raspberries on the tummy etc, the same story that got spun out by Gillum into a story of abuse of a different MO entirely), his client v4 was just willing to repeat the same words to exaggerate what had happened to him and what he had always said (innocent wrestlng but ‘victim 4’ being psychologically aware of the position of his wrestling opponent’s body), into an abusive act.

Another civil lawyer put online a recording of Sandusky phoning and asking a witness, can you please go to the police, they are trying to find you, they may have questions, if so, just be honest, no need to hide anything, tell them anything and everything about our interaction.

McGettigan’s statement ‘only god knows’ where the victim 2 is, if you think about it, is a direct comment on the Paterno’s kids having said, in the wake of McQueary’s supposed story being leaked in the grand jury presentment, “Lets pray for the victims.”

Earlier, when Amendola had complained about discovery, that there is no actual account of any abuse taking place, McGettigan said publicly to the press, there won’t be. There isn’t’ any *single* event of abuse that happened, rather, a long drawn out circumstantial awfulness.

McGettigan was very very clear about what evidence was there, and what evidence was not. He said to the jury, why did these kids, out of all the second mile kids, why are they the ones who came forward? People will accuse them of being greedy.

Even if you look at the presentment Echsbach wrote, she talks about one victim saying oral sex happened like every day, but that one time, in all the time the child knew Sandusky, Sandusky’s hands did touch his intimate parts through his clothing. There is a clear contradiction there, and Echsbach made no effort to hide the contradiction.

It must just be that the jury turned off their logical faculties and were overwhelmed with a wave of disgust. But if so, it was a wave of disgust at abuse which never took place.

It is sad that over time the level of detail fades. It is tempting to paint the prosecution team and the civil lawyers as bad people.

3 months ago

Good read, very interesting.
Any chance you have access to the redacted PSU v. PMA docs? I’m curious about Langsdale- nobody in RM gives up money like that. There’s got to be more there.

3 months ago

Smearing victims of child sexual abuse. Defending a serial pedophile. This is low Frank. Disgusting.

Ghost of Franco Harris
Ghost of Franco Harris
3 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Like everything in this case, you have your facts backwards. Name one “victim” that has a story backed up by a consistent timeline or evidence. Paying people to make false statements is wrong.

3 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

What “victim” do you believe the most? Aaron Fisher or any of the other 9 trial accusers who came forward after the story exploded in the media and PSU offered up $130 million

Ray Gricar
Ray Gricar
3 months ago
Reply to  409Forever

10/21=31 flip 1999 to 666 evil

3 months ago

A colossal rush to judgment. And such betrayal for the many employees of Penn State. From the president to the many coaches. So many utterly innocent men fired without cause. Jail without just cause. Horrendous conduct by power hungry people.

The Sandusky travesty reflects what goes on in our courts daily.

Thank you for supporting the efforts of many investigators who have tried to bring the truth to light. The time is now. The man is Frank Parlato.

3 months ago

You certainly convinced me, Frank!

Carol Holmes
Carol Holmes
3 months ago

Thank you Frank
for these powerful and truthful words. I know JS is innocent. From day one I have followed the case. Appreciate all JZ has done to get to the truth. Please continue to fight for JS

Crappie Cola
Crappie Cola
3 months ago

Great story. At last someone calls out these scum.

Matthew Farrington
Matthew Farrington
3 months ago

Outstanding work that encapsulates exactly what happened – – and this happens far more than we can imagine.

The private winks and nods among prosecutors, judges, police and the media are driving politics and Justice. Our system has evolved into one where it’s too easy, too tempting to cheat— and once lines are crossed it becomes commonplace to do so.

This is one of your best works. Thanks for your commitment to question the narrative and seek the truth… wherever that may lead.

Cheryl Fleagle
Cheryl Fleagle
3 months ago

So well done! Finally, a real investigative journalist has gone above and beyond.

Sandy Lane
Sandy Lane
3 months ago

I gave a 5-star but somehow 4 came up. This report is most certainly 5 stars and every one is better than the last. Thank you, Frank Parlato, for your interest in this case. I have followed this travesty from the beginning (not believing any of it,) followed John Ziegler’s fantastic investigation and relentless coverage of this case and seeing first hand how the media never gave any of the investigation of John Ziegler, Ralph Cipriano, or retired NCIS investigator John Snedden the time of day. Hopefully, with your coverage of this case more people will learn just how corrupt the ‘players’ in this case actually are and something can be done to expose them. Most of all, Jerry needs all the help we can give because he TRUELY is innocent.

3 months ago

Not everyone dedicates themselves to a cause for money. Those who do find it difficult to fathom that others are motivated by empathy, compassion and a higher calling.

It’s spiritual warfare. Those who kind their pockets and act with impunity will one day learn their fate.

3 months ago

Powerful message. Looking forward to massive exposure of the truth.

3 months ago

These actors will never subject themselves to scrutiny by any of the men who have researched the truth of Sandusky.

Not one of those names will sue – or participate in an interview with Frank bc they know they will flounder.

Rarely is the “truth” supported outside of the stage where it was conceived and planned.

John Galluppi
3 months ago

I’d love to see any of these alleged victims challenge Frank’s reporting. He’s calling you a liar and you’re ok with that? You have no shame or pride? Come on, what can you say to Frank?

Not A Nice Guy
Not A Nice Guy
3 months ago
Reply to  John Galluppi


Your PR campaign is going badly. Everyone sees you for the pedo defenders that you Penn State alums are.

How much longer will Sandicksucker last in prison?

3 months ago

On what basis did McQuery get paid millions?
How was he a victim of Sandusky?

3 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous

He was fired and defamed for being a whistleblower on child sexual abuse.

27 days ago
Reply to  Anonymous

for McQuery to be believed, then he should’ve been held accountable for walking away from what he thought was a crime. McQuery was an adult. That’s why I think McQuery was exaggerating at best, lying at worst.

Mitzie Sunrise
Mitzie Sunrise
3 months ago

Great article. Keep them coming. Thanks.

3 months ago

Keep up the great work Frank. Journalism has a glimmer of hope thanks to you

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083


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