Marc Agnifilo and Judge Garaufis, Part 3: Raniere’s Inner Deficiency: ‘He Doesn’t Know How to Leave Women’

Judge Nicholas Garaufis

This is the third and final post in a series on the exchanges between defense attorney, Marc Agnifilo and Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis at Keith Raniere’s sentencing on October 27.

In Part 1: Raniere’s Lawyer Agnifilo and Judge Garaufis Mix It up Over Raniere, we watched Agnifilo argue that Raniere had good intentions when he was with women who now claim he abused them. We saw the judge rebut the argument saying that Raniere’s intent with Camila when she was 15 and he 45 was not well-intentioned.

In Part 2: Agnifilo and Judge Garaufis Mix It up; Debate Raniere’s Good Intentions, the judge brings up Keith and Clare Bronfman’s litigious nature and argues that this was not well-intended either. Aginfilo does his best to rebut it.

Now we come to Part 3.

One of the things that should be noted here is that Agnifilo is arguing for a 20-year sentence and he knows it isn’t going to happen. He had few weapons to work with. The judge already made up his mind.

The biggest thing Agnifilo could have done is to say Raniere had remorse. That the system convicted him fair and square and he now realizes the error of his ways, is ashamed, will never do it again. And then beg for mercy.

Raniere could have even cried to secure leniency.

Perhaps others would have caved by now, but Raniere, facing life in prison, possibly years in solitary, was not going to offer this to his captors. Agnifilo could not say his client was sorry for crimes he claims he did not commit. His client refused to admit he did anything illegal. And, therefore, he has no remorse for any of the crimes of conviction.

What he had left was to try to show Raniere’s intentions were good and that some of the victims are lying. And he even added a new twist: that Keith has some internal deficiency – and is unable to leave a woman or let a woman go because he loves them.

One cannot get wroth with Agnifilo. I think he does believe some of the victims lied and he does have an obligation to his client, not to the judge, or the prosecution, or the victims. As we shall see, the judge is not too sympathetic, even on the psychological issues.

AGNIFILO: What I think is the most important for sentencing, Judge, which is why I started with it, is a lot of people have very strong feelings, and they come here and they’re hurt.

This case has so much heartbreak, in my opinion, heartbreak, because so many people — I mean, I mentioned Mark Vicente. I’ll mention him again. He’s hurt.  On that video statement [Vicente made his victim impact statement via prerecorded video], he’s hurt.  He doesn’t know what to do. He says as much.  “I don’t know what I’m going to do with my life now.” That’s sad, Judge, and it’s sad that they feel that way.

Mark Vicente spent more than a decade of his life following Keith Alan Raniere only to find out that he wasn’t the man he thought he was.

But I think it’s important that the first step in betrayal, the first step in betrayal is that there was this closeness.

There was this love, and I thought the person who put it the most eloquently was Adriana [the mother of Camila, Daniela, Mariana and Adrian, and grandmother to Keith’s youngest son, one of the victims who spoke in person in court earlier that day] in something she said this morning. She said — she started by talking to Keith, and she said, “There’s a love that was all around you, and you never touched.”  Those were her words, Judge.

And she got it perfectly.  And what she’s saying is, “We loved you. We loved you. We trusted you.  We believed in you, and you betrayed us. So why did you betray us? Why did you betray us? What happened?”

Former lovers of Keith Raniere – Barbara Bouchey [l] and Toni Natalie [r] –  embrace after the sentencing of Keith Alan Raniere to 120 years in prison.
And the problem is – as Your Honor started to point out is – and this is something that I think that Barbara Bouchey said and Toni Natalie said and other people have said it, he was in love with some of these women. He was in love with them. I think Toni Natalie said, ‘He doesn’t know how to let go’. Those are her words. I’m not her. You don’t know how to let go. He’s not trying to hurt someone — he’s not, Judge. He’s not trying to hurt someone.

And, Judge, I can see that you disagree with me. I know —

THE COURT: [referring to Gaylen, his 14 year old] All I am saying to you is that love does not result in any sense of responsibility for the offspring or an offspring that he has, that he has no responsibility. I am not here to question feelings.  I am here to question, and the jury was there to decide, whether he has broken the law.

So I think we can talk about how Vicente feels and how Adriana feels and so forth, and we should put that aside for the sake of sentencing.  What we need for this sentencing is to address what he did to other human beings with the skills that he obviously had.    All right?

You don’t have to be the smartest man in the world to manipulate and to harm other people. And that is really what we are talking about here.  What did he do? What did he do to hurt people and violate the law in the process? That is really what we are here for.

I do not want to know about his psychiatric history, particularly. He has not provided us with anything on it.  You have not asked to — have not provided us with a workup about his problems, whatever they may be.  And so I am not going to consider those kinds of issues because they are not in front of me.

What is in front of me is all these counts of — where the jury found him guilty of violating the law. And so, you know, let’s go back to what I have to consider. All right?

I’m supposed to consider his history and characteristics, the need for the sentence to reflect the seriousness of the offenses, to promote respect for the law, and to provide just punishment for the offenses, and the need to sentence the sentence to afford adequate deterrence, and the need to protect the public, which is very important here the need to protect the public, among other things.  That’s really where I am.

And I can differentiate, and do differentiate, between how people are hurt emotionally by the way they are treated, and how they are hurt by wrongdoing. We’re here about wrongdoing, not so much about how they feel ten years later about how they were treated.        Although, it’s pretty clear that he took advantage of people sexually and that some of it, some of what he did was illegal because the jury said so that was their decision.

Marc Agnifilo

AGNIFILO: I’m not going to quarrel with the jury verdict, and I don’t. The jury has spoken. And your Honor is absolutely correct, your Honor’s job, what we’re all here to do is give a sentence based on the jury’s verdict. And my point in talking about intent and the circumstances of the offense certainly goes to a 3553 factor [a federal statute on how judges should sentence] because it’s the nature and circumstances of the offense.  And so that’s why I’m discussing that.

THE COURT: You haven’t answered my question about Camila. Let’s cut to the chase here. You don’t start having an affair with a 15-year-old girl when you’re a 45-year-old man, plus total control, financial control, control over her visa, control over her father who is still writing letters in support of the defendant today, I have one in my file here. When is that appropriate? I’m just curious.

Mk10ART’s sketch of Camila, who left Keith when she was 28. Raniere is accused of taking nude pictures of her when she was 15. She spoke at the sentencing saying he also had sex with her when she was 15.

AGNIFILO: As your Honor knows, he wasn’t charged with or convicted of having sex with Camila. He was charged and convicted of the [nude] photographs [of Camila when she was 15.] And if your Honor remembers my trial defense, I didn’t really dispute the photographs all that much.

[Here Agnifilo seems to admit that Raniere did photograph Camila when she was 15, even though Raniere denies it.]

The way I disputed them [the child porn pics] is they were never shown to anybody [Keith never shared them and possibly never even looked at them] and the jury shouldn’t consider them as either child pornography or as a racketeering predicate because they were photographs that were taken and then for the rest of time they just stayed on a device, they never got sent anywhere, never got shown anywhere.

So, that’s how I dealt with the photographs at the trial. I didn’t say anything one way or another about them. I didn’t say at the trial anything one way or another about Camila at 15 years old.

THE COURT: You were talking about intent, I’m just wondering how that works into your theory of intent here.

AGNIFILO: [again seeming to reveal he considers Keith guilty of abusing Camila, which he knows the judge believes] I absolutely admit that Camila is in a different category than other people in the case. There is no question, there is no question. And there is no doubt, and I never said anything to the contrary, and I don’t say that now.


AGNIFILO: What I think your Honor can glean from all this, and I don’t know if it cuts for or against them [him?] but I’ll say it because it’s the truth. He’s in a 13-year relationship with her, 12-year relationship with her. I don’t if know that makes it better or worse, but those are the facts.

[Agnifilo admits that Keith, who is 30 years older than Camila was in a romantic or sexual relationship with her. He is arguing that this is not the same kind of sexual exploitation because he considered Camila one of his wives.]

And my point, and it’s not a point that I think a psychological report, I thought that some of the people who spoke this morning spoke absolutely eloquently about it, he doesn’t know how to leave people.

THE COURT: He doesn’t know what?

AGNIFILO: Leave, leave women. Toni Natalie said, he doesn’t know how to let go.

THE COURT: [coming down hard on Agnifilo] It’s hard to leave, get people to leave, if you’re keeping all this material, this collateral. If you arranged to collect, true and maybe not true, information and photographs about these people so that they feel their constraint to stay. He doesn’t know how to leave? He knows how to keep people from leaving, that’s his skill. That’s a skill.

So when you start talking about he doesn’t know how to leave people, even if they wanted to leave, they couldn’t leave, according to what we were told here today and during the trial.

AGNIFILO: That is certainly a big part of what people have said today. [Agniflo did not mean literally today – as in the sentencing hearing. He meant that the victims have in recent years changed their minds and now say it was hard to leave, but at the time they were with him they wanted to be with Raniere.]

THE COURT: It’s what they said during the trial.

AGNIFILO: And during the trial both, no question.

THE COURT: The jury credited that.

AGNIFILO: Judge, I’m agreeing, I don’t disagree with you.

THE COURT: The fact that he doesn’t feel – he doesn’t know how to leave people – I don’t understand where that fits in this whole, the whole theory of his culpability.

AGNIFILO: The theory of the culpability is he’s not trying to hurt them at the time. He’s not. That’s the theory.

THE COURT: At this time. What about at that time?

AGNIFILO: No, at that time. He wasn’t trying to hurt any of the people who spoke here this morning.

THE COURT: Why — it’s not trying to hurt someone by controlling their ability to function and have the right to come and to go and to walk out and to stay because you’ve got this control over them with all this data about them?


THE COURT: That’s not a consideration? That was then.

AGNIFILO: Judge, it’s a consideration but the trial evidence was very clear, when someone wanted to leave, they left. We got that out of Lauren Salzman’s testimony.  We put in text messages of her and another person. The person wanted to leave. And they ended up saying, ‘I love you. I’ll miss you too.’

THE COURT [the judge has heard enough. He’s not changing his mind]: All right. I’m going to let the Government have something to say. Finish up.

AGNIFILO: Two things I want to say. Kristin [Keeffe] mentioned that she had spoken to me about possibly getting some child support, let me give the Court some background.

THE COURT: How old is this child?

AGNIFILO: Fourteen.

THE COURT: Never had child support I take it?

AGNIFILO: Well, Kristin left. [Kristin left with their son in February 2014. She came to Florida where I put her up for more than a year, rent free]. And for a while, I think Mr. Raniere was trying to have their rent paid while living until Florida. [He was not trying to have her rent paid. She did not have any rent. She was hiding from him and he hired private investigators to find her. When they found her, he was not trying to pay her rent. And she fled from him again.]

THE COURT: I see. All right. Go ahead.

AGNIFILO: So in the spring [2020] I started getting text messages from someone not identifying themselves. This person is on again/off again, I do want to talk to you, I’m not going to speak to you.  She ends up speaking to me. It ends up being Kristin. Kristin and I talked on the phone a number of times.

She basically says that she feels that she deserves child support. So I say, “I think you probably deserve child support too.” So I talk to Raniere about it. I’m not going to get into the details of that discussion. But at some point, I tell Kristin “If we’re going to talk about trial support you have to get a lawyer, I’m not going to talk about child support with you. If this is some sort of a negotiation, the only way it can work is if the Court orders some sort of money judgment. Then I don’t know what the laws are regarding priority, I really have no idea. But if you want to try to be on record as being entitled to child support, have your lawyer contact the prosecutors and work it out.” And basically, that was the end of the discussion. I did discuss it with her, that’s kind of where we left it.

I point out that Mr. Raniere has two children, one with Marianna, [Kemar, age 3] that was referred to this morning, and one with Kristin. I don’t know what the future holds in terms of child support or available funds. One of the things I told Kristin’s lawyer is, if you remember from the trial, Judge, there is the Pam Cafritz estate. [She left Raniere $8 million] I have no idea what is going on with that, there are lawyers handling that, who frankly I’ve never spoken to.  I  said [to Kristin], “call them, they are in Albany or nearby.”

THE COURT: She has a lawyer in Albany, right?  —

AGNIFILO: Kristin does.

THE COURT:  Yes. I’m sure the lawyer in Albany in —

AGNIFILO: Will figure it out. So the crux of what I want to sum up on —

THE COURT: You carefully glossed over, because he’s your client and you’re not going to tell me about what your client said to you, [i.e. was Raniere willing to pay any child support] which is fine, but the fact is, the child is 14 years old and there has been no child support, apparently, and why should this even be an issue if this is his child.  I mean, I’m just –

AGNIFILO: I agree with you.

THE COURT: [elegant putdown ahead] I’m just a local guy here in Brooklyn. But you’ve got a 14-year-old child who’s never been supported by his father who has been busy working the commodities markets for tens of millions of dollars and can’t find it in his heart to send a few bucks to his child. Why should anyone look upon that person as someone who is worthy of respect?

[I think Garaufis told us more about himself in this statement than anything that he could have said. He’s a Brooklyn guy and in Brooklyn, it’s about respect. He dismisses Keith as essentially riff-raff or scum, because what kind of a man does not support his own son?]

AGNIFILO: [blaming Kristin] Because I think Kristin left. Kristin was hiding, and Kristin and Gaelyn were hiding from him. That’s the answer. I’m not sure it makes it better or worse.

[I think it makes it worse.]

THE COURT: She spoke as to why she was hiding.

AGNIFILO: That’s the reason [he did not pay child support]. So that’s the —

THE COURT:  No. The reason she was hiding was some other reason. She wasn’t hiding because she felt she would be safe if he knew about where she was. Let’s move on to the sentencing because I’m having trouble dealing with your logic. Go ahead.

AGNIFILO: I think I’m trying to make a couple of points clear. One, he didn’t intend to hurt anybody. I know your Honor disagrees with me.    And your Honor —

THE COURT: The jury decided he did.

AGNIFILO: Judge, I know.

THE COURT: Then you’ve made your point. Next.

AGNIFILO: [making his best points now at the end] Obviously he’s never been in trouble with the law before. He’s a 60-year-old man. And I’m asking the Court for a 20-year sentence.  Ordinarily, that would seem like an astronomical sentence for a 60-year-old man with a first arrest.

And there is one other point that I want to make, and I think it’s an important one. At no time, nothing in the evidence, and this is an exhaustively investigated case where a tremendous amount of people come forward, no evidence of a single instance where someone said to Keith Raniere, ‘I don’t want to do this; I don’t want you to hold my hand; I don’t want you kissing me;’ and he did it anyway. None. That’s the man we’re going to sentence.

First arrest, 60-year-old man. I think a 20-year sentence is more than a sufficiently long sentence for this particular 60-year-old man.

One thing I want to end with, it’s important in terms of [prison] placement. The Government in its sentencing memorandum took something out of context, I think it’s very important, that they took out of context.  Because what they said Mr. Raniere said was that, ‘The Judge should know he’s being watched.’ [Keith was recorded in prison speaking on the phone to one of his supporters and said the judge should know he’s being watched]

THE COURT: What is that?

AGNIFILO: ‘The Judge should know he’s being watched.’ In their sentencing memorandum, they have him on a recorded phone call to someone saying, ‘The Judge should know he’s being watched.’ But what his whole statement was, ‘The Judge should know he’s being watched by someone wise.  Have you been speaking with Alan Dershowitz?’ It’s just a very important distinction because without really understanding this he could be designated to someplace where he shouldn’t be.

[Keith wants famed lawyer Alan Dershowitz to help him in his case, to monitor the prosecution and review the judge’s conduct. He does not want Keith placed in a dangerous prison based on the statement about the judge taken out of context. He was not spying on the judge – as he has done with other federal judges in the past when he was free and using Bronfman money.]

I know that — one thing I also want to address, Judge, because it’s come up I don’t want to gloss over it.  I know that your Honor got a very long letter from a number of people, [the Nxivm-5] I think on Friday. And the letter is discussing computer tampering.  And they consulted with four experts, one of whom is a PhD in computers.  And there has been a conclusion there is computer tampering [with Cami’s photos].

Just to be clear, so the record actually says this, I have been asked many, many times to file that motion. I was asked by my client, I was asked by others. I studied this stuff. I think I understand it. And in my estimation, being the lawyer on the case, I did not think that it rose to the level of making a prosecutorial misconduct motion in the form of a Rule 33 [request to the judge for a new trial].

What I will tell your Honor is, I don’t know what the future is going to hold, I’m still looking into it. I don’t know if it’s [the tampering evidence] going to turn the corner and become something different than what it is.  But I decided not to file the motion.  My client wanted me to file the motion. And I made a decision not to file the motion.  And in making that decision I did a number of things.  I consulted the Rules of Professional Responsibility, for one. I looked at my own sense of ethics and the fact that I would be in front of your Honor soon asking for a 20-year sentence. And I thought that was the right thing to do, and I still think it’s the right thing to do.

[Agnifilo felt that making a motion for a new trial on the evidence of tampering with Cami’s photos by the government, was not in Raiere’s best interest just days before he was to be sentenced. His client disagreed and got his supporters to submit a letter to the judge outlining their evidence of tampering.]

One of the reasons I didn’t file the motion is because if more evidence of this comes to light, in the future I didn’t want to basically take my one Rule 33 shot now. [Agnifilo is suggesting that there might be more evidence of the tampering with Camila’s photos in the future.] I made the decision not to file the motion. That’s why it came the way it did because I wouldn’t file it.

Keith Raniere was hoping for a 20-year sentence.

So, your Honor, in closing, I think a 20-year sentence is more than enough.  It shows tremendous respect for the law. It is a very severe sentence for a 60-year-old man, for any person but for a 60-year-old man, that’s my request Judge.

THE COURT:       Thank you.

[We know how this ended. He got a 20-year sentence plus one hundred years.]



About the author

Frank Parlato

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[…] As I wrote before, I think the judge told me more about himself in this statement than anything that he might have said in as few words. […]


[…] Judge Garaufis told Agnifilo: “You carefully glossed over, because he’s your client and you’re not going to tell me about what your client said to you, [about whether Raniere agreed to pay any child support] which is fine, but the fact is, the child is 14 years old and there has been no child support, apparently, and why should this even be an issue if this is his child. […]


[…] note: Agnifilo said, during the sentencing, that he did not dispute at trial that the photos were taken when Camila was 15. For […]

Jane Smith
Jane Smith
3 years ago

I love this judge – he is so fair and right. If you look at the basics of KR, he doesn’t even do the normal moral thing and support his child. He owes 14 years of child support. KR could have paid that as soon as he was arrested – I bet he has spare money for that but no – always does the ethically wrong thing whilst suggesting he does the ethically right thing. Also brings unhappiness and never joy whilst suggesting he is all about finding joy.

He could not cope with rejection. I watched a Youtube profile on him by a psychologist or doctor today who said something similar including about not wanting to be left, rejected. However, that is not a defence or mitigating factor in KR’s favour. It is just a spoilt brat toddler who cannot imagine a woman would ever not want to be one of his many lovers and sues them to high heaven for revenge.

3 years ago

I so appreciate Judge Garaufis’ sweet smile.

3 years ago

WTH I can’t believe the lawyer said that Keith didn’t know how to leave women. How could the lawyer not know that he was rolling out the red carpet for exactly what the judge said next? I’m scratching my head over that one.

I don’t think “the judge should know he’s being watched” was a threat to physical safety, but I guess that’s neither here nor there.

Maybe due to excessive home-isolating, I’m reading too much into photos of faces, but the judge seems to me to have an expression of triumphant “f*ck you” behind his smile in every photo. While I’m at it, I’ll say that Keith’s ever-so-slight cross-eyedness probably makes it seem like he is gazing directly into your soul when he looks at you. And Frank has an inscrutable poker face.


[…] Part 3. Marc Agnifilo and Judge Garaufis: Raniere’s Inner Deficiency: ‘He Doesn’t Know How to … […]

3 years ago

I can’t push the plate away, it does mean have have the right to gun down a grocery store full of people to get my food.

3 years ago

WTH I can’t believe the lawyer said that Keith didn’t know how to leave women. How could the lawyer not know that he was rolling out the red carpet for exactly what the judge said next? I’m scratching my head over that one.

I don’t think “the judge should know he’s being watched” was a threat to physical safety, but I guess that’s neither here nor there.

Maybe due to excessive home-isolating, I’m reading too much into photos of faces, but the judge seems to me to have an expression of triumphant “f*ck you” behind his smile in every photo. While I’m at it, I’ll say that Keith’s ever-so-slight cross-eyedness probably makes it seem like he is gazing directly into your soul when he looks at you. And Frank has an inscrutable poker face.

Fool me Not
Fool me Not
3 years ago
3 years ago
Reply to  Fool me Not

Thanks for the link. I found that very interesting.

3 years ago
Reply to  Natashka

I read it too, it reminded me of the comments section with all of the piling on taking place. LOL

Fascinating to say the least
Fascinating to say the least
3 years ago

This exchange between Judge G and Agnifilo captures beautifully that any reasonable person (eg. the Judge) wouldn’t buy any theory by the defense that Ranierre had good intentions or that he is simply misunderstood (or that he didn’t engage in sex acts with underaged victims) The go-to grab bag of KR gaslighting had zero effect on jury or Judge. It is delusional to think his whole conviction could be overturned or granted a new trial based on some sort of abnormality in the metadata of the images of Cami. The photo exists and was confirmed by the victim (as well as confirming the abuse). What’s fascinating about the Judge’s exchange with Agnifilo is that it sums up beautifully the entire sordid matter.

Frank, I assume you’ll be publishing what the prosecution had to say about all of this? What are the chances Keith will reach out to you again?

3 years ago

Nothing the judge did was that brilliant, he merely did his job by standing on the principle that Raniere was convicted by a jury of specific actions he took instead of getting caught up in the “feelings” or “intent” lawyer parlor tricks. LOL

Just askin'
Just askin'
3 years ago

I have read this exchange three times, and I’m sure I’ll read it another three if not more.

Agnifilo is brilliant in his arguments. He’s trying to drive home this intent issue, and the “he can’t leave them”, and the judge shoots right back with the collateral material and manipulation, and failure to throw his kid a few bucks.

This is a brilliant exchange. And I have to say, this Judge is incredible. He knows the record inside and out, and stops Raniere at every pivot. This Judge is amazing.

Obviously, we don’t know a lot, because of attorney-client privilege issues.

He is painting Raniere as someone desperately needy and who lacked evil intentions.

The Judge and jury see someone who is manipulative, controlling and dangerous.

I would absolutely love to see a psychiatric profile on Raniere, and am surprised, in a way, one wasn’t produced. For example, was he delusional in thinking he could block police radar or was it intentionally part of his act?

He is cunning and conniving and manipulative to a degree I’ve personally never seen before. The big issue is…..why?

Just my opinion.

Jane Smith
Jane Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  Just askin'

Yes, I always prefer the judges who do make comments. Here in English court rooms it is the same – some are fairly silent judges until the judgment and others interrupt a fair bit – I prefer the latter.

I watched this profile of KR earlier today

3 years ago

Another “fantastic” argument by Agnifilo. I wonder if he’s ever heard of the following saying by Khalil Gibran:

“If you love something, let it go, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they don’t, they never were.” – Khalil Gibran

It’s not love if they don’t want to be with you, because love is mutual, and it is primarily joy and happiness. One-sided “love”–which is merely an attempt to love that is unrequited–is just pain.

But of course, that is not what Raniere meant when he said “love is pain”. He meant people experience the depths of love through pain, which is simply untrue, because it is not love that elicits the pain, but the fear or loss of love that does so, and this can only be true when one is actually in a state of love.

He doesn’t seem to know how to love. But he sure knew how to manipulate some with this “love is pain” canard by turning the reality on its head. Ironically, the one who preached “pain through attachment” (which he effectively ripped off from Buddhist teaching) was the one who was too attached to his own passions.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Raniere now has the opportunity to experience his version of love for the next 120 years. LOL

Nomin Jerabek
Nomin Jerabek
3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I find these thoughts very true. I agree with you.

3 years ago

NEW CLIENT: So how did your last case go?

AGNIFILO: Well he was guilty but I argued for him to get 20 years. I did the best I could.

NEW CLIENT: How did it turn out?

AGNIFILO: He didn’t get 20 years. He got 120 years instead.

NEW CLIENT: Oh ok thanks. I’ll go with someone else, have a nice day.

Do you think Agnifilo is going to get more clients or less because of this lol?

3 years ago
Reply to  Ice-nine

Agnifilo doesn’t need more clients, he is getting paid by the Bronfman millions. LOL

Jane Smith
Jane Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  Ice-nine

I think he has done a reasonable job and was right to refuse to put in the application on the “new evidence” of alleged photo tampering. All that stuff should have gone in well before the original trial. You cannot keep pulling rabbits out of the hat at the last minute in US (or UK) legal system as on the movies – there is a time for things to be produced and KR missed his best chance of this.

3 years ago

“You don’t have to be the smartest man in the world to manipulate and to harm other people. And that is really what we are talking about here.”
Lest we forget.

3 years ago

Raniere knew how to leave women – sue the living f*ck out of them – it’s just the wrong way. LOL

Jim Kronlund
Jim Kronlund
3 years ago

It is all such a moot point. At 60 years old; 20 years is a “for the rest of your life” prison sentence. The extra 100 years was just a fuck you to KR and that he believes the victims.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jim Kronlund

The extra 100 years also allows for some of the charges to be overturned and still result in Raniere spending the rest of his life in prison. LOL

3 years ago

Like all misogynistic men, Raniere probably harbours a deep fear of any form of empowered womanhood. And the deepest deep, of the deepest fear, is that of a woman empowered in her own sexuality; enjoying sex on her terms with whomsoever she chooses.

A good part of his psychological abuse was dedicated to eradicating any trace of that in any woman who fell into his orbit.

The fear that they might choose someone else to have sex with, and greatly enjoy it controlled him.

A lot of his sexual/social behaviour could be labelled as ‘Manic Defenses,’ driven by a fundamental feeling of sexual inadequacy.

He entrapped others because he was already caught in a trap of his own.

Fool me Not
Fool me Not
3 years ago
Reply to  Paul

You’re partially right, but I will add: most men can’t endure the sexually liberated and independent woman.

We read daily in the media about some woman being traumatized and victimized by a boyfriend or husband and I guarantee, it’s because she was a sexually liberated woman. And they hurt her rather than embracing her and understanding her.

3 years ago
Reply to  Fool me Not

What is your definition of a ‘sexually liberated and independent woman – it sounds like a whore to me. LOL

3 years ago
Reply to  Fool me Not

No argument against that.

3 years ago
Reply to  Fool me Not

LOL. WTF is a sexually liberated woman?

Jane Smith
Jane Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  Paul

Yes, whether people are male or female, most of us want a partner who is exclusive to us – it is human nature. KR constructed a system which supposedly was about empowering women but was really taking them back to the dark ages with his ridiculous society of protectors for men – and women are really bad evil things, like in the Garden of Eden, who need to be massively improved until they are happy to be one of a harem.

In a sense, sex was always his downfall – being attracted to 15-year-olds, wanting a lot of women at once. If he had only been after money or had stuck to one woman at a time who was over legal age, he would still be out there now raking in money from the damaged and gullible.

Jim Kronlund
Jim Kronlund
3 years ago

Agnifilo could not his client was sorry for crimes he claims he did not commit.
Just an edit needed in that sentence

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083


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