Bright Boy Frankie Probst Made $9 Million From Penn State Perjury Scandal Without Committing Perjury

Dishonest as the day is long, but smart. The wily Frankie Probst got more than all but one Sandusky accuser and he did not even have to testify.

If I were Jason Simcisko, Ryan Rittmeyer, or Dustin Struble, I’d be pissed at my attorneys Andrew Shubin and Matt Casey.

Jason Simcisko, a two-handed beer drinker if ever there was one, ought to be mighty upset with his lawyers right about now.

How Many Lies Must a Man Tell Before You Give Him a Dime?

Simcisko had to change his story four times to get $7.25 million. He even had to lie on his Penn State intake settlement and, after denying it at trial, say that Jerry Sandusky anally raped him.

He had to undergo the humiliation of claiming Sandusky abused him more than 100 times, a figure that grew with each retelling.

Jason ‘Simple’ Simcisko may not have much gray matter, but how much do you need to listen to your attorney, change your stories as he directs, and collect $7.25 million?

You Name It, He Was Abused

Yes, Simcisko had to say he was abused in Sandusky’s residence, in Sandusky’s car, on Penn State’s campus, even at a hotel. Genital touching, oral sex, and in the end he threw in anal sex because that was worth more money.

And he had to testify at trial. He was “Victim 3.”

Dustin Struble had to explain his changing stories by saying he had repressed memories.

Dustin Struble Was Repressed in the Head

And poor Dustin Struble got $3.25 million and had to change his story from Sandusky not touching his penis to touching his penis, from nothing happening in the showers to naked bear hugs with erections, and finally, to Sandusky tucking him into bed when he was 17 with an erection.

These changes in Struble’s story were accompanied by him going to all these memory recovery therapy sessions as a cover for his lies, so he could ensure he got the green stuff after first telling police that nothing happened.

Dustin Struble explained why he told police and the grand jury that Sandusky did not abuse him: because he had locked the memory of the abuse in “the attic of his mind.”
Dustin Struble

Rittmeyer Had to Be Inventive on the Fly

And poor Ryan Rittmeyer, he had to go to the grand jury and make stuff up, since he had never even been to Sandusky’s house. He even had to make up the kind of car Sandusky drove.

Hell, he had never been in his car, so Ritt had to guess, and he made a good guess. He said Sandusky drove a silver convertible in which Sandusky abused him.

Now, Sandusky never had a silver convertible, but consider the stress Ritt had to undergo. What if someone caught him? He had a good default plan. He said if it weren’t a convertible, it had a sunroof or moon roof, and if it weren’t silver, it was dark out, so how would he know?

OK, so maybe it looked like this…

Ritt altered his story with each new telling. All he got was $5.5 million.


Ritt, Struble and Simcisko had to ask the court not to use their names. Begged really.

Ryan Rittmeyer and his wife, Jasmine.

Names Revealed

But worse luck, the court published the transcripts online with their names un-redacted — big as life, and now everyone knows their names. With their crybaby stories of how Sandusky abused them. They are forever associated with either being a whiny victim (presently) or being liars (coming soon as more people learn the truth).

But just think how stupid Simcisko feels: big tough guy weeping with snot coming down his nose over the fake abuse, and he is trying to live it down by playing tough guy on Tik Tok.


Jason Simcisko TikTok Austin 316

Then there was little baby Struble, who went from Sandusky never abusing him, to I just looked upstairs in the “attic,” and whoa, what did I find? “Repressed memory.”

He went up to the attic of his mind, and what did he find? Jerry Sandusky and three million dollars.
Matt Casey was a better coach than Joe Paterno.

No More Repressed Memory

But attorney Matt Casey explained that if he had a repressed memory, he would not make as much money. Because he could not say Sandusky ruined his childhood. So Struble went back to no repressed memory: He always remembered Sandusky abused him and it ruined his life.

Police had to coach these dumb rascals, but they still said at first that Sandusky did not abuse them.

Grand Jury etc.

Lyin’ Ryan Rittmeyer (or Rittliar as his friends call him), Appleheaded Struble, and Simple Simcisko all had to do multiple police interviews. They had to go to the grand jury and sweat it out. They had to appear at the trial, with more than 200 media members watching. With a jury staring at their lying faces. They had to pretend to weep.

It takes guts. It takes talent.

They had to collaborate to get their stories straight before trial.

Probst Did the Least

All Frankie Probst had to do was lie about Sandusky to attorneys Shubin and Casey, and he walked away with a cool $9 million.

Frankie Probst

To his credit, Probst did tell the truth about Sandusky once to millions of people. He appeared on Nov 21, 2011, on NBC’s Rock Center, and denied Sandusky abused him.

All the things Simcisko, Struble, Ritt, and others had said Sandusky did to them to cash in, Probst publicly said Sandusky did NOT do to him.

Interviewer Natalie Morales tried to get him to change his story, saying maybe he had repressed memories, but Probst was having none of it.

Did he ever try to come into your bedroom at night? Put you to bed? Nothing.

Frankie Probst
I mean, he’d come say goodnight and stuff, but he wouldn’t like I don’t know anything, like going on with other people or whatever.

You guys shower together?

After workouts, yes, but I’m used to get in the shower after athletic events anyway or working out. So I looked at it. I’m gonna get in the shower.

And then did you guys ever wrestle on the ground or get physical in that way?

I mean, like, kind of wrestle around sometimes, but I mean, it was just kind of like normal like a father would do.

And was there any time that he ever tried to touch you in a way that was inappropriate? Touch your genitals?

Nuh uh. Not that I recall.

You know, I’m a mom. And when a child, when something happens that is so tragic or hurtful to a child, it’s not unusual for them to suppress that memory. Could you be suppressing the memory? Do you think you would remember if something really happened to you?

Yeah, I would remember if something happened.

You would you think so?

Hm hm.

You’re not one of those boys–


Same Story, No Abuse, Bigger Audience

It’s funny Probst said the same thing on national television that Simcisko and Struble and others first said to police. Nothing happened. They changed their stories and faced scrutiny.

Not Probst.

Attorneys Collect Big Dough

Shubin and Casey’s 10 clients collectively received $32,625,000 from Penn State, and Probst received the most of any of them—$9 million.

Probst did not have to testify. He did not have to have his name thrown out there. No grand jury, no deposition. No psychologist testing him. No memory therapies. No cross-examination. No media.

He just had Casey write up the same story the other guys told, and added a little more – fondling, masturbation, oral and anal sex.

This was after he appeared on NBC and said it did not happen.

Probst even said he lived at Sandusky’s home one summer. He knew no one at Penn State was going to check out any lie.

Thanks to Shubin teaching Simcisko, Struble, and others, he and Casey knew how to coach Probst, so Probst made sure he said he had sexual encounters in the showers at Penn State (since Penn State was paying).

So Frankie walks away with $9 million, almost $2 million more than Simcisko, who had to tell similar lies more times, and almost triple what Struble got, who had to unlock the doorway he had closed in the attic of his psyche.

Probst was the white-haired kid. He got more than even Aaron Fisher, whose two years of lies, as the only accuser, a half-dozen police interviews, and three grand jury appearances—where he changed his story three times—started the whole Penn State Perjury Scandal.

Fisher only got $7.5 million.

Dawn Hennessey with her tiny son, Aaron Fisher.


Sabastian Paden beats Fisher easily

The only one who got more money than Probst was the king of whopper tellers, Sabastian Paden. But at least Paden appeared at trial and told his lies in front of the world.

Paden took risks telling people that Sandusky had a soundproof basement, when if Sandusky had a good attorney, he could have easily produced a witness to show he did not have a soundproof basement.

And Paden had to take a perjury risk and say he could not escape from the basement at Sandusky’s house because he was locked in.

Sabastian Paden.

And how would he know that Sandusky had an incompetent attorney? How could Paden know for sure that someone could have shown a video of the basement and shown that you cannot be locked in because of the windows and the door that leads out?

Door in Sandusky’s basement that leads to the outside and only locks from the inside

How do you lock someone in, and keep them locked in for days while he is anally raped, starved, and screaming for help when there is a door and window that a starving, desperate 15 year old could escape from?  And as to that, if Paden screamed and was starved all weekend, how come he went to school, told no one, then came back the next weekend and 100 more weekends?

So you see Paden told bold lies and risked perjury.

Probst did none of these things.

That is why they called Paden a “brave survivor.” His outlandish perjury was so enormous, and nobody called him on it. Even that old biased fool of a judge, John Cleland, had to cover his face sometimes to prevent the jury from seeing him laugh. (So proud was the old judge of this young Paden kid, who would ensure the conviction that the old black-robed prosecutor, pretending to be a judge, so desperately wanted.)

Paden was bold. He took the risk of perjury and earned his reward. He got $20 million.

But he earned it.

What did Probst do?

Where is the justice when people do not get fair compensation for their work?

Unlike Fisher, Simcisko, Struble, Paden, Rittmeyer, and the rest, Probst did not have to commit perjury. He only had to lie to his lawyers.

Now I know what you will say: Prosecutor Joe McGettigan was suborning perjury, so there was no risk to lying on the witness stand. That old reprobate of a biased judge, John Cleland, would never have recommended anyone for charges, even if an accuser admitted lying on the stand.

Judge Cleland had one goal — convict Sandusky — while pretending it was a fair trial.

Judge John Cleland rushed the trial of Jerry Sandusky to ensure a conviction, but do not dare to suggest that to his face. He will act morally outraged, as if you would dare impugn his lofty integrity.

Not an Easy Task

But, still, going up in front of jurors and all that media and lying, saying Sandusky raped you when you were like 15, 16, 17 years old, and with a straight face saying you forgot it until you went to memory therapy or some crazy story — that takes a lot of gumption, and Probst did not have to do any of it.

Probst Capitalized on Others’ Hard Work

If it wasn’t for Fisher and others going into court and lying, Probst would not have made a dime.

Probst just hung back in the shadows and waited for the perjurers to do the hard work. Then he skips in and gets more money than all of them (except Paden, the brave).

It reminds me of how OJ Simpson felt when everyone wrote books and made TV movies from his story, and it wasn’t fair, since, as he said, “he did all the work.”

No, there is no justice in Pennsylvania courts or at that institution of lower learning, Penn State.

Not fair.

These guys did all the hard work, and the liar-come-lately Frankie Probst got more money than all of them except the distinguished liar in the center, Sabastian, the Brave.

A Little Creative Art

Some imaginative (AI) pictures of the happy perjurers as they went to the bank.

Jason Simcisko  -$7.25 million

Zach  Konstas -$1.5 million (dumbest of those who testified and got the smallest settlement).

Ryan Rittmeyer $5.5 million

Dustin Struble- $3.25 million

Aaron Fisher $7.5 million and Brett Swisher-Houtz -$7.25 million

Sabastian Paden $20 million rubs it in the face of Michal Kajak $8 million. Kajak started lying months before Paden, who stole parts of Kajak’s lies and made them into his own Sandusky abuse story.

Lawyer Andrew Shubin worked hard to coach his clients. His share of the legal fees was about $6 million.

LAwyer Matt Casey did alright for himself. His end was about $6 million.

Frankie Probst ($9 million) comes in late, tells fantastic yarns like the rest, but does not have to be interviewed by anyone other than his attorneys. They got him more than their other clients, who they had to coach much harder and longer.

It just isn’t fair.

Jerry Sandusky

Time for a Change

Anyone who studies the Sandusky case can see that an innocent man is in prison, while a pack of jackals made millions. But the worm is turning, and I submit, it only appears as a worm before it turns. When it turns, it is seen for what it is – a dragon.

Yes, the truth is a dragon, and liars from Aaron Fisher and Sabstian Paden down to the easy-lying Frankie Probst will face it soon.

Sue me if you don’t like what I have to say. That will help speed things up and make national news. Then we will get some traction.


About the author

Frank Parlato

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Sandy Lane
Sandy Lane
1 month ago

Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The board of Penn State during 2011 until present should be totally ashamed and embarrassed. They made a mockery of Penn State University, and anyone following this case is laughing at the gullibility of these morons. THANKs to Lubert, Frazier, Peetz, Surma(you___hole,) Masser, and ALL of the members from that time until present. Cowardice bastards!

1 month ago

How old is this Pornst guy. He looks like he is older than 16 or 17.

1 month ago
Reply to  Anonymous

He is. Close to thirty

1 month ago

Throughout this case, there have been lots of lies and dishonest people from the top down. Those people know who they are. Good faith will set you free and it’s only a matter of time before Jerry will be set free. For those who lie, cheat and steal for greed it’s only a matter of time that bad luck will be coming your way. Oh yeah it will be coming don’t worry about that! These attorneys and everyone associated with this case are worried. I hope that it eats them up every day because we have a man in prison that is not guilty. No evidence/just lies.. their TIME is Coming!

Ain't No Perjurer
Ain't No Perjurer
1 month ago

I’m gonna sue. I’ll own Frank’s house and his silver convertible.

1 month ago

The accusers are rperpetual twelve-year-olds who still require protection for their injured psyches.

Larger Proboscis
Larger Proboscis
1 month ago

Frankie Probst went on national tv and said Sandusky did not molest hm but it is clear he had repressed memory. The therapist on TV Dr. Natalie Morales diagnosed Frankie right on the air that he had repressed memories but Frankie was in denial. He said he was sure he’d remember if he was anally raped 100 times -like who would forget that ? But that’s exactly what Probst said happened to him. He suddenly remembered he got raped 100 times when he was a teenager and just remembered it when his attorney told him what happened.

John Galluppi
1 month ago

How dare he? How can this man, Frank Parleto, insult everyone involved in this case and not get any of them to sue him for character assassination. Why I’d be outraged if he said any of those things about me.

1 month ago
Reply to  John Galluppi

it’s not character assasination if it is true.

All of this can be backed up.

Innocent Victims
Innocent Victims
1 month ago
Reply to  Anonymous

You saying all these teenagers lied ? I can’t believe that.

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083


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