Three Liars Destroy Joe Paterno: Fisher, McQueary, and Sergeant Allan Myers USMC

Joe Paterno was honored in his lifetime with a statute at Penn State. It was removed by a false story fomented by three rascals.

The “Penn State Scandal” is based on an event that didn’t happen.

For two years, the case against Jerry Sandusky rested on Aaron Fisher’s shifting claims about oral sex between him and Sandusky that allegedly occurred when he was 13-15 years old, which the 16-year-old forgot and then remembered with the help of hundreds of sessions with a therapist, who in almost anybody’s book is a quack.

Mike Gillum, the therapist, wanted fame and prestige, so he implanted suggestions of false memories in the heads of his victims/patients.

Though a grand jury would normally indict a ham sandwich, the prosecutors did not want to indict Sandusky based on Fisher alone. Two grand juries heard the sniveling teen deny and cry, fall on the floor, and vomit.

Aaron Fisher

Yes, Fisher knew he was being pressured by his greedy mother and therapist, the latter who attended his police and prosecutors’ interviews and sat in on and influenced his grand jury testimony.

Dawn Renee Fisher Daniels Hennessey, mother of Aaron Fisher.

Mama Had Big Dreams

His mother told neighbors that she would wind up owning Sandusky’s home. She did get her liar of a son $7.5 million from Penn State for his deceptions, a sum it will not surprise those who know him and his mother that they blew through and are back to being broke, like they were when Dawn Fisher Daniels Hennessey first dreamed of living large off a lawsuit involving Jerry Sandusky.

From poverty to wealth and back to poverty, Fisher and Hennessey are classic examples of Collodi’s remark in Pinocchio that stolen fruit does not fructify.

Sue the Therapist Gillum

Mike Gillum violated so many professional rules that Fisher and his mother have a road back to wealth: sue Mike Gillum for planting false memories in Aaron Fisher’s head that created a national calamity.

A good civil lawyer would take the case on a fee-splitting arrangement and restore the Fishers to millionaire status, and this time the right way through honesty.

Gillum took this young man’s life and future away from him by conning him into “remembering” things that never happened to him. He violated almost every ethical rule in the book for therapists, and undoubtedly has ample insurance.

Fisher ought not to wait until the statute of limitations runs out. (Brett Swisher-Houtz, who also saw Gillum for memory therapy, might also have a lawsuit. Both of these men know Sandusky did not abuse them, but Gillum, an authority figure, told them he did.)

Jerry Sandusky

The Quack

Fisher’s therapist, Mike Gillum, played a triple role: therapist, aid to prosecutors (revealing confidential disclosures and strategizing with prosecutors to get Fisher to say what they both wanted), and an ambitious  man seeking to get a book deal (he did get one), a movie deal (he did not get one), and recognition for cracking the big case by reputedly restoring or, more accurately, implanting memories of abuse that supposedly happened to a sexually active, porn-loving heterosexual teen, (Fisher) who had returned to Sandusky’s house more than 100 times where he allegedly gave and got fellatio in the basement and forgot all about it – till therapist Gillum peeled back “the layers of the onion” of the mind and brought it out to the teen who had been widely known as a pathological liar in his school, among friends, teachers and neighbors.

Like Kit Carson said in The Time of Your Life, for Fisher, Gillum “was the first man ever to believe my stories.”

Not Even a Ham Sandwich

Ethically challenged prosecutor Jonelle Eschbach

Though eager to have a case against Sandusky, Deputy Attorney General Jonelle Eshbach could not find anyone else Sandusky had abused, and Fisher was a poor witness.

He was so bad that she and Gillum considered invoking a law where Fisher could be declared incompetent and Gillum, as his therapist, could testify for Fisher as if he were speaking for him.

They decided against it and instead got the feeble-minded lad to say what they wanted. Still, even after Eshbach, collaborating with Gillum, got Fisher’s testimony shored up enough to write the indictment against Sandusky, her boss, Deputy Attorney General, the porn-loving Frank Fina, who had a close personal connection to the supervising judge of the grand jury, the blockhead Barry Feudale (removed from supervising the grand jury for corruption involving his buddy Fina in the Sandusky case) told her that without more victims, do not indict.

Frank Fina, whose ethics are among the most dubious of the entire cast of corrupt actors in the Sandusky case, knew Aaron Fisher was not enough to convict Sandusky.

A Word About the Bad Actors

Fina’s law license was suspended for a year for his corruption in the Sandusky case. He was later fired for his role in Porn Gate, which took down several judges.

In other words, in the Sandusky case, the good guys were the villains, and vice versa. This must be distinctly understood, or nothing insightful can come of the story I will relate.

Remember that as a steady and general principle that will help you navigate the Jerry Sandusky case and the so-called Penn State scandal.

From Ham to Bologna

Mike McQueary

Everything changed in November 2010, when John McQueary II told Penn State football fan Christopher Houser that his younger brother, Mike, then an assistant coach under Joe Paterno, had, about a decade earlier, walked in on Sandusky and a boy naked in the Penn State locker room showers and witnessed something inappropriate.

On Nov. 3, 2010, Houser sent an anonymous email to Centre County District Attorney Stacy Parks Miller (who later lost her law license for prosecutorial cheating [this is Pennsylvania]), which read: “Someone should contact and interview Penn State Assistant Football Coach Michael McQueary reference the Sandusky Investigation.”

Parks Miller forwarded the email to a state police trooper and an investigator who had previously worked on the Sandusky investigation.

At 7 p.m. on Nov. 10, 2010, Rossman and Anthony Sassano, a narcotics agent never known to work on a sex abuse case, made an unannounced visit to McQueary’s home.

They knew that surprise visits at odd and unexpected hours would put people they wanted to interview in fear, which is an excellent way to get them to say what you want.

(One Second Mile alum, Chad Rexroad, told me that the State Police arrived unexpectedly at 5:30 am to interview him about Sandusky, which alarmed him and his wife. Despite the police’s eager insistence that Sandusky abused him, and the intimation by a pre-dawn visit that he better “remember,” Chad refused to lie. If he had lied, he would have made millions. But Sandusky never abused him.)

When police came by surprise to McQueary’s home, he was working late at the Lasch Building at Penn State. His wife Barbara called him and handed the phone to one of the investigators.

A startled McQueary did not initially know the purpose of their visit or was or whether they were there to investigate him, possibly for his illegal gambling.

What ran through his head is hard to know.

What we do know is that McQueary was not a good gambler, and like many afflicted with the mental illness that exhibits itself as gambling addiction, he lost far more than he won.

This was not a new habit. Even as a player for Penn State, he illegally gambled and lost.

So keep in mind that the man responsible for the credibility behind the entire Penn State scandal was a degenerate gambler for most or all of his adult life.

McQueary’s gambling would rise to a criminal offense, since he bet not only on poker and pro football, but also on the Nittany Lions, which he had played for and now coached, where he could influence the results.

McQueary illegally bet and lost in a November 1996 game against Michigan State at Beaver Stadium. With McQueary as a backup quarterback, he could not influence the game from the sidelines. Penn State won by three points, but didn’t cover the eight-point spread.

McQueary lost money he could not afford to lose.

Cheating Comes Natural

In 1995, when McQueary was still the second-string quarterback, Penn State was ahead of Rutgers 51-34 with only a minute left.

They call it “garbage time.” The game is a foregone conclusion, and the usual college and pro football policy is to run out the clock.

It is often a time to let the second-string players in for some live field experience. McQueary was sent in to run out the clock.

The 16-point lead, however, was less than the 20-point spread oddsmakers gave people who bet on the games. McQueary had a choice and did what he usually did when it came to a conflict between his self-interest and the right thing to do.

With Rutgers expecting McQueary would be running the clock out by either handing the ball to a runner or taking the ball himself and kneeling down, he instead called a play in the huddle to throw a touchdown pass.

Rutgers would not expect this, so it could work. In this way, he could add six points to the score, get past the 20-point spread, and win the bet.

It worked.

Afterward, Rutgers coach Doug Graber and Joe Paterno got into a shouting match because Graber thought Paterno was running up the score.

Joe Paterno.

Paterno did not know that his devious liar – the man who ultimately destroyed his reputation through his lies – was behind it.

The innocent-looking McQueary acted dumb and said he was proud to show his coach he had the stuff to throw touchdown passes.

Dubious Season

Joe Pa believed the kid (who pocketed a sum from his bookie) and let him start as quarterback in his senior year.  The team played a disappointing 9-3 season.

McQueary’s role in the three losses could stand a little scrutiny, if McQueary, as a quarterback with a lot of control over the game, had a hand in the losses.

But if McQueary had thrown a game, he might have been under pressure.

Bookie’s Play Not Nice

William ‘Big Billy’ D’Elia

He was often in debt to bookies.  At one time, he owed thousands to a certain bookie in the area, widely reputed to work with Big Billy D’Elia and the Buffalino Family, and who, after giving McQueary ample time to pay, apparently said he was losing patience.

Frank ‘The Irishman’ Sheeran

The Irishman’s name was also mentioned, as well as a not so subtle allusion to some Russians known to help D’Elia in the quiet movement of gambling money, whose collection methods were described as most unpredictable.

McQueary ran to his father, confessed. Dad, understanding at once the importance of prompt payments, paid the bookie off at once.

The Police at His Door

So it was now 2011. McQueary has state police at his door.

He had another vulnerability; some might call it an amiable failing. But either way, it was a good reason for him not to meet the police at his home.

Mike McQueary liked to send naked pictures of himself to women who were not his wife in the hopes he might be able to bed them, and because he was proud as a peacock and wanted women to share in his narcissistic delight.

This sending of pics is not illegal with consenting adults, and though he reportedly did sometimes send the pics without an invitation, he only sent them to women over 18.

The vulnerability was not in the sending of his pics, often featuring closeups of his genitals in pornographic pose, but in the fact that he sent them on his Penn State-provided phone. If not criminal, it was an offense that would lead to his summary discharge as a coach at Penn State – mainly since he worked for the very moral Joe Paterno.

As an aside, it appears, thanks to the work of John Ziegler, McQueary sent at least one of his indecorous photos to the wife of Joe Amendola, Sandusky’s incompetent defense attorney.

Mike McQueary

So McQueary was not only a gambling addict but apparently a sex addict, which he did his best to keep from his wife, Paterno, and everyone else other than random women and his bookies.

McQueary told the police he would agree to meet them but not at his home, certainly not, not with his wife there.

At 7:45 p.m., McQueary sat down with the two investigators in the dark on a bench in Holmes-Foster Park.


Curious Investigators

It remains to be seen how narcotics agent Anthony Sassano got on the case at all. (Internal labor agreements in the AG’s office forbid use of narcotics agents for investigations other than those involving narcotics.)

As for Scott Rossman, he became notorious for an accidentally leaked tape, where he conspired with civil lawyer Ben Andreozzi to lie to Brett Swisher Houtz that police had nine victims of Sandusky who claimed they had oral sex (when they only had the dubious Aaron Fisher) to suborn perjury.

Meet and Greet

When the police explained the purpose of their investigation was not him, but Sandusky, and what he was rumored to have seen a decade ago, McQueary relaxed and resumed his old calculating self.

“McQueary related that he was willing to cooperate,” Rossman wrote in a police memo.

“However, due to the severity of the incident, he wanted to consult with legal counsel prior to and during the interview.”

McQueary said later that he knew before he met the investigators that they wanted to speak about Sandusky, because there had been rumors of an investigation in State College for nearly two years.

Onward and Forward

Allan Myers with Jerry Sandusky

In our next post on the Three Liars Destroy Joe Paterno: Fisher, McQueary, and Sergeant Allan Myers USMC, we will discuss McQueary’s seven different versions of what he saw or heard in the locker room, and how prosecutors used this fool to embellish his story, ultimately throwing the ass clown under the bus, and destroying his reputation.

The governor Tom Corbett and even Barack Obama smacked him down for cowardice.

We will examine McQueary’s provably false story and how his calculating backfired on him with some never-before-revealed details.

We will however not mock him for his stupidity. For example, we will not laugh at a typical McQueary statement, such as “I am 100% sure, but not 1000% sure, that what I saw in the shower room was ‘over the line.'”

We will prove that he was not even 10 percent sure, and that his efforts to curry favor with investigators and throw his mentor and best friend in life, Joe Paterno, under the bus destroyed his reputation, causing a scandal where there was none. Sending four innocent men to prison was not done so much by malice, but cowardice.

As readers will see in our next post, the “Penn State Scandal” that ruined the legacy of a man who should be revered as a national treasure is based on an event that didn’t happen, and three men were at the heart of it – all three inveterate liars.

Two of them, the drunkard Myers and Fisher, are obscure rascals nobody cares about. But McQueary, but for his greed and avarice, might otherwise have had a great career.

He might have succeeded Paterno as head coach or got a position with another top-flight football college.

He is now regarded as buffoon and untrustworthy, and he will likely never coach again, not even little league.

Who would ever trust his judgment?

As the years pass and Sandusky is exonerated and Paterno’s statue is restored to his rightful place, McQueary will stand small but conspicuous for his despicable character.



About the author

Frank Parlato

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1 month ago

Powerful reporting, Frank. Keep proclaiming the truth far and wide until Jerry is released, and the many conspirators who worked to convict this innocent man receive their due. Their day of reckoning is coming!

Gail Brown
Gail Brown
1 month ago

Great article that summarizes the truth. Hope this and all the articles written by Frank aid in getting Jerry and new trial.

Richard Luthmann
1 month ago

This article is excellent. The Sandusky Scandal has all the hallmarks of a manufactured political takedown, with the personal injury lawyers left to clean the carcasses like carrion creatures.

The whole thing killed Joe Paterno, who died months later from cancer because many believed he had lost the will to live. Moreover, Paterno’s legacy was destroyed. This was a devout Roman Catholic who spent his life teaching youth and donating his time and money back to the Church, the community, and Penn State itself. If this was a “false takedown,” then the restoration of Joe Pa’s legacy of excellence comes as a much lower standard of proof than Jerry Sandusky would need for a new trial.

The larger question concerns the political forces that aligned in 2012 to take out Sandusky, Paterno, and Penn State. Who were they? Why did they do it? And what did they gain? Frank’s reporting has shown beyond the shadow of a doubt what the ambulance-chaser lawyers had to gain through their questionable activity. Who else is part of this story?

E.J Stone
E.J Stone
1 month ago

Jerry Paterno, had no (redacted)

Louie Getz
Louie Getz
1 month ago
Reply to  Frank Parlato

h, ho capito. Tutti tradiscono un po’…Ok, ok, ok, ok, questa è la parte migliore, ok? Effettui una detrazione fiscale sui pagamenti di interessi che non effettui nemmeno! Sono un innovatore? Sono un genio? Oh I get it. 

1 month ago

I am sorry, but I believe ole Jerry was a pedo, just way too much association with the children, showering with the kid, wife turning a blind eye, taking kids into the basement, I feel he should stay behind the bars,

Ghost of Franco Harris
Ghost of Franco Harris
1 month ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Maybe you have sick pedo fantasies and you should be behind bars. You really think people can’t be just good people? That is on you sicko. They walked the walk as Jesus commanded. Matt’s girlfriend writes: My life got involved with The Sanduskys in 1995. I got pregnant at the age of 16 and when my dad found out, he didn’t give me long to find a new place to live. I stayed with my sister for a several months before one family agreed to take me in – The Sanduskys. I wasn’t close to my extended family…I had been to a handful of bowl games as a child and saw them at a few family gatherings, but they were still foreign to me. I could hardly pass up the chance at a better life, college, etc…so moving in with them seemed like the best and only option.
I was 17 when my XXXX and I moved in with them. Our bedroom was the first on the left as you walked through their front door. I’d describe the next few months as awkward and quite an adjustment…I enrolled at Penn State, got a job and tried to do exactly what I had moved there to do. Kara and Jon David still lived there at that time…and of course, Matt. Kara and Matt’s rooms were upstairs and Jon’s was in the basement. This family was unlike any I’d ever witnessed…church every Sunday, nightly family meals at the table, game nights… I now know that this should be the norm, but I wasn’t familiar with all this “togetherness” and structure…and I quickly felt like an outsider. Because of this, I was drawn to the other “outsider” of the house – Matt. We immediately bonded and our friendship grew into something more. I won’t go into details, but needless to say, Matt and I kept things secret. Obviously, this “relationship” would not be approved by Jerry and Dottie. During a school break, I went back home to XXXXXXXXX and made a phone call to Matt. He was very brief and distant…I didn’t find out until I went back to State College that Jerry had been on another line of that phone call. Things got very strained when I returned and Jerry, Dottie, Matt and I had a long talk. I don’t really remember the specifics of what was said, but basically it was that this “relationship” couldn’t go on.

1 month ago
Reply to  Anonymous

The “shower incident” never occurred. This was proven
So you’re left with Jerry “taking kids into the basement” as if the basement was a sex chamber.

Please look at the photos. “The basement” is a fully above ground level of the house with a game room, bedroom , bathroom, several accessible windows, and a door that only locks from the inside.

These were fully ambulatory young men with cell phones – who allegedly spent the same weekends for years at sanduskys home, but never their paths did meet

It’s difficult to rid ourselves of the well told media narrative that convicted samdusky “with overwhelming evidence” but it’s just not the case

Please continue to read all that FR and others before him have uncovered and documented because there is literally no evidence against this man

1 month ago

The idea that Penn State employees were trying to cover up the shower incident (that never happened) is preposterous given the far more serious incidents that occurred on the Penn State campus- often by Penn State employees during the same time period

Spanier listed them in his book and they’re drawing dropping- yet they were reported with integrity

From the death of a student who was deemed in good health only to drop dead of menangitis, to arson, internet salacious sex scandals and far more disturbing incidents including untimely deaths-
To suggest the motive was a cover up is preposterous-

1 month ago
Reply to  Anonymous

More serious than serial child rape? Ok pedo supporter.

1 month ago

Collusion among court appointed experts, attorneys, and prosecutors is the best kept secret. Whether it’s family, probate, or criminal courts, our government- and our courts- are for-profit businesses acting under the false understanding that they are run by and for the people.

Unalienable rights and liberties are stripped from so many of us and life savings and families are destroyed on the whim and agenda of the few and powerful

It’s all about connections, greed, power and vendettas

We shun the “felon” like the Scarlett letter. In reality, many (not all) have been given the public branding to halt interference in their agenda and prevent exposure of their criminal enterprises

Gillum’s evil
Gillum’s evil
1 month ago

Mike Gillum is the guiltiest of all. But for these quack psychologists, these false allegations would never have happened.

Everyone plays a role, but some people are weak. Fisher had a propensity for lying, yet he resisted lying about Sandusky.

Instead of reinforcing rare glimpses of integrity, his mother and Gillum quashed the truth and reset his moral compass to deliver what they needed to make millions.

1 month ago

I just kind of wish that McQueary’s dad never paid off the degenerate’s gambling debt.

1 month ago

I wonder if McQueary realized he was blowing up everything with his lies?

John Galluppi
1 month ago

Mike McQueary obviously is a liar and a cheat but walked away with something like $12 million for his efforts. Who said crime doesn’t pay? I don’t think Mike had to worry about a coaching job ever again. Do you think he’s ever going to be asked to give it back when this gets reversed? These three individuals are center stage for this tragedy with many others playing supporting roles.

Sandusky/Raniere connection
Sandusky/Raniere connection
2 months ago

I find it very suspicious when adult men want to hang out with children.

Ghost of Franco Harris
Ghost of Franco Harris
1 month ago

And yet it is invaluable to have them as teachers, coaches, etc. Saints. Not a fan of kids other than my own.

Jane Miller
Jane Miller
1 month ago

Jerry was not ‘hanging out’ with children…he was mentoring and parenting. The Second Mile kids were largely from bad family situations lacking father figures. Jerry and Dottie tried to let them see what a normal family life could be like. They succeeded with far more than the few who turned on them for a quick buck.

Betty Lou
Betty Lou
1 month ago
Reply to  Jane Miller

I like you SiS, any friend of Jerry and Dottie is one of mine. I’m into you and Dottie and me the three of us Showering together let me put my normal family values into you. scrub dub dub three bimbo’s letting loose in our tub.

Dick The Butcher
Dick The Butcher
1 month ago

Interesting handle you have Sandusky/Raniere Connection. The connection is Frank Parlato who doggedly exposed the crimes of Raniere to conviction and life imprisonment. Mr. Parlato is just as doggedly exposing the criminal Pennsylvania Justice system that convicted an innocent Jerry Sandusky. If you believe the connection of Sandusky and Raniere are as two criminals…well. you have confirmed to readers that you are as dumb as you appear to be

Hairlip Dick
Hairlip Dick
1 month ago

OK, I’ll take a bag of peanuths.” The nut salesman rings up the transaction and the man with the hairlip takes his nuts. On his way out he says, “one more thing. Perpetrators of child sexual abuse are often get close to their victims through mentorship roles such as pastor, priest, teacher, or coach. In fact, 93% of victims know their perpetrator

Claire Best
Claire Best
2 months ago

Thank you for this excellent article. The Sandusky case sounds almost identical to the Father Gordon MacRae case in New Hampshire. Additionally, the victims advocate in the Sandusky case, Jennifer R Storm, was also the victims advocate in the Bill Cosby case which got turned over for prosecutor misconduct. Jennifer R Storm is on the board of the National Crime Victims Law Institute which featured Laura L Dunn as a “partner spotlight”. Laura L Dunn instructed Concord NH Police for their flawed investigation into St Paul’s School and scholarship Owen Labrie. Her partner, S Daniel Carter, told me that the real interest in NH v Owen Labrie was in St Paul’s School as opposed to Labrie himself. The real interest in Father Gordon MacRae’s case was in the Diocese of Manchester and the real interest in the Sandusky case I believe was also in extortion. Funnily enough, who should represent some of the plaintiffs against Penn State after the Sandusky trial but Laura L Dunn. She had been the “personal representative” and founder of SurvJustice with S. Daniel Carter in NH v Owen Labrie. She had introduced Chessy Prout (complainant) to Steven J Kelly Esq who was on the board of NCVLI and then NCVLI rewarded the local police detective for “Justice for the Victim” while Kelly led multiple suits against St Paul’s School and then against Dartmouth College while the local victims advocate, Amanda Grady Sexton of the NHCADSV created and controlled the media. She appears to be friends with Jennifer R Storm. The two of them and Meg Garvin of NCVLI and SurvJustice are all Executive Directors for Marsy’s Law which is paid for by convicted drug trafficker Henry T Nicholas III. He kept an underground lair under his house in Orange County, CA which he hid from his wife and children. In the lair he indulged in sex and drug fantasies with prostitutes. He started his “Marsy’s Law” “Victims Rights” law drive after that – when he started his “foundation”. Funny how Jennifer R Storm can write about “Blackout” drunk rape as an issue but she can work for Henry T Nicholas III whose girlfriend had to be resuscitated after she’d O’D’d on his trafficked drugs in Las Vegas. Follow the money here. See who got the kick backs. Look at the contracts and federal grants that followed. Look at SafeSport if it was introduced. That has PR from Dan Hill and he was the Gov Affairs PR rep who was working with Chessy Prout in NH v Owen Labrie. It was only ever and only will ever be about usurping the justice system to profiteer and get money. Journalists hired to spin the message who are working with the victims advocates who get a percentage of the settlements is all part of the crooked game.

2 months ago
Reply to  Claire Best

Jennifer R Storm – another well of in sheep’s clothing robbing the innocent of their lives for fame and money

Ghost of Franco Harris
Ghost of Franco Harris
2 months ago

I just don’t understand why Graham Spanier does not even mention Jonelle Eschbach in his book. If I have a chance, that is one question I have for him. Well, I have a lot of questions. Does she have some tie to Penn State that gave her some sort of protection. But Penn State alumni just give her a pass. I don’t get it.

Sandy Lane
Sandy Lane
2 months ago

Penn State alumni gave everyone a pass from the beginning and even to this day. I do not understand how the alumni just ACCEPTED the outcome of this case. There are so many people who do not believe the courts and jury can get anything wrong. However, if they would have followed the investigation of Ziegler, Snedden, Cipriano, etc., the entire scandal was so transparent. Spanier, Curley, Schultz, Paterno, and Sandusky are innocent. It’s about time fans and alums pay attention to the injustices of what actually happened and speak out for all of the above mentioned. This entire case was in the ‘move on’ mode too long and enough is enough.

Jane Miller
Jane Miller
1 month ago

Most PSU alumni do not know 1% of what went down in the original trial or any of the investigative work that came after thanks to Ziegler, Cipriano and others. I am a PSU alum (BS Chem 1980) and have spent a lot of time since about 2013 following the case, attending PCRA hearings, and getting to know all the players. I attended one day of Spanier’s trial and have come to the conclusion that Sandusky (and the others of course) are innocent of any wrong doing. Most PSU alums will not take the time to read what has been documented by the investigative journalists. I have been sending stuff from them and more recently from the Frank Report to about 20 friends / alums that I have known since my college days. Only 2 have responded that they have read what I have sent.

1 month ago
Reply to  Jane Miller

Penn State football used to be a national treasure. Were globalists involved in some kind of operation there to “tear apart the fabric of society”? Was Penn State was a political target?

In 1992, Joe Biden said, “Thus, in setting an American agenda for a New World Order, we must begin with a profound alteration in traditional thought.”

Tearing down Penn State football would be one way to profoundly alter traditional America.

Meanwhile, in the colony of Canada …

1 month ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Who needs Penn State football when we have World Military Games?

1 month ago
Reply to  Anonymous

We have World Military Games?

1 month ago
Reply to  🤔

October, 2019

1 month ago
Reply to  🤔

… Dr. Esper will lead Red Cell’s activities investing in and building new businesses in the areas of defense, cyber security, international affairs, space, and aerospace, and will eventually expand on the firm’s relationships within the government and national security sectors.

“Dr. Esper is an accomplished and visionary leader whose appointment comes at a pivotal point in Red Cell’s evolution,” said Red Cell Founding Partner and CEO Grant Verstandig. “His expertise across the spectrum of disruptive technologies is unparalleled and will be key to Red Cell’s ongoing ability to identify, create, and scale innovative and sustainable businesses in both the public and private sectors.”

Dr. Esper will join Red Cell’s multi-talented team of entrepreneurs, investors, technologists, and operators who, united by a shared sense of duty and deep belief in the power of innovation, are focused on building solutions to some of the greatest challenges faced on the battlefield of the 21st century. In his newly created role, Dr. Esper will seek to establish more agile, efficient, and meaningful ways to spur engagement between non-traditional innovators and the Defense Department. …

… Red Cell Partners is an investment and incubation firm that backs, builds, and scales technology-led companies bringing revolutionary advancements to market in the healthcare and national security spaces. United by a shared sense of duty and deep belief in the power of innovation, Red Cell leverages big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation, and advance materials to develop powerful technologies to address the Nation’s most pressing problems. …

“Grand Chessboard” Rules: deceive, divide, conquer
“Grand Chessboard” Rules: deceive, divide, conquer
1 month ago
Reply to  Anonymous

August 4, 2021 …

President Joe Biden picked Mark Brzezinski, a Democratic-aligned foreign policy official with ties to Poland, as his ambassador to the European country regarded as a key Western bulwark against Russia. … Poland and the United States are both members of the NATO military alliance. … Brzezinski, who speaks Polish, served as former President Barack Obama’s ambassador to Sweden, when Biden was vice president. He was also on the National Security Council under President Bill Clinton. His father, Poland-born Zbigniew Brzezinski, was former President Jimmy Carter’s influential Cold War-era national security adviser, who advocated a tough stance countering what was then the Soviet Union and included Russia. …

“Ukraine, a new and important space on the Eurasian chessboard, is a geopolitical pivot because its very existence as an independent country helps to transform Russia. Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire.” — Zbigniew Brzeziński, The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives

“I don’t know if people know this or not, Biden used to be a hot head. Sometimes that Irishman would get in front of the reasoning, sometimes he would say things he didn’t want to say. This is — and and and I don’t — you know what I don’t really — start your tape right now because I’m about to tell you the truth. And F you if you can’t handle the truth. This version of Biden intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever. Not a close second. And I have known him for years. The Brzezinskis have known him for 50 years. If it weren’t the truth I wouldn’t say it.” — MSNBC host Joe Scarborough on Wednesday, March 6, 2024

“… Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control. Under such circumstances, the scientific and technological momentum of the country would not be reversed but would actually feed on the situation it exploits. … Technological developments make it certain that modern society will require more and more planning. Deliberate management of the American future will become widespread, with the planner eventually displacing the lawyer as the key social legislator and manipulator. This will put a greater emphasis on defining goals and, by the same token, on a more self-conscious preoccupation with social ends. …Our age has been moving toward a new pattern, blurring distinctions between public and private bodies and encouraging more cross-participation in both by their employees and members. …”  ― Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era

1 month ago

A decent federal government would never allow states to destroy children and families with “family courts”.

Do we still have a federal government?
Do we still have a federal government?
1 month ago
Reply to  Anonymous

… “I would still like to persuade him to associate with me and FSS—as we have some very good and profitable matters which he could enhance with minimal time.”

The initials FSS are an apparent reference to the law firm Freeh Sporkin & Sullivan, where Freeh, a former federal judge, was a partner at the time. …

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083


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