The Dancers at MDC and Dr. Danielle Roberts Discussing Frank Report

Frank Report witnessed the dancers outside the Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center on Friday night. Present were Nicki Clyne, Michele Hatchette, Eduardo Asunsolo, Suneel Chakravorty, Dr. Danielle Roberts, and other supporters of Keith Alan Raniere, who is presently in a cell tucked in the back of MDC.

Front of MDC

I went around the back and waved at Raniere, whose cell is on the fourth floor. I could not tell if he could see me.

Back of MDC where Keith Raniere is housed.

To get back there, one has to walk along an alleyway behind the MDC which is owned by Amazon. Sometimes Amazon security won’t let the dancers back there.

I went, however, and it was ironic. I saw Raniere from his prison cell in the evening and that morning I had spoken to him – me at NBC studios – and he from prison. It was, in a sense, a kind of farewell to a man who certainly positioned himself to be my mortal enemy.

At NBC studios with Eduardo Asunsolo and Marc Elliot getting ready to speak with Keith Raniere on Marc’s cell phone,

Waiting for a call from Keith Raniere while speaking on Zoom with a Los Angeles producer of Dateline.

Keith’s first call was at 6:35 AM. We spoke for 15 minutes, the maximum allowable time for a prisoner. Then he called back an hour later and we did another 15-minute interview.

Michele and Nicki and behind them Danielle Roberts.


In the evening, the attraction was the dancers – especially it seemed, the women dancers.

Suneel shines a light on prison reform.


Danielle Roberts is an expert dancer and no doubt pleasing to the prisoners.


Eduardo and Nicki Clyne

Eduardo and Suneel asked if I planned to dance. I replied, “I don’t dance but I plan on making other people dance.”

As I walked, I was filmed and interviewed by a documentary filmmaker.

A couple of the dancers spoke with me and expressed their fear and unhappiness about the Frank Report.

One woman said she declined to come out to dance at MDC for fear she would be mentioned in the Frank Report. Others said they lost their jobs because of the Frank Report and were turned down for an apartment for the same reason.

I explained that at the time of battle against Raniere – a man who desired that I, not him, should be inside MDC tonight – his supporters – any of them – were my enemies – for they enabled him. They kept his cult alive.

They were my enemies only because they supported Raniere. A cult leader needs followers and the more he has, the more dangerous he was to me.

I said to them, “Don’t blame me. Blame Raniere. He started the war.”

Toward the end of the dancing, I saw Danielle Roberts. We had an off-the-record conversation.

One could glean what she thinks from a YouTube video she appeared in – where she describes the Frank Report and other DOS-related events – and how they affected her life.


Roberts: Two days [after the New York Times article appeared on October 17, 2017 ], on the 19th of October 2017, there was another article published [in the NY Times] basically saying a spokesperson for Governor Cuomo is now going to be looking into this matter further, and we are in fact going to, you know, investigate Dr. Robert’s license.

So, now, they’re investigating my license, but if they truly thought that this was a matter of – that I was a threat to the public, or the public welfare, they could have suspended my license. They could have said “We have enough reason to believe that you would hurt people. That you would hurt women, that you would hurt your patients, and we’re going to suspend your license until this matter is taken care of. That’s not what they did.

My agency also said “We can’t continue to work with you, while your license is under investigation”. So, although there were no charges pressed, you know they hadn’t suspended my license, they had taken no actions against my license at all; because of what was in the media, because my license was “under investigation”, my agency would no longer try to place me with other hospitals.  I tried to put my resume together to try to find other options, many of the doctors wouldn’t return my calls because of what was in the news.

And shortly after that, as people were leaving Albany and leaving our community, we’ve eventually made the decision to close. To close the company, to close EXO/ESO.

The gossip in here was referring essentially to what was being published… I think people are relying essentially on a blogger with a vendetta [Frank Parlato, Frank Report], to provide factual information.

It’s amazing to me that people don’t really questions his motives, or question why he’s so invested in creating such a horrible, hateful campaign.

These posts and art were done prior to Keith Raniere’s arrest when the battle was at its peak.

And it’s also very odd to me that the level of reporting – you can forget factual, unbiased information, but it’s just pure smut.

I mean, there’s pictures and the language that you’d use in the National Enquire – I mean, not to insult the National Enquire.

I mean, it’s… the caliber of the communication, the fact that people wouldn’t question the motives, they don’t question the information, they don’t think critically about it, they don’t think about the people that are on the other side of it.

And there’s where people – when they pull up my name, Dr. Danielle Roberts, that’s what they see.

You know, they see that, and they see lies and stories about me torturing and holding down women and branding them as a part of a sex cult. I mean, now you’ve stirred up fear in people, they’re not critically thinking they feel scared for their own children, they’re hateful.

I don’t know what they would do to me, you know, they could try to hurt me, they could try to hurt other people, like… It’s just not a responsible use of media or information, at all.

The loss of credibility in my life, with – and not just… not just my professional life. I mean I was speaking publicly, I was building a company, I was working at a hospital, I was doing many things that I really wanted to be doing, and my credibility there has been completely destroyed.

Just more poignant to my own experience is that I don’t think that that credibility could ever be rocked with my closest relationships. You know, my friends, my family, my mother. You know, like, those… those relationships. And what’s happened, the effects on those relationships have been extremely painful. And just very difficult. I mean, this has been going on for 2 years, and my mother still believes that I’m brainwashed. It’s very painful to know that [pause] she’s afraid, every day, for me.

Every day she reads the Frank Report, no matter how many times she’s recognized that there’s a bunch of information on there that’s false. No matter how many times we’ve proven over and over…

But I think from her perspective as a mother who loves, she feels helpless, and I’ve had countless hours of conversations just trying to help share my perspective, my understanding, why I chose what I did, what the real intention was behind all of this. And I think because that seed of doubt was planted – that I was brainwashed, or that somehow the women in DOS or the women in NXIVM can’t think for themselves and they can’t make their own decisions – every conversation that I have with my mother and some other close friends,  they already have planted in their minds that I’m not me. That I’m not here. That I’m not the one making my own decisions, I’m not credible, in that sense. And no matter what I say, no matter how logical, no matter how convicted, it can be completely discredited, dispelled, thrown out, because I’ve been brainwashed and I can’t think for myself.


Could the real problem be the man in the middle and his ill-advised idea of branding women with his initials on their groins?

I have often said if Raniere had chosen to brand women with his initials on women’s buttocks it would have provoked laughter, not hostility.

If it had been anywhere other than their reproductive organs, he would probably not be in prison today.

Of course, I am sorry for the women whose lives were upended by publicity surrounding the Raniere branding scandal, but to blame me is naïve.

I tried my best to discourage him from fighting me. I flew to Albany to meet with Clare Bronfman to see if we could work things out. The devious being instead went to the grand jury and perjured herself about me – that resulted in the near destruction of my life.  I had to fight for my life and not stop until she and Raniere were imprisoned and their lives ruined.

And as long as his followers were doing his bidding, keeping him strong, they were fair game. I was not going to go to prison to protect his followers.

I wrote a lot of attack pieces on Raniere, Bronfman, and his followers.  As he attacked me by abusing the law, and with his lies and with Bronfman millions, I fought back with the one thing I had – a blog.

I wrote to separate him from his followers and it worked.

Now, that he lost, I am not interested in separating him from his followers. I had to dirty up a few along the way. It couldn’t be helped. Now that the war is over, I am willing to help those on the opposing side, now that their captain, their Vanguard, is where he belongs.

MK10ART’s painting of Keith Alan Raniere in a setting where he may spend the rest of his life

Of course, I will fight for his due process rights. In this, we have common ground.  I will also fight for his supporters to get a chance to rebuild their lives – for their Vanguard will not be around for a long, long time.

Sure, Dr. Roberts probably deserves to be able to keep on practicing medicine,  But she really should not blame me for her woes.

She should have considered the optics of a physician branding women on their pubic region, while they are naked and held down by other women, without anesthesia.

It was Raniere who led her to her destruction. He should have ordered his First Line slaves in DOS, “use anyone other than Dr. Roberts – for she has a medical license to protect and this might be construed as malpractice. Teach Allison or Nicki or Lauren to do the scarification. You don’t need to be a physician..”

What made the branding worse was that a physician did it and on the pubic region and, what’s worse, women who were branded claimed they did not know the brand was Keith Raniere’s initials.

Had it just been some woman who does scarification for a living, it’s possible this would not have been such a big deal.

Dr. Roberts, blame your Vanguard. Why didn’t the smartest man in the world figure out that you were in a vulnerable place and seek to protect your license?

He got you into this. Still, I will do what I can to help you. I do not think you were evil, I think you were misled by a reckless, selfish monster, who thought only of himself.

Just as he is doing now with his followers, putting some of them at risk to accomplish his one in a billion chance at freedom.


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Frank Parlato

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3 years ago

Consent is the issue. Did the women know they were getting a brand? Seems unlikely they didnt know – can’t tattoo or brand someone given the precise process- and there were no charges against Dr. Roberts for assault.

3 years ago

Weirdly, I think I feel the most sorry for Danielle Roberts (refuse to call her doctor, she should have her license revoked). I guess because she was a doctor. How many lives might she had saved? What amazing things might she had done.

Instead, she dances in the alley behind a jail.

S Todd
S Todd
3 years ago

Frank, the Doc is a lost soul. When she could have been golfing with peers, she chose to save humanity with KAR’s Tech. Sounds like her mom is trying to help her find herself, but the Doc is still dancing at the MDC so the inmates have relief material. She needs to find an underserved community and improve her life and her patients with MEDICINE! Not Tech BS.

3 years ago

NOPE! Consent is consent. If they didn’t know they were being branded, and/or branded with Keith’s initials, then she never obtained “informed consent.”

Without informed consent, she committed battery. She does not deserve to resume the practice of medicine.

Danielle can blame the Frank Report ALL SHE WANTS. But, the truth is, she FAILED in terms of due diligence if she did not inform the women that they were about to be branded WITH KEITH’S INITIALS. PERIOD.

Girl, go cry yourself a river to drown in. You’re out there doing backflips for Keith, but you could not tell the truth of what you were doing and what you were SCARRING into these women in such an intimate, personal place. This is on you.

If your Mama is reading this, she needs to sign you up for a writing course, because your written communication is horrendous. She also needs to tell her daughter to find a job in a field that does not require licensure, because this investigation would be a red flag to any licensing board.

3 years ago

Dr. Roberts:
Please permit me to ask about medical practices.

About ten years ago I had a serious medical procedure.
My Doctor was a professor at the University of Chicago.
He obtained my informed consent and gave me painkillers..
He took steps to prevent infection.
He did NOT take directions from a TV actress!

Tell me Dr. Roberts why your procedures were so radically different.

Jane Smith
Jane Smith
3 years ago

I watched the link…Wow. It is fascinating seeing how she still believes it was fine to brand women in that way. She should have gotten legal advice in writing before doing it rather than just assuming it was OK because people appeared to say yes it was fine.

So much seems Alice in wonderland topsy-turvey. They think they are the victims and yet it was those destroyed by KR or who had years of litigation by him that are the true victims.
She said DOS was to let women work on their own and make their own decisions. I don’t agree. KR decided he would persuade women they were a lesser species, who were liars, lazy and unethical – and having broken them down, then did not build them up. She said DOS would help them reach decisions themselves. Yet they couldn’t even eat in some cases without permission in classic BDSM control and cult dynamics.

She seemed surprised the NY Times took up branding as an issue. Why would that surprise anyone?

Some comments are strange that her license was not suspended immediately so, therefore, she must have been fined and not a threat. It doesn’t work like that – they investigate and then decide unless people are being murdered imminently.

Also, her views are not that medically sound in my view. Even though doing a bit of yoga is a good idea, she is trying to link mind to body too much and I am not sure that is great for patients of real doctors.

What a cheek that she speaks of FP like that saying factual posts are “pure smut”. It is freedom of the press. If you go round branding women in that way, you take that risk. In many places, no matter if people consent, they cannot give consent. Did she take indemnified legal advice before branding anyone? If not, why not?

She says people are not “critically thinking”. They are. It is very like when my sibling was in a cult – they cannot see outside the mindset.

Going on for 2 years she says – well that is much shorter than the people KR picked on. Her mother thinks she is brainwashed – wise mother.
The cult twists things around so that the other (us) is the misled one. Yet all the facts are against her position.

I cannot remember where she stands in terms of career but she could probably do a name change and then practice in a related field of some kind, but not as a doctor, perhaps abroad if she wants to start again.

3 years ago

Danielle Exo/Eso sounds like Laya yoga.

Nxivm is finished in it’s present form. Find a higher version of yourself, and start again – away from everything Nxivm.

3 years ago

Danielle says— “the fact that people wouldn’t question the motives, they don’t question the information, they don’t think critically about it, they don’t think about the people that are on the other side of it.”

Wow! Why didn’t this occur to you, Danielle, while your precious organization was destroying people’s lives through vicious litigation? People who just wanted out and to be treated fair and just, NXIVM was trying to get them thrown into jail for bogus claims! Flat out lying in order to destroy people! You should sit back and REALLY look inside yourself and ask yourself why YOU weren’t thinking critically? Why YOU weren’t thinking about the people on the other side of it.

And as far as this comment goes:

“Every day she reads the Frank Report, no matter how many times she’s recognized that there’s a bunch of information on there that’s false. No matter how many times we’ve proven over and over..”

My question for Danielle is what was the “bunch of information” that was false on FR? Give some real facts! What’s the proof?

Jane Smith
Jane Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  Mary

Yes, I thought the same. I don’t think anyone on here wants to avoid facts. I read everything on all sides. I make up my own mind. I was open minded about the N5 evidence of misconduct of the prosecution but there was nothing in it. They seem able to convince themselves of things that aren’t true.

3 years ago

“And it’s also very odd to me that the level of reporting – you can forget factual, unbiased information, but it’s just pure smut.” Dr. Danielle Roberts

Sorry, Dr. Roberts, but the very idea of a sex slave harem with branded sex slaves is the very essence of smut.

Jane Smith
Jane Smith
3 years ago

I know. I am not against people who want to have lots of sexual partners at once (although world/everyone….be aware it never goes well……) but if people in the group don’t know what is going on, it is never going to end well.

3 years ago

Dancing outside the DMC really helps with the respect thing, Dr. Roberts. Perception is 90% of our reality. I do not care what Danielle Roberts does – that’s her business. But I certainly do care what Dr. Roberts does.

Jane Smith
Jane Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  SparkPug

Yes, in a sense the dancing sums it up. They think they are doing a great thing doing it but they look like a bunch of nutters as my mother might have called it. Perhaps they don’t have the money to buy good PR advice but no one is going to tell them that kind of thing is going to convince planet earth they are not a cult.

3 years ago

Important Frank!!!

Do not allow yourself to be in any kind of situation in which you are alone with any of these women under any condition unless of course you want to have trumped-up charges filed against you.

3 years ago


The following two statements are completely incongruous:

— Dr. Roberts probably deserves to be able to keep on practicing medicine.

—A physician branding women on their pubic region, while they are naked and held down by other women, without anesthesia.

Doctor Roberts broke her medical oath do no harm to people.

She performed a procedure on women who were being coerced via collateral/blackmail. On what planet is that okay?

Adam Hayes
Adam Hayes
3 years ago
Reply to  NiceGuy

It’s not OK for a physician to do this, ever. My father was a dean at Stanford Medical School and taught ethics. On what planet should she still be practicing?
FR is talking out of both sides of its mouth right now.

3 years ago
Reply to  Adam Hayes

Thank you.

Jane Smith
Jane Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  Adam Hayes

Yes. My father was a doctor too and it would certainly not be okay here either (UK). She says it was outside her medical work but if you are a proper professional, nothing is outside your medical work. You are always “on” in that sense. I do accept people can consent to be tattooed. However, what she did went so far beyond the norm and in my view so far beyond that to which you can consent that she lacks the ethics to continue as a doctor if she thought it was okay. I am not sure exactly what sort of medical qualifications she has so not looked into that side of it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Adam Hayes

Bazinga! It’s called INFORMED CONSENT. She got no bidness practicing medicine ANYWHERE.

3 years ago

Congrats as always on all your success and all the good you’ve done!!! The best man won!

3 years ago

What about the underage girl Raniere had sex with for years and killed herself? And Dr. Roberts still dances for him.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dave


Robert’s mom should ask her daughter about that!!!!!

Mexican Lady
Mexican Lady
3 years ago

Wow, the video is amazing!!! Where did IVY get it?
After seeing the video, I started being empathic toward Dr. Danielle. But some things that stood out:
a) she says that there were petty complaints against her and DOS. I think a doctor who cares about people would not call those things petty. They would reach out and talk to the women. Validate them. Why are they upset? How can I help them? She only cared that this brought her damage to her start-up company and made her lose her talking gigs. She was becoming a well-known entrepreneur and she is annoyed the victims are getting in her way to fame.

She is selfish. It is surprising she did not measure the magnitude of what she was doing. She says she was surprised about the NY Times article. This tells me she really did not have the vision to see the magnitude and dangers of what she was doing. That is dangerous for someone who is a doctor. Doctors need to measure risk.

For Danielle: I recommend you also check the book “Smeared” by HG Tudor. It will give good advice on how to deal with things like Frank Report.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mexican Lady

Lots of mutilators and murderers lack the vision to see the magnitude and danger of what they were doing. Hindsight is a marvellous thing.

3 years ago

IMO, Frank, you wrote an eloquent, fair, and seemingly sincere summary and feedback to some of these reasonably intelligent and (many) highly educated people who can’t figure out how to extricate themselves from a nightmare situation of their own doing.

The whole dancing thing is silly, really. The doctor can only blame herself for her involvement in this group and for being an active participant in a barbaric ritual such as the branding. Did it never occur to her, that, as a licensed physician, participating in these heinous acts would jeopardize her career and reputation? It’s preposterous.

3 years ago

She said that nobody knew Frank’s motives. Frank was absolutely explicit with what his motives were.

It frustrates me that she describes the hell of what she has had to endure for three years and has no empathy for the plight of all those he bankrupted and tried to get imprisoned and traumatised for decades. It’s no more than inconvenience that she and her beliefs have been questioned. Now she has to figure out how to move forward with her life without her beloved Vanguard. It’s just easier to place the blame and take no accountability.

Mexican Lady
Mexican Lady
3 years ago
Reply to  Natashka

Well said

3 years ago
Reply to  Natashka

And what about Gina Hutchinson? What about the woman who dissapeared forever in Alaska? What about the Mexican girl held as a slave in her room? What about having women recruit sex slaves for him? The dead deserve justice.

Jane Smith
Jane Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  Natashka

Yes. It is really strange that when these people are hoisted by their own petard and suddenly find themselves on the receiving end of legal action when their group brought so many unjust legal actions against others, they cry these crocodile tears.

3 years ago

Stay strong, Danielle!

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Read up on cognitive dissonance, Danielle!

Nomin Jerabek
Nomin Jerabek
3 years ago

I’m still thinking, how is it possible that Danielle’s EQ is so far removed from her IQ? I may have socialized differently, but it would be inconceivable to me to dance outside a prison and wait for the eyes of my “Leader” to be nailed to me. Even if it would be my sympathy for him and even if I were very much in love. There would be other, more effective ways to connects.

3 years ago

“A couple of the dancers spoke with me and expressed their fear and unhappiness about the Frank Report.” I hope you told them it was an exchange for others’ fear and unhappiness with the 40 NXIVM lawsuits. LOL

“I have often said if Raniere had chosen to brand women with his initials on women’s buttocks it would have provoked laughter, not hostility. If it had been anywhere other than their reproductive organs, he would probably not be in prison today.” While the location had something to do with them getting in trouble, the main reason was the blackmail [collateral]. LOL

“I am willing to help those on the opposing side, now that their captain, their Vanguard, is where he belongs.” Are you willing to help them even if they are still supporting Raniere and/or the NXIVM nutty ideas? LOL

“…Dr. Roberts probably deserves to be able to keep on practicing medicine….” Probably not, she has shown terrible judgment – the Roberts video showed a complete lack of concern about everybody else on the planet except herself, and THAT is not doctor material. LOL

3 years ago

“I had to dirty up a few along the way. It couldn’t be helped.” You didn’t HAVE to dirty up a few along the way, you could have not done it. LOL

However, you probably wouldn’t have achieved what you did. LOL

The Judge
The Judge
3 years ago

Why are these people suck dorks?
The whole thing is just so dorky
Adult summer camp?

John 1
John 1
3 years ago
Reply to  The Judge

That is the best comment ever.

3 years ago
Reply to  John 1


3 years ago
Reply to  The Judge

Brilliant observation!!!!!

Nxivm is summer camp and just like at real camp the head councilor sexual assaults some of the campers.

3 years ago

Hey, Danielle. I watched your video. I was moved. Don’t give up. Enduring suppression is standard for advancement upon the upward path of discipleship.

If a carpenter teaches you how to build houses and later you learn he was an unsavory person, it doesn’t negate what you learned or it’s value to you personally. And you don’t stop building houses. You keep on keeping on whatever way you can.

Move on. I suggest you take your attention off Raniere and place it on your own soul which is the seat of “self”. It helps dissolve the hurt and self-pity. And then from your soul to the soul in others. It’s hard. I know. Don’t mean to be trite or condescending. Been where you are for years. It’s just the path, and it does make you stronger.

You’re not alone although it may seem like it. Through your constructive intent, you are at one with all people who strive to serve human evolution.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

True. Just because Raniere instructed her to brand women over their fallopian tubes, doesn’t mean she can’t carry on doing branding. She should just do it for her own service toward evolution.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Roberts did it for the next NXIVM Girl Scout badge. LOL

Fool me Not
Fool me Not
3 years ago

I read this, Frank, and imagine what was going through your head when you bid your emotional farewell outside the prison. It was a farewell, perhaps, not to Vanguard, but to the battle you had fought.

Everyone that has a battle for the good of humanity has these feelings. It represents a long, difficult and brutal period of one’s existence. And the opponent always seems bigger and richer.

I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: God only gives the cross to those who can carry it.

You saved a lot of people. You may never know who they are. But after Tuesday, look up to the sky and just send a big “Thank you” to the Universe and whoever gave you the strength.

You’re an amazing reporter. Absolutely amazing.

God bless.


3 years ago
Reply to  Fool me Not

God gives the cross to everyone, but most of them drop it. LOL

Nomin Jerabek
Nomin Jerabek
3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Most of the time, you’re just making fun of us. I think he picked up his cross and takes it until he gets there. I commend him, I think we can all learn courage, perseverance, and faith from him. Faith in when many people hurt him, but he doesn’t give up, but goes on the path that no one knows how it’s going to end. Frank’s a real role model to me. In my work, in my attitude to situations. I’m a cop in Europe in a small country. When I started, I believed in my profession. But later that changed. It’s good to see and read that one person has never been a cop and works better, more honestly for justice, putting aside their personal differences. Not justice up, as in many places in the world, but justice. He’s telling me everything about his personality, ethical views as a journalist. If I only had one superior like him, I’d stay in my profession. But, unfortunately, there’s no such person.

3 years ago
Reply to  Nomin Jerabek

Well said, Nomin. Frank Parlato has been a role model for me, particularly on the subject of justice. I can only echo what you say about if you only had one superior like him, you’d stay in your profession. I was in a similar position a couple of years ago. I do believe I came to terms with the demise of my workplace more pragmatically, thanks to Frank’s influence. I appreciate his courage.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Thanks for sharing Job!!!

Nice Guy
Nice Guy
3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous


Only suckers carry their own cross; just like only suckers dig their own graves.

If someone is going to kill me….I’m not doing shit.

Mexican Lady
Mexican Lady
3 years ago
Reply to  Fool me Not

Beautiful message

3 years ago
Reply to  Mexican Lady

Thank you. LOL

Mexican Lady
Mexican Lady
3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

My above was not for you Scott. It was for Fool me Not the message. Loser.

Nice Guy
Nice Guy
3 years ago
Reply to  Mexican Lady


Mexican Lady just slammed the Texan!!!!

You rock Mexican Lady!!!!

Jane Smith
Jane Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  Fool me Not

Yes, wise words. Sometimes we just have to stand up to things which are wrong. FP has done that.

3 years ago

Roberts is absolutely correct. Her potential good standing has gone to tatters, by her own actions. No one without a mental handicap would trust her to dispense “medicine.” None of her “poor me” nonsense now will help her, either. She hopped into her own cauldron and had been proud of her garbage, thinks she has a worthwhile message, wants to be a star and to tell people how to be. Forget it.

No one wants to be like Danielle Roberts. A nightmare, 24/7, untrustworthy and jammed with hallucinations which she celebrates, even now.

Many would be unwilling to even be in a room with her. She has become a classic medical pariah.

Roberts’ humanitarian “blessings” could really be mangled curses. The goose is out croaking her catastrophic wisdom unawares. Yuck and blergh! A thousand yucks and blerghs. Boo wah. Nanny nanny fucking boo-boo. Go away!

I still have an old article about Danielle Roberts making a patient of hers feel uncomfortable and rather nonplussed and disgusted, by blatantly trying to recruit him into her very own schemata of ego-seeking Nxivm crappola, disguised as helpfulness. Her patient was both alarmed and very tuned off. He saw through her. What is her trip? Her interest is her self-promoting.

But apparently she still doesn’t get it. And she wants the world to know that she doesn’t get it. For crying out loud. Roberts is a lot like the human embodiment of a turkey vulture without a reliable mirror. Awful. Nauseating. She could alter that. But noooooo. She spouts the same old drivel instead.

She has aligned herself with the worst that medicine could offer. Abusiveness and madness, the coldhearted and deadly usury of others seem to be her idea of medicine. Rightfully, her behavior is part of who she is and who she has allowed herself to be. How can she fail to comprehend this? Her reasoning skill must be grotesquely selective.

God help her and anyone like her who even looked at my grandsons with those eyes of such hideous malignancy, the self-delusion swamping through her as though she were a Warsaw underground sewer.

All that she does herein is to bemoan her fate. It is as if she had no choices. She must have no idea, no conceptual ability, if she does not get it, that no one wants a dangerous, creepy doctor. No one but a likeminded creep can trust anything about her. She made her bed and there are rats still wrapped inside of her very unasthetic, terminally stained and terribly stinky sheets. The odor of burning flesh and the cries of pain will follow Roberts in her wake, probably for the rest of her life.

Lovely, isn’t Itt?

Especially amusing is her sanctimonious kvetching about “the language” used at the Frank Report. This offends the ears of a fucking groupie pervert who has scarred flesh? Blue light special, anyone? Anybody?

Good to know that you object to highly expressive cussing, asswipe. The world will continue to tell you, and quite vehemently, where to put your pontifications.

Also. Do not even try to fuck with my Irish. Sssss boom bah

3 years ago
Reply to  Shivani

You are a delightful wordsmith, Shivani. I love reading your comments–Funny and poetic!

3 years ago


You’re a good woman. You will come through this.

3 years ago

Hope Eduardo, Marc or Frank don’t have COVID or are you all of the camp that masks actually help spread the disease or that it’s nothing to worry about.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Their dancing is outdoors, no more dangerous than a Trump rally [aka friendly protest]. LOL

3 years ago

“ I have often said if Raniere had chosen to brand women with his initials on women’s buttocks it would have provoked laughter not hostility.

If it had been anywhere other than their reproductive organs, he would probably not be in prison today.”

Laughter for men like Frank, and a few other commenters. Most prostitutes are sex trafficking victims, who are branded or tattooed by the men who are keeping them prisoner. Do you think it matters where on your body you are carved into, to show that you are property? Which part is funny, Frank?

Go on, look up “sex trafficking victim brand”. Take a look at the images. Chuckle worthy?

Branding is what has historically been done to mark slaves as property, hundreds of years ago, to this day. Not just in the Albany suburbs, all over the world.

This is how I know you don’t actually have empathy, or rather it’s reserved for men or women that will have to owe you a favor.

another anonymous
another anonymous
3 years ago

The adverse consequences that come to these collaborators are rightfully earned through their own actions and aligning with evil. It is pathetic that they blame this website—which basically shined the light on them and reported as such.

Nobody feels sorry for them. They are agents of evil and will now face consequences. We are not impressed with their interpretive dances either.

Dr. Roberts should lose her medical license permanently.

3 years ago

Keep your distance from these cult members, Frank! Remember what they did to John Tighe – they’ll do it to you too.

Dr. Danielle is upset about losing her work – yet she still takes no responsibility for her own actions and tries to blame it all on the factual reporting of Frank Report – what she calls ‘pure smut.’

The fact that she thinks that there is a logical, rational way to explain branding women without anesthesia in a cult ceremony, is proof that she needs deprogramming from Rick Ross.

I’m sure her former medical colleagues are impressed that she dances outside a Brooklyn jail every Friday night. I’m sure they’re thinking, “She’s not brainwashed, look at those backflips!”

Dr. Danielle is living in la-la-land with the rest of the twerkers and you, Frank, have dropped yourself into the snake pit. Beware!

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Frank is a big boy, he can handle himself. LOL

It’s people like [redacted] who are so scared you cower in the corner and allowed these creeps to operate for 20+ years. LOL

John 1
John 1
3 years ago

Frank, when all negotiations fail and the enemy goes to war with you, sometimes you have to resort to a little carpet-bombing. Dr. Roberts did this to herself, and if she still stands by Raniere, then she continues to do it to herself. Were your criticisms without merit, they would not have affected her career.

3 years ago

I watched Dr. Roberts’ interview. If she wants to salvage her reputation, she can start by denouncing Raniere as a monster. Even if she thinks DOS was great, she can say he’s a monster for locking a girl in a room for 18 months and taking nudes of her 15-year-old sister (and presumably sex as well). Neither has anything to do with DOS.

3 years ago

Was it Malcolm X or Desmond Tutu who said that when confronted with injustice, sometimes the righteous must dance into action? Maybe it was MLK.

3 years ago

“One woman said she declined to come out to dance at MDC for fear she would be in the Frank Report. Others said they lost their jobs because of the Frank Report and were turned down for an apartment for the same reason.”

You did that to yourself over the course of many years, with one bad decision after the other. Revealing your bad choices isn’t the cause of your problems, that’s on you.

“The loss of credibility in my life, with – and not just… not just my professional life. I mean I was speaking publicly, I was building a company, I was working at a hospital, I was doing many things that I really wanted to be doing, and my credibility there has been completely destroyed.”

You did that to yourself. You paid money to do it to yourself. Then you carved into blackmailed women, to be raped by Keith Reniere.

What decent mother wouldn’t be freaking out upon realizing what they raised and unleashed on the world. Sadists shouldn’t be allowed medical licenses. Ever.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I hope it was the messages I sent to the hospital and places of work that resulted in those events, and most of you didn’t lift a finger. LOL

3 years ago

Nice to see people dancing and gyrating for a brutal child rapist, litigious harasser, liar, manipulator, and cheat – as opposed to for the truly oppressed in our society. I hope they get a life and someday dance for something worthwhile. Or, they could STFU and ponder their Mexican-hating, Raniere-God’s precious teachings in silence. Go away, Narcissistic losers. You are not needed, wanted, or important.

Perhaps I’m just in a bad mood tonight.

Girl Scout Cookies
Girl Scout Cookies
3 years ago

Seems like the only reason Keith’s “dancers” continue to come back is because they are being noticed and documented. Will they do the same when Keith is sentenced and moved to another location/state? Most likely not.

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083


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