Ivy Nevares [far right] with her friends at NXIVM. Lauren Salzman [left].

Ivy Nevares [far right] with her friends at NXIVM. Lauren Salzman [left].
Sources say Ivy Nevares was not asked to be part of DOS and has not been branded. They report she found out about DOS through the Frank Report.

Her life illustrates what can happen to people who dedicate their lives to Executive Success Programs (ESP).

Her life story

Miss Nevares was born in Mexico City in 1977. She was a triple major: in literature, writing, and foreign languages at the Technological Institute of Monterrey. She earned her five-year degree in International Relations.

In 2000, Miss Nevares moved to New York City to work for International PEN—the human rights and international literary organization. She coordinated advocacy campaigns exposing the plight of imprisoned and persecuted writers and journalists around the world.

At age 24, she was introduced to ESP. She quit her job as a writer and became a professional ESP coach. She mentored and helped others become coaches.

She met Keith Raniere, who offered to help her break away from “…the primitive patterning that kept her from a path of continuous progression.”

He explained he can integrate people in various ways. She relocated to Clifton Park. She began training in a writing methodology developed by Mr. Raniere who had never published anything before in his life.

A slide in a presentation at V-Week 2016.

At some point, according to numerous sources, he promised – as he has to many other women – that she would bear his firstborn child. She went on a low calorie diet to please him. She was unaware at first that almost all the attractive women who spent time in Clifton Park and were associated with the company had sex with Mr. Raniere. She wore a ring on her finger to designate her commitment to him.

Mr. Raniere did not tell Miss Nevares about other women. When she found out, she disliked the idea of polygamy intensely but reluctantly accepted it since she was promised to have his firstborn child. Miss Nevares was not well liked by some of Mr. Raniere’s harem. They were said to be “insanely jealous” of her.

She wrote, with Mr. Raniere as co-author, articles on science, philosophy and ethics. They were published in a Mexican journal.

When Mr. Raniere’s first born child arrived with another woman, great care was taken to ensure Miss Nevares did not find out he was father of the child.  She was told – as were many others – that the baby was a foundling whose father was unknown.

The flamenco was taught by Miss Nevares at her dance studio.

In 2007, Miss Nevares founded a dance studio called the Nataraja Center for Movement Arts in Clifton Park. She taught Flamenco, Belly Dance, Tribal Fusion and Ori Tahiti. Mr. Raniere created Ultima™, a “highly experiential, multidisciplinary program designed to advance the full range of human expression in all its various forms”.  Ultima™ was sold at Miss Nevares’ dance studio. Some who have taken the course say it was Mr. Raniere’s course in Ethos presented in a different order. Others disagreed with that assessment.

The Ultima classes were not well received.

In 2008, The Ethical Publishing LLC published the book “Odin and the Sphinx” and, in 2009, the book “The Sphinx and Thelxiepeia”. Both were co-authored by Miss Nevares and Mr. Raniere. Neither book sold well.

Miss Nevares soon grew too old and too heavy for Mr. Raniere.

By the time Miss Nevares turned 30, younger women, such as Allison Mack, Nicki Clyne, [Name Redacted] and others came to be mentored by Mr. Raniere. He was unable to spend as much time as he once did with Miss Nevares. Miss Nevares was unhappy about his prolonged absences.

He explained to her that possessiveness was her issue. At one point Mr. Raniere told Miss Nevares that, in a former life, she had been a Nazi who worked under Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Minister of Propaganda. She went off the diet and gained weight unsuitable to Mr. Raniere’s preferences. He refused to speak to her because of an “ethical breach”.

Miss Nevares showed signs of depression. Psychotherapy techniques called Exploration of Meaning were administered to her by Lauren Salzman, Nancy Salzman, and the late Pamela Cafritz  (Mr. Raniere had also promised Lauren Salzman that she too would have his firstborn child).  Lauren and Nancy Salzman, and Miss Cafritz coached Miss Nevares through hundreds of EMS therapy sessions conducted over about 10 years.

Miss Cafritz had also been promised she would have Mr. Raniere’s child. But when she finally got pregnant, she was ordered by Mr. Raniere to have an abortion because of her various  “ethical breaches”.  She died before she could cure her “ethical breaches” and never had a child with Mr. Raniere.

Miss Nevares confided to Lauren Salzman in her EM sessions that she wouldn’t cut her hair until Mr. Raniere determined that she had healed her “ethical breach”. She said she had to demonstrate to Mr. Raniere that “she really cared”.  She was waiting for him to take her back so she could have his child. That’s why she did not cut her hair.

Miss Salzman told this to others and it became common knowledge among the women at Clifton Park.

Ivy Nevares [l] with her therapist, Lauren Salzman. Both women were promised by Keith Raniere that they would have his first born child. Miss Salzman, as Miss Nevares’ therapist, chose to not disclose to her patient, Miss Nevares, that she was in competition with her.
Miss Salzman assured Mr. Nevares that Mr. Raniere would marry her and she would have his firstborn child once she had “healed her ethical breach”. She did not tell Miss Nevares that Mr. Raniere already had a child. She did not confide to Miss Nevares that Mr. Raniere had also promised her that she would have his firstborn child.

Everyone who circled through Albany knew about Miss Nevares and her long hair, and her shunning by Mr. Raniere. She was looked down on and shunned by the whole NXIVM community. She lived in isolation but continued to work for the company.

There was talk between Mr. Raniere and his harem that Miss Nevares would kill herself if she found out that Mr. Raniere was never going to marry her. They laughed when Mr. Raniere told jokes about that and her long hair. They laughed with him when he demeaned her behind her back. The women saw it for years.

Miss Salzman told others: ‘Can you imagine Ivy still thinks she will have Keith’s firstborn child?’

Her hair grow so long it grew below her feet.

She continued to work faithfully for the company. She went to Wakaya Island in Fiji and taught the first intensive of eso/exo an exercise “mind-body” program created by Mr. Raniere to students who paid $20,000 each for the class.

Mr. Raniere created The Knife of Aristotle to analyze bias in news. In 2016, Miss Nevares became a writer, lead analyst and editor for the company. For a time, Mr. Raniere stopped shunning her.

She attended V-Week 2016 and gave a belly dance performance.

In 2017, Miss Nevares was again being shunned for uncertain reasons.

In August, Miss Nevares found out that Marianna Fernandez had given birth to a baby believed to be Mr. Raniere’s son. It had been kept secret from the community. Sources say she discovered it from reading the Frank Report.

Miss Nevares seemed to have finally realized she was not going to have his firstborn child – or any child at all with him –  and became despondent. She did not attend V-Week 2017.

It has been said about ESP that the whole training is a giant hypnotic induction. This is not disclosed to NXIVM participants before, during, or after they take the training. Students participate in a mass group hypnosis experiment.

Every aspect of the training is designed to psychologically destroy people while participants are convinced they are helping themselves. By the time things go irretrievably awry, people are so far gone psychologically that it’s hard to come back in any rational way.

Through sophisticated hypnosis, Mr. Raniere is said to be able to get women to degrade themselves and go against everything they believed in prior to their relationship with him.

Miss Nevares is now 40. Sources say there was a suicide watch on her recently. She spent 16 years of her life working for the company at low wages, trading work for more classes and more EMs while waiting for Keith Raniere to determine she was ready to bear his firstborn child.

Miss Nevares [l] appears at a performance at V-Week
Keith Raniere at V-Week 2016.


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ivyiuIvy Nevares [derecha] con sus amigos en NXIVM. Lauren Salzman [izquierda].

Fuentes dicen Ivy Nevares no se le pidió ser parte de DOS y no ha sido calificado. Reportan que se enteró de DOS a través del informe de Frank.

Su vida ilustra lo que puede suceder a las personas que dedican su vida a programas de éxito Ejecutivo (ESP).

Historia de su vida

Miss Nevares nació en la ciudad de México en 1977. Fue un importante triple: en literatura, escritura y lenguas extranjeras en el Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey. Obtuvo su título de cinco años en las relaciones internacionales.

En 2000, Miss Nevares se trasladó a New York City al trabajo de PEN Internacional, la organización literaria internacional y los derechos humanos. Coordinó campañas de promoción, exponiendo la situación de los encarcelados y perseguidos escritores y periodistas de todo el mundo.

A los 24 años, conoció a ESP. Ella dejó su trabajo como escritor y se convirtió en un entrenador profesional de ESP. Ella mentor y ayudó a otros a convertirse en entrenadores.

Conoció a Keith Raniere, quien ofreció ayudar a su ruptura de patrones primitivos “…the que mantuvieron desde un camino de continua progresión.”

Explicó que puede integrar a las personas de varias maneras. Ella se trasladó al parque de Clifton. Comenzó a entrenar en una metodología de escritura desarrollada por el Sr. Raniere que nunca había publicado nada en su vida.


En algún momento, según numerosas fuentes, prometió – como lo ha hecho a muchas otras mujeres – que ella llevaría a su primogénito Hijo. Fue en una dieta baja en calorías para complacerlo. Ella no sabía al principio que casi todas las mujeres atractivas que pasó tiempo en Clifton Park y se asociaron con la empresa tenían sexo con el Sr. Raniere. Llevaba un anillo en su dedo para señalar su compromiso con él.

El Sr. Raniere no a Miss Nevares sobre otras mujeres. Cuando ella se enteró, ella no le gustaba la idea de la poligamia intensamente pero aceptó a regañadientes ya que ella se le prometió a su hijo primogénito. Miss Nevares no fue bien del agrado de algunos de harem de Sr. Raniere. Se dijo que “insanely jealous” de ella.

Ella escribió, con el Sr. Raniere como co-autor, artículos sobre ciencia, filosofía y ética. Fueron publicados en una revista mexicana.

Al primer hijo nacido del Sr. Raniere llegó con otra mujer, fue tener mucho cuidado para asegurarse de que Miss Nevares no encontró hacia fuera que era padre del niño.  Le decían – como muchos otros – que el bebé era un niño expósito, cuyo padre era desconocido.

Flamenco043El flamenco fue impartido por Miss Nevares en su estudio de baile.

En 2007, Miss Nevares fundó un estudio de danza llamado Nataraja centro de artes del movimiento en Clifton Park. Enseñó a Flamenco, danza del vientre, Tribal fusión y Ori Tahiti. El Sr. Raniere creado Ultima™, un “highly vivencial multidisciplinario programa diseñado para avanzar en toda la gama de la expresión humana en toda su forms varios”.  Ultima™ fue vendido en estudio de baile Miss Nevares. Algunos de los que han tomado el curso decir curso de Sr. Raniere en Ethos presentada en un orden diferente. Otros estaban en desacuerdo con esa evaluación.

Las clases de Ultima no fueron bien recibidas.

En 2008, la ética LLC editorial publicó el libro “Odin y el Sphinx”y, en 2009, el libro “The esfinge y Thelxiepeia”. Ambos fueron escritos por Miss Nevares y Sr. Raniere. Ni libro se vendió bien.

ivy-nevaresMiss Nevares pronto creció demasiado viejo y demasiado pesado para el Sr. Raniere.

Por el momento que Miss Nevares cumplir 30, las mujeres más jóvenes, como Allison Mack, Nicki Clyne, [Name Redacted] y otros vinieron a ser asesorados por el Sr. Raniere. No podía pasar tanto tiempo como lo hizo una vez con Miss Nevares. Miss Nevares era infeliz sobre sus ausencias prolongadas.

Ella explicó que la posesión era su problema. En un punto el Sr. Raniere dijo Miss Nevares que, en una vida anterior, había sido un Nazi que trabajó con Joseph Goebbels, Ministro Nazi de Propaganda. Ella salió de la dieta y peso adecuado a las preferencias del Sr. Raniere. Se negó a hablar con ella debido a una “transgresión a la ética”.

Miss Nevares mostró signos de depresión. Técnicas de psicoterapia llamadas exploración del significado se administraron a ella por Lauren Salzman, Nancy Salzman y el último Pamela Cafritz (Sr. Raniere había también prometido Lauren Salzman que también tendría su primer hijo).  Lauren y Nancy Salzman y Miss Cafritz entrenó a Miss Nevares a través de cientos de sesiones de la terapia de EMS a lo largo de unos 10 años.

Miss Cafritz también habían prometido que tendría el hijo de Sr. Raniere. Pero cuando finalmente ella quedó embarazada, se le ordenó por el Sr. Raniere abortar debido a su “ethical breaches varios”.  Ella murió antes de que ella podría curar su “ethical breaches” y nunca tuvo un hijo con el Sr. Raniere.

Miss Nevares confió a Lauren Salzman en sus sesiones de EM que ella no corta su cabello hasta que el Sr. Raniere determinó que ella había curado su “ethical breach”. Ella dijo que tenía que demostrar a Sr. Raniere que “she muy cared”.  Ella lo esperaba para llevarla por lo que ella podría tener su hijo. Es por eso no cortó su cabello.

Miss Salzman dijo esto a los demás y se convirtió en conocimiento común entre las mujeres en el parque de Clifton.

13692489_10208719352394243_3242892170976403967_nIvy Nevares [l] con su terapeuta, Lauren Salzman. Ambas mujeres fueron prometidas por Keith Raniere que tienen su primer hijo. Miss Salzman, como terapeuta de Miss Nevares, optó por no revelar a su paciente, Miss Nevares, que estaba en competencia con ella

Miss Salzman aseguró Sr. Nevares que Sr. Raniere casarme con ella y que tendría su primer hijo cuando tenía “healed su breach ético”. Ella no dijo a Miss Nevares que Sr. Raniere tenía ya un niño. Ella no confían a Miss Nevares que Sr. Raniere había también le prometió que ella tendría su primer hijo.

Todos los que en un círculo a través de Albany conocían Miss Nevares y su cabello largo y su rechazo por el Sr. Raniere. Fue despreciada y rechazada por toda la comunidad NXIVM. Ella vivió en aislamiento pero continuó trabajando para la empresa.

Hubo conversación entre el Sr. Raniere y su harén que Miss Nevares se mataría si ella descubrió el Sr. Raniere nunca iba a casarse con ella. Se rieron cuando el Sr. Raniere contó chistes sobre y su cabello largo. Se reían con él cuando él le degradado detrás de su espalda. Las mujeres lo vieron por años.

Miss Salzman dijo a otros: ‘¿te imaginas Ivy todavía piensa que tendrل primer hijo nacido de Keith?’

Su pelo crece tan de largo creció por debajo de sus pies.

Ella continuó trabajando fielmente para la empresa. Ella fue a la isla de Wakaya en Fiji y enseñó el primer intensivo de eso/exo un “mind-body ejercicio” programa creado por el Sr. Raniere para los estudiantes que pagaron $20.000 para la clase.

El Sr. Raniere creó el cuchillo de Aristóteles para analizar el sesgo en noticias. En 2016, Miss Nevares se convirtió en un escritor, Analista y editor de la empresa. Por una vez, Sr. Raniere había parado le rechazo.

Ella asistió a la V semana 2016 y dio un espectáculo de danza del vientre.

En 2017, Miss Nevares otra vez que era rechazado por razones inciertas.

En agosto, Miss Nevares descubrió que Marianna Fernandez había dado a luz a un bebé que se cree que es hijo del Sr. Raniere. Había sido mantenido secreto de la comunidad. Fuentes dicen que ella lo descubrió al leer el informe de Frank.

Miss Nevares parece finalmente se dieron cuenta ella no iba a tener su primer hijo – o cualquier niño en todo con él – y llegó a ser desesperada. Ella no asistió a 2017 V-semana.

Se ha dicho sobre ESP que la formación entera es una inducción hipnótica gigante. Esto no es revelado a los participantes NXIVM antes, durante o después de toman el entrenamiento. Los estudiantes participan en un experimento de hipnosis de grupo masa.

Todos los aspectos de la formación está diseñado para destruir psicológicamente a personas mientras los participantes están convencidos de que están ayudando a sí mismos. Por el momento las cosas van irremediablemente mal, gente hasta ahora se han ido psicologicamente que es difícil volver de ninguna manera racional.

A través de hipnosis sofisticado, Sr. Raniere dice que es capaz de lograr que las mujeres se degradan y van en contra de todo lo que creían antes de su relación con él.

Miss Nevares es ahora de 40. Fuentes dicen que hubo un suicidio reloj en ella recientemente. Pasó 16 años de su vida trabajando para la empresa en salarios bajos, trabajo para clases de comercio y EMs más espera de Keith Raniere determinar ella estaba lista para tener a su primogénito Hijo.


Miss Nevares [l] aparece en una actuación en la V semana

51345Keith Raniere en 2016 V-semana.


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Ivy Nevares 2016 at V Week. She did not attend V-Week 2017.

About the author

Frank Parlato

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6 years ago

VanDouche is a twisted fuck.

Those people who are outwardly evil aren’t as bad as this clown. You can see them coming from a mile away and avoid them.

But it takes a special type of evil fuck to manipulate and fuck around with people’s emotions, dreams, time, bodies, money, etc., and hide behind it in the name of ethics.

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083
Email: frankreport76@gmail.com


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