Bangkok Attacks Victims’ Silence, Frank’s Inaction, on Swami Chetanananda’s Biggest Crimes

Many new readers come to Frank Report to read about Swami Chetanananda.
Unlike the Swami, Bangkok is a man of nice judgment and many resources. He’s a plain speaking man. No beating about the bush. Right to the point. He lets you know he’s looking out for himself.
And I don’t trust a man who says he’s not. Keep those differences in mind, as Bangkok insults you.

By Bangkok

Frank, I’d like to see you do more to humiliate the Swami.

Please, kindly, do more. You asshole.

You need to use some of your Oregonian commie contacts (the former followers of Swami) to confront people on video, as they come and go from the Gold Beach compound, while asking them humiliating questions about the Swami.

Just the act of asking them such questions on video, regardless of whether they respond or not, will help humiliate the Swami.

Then, post those videos on FR.

Why the fuck do I need to tell you these things, Frank?

You have the resources to make this happen — even if the Oregonian commies are too fucken lazy to help you.

Also, this Jessica Becker chick should start coordinating things better among her group of Oregonian commies. She should serve as the main ‘contact’ and start quarterbacking this shit for you.

Jessica Becker

Also, posting the links to various law enforcement agencies (as she and Jayne Lyons sometimes do) will not convince one fucken person to contact the police all by themselves.

You need to let people know they can contact her (or others) via contacting you first —- and together, you can help them go to law enforcement.

You also need to do whatever the fuck it takes to contact Natasha —– and get her to stop following this asshole.

She came out against him once already, so she’s ripe for leaving him altogether, but only if she’s got some kind of support network behind her.



Get off your lazy ass, Frank, and make it happen.

Even if Natasha’s not following him anymore, she’s still reluctant to come out publicly against him.

So, she still needs a support network to tell her that Frank will protect her from Swami’s intimidation and legal threats. Come on, Frank, you protected NXIVM women — so why not her?

Nobody said it was gonna be easy to do these things. But sitting on your ass, from afar, ain’t gonna make these things happen.

You need ‘boots on the ground’ inside Communist Oregon (The People’s Republic of Communist Oregon, aka America’s Communist-Liberal Shithole).


You need to start organizing things better.

Oh… And if this Becker chick is too lazy (or no longer lives in Communist Oregon), have her find somebody else who still lives there.

If she ain’t willing to help you with any of this —— then I question why the fuck she’s even on this site while purporting to wanna help people bring down the Swami.

The problem is that these former followers (Oregon commies) are too fucken lazy and don’t wanna leave the comfort of their current lives to help bring down the Swami, other than making a few posts on FrankReport.

The Swami is a monster. You need to take this guy down. He’s ripe for a fall. Stop sitting on your lazy ass.

Have a good day.

PS — Before anybody else here calls me a lazy asshole who just posts from afar under the cloak of anonymity… Who the fuck are any of you to judge me?

Also… Before any of you cite my previous post (from a couple of months ago) when I said that the women were probably lying about the gangbangs —- I would just like to say, from the bottom of my heart… Eat shit, you self-righteous assholes.

It’s not about me making a misjudgment about the Swami. It’s about bringing down the Swami.

The End of Bangkok commentary…

Beginning of Frank’s Commentary

By Frank


The Swami is like the Maltese Falcon. He appears to be a glorious golden orange falcon crusted from head to foot with the finest jewels of spirituality.

People follow him. They give up their families and careers. Don’t marry or have children because of him.

They sell everything they own and give to the rich Swami.

They say to their families, “I’m sorry indeed to lose you. But I want you to know I couldn’t be fonder of you. But, well, if you lose a family, it’s possible to get another. There’s only one Swami Chetanananda.”

And they say to the other Swami followers about their family, “When you’re not high up spiritually, you simply don’t understand these things.”

When things go wrong in your life with him, when you no longer have youthful sex, free labor, or money to give him, you take the fall.

Now, don’t be silly. You’re taking the fall.

You say to him, “You’ve been playing with me, just pretending you cared, to trap me like this. You didn’t care at all! You don’t love me!”

He’ll turn it on you.

Swami: “I won’t play the sap for you. You know it’s not like that. You can’t say that. You never played square with me for half an hour at a stretch since I’ve known you.”

This time it won’t do the Swami any good.

You’ll never understand me, but I’ll try once and then give it up. When a guy destroys people’s lives pretending to be a swami, we are supposed to do something about it. It doesn’t matter what you think of them or him.

You’re supposed to do something about it, and it happens I am in the writing business. It’s bad business to let the Swami get away with it, bad all around, bad for every investigative journalist everywhere.

Who is he? Is he a criminal? That is up to a jury to decide.

To me, he is the Maltese falcon. He’s a phony! A fake. He’s made of lead!

He is the stuff that dreams are made of. But like every nightmare, it starts dreamy and ends in terror.

Bangkok is right. He said it crudely, but he’s right.

We have to get off our asses and do something. Something more. Swami Chetanananda has done this for 50 years.  He’s near the tail end. But there are others, and a spectacular halt to this longstanding scammer may inspire others to quit their ways or be brought to justice themselves.

Oh, I know it is karma. Karma comes or goes, and maybe we can’t help it along at all. Meanwhile, we’ll try.

For every woman who jumped off a bridge, or drowned in a river. For every woman who came to him as father, leader, guru, saint, whom he plied with drugs and raped, him and his kith, we will avenge or try to avenge.

That’s our job, just like Bangkok said.



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[…] Bangkok Attacks Victims’ Silence, Frank’s Inaction, on Swami Chetanananda’s Biggest Crimes […]

1 year ago

An amended Oregon law that took effect Jan. 1, 2019 to increase the crime of strangulation during domestic violence to a felony. The crime of strangulation is generally a misdemeanor in Oregon and is only a felony under specific circumstances.

Clackamas County’s leaders, lawmakers and advocates see this change as long overdue.

“Domestic violence involving strangulation is always life-threatening and when a victim survives forever life-altering,” said Clackamas County Commissioner Sonya Fischer. “This important law change elevates strangulation to dangerous assault against those whose physical and emotional health are forever affected by someone they live with and once trusted.”

1 year ago

In an earlier post the name of the lawyer Carol Merchasin was shared with incorrect contact info. She helped unmask the sexual abuse at Shambhala among other organizations. Her correct email address for those affected who would like advice on how to proceed is Perhaps if many of us contact her something more can be done.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Thank you!

1 year ago

He likes using women up, killing their spirits, and then saying “oh well, as he throws them out

1 year ago

All this scrolling gave me a headache

1 year ago

Epic Dipshittery explained in detail. My new book: The Ashram: A Dipseydoodle Retrospective of Epic Dipshittery will be out soon.
Here are some concrete examples of what I mean by the term epic dipshittery.

Every single teacher that Swami ever named, except for two, plus his Brother Bob, blew out of the place. Meaning: every one of them ended up wanting nothing to do with Swami Chee.’

In fact, there is a very long list of names of long time students who reached a point at which they wanted nothing to do with this guy. And, yet, none of it, not even a morsel, in his view, is his fault. THAT is epic dipshittery. How about taking credit for Natasha’s recovery, AFTER he was directly involved in creating her problems in the first place.

Taking credit for a young persons Phd, talented dancers talents, and it goes on from there. Cheese doodle: your attempts to take credit for others’ successes is a poor reflection upon you, and only bolsters the case for your extreme narcissism. Over the years various students were “coined” as special.

Deserving of Cheese doodle’s specialized tutelage. There is no special student. This is what we have seen over the years. So: STOP SAYING THAT SHIT. Stop identifying people as special, and playing favorites, and playing your tired games with everyone. Everyone is sick of it. A young lady who is served homemade ice cream, and is doted on by her Guru, and enjoys sunsets with him. While good people were ignored. This is EPIC dipshittery. How about cheese doodle bringing in this guy Marc Gafni and Brams, two significant clowns, who added nothing to the community whatsoever. ‘

A fraudulent astrologer, who came from India, who was said to be a special spiritual friend to the Guru. Yeah, right. Next on the list: the sham that was perpetrated on the community in the form of an Oxford Professor.

He's having a laugh
He's having a laugh
1 year ago
Reply to  Horsetail

Oh, yes. One of his exes was a German queen reincarnated (he was king, of course). Another was a great yogi we all know, reincarnated. Someone else he’d had hundreds of past lives with. And many more. They were all VERY special people that needed extra special attention. How anyone kept a straight face is far beyond my paltry understanding.

1 year ago
Reply to  Horsetail

“A young lady who is served homemade ice cream…” Have a little compassion. Maybe she needed to wash down the taste of the dozen dirty men she just sucked off?

1 year ago
Reply to  Horsetail

Steve Ott became Swami Khecaranatha omitting shoemaker from his “lineage”, Jim Putorti lost a hundred pounds, grew a beard and became Swami Shambhavavananda, also omitting Shoemaker from his lineage. Scott Hanley opted for regular clothing and a career pretending he is an ideal father for people who are not. Sort of a soft guru. Strats? Kirk? Where are they now?
Who else, Horsetail?

1 year ago

The Inner circle is made up of long time (as expected) loyalists. The main ones are: a mask faced, person, who claims to be a person of service, when they turn their backs on people who were across a table from them.

Acted coldly towards long time supporters in their loyalty to their Guru. This person is widely (and justifiably ) disliked in the community. A gracious, and somewhat flamboyant one, who has a gift for passive aggressive tactics that render the recipient defenseless. Charming, and coy, this one will stab you in the back and in the front.

A demure, and seemingly benevolent person, who smiles, while saying nothing, ever, about anything, and has hidden from real life all of these years, in the name of “growth”. A troll like slob, who cannot hold a conversation, and is an ashram antique, stuck in the past, and frozen in time ashram circa 1980-81, no one likes this person.

And, two, count them two, manson sisters. Wild eyed, raging lunatics, who are adept at espionage on behalf of cheese doodle. All the while, Chetana bozo, supports, and encourages the bad behavior of this group of flaming assholes. He must get a big chuckle out of how effectively this group of spies and pirates kept community members off balance. Oh, and there is one more: a parent of one of these monsters, who used to take copious notes at every retreat, whom is now a student of a dualistic tradition. oh, add an sloppy, business person to the list, who takes no responsibility for their awful business decisions.

All of these (you) losers have one thing in common: they have hidden behind the Gooros robes all along. Do you actually think you will get away with this forever? Think again. The inner circle are criminals in their own right, for knowingly aiding and abetting abusive behavior and turning the other cheek. Guilty as charged.

1 year ago

A chapter in my book is dedicated to 19 reasons why the place deserves a kick in the balls.

Favoritism and special deals, deception and lies, taking credit for others work, accomplishments and talents, false generosity.

For creating confusion in people’s lives and then saying it’s their fault when they get angry. Encouraging people to interact with Bozoananda in ways that are proven not to work. Beating up on defenseless women.

Juice head weight lifter who can’t run a 1/4 Mike.

Talking about subjects he knows verry little about, authoritatively.

Poor boundaries.

Horrible advice to young adults.

No learning. No open minds.

Manson sisters, lunatics.

And more!

1 year ago

Contact me directly for your advance copy of my new book. The Ashram: A Dipseydoodle retrospective of Epic Dipshittery.

It will be chock full of great information about Swami cheese doodle and his games.

Side note: inner circle, you are next! And you know who you are.

All will be revealed

how to make an impactful report of cultic abuse and human trafficking
how to make an impactful report of cultic abuse and human trafficking
1 year ago

how to make an impactful report of cultic abuse and human trafficking

Shoemaker and his gang need to be stopped. It is time to insist that law enforcement officers, agents, and elected officials seriously investigate what Frank has uncovered and what others and said in the comments.

Here is a list of officials that have been sent Frank’s reports. Go ahead and forward the Frank Report, if more people send the reports and call for an investigation, they might take some action:

Scott Erik Asphaug, US Attorney for Oregon

Oregon Attorney General

Ellen F. Rosenblum, Attorney General

Amanda Swanson

Trafficking Intervention Coordinator

DOL Western Region Human Trafficking Coordinator
Paul Chang

Congress Representative Peter De Fazio, represents Gold Beach

• Email the Chief
Executive Assistant, 823-0008 // Diane Haman

Adjutant Lt., 119/1526, 823-0010, fax 823-0342 //
DEPUTY CHIEF, MIKE FROME //Administrative Assistant, 823-0027 // Dorothy Bourdon

The cult of J. Michael Shoemaker is more than a sex cult, allegedly it is a criminal organization that conspires to harm people through intentionally inflicting emotional distress, fraud, human labor and sex trafficking, this is racketeering. These people have died at the Movement Center: Al DeWitt, Phyllis Rudolph, Dr. John Bonner, Mary Elizabeth (Liz) Bazzani and Ayaz Quadir. Natacha jumped off a bridge. Tom was sexually harassed, he got sick and was kicked out. (or was it because he reported his abuse to the police?) This is not how a healthy spiritual community functions.

If you provided free labor, you can make a complaint. This cult is not just a sex cult. Human labor trafficking is what has made J. Michael Shoemaker and his cult rich. When you gave your labor to Shoemaker, he saved money, he exploited your labor for his benefit.
I notified the Portland police of my suspicion of abuses taking place at the Movement Center. I was told that because I was not the victim, I could not report the abuse. I then went with two victims of abuse to the same police station. When they were questioned, they could not explain their abuse. They were asked, “were you the victim of a crime”, both said no. Why? Because the tactics used by Shoemaker and his inner circle are effective at destroying the ability of people to use their critical thinking skills to analyze their situation and to gain insight into what is being done to them.

Does a sex crimes detective know how to interview someone who is the victim of cultic abuse that includes human trafficking? How many law enforcement officers have this skill? Will questions be asked about fraudulent recruiting techniques, grooming, conditioning by the members of the group, boundary breaking; like not locking your door or listening to “leaders” berate other members for their failures and other “gaslighting” techniques. Will questions be asked about providing “seva” or free labor to stay in a room at the Movement Center. Will questions be asked about threats that were made toward the residents of the Center.

As former residents of the Movement Center you can provide all this missing information. You can tell the police/FBI how the cult is organized as a mafia like “racket” where each member of the inner circle protects the leader. You know how the inner circle members would tell Shoemaker everything that was going on at the Center. Sharon, Jim, Theresa, all reported back to Shoemaker everything they saw and heard. Gossip was what made that place run and filled everyone with fear and with terror.

Did you consent to what was done to you? Did you consent to working longer hours for special events like teacher training, retreats or special meals. Did your “spiritual director” touch you inappropiratly, did you consent? Were you given drugs, and did you consent? Did you see others being harmed, did you hear them consent?

Prepare yourself to make an impactful report to the police that will have the “facts to make a case” first you need to get an attorney to listen to you and then to listen to the interview with the police/law enforcement. There are attorneys who work on a contingency basis. They will not charge you a fee if they take your civil case and win a settlement for you. They will take their fee from the settlement. The reason I recommend that you have a lawyer present for the interview is that if the detective determines your “facts, do not make a criminal case”, the lawyer can then start a civil case for you to get an out of court settlement quickly. Most likely an out of court case will be recommended because Shoemaker does not want to face a civil or criminal court case that will bring “discovery” to his door, he will want to settle fast. Shoemaker dragged a civil case on for years with Melinda Mandell. You can avoid that. Bankrupting Shoemaker is a goal that can be obtained, getting him put in jail is another goal to strive for.

One key “fact, that can make a case” is conspiracy which leads to “racketeering”. Shoemaker and his inner circle may have conspired to hide their coercive influence that prompted Natacha to jump from a bridge, that caused Liz to run away (or was there water in her lungs because she was strangled in the bathtub/shower and her body dumped?). how did Ayaz Quadir get drugs, was there talk among Jim, Sharon, Shoemaker to “get their story straight” about his death before the police arrived? Did members of the inner circle conspire to cover up what Shoemaker did that caused one of the residents to be wheeled out to an ambulance with oxygen and Dr. Jen Wilhelm running down the hall to protect her “guru” from blame.

Allegedly, Lama Wangdu is an abuser. Who at the Movement Center has “conspired” to cover up his abuses? This is human sex trafficking. If you worked without pay, you have facts about this type of conspiracy, you can report it as part of the coercive influence and control that was the cultic environment of the Movement Center.

Did they conspire to hold more “retreats” or “teacher training” activities to bring in more recruits and more money while forcing residents to perform “seva” free labor service. This type of conspiracy is human labor trafficking.

A sex crimes detective may not ask about these crimes of conspiracy and trafficking. If you were a “seva” worker, you were exploited, you helped make Shoemaker rich, you can report this. These charges were brought against Raniere and they stuck, 120 years in prison. If none of the sexual assault reports, “make the case”, the labor trafficking and rackettering are other ways to skin this sick, diseased, and rotten cat.

1 year ago

Stick to The Swami being a drug addict, and manipulative, sex-craved sadist.

You folding in deaths like Al, Laura, etc is BS. As for “free work”, people paid nearly nothing each month to live in the beautiful home, have free parking, 2 meals/day, fully cooked for them, free yoga, meditation, and plenty other of benefits.

As residents they were expected to help clean the house they lived in! Some people couldn’t always pay, the agreement was they would take on a few more chores-Big deal! This is a nuthing-burger! Stay focused! More victims of the Swami need to come forward, go find that. Nobody’s going to cry over your daughter being asked to vacuum the hallway in front of her room every other week.

Actually, if your daughter was one of his ‘girls’ it was known they wouldn’t participate in helping clean the house, so maybe she didn’t even do that.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

“Nobody’s going to cry over your daughter being asked to vacuum the hallway in front of her room every other week.”

I get your point, a lot of it was likely provable as labor in exchange for housing, food, classes, etc. BUT let’s not forget that Keith Raniere got hit with forced labor charges based in part on people volunteering to do a few hours of transcription for a memorial service. You never know what might stick.

When the team that investigated and successfully prosecuted Keith Raniere received an award for their work from the Attorney General, the letter said, “The team employed precedent-setting applications of the RICO, sex trafficking, and labor trafficking statutes to pursue justice for the victims…”

Who knows. Maybe those newly set precedents could apply to Shoemaker.

Also, if sex was perceived as required in exchange for food and housing, I think they could qualify as some kind of sex crime.

1 year ago
Reply to  WTF

When the team that investigated and successfully prosecuted Keith Raniere received an award for their work from the Attorney General, the letter said, “The team employed precedent-setting applications of the RICO, sex trafficking, and labor trafficking statutes to pursue justice for the victims…”

BINGO! Frank Palato’s work helped to bring all the abuses to light. RICO is about racketeering, “organized crime in which the perpetrators set up a coercive, fraudulent, extortionary, or otherwise illegal coordinated scheme “. Raniere’s charges and trial opened the door to using coercive control and trafficking for cultic abuse cases. It is a new environment for justice. Law enforcement in Oregon needs to catch up and survivors/victims need to inform themselves in order to report everything that was done to them within a coercive environment, no matter how beautiful the space or how good the meals. Abuse and exploitation can be crimes, ask Jeffery Epstein.

1 year ago
Reply to  WTF

Hey, WTF, I agree with you… if people feel their participation was “forced” then they should speak up. If they feel that sex was part of that “forced Seva” then absolutely speak up. Otherwise, people cleaning the house they live in or being asked to be part of a team to clean up after dinner one night per week is a weak argument. Now, since it’s Saturday, I need to go clean my house!

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

A “beautiful home” where your room itself was the size of a closet and you were expected to move anytime they told you, where none of your mail was private and neither was your bathroom or shower, and you were given a rent rate that could change at any moment, no explanation. Your neighbor next to you, unknown to you, is paying nothing, when you are threatened with expulsion constantly because “everyone else is paying x amount more.” That’s abuse.

The 2 shitty vegetarian meals a day were not adequately nutritious at all for anyone who is working in real life, which is why most people who lived there frequently went out to eat or had major stores in their own room (if they had the money). I personally witnessed some seriously childish fights over portion sizes for the rare meat meal, what a great place!

The fact the fat ass swami salami himself never even ate these shared meals (he had private ones made for himself separately every day) what does that say about those meals being adequate? The poorer ones were on FOOD STAMPS while living there, and they often complained about being hungry. HOW GREAT! What a supportive place!

The “free yoga” was just another way they would tell you you’re not working hard enough if you took advantage, another way to manipulate you into feeling lesser for not contributing enough.

Regarding your garbage about just cleaning up. Fucking lies.

You would be asked to do seriously dangerous construction jobs with the “tuition” rate of a untrained barista (where the contract work would be paid at least $20/hour if it was real construction workers, this is the definition of exploitation), with no respect for OSHA (illegal and dangerous), nor any health insurance coverage if you are injured (DISGUSTING for a so called spiritually compassionate place, making OFTEN elderly people work on things like scaffolds or on cherry pickers or with sharp tools or toxic chemicals with no proper safety rigs or supervision, with no health insurance if they are injured!!!!).

Oh lets not forget this wasn’t fairly applied, there was people they wanted to keep as work donkeys forever and would actively sabotage them for trying to improve their lives! That’s abuse. Fucking disgusting.

Oh and as a bonus you were sexually harassed by your boss or co-workers (it wasn’t just Shoemaker doing it), and even spiritually or diet policed…all things that would, if it was covered by Title 9 (as a learning center) or EEOC (as a legitimate business) should mean major lawsuits.

Either way it was fraudulent just by pure fact the money that you were making for the shoemaker as free (seriously underpaid) skilled labor wasn’t being used for spiritual purposes, but coke and prostitutes, and things like more property for Michael to hide his raping self in, and meanwhile we’re all told that the place was constantly almost out of money, which is why you were being asked to constantly do the extra mile or else be expelled. LIES.

Oh best of all, since they sold themselves as an education center, you had none of the residential protections non-student tenants get. This was their way of evicting anyone they wanted with less than 24 hours notice. How HUMANE OF THEM!

Fraud is fraud is fraud. Racketeering is racketeering is racketeering.

This comment was obviously written by one of the cult members who still likes to lick shoemakers asshole and/or the gaping vomit of a spiritual practice of that place, “be the hero of your own life” victim blaming nonsense. How does it taste buddy? I really want to know what the flavor is for you? Does it make you feel like a member of the elite, superior to the ungrateful work mules you think have no valid reason to complain for the opportunity they had to be exploited?


1 year ago
Reply to  Exploited

gaping vomit?


1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

You’ve only got that, everything else is correct and you know it. Get a grip, loser. Your position is in tatters.

Baited Breath
Baited Breath
1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Exactly what spiritual attainment do those closest to the great swami have after all these years and so much close contact? Do tell. I’d honestly love to hear what you think, because I only see a selfish nest of vipers that carried out a 50 year scam in the name of ego, pussy and money. From my vantage, the emperor has no clothes, and nor do his retinue.

You Gotta Work, Bitch.
You Gotta Work, Bitch.
1 year ago
Reply to  Exploited


Thank you for sharing this. It’s obvious that there were different rules and advantages as the powers that were doled out case by case. It depended on your fuckability factor, the size of your donations, or the title your career in the real world gave him bragging rights. I Someone who lived there the last few years when it was on its way out had it made.

There were years and years where the work was absolutely grueling to the point of heart attack inducing and literal back breaking and no matter how hard you worked it was never enough. To say that people weren’t exploited for their labor is silly. It’s widely reported the pennies people worked for even in Rudis businesses.

He had his work horses and when they broke they were replaced. Also to imply ALL his Dakinis were responsible for is supplying him with sex is WAY off base. Work was a competition and obsession. Who could get the most done was a big prize and some of those women would contract the work out by manipulating other people to do it for them and then take the credit. Working was a big deal and that property is gigantic.

Takes a hell of a lot more then a few Saturday’s a month to maintain a 60k square foot house with gigantic grounds. Don’t take peoples work from them. People busted their asses to make that place Disneyland sparkle.

Maybe if you were a Dr or going to school or had some other kind of “important” outside work as a Dakini you could just eat his bon bons but no it didn’t work like that for most. His last Dakini organized and helped physically move almost every resident. The trips back and forth to Gold Beach just her alone were easily 100. Looking back the only way she could have managed the type of back breaking work I saw her pull off is he must have had her on stimulants.

So kudos to whomever got off with only Seva. Must have been at the end where there was more food, it was kind of like when your faithful old dog has to be put down and you get him some Big Macs to make you feel better about what is coming. He wasn’t around much after telling everyone he was “retiring” and no they would not be spending “the rest of their lives” serving him or being with their decades long family. That was why your experience of it may have looked so easy or pampered. The magnanimous “let them eat meat” before that last car ride to nigh night. Just as you didn’t see all the dark sex shit, you clearly didn’t see all the hidden hands that worked to keep that beauty illusion alive until the very end. No, countless gave hard and well beyond their bodies over 50 years. Just some of them in more psychologically damaging ways then others.

You Gotta Work, Bitch
You Gotta Work, Bitch
1 year ago

Just to be clear, the last remarks were not for you, Exploited, in case that wasn’t obvious.

1 year ago

Downward dog
Filthy old goat

Peaches 🍑
Peaches 🍑
1 year ago

These stories are amazing, way more scary than Raniere. Great job.

Inquiring minds want 2 know
Inquiring minds want 2 know
1 year ago


Can you please do a post about the newly released court documents referencing how Nicki “Squeaky” Clyne has been caught trying to circumvent the BOP rules to communicate with her Vanguard through other prisoners?


Frank Parlato
1 year ago


1 year ago

Is that relative to the Salamiji?

Calm down weirdo
Calm down weirdo
1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

What are you the f****** Frank report comment police? Yes it is relevant it’s a cult leader. It’s also the literal reason why Frank report was created for bringing down Keith. You owe a debt to those who came before or you would not have a place to post about your retarded Swami. If you can’t handle it you’re going to have a rough time here there’s a dude who comments about Biden on every single post. Suck it up like the rest of us do.

1 year ago

Eat shit and drink urine.
I’ve never read any posts other than salami Chet posts. Are readers required to research the history of the Frank Report before reading it?
I missed the reader requirements somehow.
Hey Easter Island is reopened to tourists.

1 year ago
Reply to  Weirdo

Too bad.

You’re the one monitoring other people’s comments (also not required. Or desired)

In between your weirdo swampi salami reading you do have the option of minding your own fucking business.

Please feel free to exercise that right.

Have a dee-light-ful life muchacho

1 year ago

the first line of type on this post:

Many new readers come to Frank Report to read about Swami Chetanananda.

its a rough neighborhood.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Anonymous @ 2 pm

It legitimately IS a rough neighbirhood for a comment section.

The advice to weirdo is solid. No one has to engage with comments or commenters that do not apply to their area of interest.

But if you push you will get push back up in here. People be making unsolicited political statements out of left field. Posting rando Wikipedia epic cut and paste that are apropos to nothing. Some are fighting years long between 2 commenters interpersonal battles only they understand etc.

One learns to live with it. You’re not gonna dance in late in the party and start changing the music most likely.

Co exist. It’s Frank’s blog. And somehow it works as chaotic as it it can be and frustrating at times. It’s a bit bare knuckle for my taste. However, I am but a guest here…

erma gerrd
erma gerrd
1 year ago

“Karma comes or goes, and maybe we can’t help it along at all.”
(a) karma doesn’t “come” to anyone or “go” anywhere. your karma is created entirely by you yourself. your karma is your single most inescapable and most personal possession.
(b) karma has no deadline. once karma has been created, you either resolve your issues and settle your debts, or you remain retarded in your spiritual development forever. karma never disappears. the only place you can “help it along” is here on earth in living human form. this is where you incurred the debt and this is where you must repay it.
(c) dealing with our own karma is the entire mission of our lives. it’s the only reason we’re here. we can help other people deal with their karma by dealing with our own shit and making the world a clearer place.

spiritual science 101

can you imagine the karmic debt of swami chetanananananda? rotsa ruck in your next life, pal. you’ll need it.

1 year ago

Cooking With Nicki Clyne
(How Soon Before Nicki gets a Show on PBS Create?)
I’m not a cook, but I make stuff! ☀️🌱✨Eating vegan is now easier than ever, and delicious too. Just Egg is made mostly from mung bean and tastes better than real eggs, in my humble opinion. Let me know whatcha think!! Details ⬇️

– onion 🧅
– zucchini
– orange pepper 🫑
– tomatoes 🍅
– (mushroom)
– (avocado) 🥑
– (spinach)
– vegan cheese 🧀
– just egg 🍳
– tortillas 🫓
– hot sauce 🌶

#plantbased #veganrecipes #justegg #justeggomelette #veganfood #veganlife #plantbasedegg #veganbreakfast #veganfoodshare

Nicki celebrates two years of dancing outside prisons.
It’s been 2 years since we started dancing outside a federal prison in Brooklyn, bringing joy, performance and connection to those inside, and a way for loved ones to to say: you are not forgotten. I would even show up solo and wave to the windows where figures would wave back with their reading lights. I still talk to many of the people I met behind those walls. Some have gotten out and are living life, some have been transferred, and some are still there, suffering through some of the worst conditions imaginable. But one thing remains the same: we must do more as a society to change the way we view incarceration. Doing time should not be about breaking people down, but about facilitating transformation and lifting people up. In the meantime, showing up and bringing positive energy to a space that is designed to feel lifeless has been incredibly meaningful and we hope more people will follow suit! 💃🏼❤️💪🏻✨

#prisonreform #lifeinthefeds #prisonlife #weareasyou #theforgottenones #mdcbrooklyn

1 year ago

Shadow thanks for sharing this!

Nicki should give up on her Instagram and Twitter followers and move to OnlyFans.

I’m sure Kevin would patronize her.

1 year ago

Who is a Nicki Clyne

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Nicki is an B-list celebrity who is germane
to the NXIVM saga.

1 year ago

Anyone who’s still visiting the Swami in GB will never talk to you…. You can count the people coming & going and that’s about it. Maybe take that number to GB officials whom The Swami and his guard dog promised they were not opening an ashram or spiritual center.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

He doesn’t care. He’s set for life. He hates them all anyway. This is exactly what he wants. His beautiful reimtirement home and a handful of security and workers.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

This is the truth. He wanted lots of money and a circle jerk around him for protection/personal service, whom he tolerates out of necessity.

1. Defend his legal battles SW
2. Clean the yard, maintain the house, and guard the gates JB
3. Make his meals, wash his clothes, tidy the house, buffer GK
4. Suck his cock, get high, and take a beating JW
6. Unfortunately, some actions have inescapable consequences MO

No true love anywhere in sight. Just a clusterfuck of wrong decisions, karma and selfish aholes

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I love your way with words
This comment cracked me up.
And it is spot on.

Jessica Becker
Jessica Becker
1 year ago
1 year ago
Reply to  Jessica Becker

But where did you go?

Another way to skin this sick, diseased and rotten cat
Another way to skin this sick, diseased and rotten cat
1 year ago

Tips on how to make an impactful report of cultic abuse and human trafficking

Mr. Bangkok and Frank are correct, Shoemaker and his gang need to be stopped. It is time to include law enforcement officers, agents, and elected officials in our actions. Here is a list of offices that I have sent Frank’s reports to and personally contacted. If more people join in, they might take some action:

Scott Erik Asphaug, US Attorney for Oregon

Oregon Attorney General
Ellen F. Rosenblum, Attorney General

Amanda Swanson
Trafficking Intervention Coordinator

DOL Western Region Human Trafficking Coordinator
Paul Chang

Congress Representative Peter De Fazio, represents Gold Beach

• Email the Chief
Executive Assistant, 823-0008 // Diane Haman
Adjutant Lt., 119/1526, 823-0010, fax 823-0342 //
DEPUTY CHIEF, MIKE FROME //Administrative Assistant, 823-0027 // Dorothy Bourdon

I notified the Portland police of my suspicion of abuses at the Movement Center. I was told that because I was not the victim, I could not report the abuse. I then went with two victims of abuse to the same police station. When they were questioned, they could not explain their abuse.

They were asked, “were you the victim of a crime?” Both said no. Why?

Because the tactics used by Shoemaker and his inner circle are effective at destroying the ability of people to use their critical thinking skills to analyze their situation and gain insight into what is being done to them.

I had to regroup and find a way to bring to the police “facts, that would make a case”.

I have been working on trying to do this for over three years. I am sure that Shoemaker and his inner circle are laughing up their orange sleeves at my efforts.

Frank’s articles have been part of what I have supported to bring to light the alleged criminal activities of Shoemaker and his inner circle.

I read the report of a victim who had an interview with Wollstein, a sex crimes detective. Perhaps Wollstein knows how to interview people reporting a sex crime.

But does he know how to interview someone who is the victim of cultic abuse that includes human trafficking? How many law enforcement officers have this skill?

I reviewed the police report and saw that no question was asked about fraudulent recruiting techniques, grooming, conditioning by the members of the group, boundary breaking; like not locking your door or listening to “leaders” berate other members for their failures, and other “gaslighting” techniques.

No questions were asked about providing “seva” or free labor to stay in a room at the Movement Center.

No questions were asked about threats made toward the residents of the Center.

No information was obtained about how the cult is organized as a mafia like “racket”, where each member of the inner circle protects the leader. No one in this inner circle wants to be called a rat!

When the abuse of others was described in the report, I read the interviewee said their abuse, including sodomy and strangulation, were “consensual”.

No additional questions were asked by Wollstein or included in the report about how the interviewee knew that the women involved had consented to this treatment.

No questions were asked to identify the “consenting women” and included in the report. No questions were asked if drugs were involved or about drug use at the Movement Center or the presence of guns.

Not much was asked about the environment at the Center, beyond that it was a “spiritual” community.
The interviewee did not report her/his sodomy. The victim was too ashamed and traumatized to do this.
Reading this report was so disheartening. A victim came in, but the interview ended without the “facts necessary” to make a case. Why?

I recommend that you make an impactful report to the police that will have the “facts to make a case.”

You first need to get an attorney to listen to you, and then to listen to the interview with the police/law enforcement. There are attorneys who work on a contingency basis.

They will not charge you a fee if they take your civil case and win a settlement for you. They will take their fee from the settlement. The reason I recommend you have a lawyer present for the interview is that if the detective determines your “facts, do not make a criminal case”, the lawyer can then start a civil case for you to get an out of court settlement quickly.

Most likely, an out of court case will be recommended, because Shoemaker does not want to face a civil or criminal court case that will bring “discovery” to his door. He will want to settle fast. Shoemaker dragged a civil case on for years with Melinda Mandell. You can avoid that. Bankrupting Shoemaker is a goal that can be achieved. Being put in jail is another goal.

One key “fact that can make a case” is conspiracy, which leads to “racketeering”. Shoemaker and his inner circle may have conspired to hide their coercive influence, which prompted Natacha to jump from a bridge, and caused Liz to run away (or was there water in her lungs because she was strangled in the bathtub/shower and her body dumped?). Did members of the inner circle conspire to cover up what Shoemaker did, which caused one of the residents to be wheeled out to an ambulance with oxygen, and Dr. Jen Wilhelm running down the hall to protect her “guru” from blame? Allegedly, Lama Wangdu is an abuser. Who at the Movement Center has “conspired” to cover up his abuses? This is human sex trafficking. If you worked without pay, you have facts about this type of conspiracy. You can report it as part of the coercive influence and control that was the cultic environment of the Movement Center.

Did they conspire to hold more “retreats” or “teacher training” activities to bring in more recruits and money, while forcing residents to perform “seva” free labor service? This type of conspiracy is human labor trafficking.

A sex crimes detective may not ask about these crimes of conspiracy and trafficking. If you were a “seva” worker, you can report this. These charges were brought against Raniere, and they stuck, 120 years in prison. If none of the sexual assault reports “make the case”, labor trafficking is another way to skin this sick, diseased and rotten cat.

Low rider
Low rider
1 year ago

Give yourself a big pat on the back, Jane. What makes you think everyone has money like you and can hire professionals to help them?

Jayne Lyons
Jayne Lyons
1 year ago
Reply to  Low rider

Give yourself a big pat on the back, Jane. What makes you think everyone has money like you and can hire professionals to help them?

You don’t need money to “hire a professional”. You can work with an attorney who will take your case on a contingency basis. That means that the attorney gets paid if they get a settlement for you. Contact Christine Mascal in Portland has taken such cases and gotten settlements. The information you take to the police may not “make a criminal case” that is determined by the law enforcement office and the prosecutor. If your information does not bring criminal charges and you were abused, harmed, trafficked for labor or sex, you can start a civil case, the attorney who works on a contingency basis will proceed with the process and most likely Shoemaker with pay up quickly because he does not want to have to face “discovery” or have to sit for a deposition.

Frank’s articles and the reader comments about Shoemaker have put forward the problem as seen by law enforcement and by readers that “informed consent” is difficult to prove or disprove. In the NIXVIM branding cases, the victims/survivors said something to the effect on video, master it would be an honor it wear this mark, when they were being branded. The prosecution had to “make the case” that these women were coerced through “black mail” or “collateral” to accept the branding.

How does Shoemaker “force” his victims? Drugs, physical strength, threats of expulsion from the group, through cult techniques of coercive control including threats of harm in this life or in “future lives”, threats of harm to other family members? Does he prey on the fears of the vulnerable young women he seduces into his cult? Has Shoemaker used cultic tricks to implant fears into his victims through his “karmic” readings, or through his “open eye meditations” and other common to cults mind-bending techniques?

Do members of the inner circle conspire and work together to threaten the victims and to keep them under the control of the group? Henchmen and flying monkeys who threaten can be powerful forces for victims who are under the coercive control of a traumatizing narcissist like Shoemaker and who have been cut off from the family and friends.

You can take your information to law enforcement with the help of a contingency-based attorney, or you can work only with the contingency-based attorney and not have face going to court, which can be a terrible ordeal for a survivor of sexual assault.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jayne Lyons

Hi Jane, I appreciate your attempts to help victims by providing this information; however, I have to say that those of us outside statutory limitations (unlike your daughter was, I believe), don’t have the luxury of contingency-based lawyers from my personal experience. No lawyer is going to take a case on contingency with so much ambiguity, including the ones you’ve recommended.

Jayne Lyons
Jayne Lyons
1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Hi Jane, I appreciate your attempts to help victims by providing this information; however, I have to say that those of us outside statutory limitations (unlike your daughter was, I believe), don’t have the luxury of contingency-based lawyers from my personal experience. No lawyer is going to take a case on contingency with so much ambiguity, including the ones you’ve recommended.

Yes Anonymous, you are correct that there are statutes of limitaltions. If the time limit has passed to start a civil case then you are right, there is no case. However people are reporting what was done to them to law enforcemen. Two people have reported that they have gone to the police in comments to Frank’s articles, see below.

Victims/survivors and witnesses can report what they saw and what was done to them.

July 28, 2022 at 2:34 am
Since reading these articles I went to the police. I was victimized years ago but the trauma remains.

I feared the police wouldn’t help. That my abuse was too long ago or not severe enough. I was wrong. Please join me and go to authorities. Call Frank.

He has kept his word. He has not used my name. He told me who to call and I did. They were kind, patient and they want to know. They want to stop shoemaker. You don’t have to be afraid.

July 28, 2022 at 3:22 pm
I spoke with the Portland police and it happened to me FIFTY years ago. #metoo

1 year ago
Reply to  Jayne Lyons

Really the bottom line is if a person wants to come forward and tell their story they’re going to find a way to do it.

Sabah Quadir
Sabah Quadir
1 year ago
Reply to  Jayne Lyons

Jane is there a way I can speak with you? My brother Ayaz died on the property.

1 year ago

Leave cats out of it. Damn.
Thank you very much

1 year ago


If you wanted someone to denigrate the Swami, you should’ve asked me. Frank has gone corporate. He’s all wrapped up in making boar jerky and pursuing loose woman of a ripened age, and making the odd television/documentary appearance.

I’m the guy to ask.

1 year ago

Frank, I never attacked the victims’ silence.

You’re nothing but an ignorant, tall-tale-telling, lousy excuse for a journalist.

You keep throwing mud on me for no reason.

Why would you try to pile UNWARRANTED shit on top of me like that?

Let’s examine what I really said, you Italian MUTT asshole.

If you’re actually 100% Sicilian and have no LAZY Greek or Albanian blood in you, then I’m Mickey Mouse.

Here’s what I said…

I said the FORMER victims of the Swami (the ones who already left and are living comfortable lives now) are the ones who are sitting on their asses and not doing enough to help the CURRENT VICTIMS and FUTURE VICTIMS who might be swindled by the Swami.

I never said you were engaging in INACTION. Show me where I said that.

I was simply highlighting the fact that you could take MORE ACTION if you really wanted to —— and so could the other FORMER victims of the Swami.

For example…. You should have a FrankReport correspondent, on location from time to time, filming directly in front of the compound, interviewing other former victims while talking about all the bad shit that they personally WITNESSED when living with the Swami at his other compound ——– along with confronting all current followers (with humiliating questions) as they come and go from the compound.

Why would you attempt to SHIT ON ME just for suggesting that?

I was just trying to help by offering new ideas. 🙂

As far as my ‘previous comments’ (from a couple months ago) where I misjudged the Swami and said that the women were likely lying about him… As I already said before, I’m human and sometimes — very, very RARELY — I make misjudgments or mistakes.

Do you wanna hear me apologize for those misjudgments? Would that truly make you feel better?

You wanna talk about misjudgments, Frank?

No problem. Let’s talk about Nickola, bro. We can talk about that shit all day along, bro.

Did you ever apologize, or even acknowledge, your WRONGNESS in trusting her as a source for that story? Nope. Just radio silence.

At least I’m finally on the right side of this debate. I’m finally against the Swami.

Now kindly stop SHITTING on me for no reason. I’m on your side. I’m an ally, not an enemy.

Why do you feel the need to attack me when I criticize you? Are you above criticism?

Have a good day. 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Bangkok

Frank, I’d like to prove that I’m not a hypocrite —— by volunteering to assist you in some capacity.

I won’t go so far as to volunteer my own time cuz I’ve got shit to do and people to see, and I can’t be visiting Communist Oregon anytime soon.

Plus, most Oregonians are too soft on sexual assault.

For example, Oregonians give Bill Clinton a free pass on sexual assault —– even though there are 6 or 7 real women who claim that he sexually harassed or assaulted them.

Oregonians are weird that way. They only recognize sexual assault if a non-liberal or non-commie is the person accused.

So I refuse to travel there until they change their tune.

But, I will generously volunteer the time of my spiritual father (Mr. Niceguy) to assist you in these matters. He can be your video/camera guy in Oregon.

Niceguy can be a valuable asset, Frank, so I suggest that you indulge my generous offer to make him available to you.

Do you accept? Or not? If so, I will make Niceguy available to you on a rotating basis.

Let’s discuss the matter while feasting on wild hog roasted at less than 1000 degrees. Whaddaya Say?

Frank Parlato
1 year ago
Reply to  Bangkok

I have met few men as talented as Nice Guy in my entire life. I heartily endorse your suggestion.

Frank Parlato
1 year ago
Reply to  Bangkok

I thought it was a great headline. But I do not want your Christian forgiveness. Do not, I repeat, do not turn the other cheek. It’s just as ugly.

But I gotta tell you, with all the nonsense and all the jokes, I want to tell you from the bottom of my heart: Buddha told me he never liked you.

George McBlack
George McBlack
1 year ago
Reply to  Frank Parlato

Alright Mr. Parlato,

You’ve have been relentlessly posting numerous articles except Patriot God’s!

What gives?!

He turned it in to you several weeks ago!

With all due respect, Mr. Parlato, don’t you think that this is very rude and disrespectful to him and his hard work?!……………

1 year ago
Reply to  George McBlack

Mr McBlack,
I heard that Patriot God started his own free blog on WordPress where he/she posted their articles. But then WordPress took it down for hate speech and violent threats. I guess it’s Patriot God’s dream to bring down the Frank Report by pressuring Frank to publish similar content. Patriot God might have better luck by asking to place a guest post at the family court circus blog. They love name calling and making threats there and seem to have nothing better to do with their time.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bangkok

i know….Bangkok is Andrew Dice Clay, right?

1 year ago
Reply to  Bangkok

Get a room, you two

1 year ago

Thank you for the pep rally, Frank.

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083


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