Nicole to Raniere: ‘My Life Meant Nothing to You’

Not a true picture of Nicole whose last name is being withheld for her protection and to aid in her healing from her contact with Keith Alan Raniere.

Nicole, who by order of Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis, was identified only by her first name in his court, was the 9th victim to speak at the sentencing hearing of Keith Raniere on October 27, 2020. There were 15 victims who spoke, two men and 13 women.

At Raniere’s trial, the jury heard Nicole for three days. She was judged by them to be credible, a victim of sex trafficking  – which was the most serious crime for which Raniere was convicted. The conviction comes with a mandatory minimum of 15 years.

Of course, as readers know, Judge Garaufis gave Raniere anything but the minimum. He handed him a life-plus sentence of 120 years for this and other felonies for which he was convicted.

The sex trafficking conviction was based on a single event. Nicole traveled from NYC to Albany, possibly by bus or train, and the following day or early morning she met with Raniere. He asked if he could blindfold her, to which she consented. It was supposed to be, he said, some kind of test or learning experience.

He then drove her blindfolded to another location and, once inside, she was asked to strip naked, which she did. She was then told to lie down on a table. Her hands and feet were tied to the table. She did not object, giving the appearance of consent. One of Raniere’s slaves, Camila, then age 25, performed oral sex on her, though Nicole did not know at the time who was doing this to her. At the same time, Raniere walked around the table and made comments about her body – and asked her about her sex life.

According to Nicole’s testimony, Raniere asked her if she was OK with what was going on and she said she was – thereby apparently giving consent. However, the legal theory that resulted in the sex trafficking conviction was that because Nicole had previously given blackmail-worthy material, the group called it “collateral,” to Allison Mack, her slave master, Nicole felt she was forced to do this or her collateral would be released. This made it sex trafficking and not consensual, according to the jury.

It is perhaps a precedent-setting case in some ways and is certainly not the typical sex trafficking conviction that is seen in federal prosecutions which involve usually uneducated, poverty-stricken women who are forced to perform sex, usually for money, of which she gets little to none, and is coerced to do so because of overt and direct threats, such as the threat of deportation or physical beatings.

In Nicole’s case, we have an educated woman from a good family who is not being forced into a life of prostitution but, instead, is coerced to perform a single act, not for money, but for, it would appear, to gratify the man who controlled the possible blackmail material.

Raniere’s position was that this was not an act for his gratification and certainly not sex trafficking. He was trying to teach her to become a tougher, stronger woman – and part of that teaching, he said, is that she needed to experience complete obedience and surrender by making herself vulnerable in a way where she had to trust another completely.

The jury, of course, did not buy his argument, which, in fairness, was only partially presented during his cross-examination of Nicole by Raniere’s attorney, Marc Agnifilo.

After the trial, Agnifilo made a motion for a new trial based on the accusation that Nicole and another witness, Daniela, perjured themselves during cross-examination when they said they were not participating in – and had not discussed participating in – a planned civil lawsuit against Raniere and others. After the trial, both women joined a civil suit that has been brought against the top leaders of NXIVM. The judge ruled against the motion for a new trial.

Frank Report has chosen to follow the guidance of the court and has used only Nicole’s first name. In the spirit of full disclosure, I also want to acknowledge that I had a role in Nicole becoming a witness in the first place.

As she stated in her testimony, Nicole chose to leave DOS after reading about herself in the Frank Report. I published her first and last name on several occasions – and that “outing” of her actually caused her to leave DOS and contact me.

[I have been criticized for naming DOS women – since, by one standard, they are victims. I chose to name them because they were also potential perpetrators since they were required to recruit other slaves. In the case of Nicole, as you will see, it turns out I chose wisely.]

Nicole planned to do nothing other than escape, but her name was still on the Frank Report, damaging her reputation in online searches. She called me and asked me to remove her name, which I did. I asked her to tell me her story on the condition I would not use her full name. We spoke for more than two and a half hours during the first interview – and again in follow up interviews. It struck me that, based on her story, she was indeed a victim of a crime. I urged her to tell her story to law enforcement – and, along with Catherine Oxenberg, I arranged for Nicole to meet with attorney Neil Glazer.  He represented her pro bono and brought her to the federal prosecutors.

It was the Frank Report that not only helped Nicole escape the group but also led to her becoming a witness.

Here are links to the victims who spoke prior to Nicole.

Camila’s Complete Statement at Raniere’s Sentencing –‘When I Was Still 15, He Took Naked Pictures — Naked Pictures of Me!’

Sarah Edmondson’s Survivor’s Statement to Keith Raniere: ‘If There Is Any Justice, the World Will Never See Your Face in Public Again’

Vicente to Raniere: ‘I Will Struggle for the Rest of My Life With What You’ve Done to My Mind and My Soul’

Ivy Nevares Statement at His Sentencing: ‘Raniere was Hoping I Would Commit Suicide’.

Toni Natalie’s Last Statement to Raniere: ‘A Genius? What a Joke!’

Barbara Bouchey Makes Her Final Statement to Raniere – and She Is in His Face

Susan Dones at Raniere Sentencing: ‘Keith, You’re an Evil Man’

Kristin Keeffe Tells Harrowing, Shocking Story of Abuse

Nicole is in her 30s, she is brunette, and very slender. She had worked as an actress, making a few minor appearances in film prior to her becoming involved with Raniere and Mack in 2015. She has not appeared in any film in about five years, apparently abandoning her acting career after leaving DOS.

Her introduction to the Nxivm world came through her enrollment in The Source, an acting group founded by Raniere and Mack.  Nicole believes Mack used The Source as a means to recruit young, attractive women for Raniere to be his slaves. After she was in DOS and told she had to obey Mack and Raniere, one-day Raniere informed her, she told me, that she was now his wife. That it was like an arranged marriage. She had no choice but to accept that she was his wife – and that she would grow to become happy with Raniere as her husband. Of course, it was understood that Raniere would have many wives and that she could only be with him the rest of her life.

Curiously also, almost as if she were being groomed to be his bride, and before she knew Raniere was the head of DOS, Allison commanded her not to have sex with anyone and also not to shave her pubic hair. It is well known – and was first published here years ago – that Raniere prefers his female wives/students do not shave their pubic hair.

Here is her victim impact statement:

By Nicole

Good afternoon, Your Honor. You may recognize me from testifying at the trial. I am Nicole.

Though I could stand up here for hours and tell you about the fear, confusion and pain the defendant has caused me, you have heard my testimony and you have read my impact statement. So, for the sake of time, I’m going to keep it brief.

To Keith’s defense: What I have learned from my experience and from the Me-Too Movement is that it’s pretty  standard for women speaking up against men in powerful positions to be called a liar, to be accused of speaking out for the sole reason of some kind of pay out, or my favorite, to be accused of “wanting it.”

Mr. Agnifilo, I have handed over to the FBI, to the Government and, subsequently to the defense, every piece of evidence that I had in my possession, whether it made me look bad or not.  I sat up here for 17 hours over three days and answered all of the questions that you and the Government asked of me. You, yourself, questioned me for six hours straight. I have at every moment through the investigation and trial done nothing but tell my truth and my experience.

Therefore, I have had enough of you continuing to placate your client and attack my integrity. I am not a dollar sign for your high-paid firm nor am I just another Jane Doe in a case.

I am a human being. I am a woman, a daughter, a friend, a sister, an aunt. I am someone trying to put their life back together after it was horrifically upended and derailed. Let me do that in peace. So if you want to keep fighting for your client after sentencing today, go ahead.  That is, of course, your right, but leave me, Daniela and all of the other women who have testified against Keith out of it.

We did our job. Find a better way to do yours.

To Keith: You cannot imagine the courage it takes to testify because you do not possess it. You and your few existing followers hide behind your lawyers and cowardly proclaim your innocence while we have stood up here, testified, and actually faced the cross-examination that comes from speaking out.

In one of the recent legal filings you quote Ayn Rand and claim that what you were doing was paving new roads.  But dehumanizing people is not new. Slavery is not new. Misogyny is not new. Psychology and self-awareness are also not new concepts. I have been routinely amazed in the last three years of studying psychology, at University, at NY [?] many known theories you have tried to say were your own and not only tried to claim as your own, but charge unprecedented prices to learn.

Like you hide behind your lawyers, you have hidden behind great thinkers and great writers your entire life, and the sick part is that you steal these great words and ideas and you twist them for your own ends and your own ends are not about humanity, but about power and sexual domination.

You hide behind titles like guru and spiritual teacher and nonviolent leader, but you are none of those. You call yourself a nonviolent leader, but holding collateral is violent.  Branding women unknowingly with your initials is violent. Sexual coercion, manipulation and abuse are violent. It violates the body and it violates the soul. Your kind of violence is not always outward and it is not always obvious, which is why I believe you got away with it for so long, but it is equally if not more damaging for it poisons the person from the inside out.

Though I was not a child when this happened to me, Cami was, and how many countless others over the years have you begun to groom as children, Keith?  This is not persecution for revolutionary ideas. This is justice for how your behavior has crossed well established lines within the law. We all agree on that fact.  You were convicted by a jury on every single count.  Today, we simply get to discuss the length of punishment.

You continue, without an ounce of remorse, to say that you stand by DOS, that it was good for women. I say it was the worst, most terrifying, most degrading, most confusing thing I have ever experienced in my life. From day one you and Allison lied to me about what was really going on, slowly trapped me in a situation I would have never agreed to had I known even a sliver of the whole truth.  You told me on our first walk, after I found out that DOS was not a women’s mentorship but actually something you had created, you told me that as my Grand Master you could command me to have sex with you; that you could have, if you wanted to, command me to have sex with you while I was blindfolded and tied to a table. That is not choice.

That is not good for any woman. In that moment, and several more like it in the following months, it was only my collateral and the fact that I was told there was no way out of the commitment that kept me from spitting in your face.

A couple of months after you were arrested, some evidence was filed.  As I read the pages of text messages, I became more and more nauseated until I got to the messages about DOS.  This is a message that you sent to a first line slave [Camila], quote: “I think it would be good for you to own a fuck toy sex slave for me, that you could groom and use as a tool to pleasure me.” End quote.

I cannot accurately explain the pain that I felt reading those words. Like someone had taken a knife, stabbed me in the stomach, and gutted me from the inside out. I could barely breathe. I could barely see from the tears streaming openly down my face, but I forced myself to keep going.  The interaction ended with you saying, quote: “Having one or two young slaves devoted to reviving my body sexually to produce more energy would help. It would be their 24/7 job.” End quote.

DOS was never supposed to be sexual. It was a women’s mentorship. And while the sexual abuse ended up being the most horrific part of the experience, it was also the part that kept me sane. For no matter how much you and Allison messed with my mind, I knew at the core of my being it was not okay. I had never agreed to give up the right to my body. I had never agreed to anything sexual, ever. When the demands of DOS became more sexual and uncomfortable, I was, as I’m sure you remember, told that I was not only supposed to do and support you in whatever way you wanted but that I was not allowed to speak about my relationship or assignments with you to anyone.

If I did, I would be punished. This led to sexual encounters that I would never have agreed to, that would have never happened, had I not be blackmailed. Without the threat of my collateral being released, I would have never accepted any part of this sick and twisted arranged marriage circumstance I was manipulated with. I would have never been in Albany in the first place.

For months after I left, I had been trying to tell myself that some part of DOS had been real, that some aspect had actually been about my growth, but here it was in these text messages staring me straight in the face. It had never been about growth or strength or women’s empowerment.  It had never been about me or my future at all.  It had always been about this.   DOS was about your sexual pleasure and your sense of power. I was one of those fuck toy sex slaves. That was me.  That was what little regard you held my entire life. My dreams, my goals, my family, all of the things that I was and am capable of achieving meant nothing to you.  My life meant nothing to you.

I was one of those objects for you to have on-call 24/7.  It was in that moment that I realized who you truly were. It was in that moment where all the lies and gas-lighting and manipulation were finally stripped away and everything became clearer, and in that moment, something inside of me broke.

I have carried so much shame about what happened and shame is a powerful thing to keep a person quiet.  But you know that, don’t you, Keith?  For shame and doubt are weapons that you wield with precision. They are a way, along with lawsuits, that you re-victimize your victims so they stay quiet.  It has taken me three years and a substantial amount of space from your manipulation for me to realize that the shame that has been weighing so heavily on my shoulders is not mine to carry. It is yours.

I did not break the law, Keith. You did.  You are sitting here today facing a life sentence because of the choices and actions that you have continually and repeatedly made over decades. You have no one to blame but yourself.

Your Honor, those text messages from Keith that I referred to were sent to a first-line slave on October 1st, 2015.     That is one year and four months before I was introduced to the idea of a women’s organization group.  That is eight months before I naively walked into the NXIVM Source acting class, having just arrived in New York City. Allison was teaching that Source class.

What I did not know then – but I do know now – was that she was already at this point one of Keith’s slaves, that while she taught this acting class, she was also simultaneously scanning for vulnerable young candidates to become one more of Keith’s slaves. This kind of premeditation on both Keith and Allison’s part, as well as Keith’s calculated manipulation, his gas-lighting lies and his coercive ill intent, is why this man deserves life behind bars.

Furthermore, he has said in his own words that he has absolutely no remorse, that he stands by everything he has done. This leads me to strongly believe that he would and will do it again if he is given the chance. This is not someone who is safe.  This is someone who is a danger to society.

There may be one or two women that have recently claimed that they were okay with being blackmailed, that they are happy being slaves. However, this is completely irrelevant to this case and to this sentence.  This case is not about women who are happy being slaves; it is about protecting all of the young women in the world who do not, under any circumstances, want to unknowingly become the slave of a man.

It is about protecting the young women who may be susceptible to the lies and manipulations that lure them in until they are trapped in an abusive and desperate situation.

My hope is that cases like this and Jeffrey Epstein’s, Lawrence Ray’s and Harvey Weinstein’s, change the ways that young girls and women value themselves.  The sentence that you give today for this trial won’t rid the world of predators. We will always have predators, but it will remove one predator from the streets and that means something.

And maybe, maybe, it will slide the needle just a little bit further in the right direction so that when a young girl or woman feels uncomfortable, she feels powerful enough to say it out loud.  That her response is not, “This is just the way things are,” but instead is, “No. No, this is not okay. No, I will not deal with this kind of abuse, objectification, or illegal behavior.”

My hope is that her instincts will tell her to walk away or tell her that it is safe to go to the authorities, that she won’t bottle up the shame, but instead, she will know that her voice, her opinion and what she is experiencing matters.

For me, this has never been about vengeance. All I wanted was to get my life back and to help in any way that I could to make sure that no woman ever had to experience anything like this at Keith or Allison’s hands again.

That is the gift and the responsibility that you have, Your Honor. No one can erase my scars, emotional or physical.  What happened to me has already happened.  But what you can do is give this man a life sentence.

What you can do is make sure that this kind of manipulation and abuse at this man’s hands will never happen to anyone again.

Thank you.

About the author

Frank Parlato

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3 years ago

To your mention of Allison Mack: …Nicki Clyne has made allusions she and Allison are still together (meaning unknown). …
[What does this mean? I don’t know. Do you?]

One cannot know, but one can interpret it to the effect that Nicki Clyne and Allison Mack continue to illegally communicate with each other, and have probably talked to each other and are currently doing so. How else can Nicki Clyne be certain that they are still together despite so long separation and contact prohibition, which is a judicial requirement for Allison Mack?

3 years ago

I’d just like to point out that at the time when Allison recruited Nicole into DOS, and Allison was already Keith’s slave, Allison had collateral hanging over her own head, which was held by Keith and could destroy her reputation. I’m not sure if Nicole knows this.

I mention it because I take the stuff about her loving being a master and having slaves with a MASSIVE grain of salt. I don’t doubt that she claimed to love it. Even if Allison was walking around with a huge smile all the time, she may have been scared deep down. Not necessarily of Keith per se, but on some level she knew that if he got angry with her, bad stuff could happen. Abuse messes with peoples’ heads in weird ways. It’s like when someone who has an abusive partner beats them, a common reaction for the victim is to blame themselves, and think “I must have done something wrong that caused this”.

I watched part of India’s documentary, and there’s a scene where Keith asks Allison, “how late are you up tonight?”, and Allison responds almost with a giggle, “as late as I need to be”. At first glance, it didn’t really set off my alarm bells, but then I realized, one of these people in this conversation has the ability to destroy the life of the other one for literally any reason they feel like. And then suddenly, maybe her answer sounds more like “I’ll stay up as late as I have to for you to not be upset with me”, or even “I’ll stay up as late as you want so you don’t destroy my life”. What other answer could she give without risking Keith telling her she sleeps too much? Ok, now circle back again and remember that one of these people has the other’s initials branded onto their body. Do you really think she giggled because promising to stay up all night for no reason is so great?

Nicole has every right to be furious at Allison for deceiving and recruiting her, but her line about “premeditation on Keith and Allison’s part” doesn’t sit right with me. It makes them sound like they were equal players in this, which is wrong. Again, even if Allison proclaimed to love DOS and think it was wonderful, on some level she had to have understood that her life could be seriously upended if she disobeyed Keith.

3 years ago
Reply to  anonymous

Perhaps you didn’t reach the part of India’s documentary where Allison and the other 1st Line women are sitting around a table with Keith designing the Brand.
They’ve already agreed Raniere’s initials K.A.R. is the literal Brand and are discussing a cover story to tell their slaves.
The Brand represents the “elements”, it’s an “ancient symbol” and so on.
That is premeditation, period.

On another note, my antenna raises every time I read a comment on here that uses Latin in place of everyday language.
‘Per se’ is one of Raniere’s favourites along with ‘ad hominem’.
I can’t help but suspect the author is or was in the cult….like this particular Anonymous.

I also feel that Nancy Salzman isn’t being held to account as much as she should be. That woman is the co-creator, hypnotist, NLP practitioner, enforcer/gate keeper, money launderer and a major criminal. (Not to mention a horrid mother who pimped her daughters AND threw one under the bus when she rushed to make HER deal with prosecutors).
THAT one needs to get as long a sentence as possible!

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

–‘Per se’ is one of Raniere’s favourites along with ‘ad hominem’.

These are commonly used terms used by real and armchair philosophers. People other than Raniere who have some philosophy knowledge use these particular terms which are some of the most common all the time. Their usage implies no connection to NXIVM or Raniere.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

This reminds me of what Sarah Edmondson said about basic words being corrupted, like the word “value”.

Total agreement on the use of those words being common and in general use.

Aristotle’s Sausage
Aristotle’s Sausage
3 years ago

That was brilliant! Hard-hitting, articulate, and to the point.

Nicole’s testimony at trial was, I think, central to to Raniere’s conviction. Her victim impact statement is a masterful summation of that testimony.

Raniere is clearly guilty of sex trafficking as the law is written. He had put in place a carefully crafted system to lure young women under false pretenses, obtain blackmail material from them, and exploit them. That is sex trafficking.

Nicole’s statement and her testimony also make it clear that Mack was an eager participant in this sex trafficking conspiracy. The Feds, for tactical reasons that were probably wise, dropped that charge in exchange for Mack’s guilty plea. I have a feeling though that Judge Garaufis will deliver a harsh sentence on Mack. Possibly an extremely harsh sentence. Like 10-15 years.

3 years ago

An extremely hard judgment against Allison Mack turns out differently than only 10 to 15 years. The maximum sentence of 40 years is appropriate.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I’d put “even” money on Mack receiving less of a sentence than Bronfman.

Unfortunately for Mack, she did not denounce Nxivm, DOS, or, at the very least, Vanguard at her allocution. Her apologies to those she hurt were barely sincere.

She is a victim/predator. My guess is she will receive around 2+ years. If Nicole shows in person to give a victim impact statement, the judge will call for a break and rewrite the sentencing like he did to Bronfman and tack on some extra time.

3 years ago

Nicole – Even if your life meant nothing to KAR, you now have your life back and the choice to live your life in the way that you please. Even a walk through the park is something that KAR will never be able to experience again. Your freedom is the one thing that he can only dream of.

3 years ago

I still don’t understand why Sara Edmonson was recruited for DOS because her profile didn’t fit with the other women.
(Sorry for my bad English, I’m Brazilian) But Sara, for me, after I watched “the vow” was part of the DOS group much longer than I thought. She only quit when Vicente talked to her. She’s smart, she understood that the game over. But, Sara was married, with a son, sucessfull, strong, very different from the other women or girls.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tarta

She was close friends with her “Master” Lauren Salzman

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Sarah hypothesized in The Vow that she was brought into the group because of her skills as a NXIVM recruiter.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Women were not chosen because they were close friends, it was KR who chose and Sara was very close to him.
Very things without sense.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

What kind of “close” friend deceives you into a master/slave relationship under the false pretense of female empowerment in order to secretly tricking you into getting a permanent brand with the initials of a sociopath for future sex trafficking?

Close friends and people who love you keep you away from cults and shit like this.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Do close friends reveal they are keeping a Goy slave for two years?

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Not a friend, however close, she was the best salesperson, he even trained her personally, remember “The Vow”, in my opinion, there is a lot of hidden dirt, maybe out of shame, I don’t know, however, even a professional with distance emotional and personal, really do an investigation and research, we will always have a story badly told.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tarta

I also wondered this, but when JustAlison replied that Sarah was really REALLY good at recruiting people, it made sense that her “best friend” Lauren Salzman would recruit Sarah.
Each 1st Line slave was ordered to recruit 6 women under her. Then those 6 women were also expected to recruit 6 each and so on down the line of slaves.
So it makes sense for Lauren to trick Sarah into helping her get more & more slaves, therefore making Lauren indispensable and valuable to Raniere’s psychotic mission to have 100,000’s of slaves under him that could eventually get into positions of power, like the government or big corporations.
That’s how I see it.

It was a very risky move on Lauren/Keith’s part for the exact reasons you mentioned…and it blew-up The Cult.

Nomin Jerabek
Nomin Jerabek
3 years ago

I’m sorry, but I still don’t understand a few things. Like how a woman who’s obviously in love can get to the point where she’s letting all this humiliation go? There must have been a point where he felt it was too much for him. Then why didn’t you stop, why didn’t you stop the people who did this to him? If he was so in love, then in hindsight, why do you regret what you let them do to him? Were you under complete hypnosis? Or were you afraid of falling out of the pixie? Don’t get me wrong no one, I am very pleased with all the confessions that have contributed to the downfall of this villain, and I find it truly courageous that they have publicly confronted him and told of the horrors that have happened to them. The only thing I can’t figure out is why they let what happened get so bad when it turned out that they all felt terrible. That’s what you need to answer. (I don’t need to be spared.)

3 years ago
Reply to  Nomin Jerabek

Nomin Jerabek, that you would ask such a question that gets to the root of abuse, is wonderful. I think the answer would require a lot of peripheral understanding that surrounds the specific type of abuse you’re inquiring about.

I’ll inquire with a few academics and experts I know for abbreviated articles, if you’re interested.

Nomin Jerabek
Nomin Jerabek
3 years ago
Reply to  Cilantro

[redacted] I know they have been working with dangerous techniques, I know there’s been brainwashing, I know how powerful the community is. I’m looking for a limit to when a person might have come, when their consciousness is still working and it’s ready to be recognized, but in some way it’s unfit to protect itself healthily. Besides jokes, there’s a reason victims are dealt with by soul-doctors. How to become a victim. I could talk about minimum calorie intake, sleep deprivation, ESP, more, but that’s not what I’m thinking right now. These complex are excellent reasons. I’d like to dig deeper, because there’s got to be something else behind the surface.

3 years ago
Reply to  Nomin Jerabek

That is very easy to answer: It was a slow, gradual process and Raniere had many enablers, mostly women, who supported him. LOL

3 years ago

I’m just curious if any of these people who’ve come forward still fear harassment by remaining Nexians or fear harassment by litigation from Clare upon her release from prison.

Also, why did none of Clare’s family come to her sentencing? Did they honestly expect her to just walk? Or was Sara afraid of the potential of her own arrest? It sure doesn’t sound like she’s renounced Raniere, either.

3 years ago
Reply to  NCGirl

The remaining NXians are on the run, there is nothing to fear from them – in fact, if these people had spoken up sooner, in a unified manner, NXIVM would have been shut down long ago. LOL

Any lawsuit from Bronfman should be given scrutiny as being brought from a convicted felon – I don’t think that even she’s that stupid. LOL

Bronfman’s family is embarrassed and don’t want to associate with her, and her sister definitely doesn’t want to step on U.S. soil ever again, and I’ve never seen her say anything negative about Raniere. LOL

Fool me Not
Fool me Not
3 years ago

Another interesting point about “Seduced”: it alleges wife swapping was common. Is this true? With so many interviews, was this established? That environment was planted, and how it was planted has not been made public. I doubt it was by coincidence. Courses? In line with non monogamy?

I am asking, because this goes to a point: KR probably encouraged this free sexuality, and he no doubt christened numerous wives under the name of “freedom”- and “female empowerment”– yet offered nothing, and no one, in return. It was unilateral.

He had a harem, yet forbade them from such sexual freedom, all the while banging everyone around him in the name of enlightenment. This would go to his manipulative madness. To basically crap on the husbands.

Since this has been labeled a sex cult, more facts might lie beneath the surface.

My opinion.

3 years ago
Reply to  Fool me Not

It makes sense for him to encourage swinging for married couples. It tears down intimate bonds and maintains “self” instead of a team. It establishes that the only bond and commitment is to Keith.

As this has been established as a misogynistic cult, and the statistical and anecdotal in our culture, it’s the men that introduce and perpetuate this activity. “Men aren’t meant to monogamous”.

Isn’t it interesting how he assigned a notion that men are just essentially dumb animals that can’t control their urges and shouldn’t be expected to? To embrace it. That’s rape culture conditioning.

It’s not a question of the alternative sexual lifestyle, it’s the manipulation and control measures used to create it and enforce it.

Is this why Roger Stone was recommended, was he in the same swinging circle as the “State Senator”?
I highly doubt Stones proclivities and the culture at NXIVM is a coincidence.

Fool me Not
Fool me Not
3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Agree completely, Anonymous. I think this needs to be explored. The “sex” in “sex cult” needs to have the lid pulled off.

And no swapping– she alleged it. So….let’s see if it’s true.

I find it hard to believe other members didn’t see what was going on.

no swapping
no swapping
3 years ago
Reply to  Fool me Not

==Another interesting point about “Seduced”: it alleges wife swapping was common. Is this true? With so many interviews, was this established?==

Despite it coming from India, I think this rumor is bogus. Keith clearly taught women had to monogamous, so it would be contradictory that he also encouraged free sex and/or swapping.

I think it was a rumor India heard and included it, without evidence, to spice up her story.

3 years ago
Reply to  no swapping

Raniere taught that women he f*cked had to be monogamous to him. LOL

He also taught that men were meant to f*ck many females, but the females should only f*ck one man. LOL

no swapping
no swapping
3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

==And no swapping– she alleged it. So….let’s see if it’s true==

Agreed. I still think it is just a rumor, but let’s explore it and see if it is true,

I doubt these prominent couples will admit to it:
Nippy and Sarah
Mark V and Bonnie
Mark H and Kristin etc
They haven’t even hinted at it yet.

3 years ago
Reply to  no swapping

I don’t expect they will ever admit to it. LOL

3 years ago
Reply to  no swapping

“That may be possibly because it never happened”

Maybe not, Frank.
But then why did India say swapping was common? And why did John Tighe say in his Necker Island story that “sex” was one of the group’s activities before they did Nxivm business?


3 years ago
Reply to  no swapping

Frank, what do you think of “Jane the DOS slave”?

Was she really a part of Girls By Design or not?

She said GBD taught a “feminist approach to BDSM”.

What do you think about that?

Do you believe her that Kristin Kreuk was a “submissive” in a BDSM relationship?

Have you spoken to anyone from NXIVM about her (Jane) if so what did they say about her?

Finally, in those GBD photos, is Jane one of the photographed girls?

3 years ago
Reply to  no swapping

Frank, can you find out from India WHY she said there was lots of couples-swapping going on? Was it more than a rumor?

If there was swapping, I doubt that Nx couples will admit it now…but if there wasn’t, it is unfair to them to have to prove a negative.

3 years ago
Reply to  no swapping

Salinas and his wife had an open relationship.

3 years ago

Hi Frank. I’ve been waiting for you to attack, ridicule, humiliate, publicly brand Raniere’s loyalists as you constantly were doing previously to Allison, Lauren, and others. Where are the daily, weekly articles full of photoshopped images of Nicki Clyne getting paddled and the hit pieces on her for supporting and teaching Raniere’s vile beliefs on child rape? Where are the headlines proclaiming Suneel, Michele, Linda, Samantha, Leah, Marc, Eduardo letting the world know that these fools support a rapist and pedophile? Where are the hit pieces on these remaining dangerous deranged losers? Since you said you mocked people like Ivy and publicized and ridiculed Nicole in order to wake them up, why aren’t you doing the same to Nicki and her slaves? Hopefully, it’s not true what others have said about you but your treatment of Raniere’s loyalists compared to the way you’ve treated others sure is suspicious.

🌿 Cilantro
🌿 Cilantro
3 years ago
Reply to  Frank Parlato

Frank, I see these accusations here and there, and they seem to be coming from someone who thinks you’ve done them wrong. I’ve observed these inconsistencies too. I know I’m not alone, as long time readers have also mentioned the favoritism and selective standards that don’t lend to the image you want to portray for yourself.

You’re irritated by these comments. You censor them or play ignorant. Perhaps you are, but your savvy in other areas won’t allow for this drastic a deviation.

If you’ll let Scott and others run wild on your blog, why not stand back for someone that has something to say about the flip side of the impact of your blog.

The gravity of the story shouldn’t be about one reporter, but you are a pivotal reporter that got very dirty to serve a specific purpose. You are part of it and report on it.

If they don’t air their grievances here, it’s been noticed enough to grab the interest of journalists with a wider audience. They will go elsewhere to tell their story.

I can imagine a good many of you have been in “war” and survival mode for a long time. It’s understandable that you would have approached the group and individuals differently then, as opposed to now. A transition to different approaches with new understanding and switched alliances would lead to growth in your writing and give another facet in the next chapter for all involved.


It doesn’t have to be a challenge to your ego unless you make it one.

3 years ago
Reply to  Frank Parlato

Frank, you are either missing or ignoring the main point: why don’t you go after Clyne to break up her followers as you did with Raniere? LOL

Even though she’s not going after you like Raniere did, she continues to ruin other people’s lives, or is it all about you? LOL

3 years ago
Reply to  Frank Parlato


During the last episode of Seduced, what did you think of the cinematic/poetic moments toward the end when Keith Raniere is spliced in playing his piano like the iconic image of Nero playing his fiddle as Rome burned?

My personal take is the imagery is total brilliance with a slice of humor. I could wax on, but I’d like to know what you thought?

I am positive you caught the imagery as well.

3 years ago
Reply to  Frank Parlato

Many people didn’t see how Raniere was ruining other people’s lives for a long time, either. LOL

Nomin Jerabek
Nomin Jerabek
3 years ago
Reply to  Frank Parlato

Frank doesn’t deserve this treatment. He always expresses his opinion in a cultured way and tries to calm his mind.

3 years ago
Reply to  🌿 Cilantro

I can assure you that neither Scott nor any of his ghosts “run wild” on Frank’s blog, you never see the comments that aren’t published or are published so late that most people never see them. LOL

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

—you never see the comments that aren’t published or are published so late that most people never see them.

I had no idea Frank is depriving us of your infinite wisdom.

Damn you, Parlato! Robbing us of our own Horatio Alger. Parlato, have you not one shred of decency, you unscrupulous fiend?

3 years ago
Reply to  Frank Parlato

Why don’t you want to answer the question first about why you aren’t writing daily or weekly articles mocking, attacking, humiliating Clyne and the remaining loyalists making sure that any google search will retrieve articles labeling Linda Chung, Samantha LeBaron etc. supporters and coaches of Keith Raniere’s perverted and criminal views on child rape? You had no problem doing that to Allison Mack?

3 years ago
Reply to  Frank Parlato

To your mention of Allison Mack:

It’s fair to say that Allison has never truly had her day in court both definitely and figuratively. The Vow and Seduced paint her to be a sadist, who dispensed cruelty with eagerness.

Nicki Clyne has made allusions she and Allison are still together (meaning unknown). Michele Hatchette wore a duplicate or the same white dress as Alison wore in a V-Day musical act.

What does this mean? I don’t know. Do you?

3 years ago
Reply to  Frank Parlato

“Why, after all that has been written and said about Raniere, are they still supporting him?”

The simple answer may be too simplistic…but I think it is like politics, where people only get their news from a favorable source and only talk to friends who get the same news. These Nx-ian true believers have been taught to ignore criticism of Nx and now even consider the trial verdict was a fraud, like a stolen election.

3 years ago
Reply to  Frank Parlato

Mack had her day in court, she plead guilty. LOL

Fool me Not
Fool me Not
3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I agree with Frank on all of this. Comments on this blog must be monitored for a variety of reasons.

Secondly, it was never meant to be social media–even though social media we now know is censored, as well.

Lastly, the others are no longer newsworthy, in the public interest. Perhaps someday NC and her dancers can make news waves for their own missions, but they have their own site for that.

Jane Smith
Jane Smith
3 years ago

I don’t care if any of the precise offences they chose were rather blunt instruments. As only about 10% of the harm done was even prosecuted, the overall decision passes the justice test.

I came to all this rather late and assumed, as I like playing devil’s advocate, that KR might be in the right and that plenty of adults consent to and enjoy BDSM sex, D/s relationships, consensual violence, etc. – and many others join fairly controlling groups/cults and no law is broken. I changed my mind because of the nature of what occurred: e.g., the women were not told what was going on and when. They did not give informed consent… KR was supposedly celibate. KR was supposedly not involved in DOS, etc. Lies

3 years ago
Reply to  Jane Smith

Jane Smith I am in the same camp you were…I have a tendency to play devil’s advocate, plus I lived in freaks-and-geeks-haven SF for years where BDSM and polyamory etc are practically mainstream. I had to wonder if the reaction to KR was because people were feigning horror at alternative lifestyles when 80% of them secretly wished they had the balls to do it themselves.

Anyway, this part of Nicole’s statement was most impactful for me:

“This case is not about women who are happy being slaves; it is about protecting all of the young women in the world who do not, under any circumstances, want to unknowingly become the slave of a man.”

And as you pointed out, deception etc was used to unwittingly trap people. So yeah. Kind of like how there are most certainly several happy hookers in the world, but there is also huge room for abuse and exploitation with prostitution so it’s illegal across the board in most places. ?

I’m still not convinced about 120 years, possibly in super max though. I still have to wonder if prejudice came into play as far as the severity.

3 years ago

Allison, what you’re describing are the acceptable normalized activities within Liberal Feminism, which centers around men and male pleasure. It’s the larger structure of oppression that made normalizing the abuse within NXIVM almost invisible.

I too have moved through those worlds and past them, to a better understanding of how manipulation within a patriarchal culture occurs in subtle ways. That kink cannot exist without shame.

I meant to go back to The Vow and the interviews in support of The Vow, to count the number of times I’ve heard people qualify a statement about observed abuse with fear of being perceived as kink shaming anyone. It shouldn’t be surprising in the wider context, but it is. Judgment and boundaries of women are vilified here and in our culture, as they pertain to male pleasure.

The cultures you’re describing as normal, and I know they are because I have been in them, exist as role-playing trauma. It’s an offshoot of abuse and rape culture with a different kind of male control, which designates women as community property, as opposed to private property. Neither allows women control of boundaries.

In a historically patriarchal culture, made by and for men, with systems set up for their success and validation, the idea of only being able to get off unless your partner is made a fetishized fuck hole object in pain, is a rather entitled and stunted existence. That a woman perceives empowerment within that is pure manipulation and delusion.

These normalized alternative lifestyles in the West are what women across the world escape from. It’s a morbid act of putting glitter on human rights violations. Women that participate in these alternative lifestyles will condemn female oppression in the Middle East, which mirrors the very thing they think is edgy and empowering. The irony often kills me.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cilantro

Interesting thoughts, Cilantro. I consider myself reasonably open-minded and non-judgmental and tend to think that what consenting adults get up to behind closed doors is fine and dandy as long as no one gets (non-consensually) hurt. That said, I was dating in SF back in my 20s and intermingled with a few people who were heavily into the local “community” and your comments remind me that what I discovered is that although many talk the talk about upholding ethical standards and codes of conduct to keep everyone ‘safe,’ the reality I saw was that when it came down to it, it was about pushing people’s limits and the line of consent easily became blurred. I’m generalizing based on limited personal observations. of course. But usually when I hear someone talking about how “true” BDSM is about respecting boundaries and consent…I roll my eyes a little.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cilantro

It takes two to tango, and if you’re the physically weaker one you get what you deserve for being stupid. LOL

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

@LOL. I might be playing devil’s advocate here, but how about “if you’re the physically weaker one, you CAN SAY YOU’RE A VICTIM.”

It seems like when it’s BDSM with the male choosing to be the submissive one, it’s a laughfest, often used as a source of comedy in movies and TV. No big deal. When it’s the female in that role, HORROR! Granted, the mainstream seems to have embraced 50 Shades of Gray, which appears to feature a female in the submissive role, but I haven’t read or seen that myself to form an opinion. Fact is, when a man allows a woman to tie him up, he is vulnerable and could get hurt. It doesn’t matter which of the two can benchpress more weight at the gym. But it’s viewed as okay when it’s the man on the “bottom” — not when it’s the woman. I guess because it is much more evident when it’s the male in the submissive role that he’s most likely made the choice to do that. Consent is seen as more clear to outside observers and that he’s just play-acting that he’s being “dominated.” Women also consent to play-act it, but if you get outed, it’s easier for a woman to save face and say “he made me do it.” Or for people to assume that without her saying a thing.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Tell it to George Castanza: LOL

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

—It takes two to tango, and if you’re the physically weaker one, you get what you deserve for being stupid.

So rapists are only 1/2 bad; I had no idea.
Poor Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby.

Thanks for sharing!

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

To clarify, my point of those ramblings is to say that I wonder if Keith was hit so hard with 120 years because the judge viewed every woman in DOS as in it against her consent when I’m willing to bet many of them, though clearly not all, did consent to it all and were interested in exploring those power dynamics. But people are more likely to see women involved in these types of activities as victims, so those women just ran with it to get themselves off the hook as much as possible (Can’t say I blame them).

I can almost hear the guffaws that are about to be released, but…I think it is possible that maybe, just maybe, Keith really did not realize the DOS women were not consenting (since none flat out said no). Maybe? Yes, I’m bracing myself for backlash on that. That said, I can accept the judge’s ruling that in at least once case, that of Nicole, all that collateral took away her ability to consent. I guess then you can apply that logic to all of the other women who gave collateral, but…ehhh…

Personally, if I were ever persuaded to give collateral like that, and then was pushed to do something I truly didn’t want to do and saw no value in pushing myself to do, I’d remind my self-help buddy that “revenge porn” is against the law. Refuse, then go do a few planks in “penance” if one of my goals was to build a stronger core. I don’t think DOS or KR ever had any intention of releasing or otherwise acting on collateral. I’m not a mind-reader, of course, so I could be wrong.

I also don’t mean to minimize the experiences of those who truly felt they were put through hell and are still in pain from it all. I’m just not convinced he’s such a terrible menace to society as his sentencing would indicate.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

If that floats your boat to think that Cosby and Weinstein are only half bad, then go for it – but the point is I wouldn’t go out into the woods and poke a real bear. LOL

Libtard women want to have it all, everything is everyone else’s fault, I can act like I’m a man and forget about discretion, etc. LOL

Then when the real world smacks them upside the head, they cry VICTIM! LOL

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Raniere was sentenced to 120 years because he damaged a lot of lives and hasn’t shown one ounce of remorse, and that’s the kind of person that needs to be removed from society and, hopefully, discourage others who are thinking of doing the things he did. LOL

Everything else is fluff. LOL

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Scott 11:15 PM

Please reread your own statement.

—It takes two to tango, and if you’re the physically weaker one, you get what you deserve for being stupid.

Paraphrased…It takes two to tango, the physically weak get what they deserve.

Your statement would only be agreed with by the Matt Lauers and Jeffrey Epsteins of the world.

3 years ago

The “Happy Hooker” premise exists like a pyramid scheme. The high-priced sex workers that chose it, from a base of privilege are the voice of all sex workers. They are at the top of the pyramid, they are a very small percentage. The majority of women are trafficked, unwillingly through violence and coercion, economic desperation, and no resources. It’s essentially paid rape. Coercion through economic survival.

There are many resources from former sex workers that explain the nuances of oppression and economic coercion. To understand the issue thoroughly, you have to address it globally, not through the experience of women in San Francisco.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cilantro

Jane of GBD “claimed” that Kristin Kook was a sexual submissive and that in her Girls By Design, she taught girls about BDSM.

But since that involved underage girls yet the Feds never mentioned something so heinous in the trial, Jane of GBD may have been a troll.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cilantro

Exactly! Well said.

Wait till the city councilman AOC is helping legalize/decriminalize prostitution in Manhattan.

I guarantee horror stories of women trafficked by organized crime will emerged.

3 years ago

Excellent statement. Clearly demonstrates the damage being done to his followers.

Well done, Nicole.

3 years ago

Stop hiding comments, Frank, just because they criticize the men for bringing in women into this cult. Particular women who brought in women were constantly castigated on this site for years for who they brought in so stop being sexist.

3 years ago
Reply to  Frank Parlato

I have been posting comments about scott’s radio show at 5 am and his alien abductions that are getting hidden every time. Not fair!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

That’s not Frank’s fault, the alien abductors are deleting the comments before Frank can see them. LOL

3 years ago
Reply to  Frank Parlato

Is there a week in a year when Frank is not accused of hiding comments?

Do people understand they have to tap or click the post comment button?

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Anonymous 8:25 am-

Are you referring to Mark Hildreth at this most apropos time?

Attention New Readers:

Please meet the man who Romeo’d women into NXIVM.

The man is Mark Hildreth a television actor.

3 years ago

Yep. Here’s another reference to the lovely guy who brought multiple women in including the one referenced in this article:

What irritates me is the fact that he probably told both of these women to ignore all of the red flags in the media.

the HILDRETH question
the HILDRETH question
3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

What Mark H’s true role in Nx has frustrated many here on the FR.

We know he was a leader in both SOP and The Source…both groups were not helpful to women to say the least.

He brought in Nicole (who ended up in DOS) and either brought in Kristin Kreuk or joined with her. SOP taught him how to claim ownership of Kreuk. He probably was the one who pressured her to turn over her wealth to Vanguard. He failed his leader in that, but did he also try to turn Kreuk into Keith’s harem girl?

He spent 12 years in Nx and six years in Kreuk, so he had to be either blissfully ignorant of what Keith was up to, or was his loyal willing sycophant.

3 years ago

None of the above, Hildreth is blissfully stupid. LOL

3 years ago

“his status in Nx declined as he lost his control of Kreuk when she left”.

She didn’t leave though. She was still a nxivm student/member in 2016. The two dummies broke up in 2013 allegedly though.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Mark left because he was cuckold by the illustrious one himself.

3 years ago

I was referring to Mark Hildreth. Not Vicente. Vicente ended up doing the right thing. Fortunately, he had Bonnie in his life.

Bonnie, unlike many others, had backbone and integrity.

No one can paint the other Nxivm midlevel hierarchy with the same brush as Bonnie. One would need cheap Crayola crayons to artistically render most of them.

the HILDRETH question
the HILDRETH question
3 years ago

—I was referring to Mark Hildreth—

If Hildreth was not cuckolded when he was with Kreuk, maybe it was his SOP training that kept her under his thumb, until Kreuk was scared off when approached about DOS—as Vicente assumed in The Vow.

3 years ago

Nicole was Hildreth’s girlfriend. He brought her in.

Hildreth is a piece of work.

I am confused as to why anyone is reframing history or more to the point of reimagining the past concerning Hildreth.

He is a two-bit actor whose high point in life was dating Kristen Kreuk. Back to obscurity he goes…

the HILDRETH question
the HILDRETH question
3 years ago

Mark Hildreth is not a star actor, but he is a successful working actor, whose relative success would appeal to young aspiring actresses who were recruited into the Source by him or others.
Did Mark exploit this “power” over young pretty girls for his own sexual needs, or was it his job to bring in these women for Nx and for Keith?
Though Mark was a leader of SOP and the Source, his status in Nx declined as he lost his control of Kreuk when she left. And when DOS started, those slaves were off-limits and no longer available for him to “charm.”

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

The women groomed and brought in FAR more women than the men did. LOL

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Egads! Oh my word, beavers trapping beavers.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Is that official?

3 years ago

No, it’s “A fish hole.” LOL

Raniere humor, get it? It smells fishy down there…Official/a fish hole. LOL

Yes, it’s official – most women didn’t even meet Raniere for weeks or months after they joined NXIVM, a which they thought was a “women’s empowerment organization.” LOL

Raniere is short, fat, has square feet, talks and gestures in an effeminate manner, etc. LOL

What could women possibly been attracted to without being heavily “edified” (there goes that Amway lingo again) and told gobs of lies about him by numerous women? LOL

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I’d respond but I am trying to reform

3 years ago

“To Keith’s defense: What I have learned from my experience and from the Me-Too Movement is that it’s pretty standard for women speaking up against men in powerful positions to be called a liar, to be accused of speaking out for the sole reason of some kind of pay out, or my favorite, to be accused of “wanting it.”” That’s why people need to work together when these things happen, it takes away all of those excuses. LOL

“Mr. Agnifilo, I have handed over to the FBI, to the Government and, subsequently to the defense, every piece of evidence that I had in my possession, whether it made me look bad or not. I sat up here for 17 hours over three days and answered all of the questions that you and the Government asked of me. You, yourself, questioned me for six hours straight. I have at every moment through the investigation and trial done nothing but tell my truth and my experience.” Interesting how the “my truth” term was coined – at first it was used by Trump advisor Kelly Ann Conway and she was roundly criticized, then the term was co-opted by others and now it is commonly used by lots of people. LOL

“Therefore, I have had enough of you [Agnifilo] continuing to placate your client and attack my integrity. I am not a dollar sign for your high-paid firm nor am I just another Jane Doe in a case.” He was just doing his job, he wasn’t handed very good cards to play – it’s a dirty job, but someone [has to be highly paid] has to do it – you just happened to be part of the story. LOL

“Your kind of violence is not always outward and it is not always obvious, which is why I believe you got away with it for so long, but it is equally if not more damaging for it poisons the person from the inside out.” That’s why people need to speak up on the internet as well as to law enforcement, to reduce the damage others will incur. LOL

“And maybe, maybe, it will slide the needle just a little bit further in the right direction so that when a young girl or woman feels uncomfortable, she feels powerful enough to say it out loud. That her response is not, “This is just the way things are,” but instead is, “No. No, this is not okay. No, I will not deal with this kind of abuse, objectification, or illegal behavior.”” You must deal with it, either by accepting it, walking away from it and staying silent, or speaking out about it so that it is stopped. LOL

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Dear LOL,

SOS. Can you please make more of a break between the quoted comments and your analysis next time.

Mexican Lady
Mexican Lady
3 years ago

Keith had the meetings about DOS taped because he was an idiot?

3 years ago
Reply to  Mexican Lady

An idiot and a perv. LOL

3 years ago
Reply to  Mexican Lady

Keith Raniere is both an idiot and a narcissist.
That’s how he got caught.

Nancy Durkin
Nancy Durkin
3 years ago
Reply to  Mexican Lady

Mexican lady, I believe Keith got more and more out of control because law enforcement in Northern NY gave him a free pass for decades, and no one in his immediate orbit would challenge him on any level (other than Barbara Bouchey, who paid dearly for it). This worsened once Pamela Cafritz, who normally kept him in check, passed away. I view his behavior as the classic escalation of a born psychopath.

3 years ago

Good Luck, Nicole don’t let your experience at the hands of these animals dictate the rest of your life. You are stronger than you know. Your courage in the face of pure evil is a beacon of hope for all women.

Mexican Lady
Mexican Lady
3 years ago

I started watching seduced on

I like how they present Frank! It was actually cool. I disagree that the photos of Frank are bad. Frank looks very interesting!

Fool me Not
Fool me Not
3 years ago
Reply to  Mexican Lady

Thank you for the link. Interesting, but tiring. ” They made me do this,” and “I was told to do that.”

There is a psychological profile of those that just followed orders. My hunch, and it’s just an opinion, is that KAR was not the first narcissist in these victims’ lives.

While therapy is clearly needed to reprogram, the therapy should not stop there.

My opinion.

3 years ago
Reply to  Fool me Not

I agree. But they weren’t in the stage of recognizing previous narcissistic abuse. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. It’s common, which is why many (including myself) are catching behaviors that others don’t see or have a problem with.

Once you retrain your gut instincts, narcs are lit up often before they say a single word.

Nancy Durkin (part Sicilian)
Nancy Durkin (part Sicilian)
3 years ago
Reply to  Mexican Lady

He’s a Sicilian, so yes, of course he’s interesting!

3 years ago

Except Frank is a Sicilian with a backbone and guts. LOL

3 years ago

This is creepy and inappropriate. Especially the end bit.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Don’t worry, I’ve taken care of it. LOL

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

You must be new—at this point no one is shocked or surprised.

“Inappropriate” is something of a misnomer.

3 years ago

Frank, inquiring minds want to know something about Clare and her “journey” through her new reality. Thanks.

3 years ago
Reply to  Frank Parlato

They say if you view Clare Bronfman in person, your wiener falls off.

On a serious note, I wonder when it will dawn on her that she, like Nancy, was to be used, by Vanguard, as a lightning rod of a kind.

3 years ago

Excellent, unbeatable.

ALWAYS Anonymous
ALWAYS Anonymous
3 years ago

Powerful and something for all men to listen to and to take seriously.

3 years ago

It takes two to tango, the message is more for women, who made up most of the evil influence with NXIVM, to take seriously – only one man is going to prison and five women. LOL

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

—It takes two to tango

Does not tango implicitly imply two?

Only one man yes, but if not for him, would any of these women gone on to commit evil deeds?

One man and four women is a true fact. This fact alone does not prove your theory. Six bullets in a gun — the hand which fires it matters not the bullets.

Fool me Not
Fool me Not
3 years ago

The trafficking charge will stick. Here is a key phrase from her testimony, previously published:

“Q Did the Defendant ask you if you were okay at some point?

A Yes.

Q And did you respond?

A Yeah. I didn’t think that there was, like, an option, so I just said, Yes, I’m okay.”

I also think AM is going to not be happy with her sentence.

3 years ago
Reply to  Fool me Not

The charges are over, all that remains are some sentences, fines, and prison time. LOL

3 years ago
Reply to  Fool me Not

“I also think AM is going to not be happy with her sentence.”

I don’t think Allison Mack has a real option to appeal the sentence against her. It comes as it must, whether Mack likes it or not. It won’t change anything.

3 years ago

Not vengeance, but righteous wrath. This sounds like a woman that is getting acquainted with the idea that “No” is a complete sentence without a qualifier. I’m probably going to comment further, but after reading it, I’m blown away.

Keeping fighting for reality, Nicole. You deserve to go forward free of the burden of others’ deceit. Best of luck in the world to you, Nicole.

The statements here about Allison Mack and her conspiracy behind The Source put her attendance in Women’s Studies classes at UCB in a different context for those who didn’t see a problem with her attendance in what would be considered recruitment grounds. “Super participatory” was the description of her. That’s her predatory pattern, whether recruitment was her intent or not, and justifiably upsetting for those discussing oppression and abuse within the class setting. How could anyone else be “super participatory” with a predator in their midst that uses psychological manipulation?

3 years ago

Very well spoken and so powerful. Nicole, I wish you nothing but love and light going forward. I applaud you for shining the light on these rats. My wish for you is the life you deserve full of nothing but the best that the world has to offer. Great job. Your strength transcends and undoubtedly gives immense hope and courage to others.

The Judge
The Judge
3 years ago

I’m sure Camila enjoyed none of this!

3 years ago
Reply to  The Judge

Just remember she was a 15 year old kid who was brainwashed…

3 years ago

Brainwashing is fiction. LOL

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

My buddy LOL,

Don’t MLMs work via indoctrination? Brainwashing is a simple colloquial for indoctrination.

Need I say more, my dear friend?

I promised Frank I would refrain from trading barbs with you. Please don’t make this any harder than it has to be.

Susanne Schuberth (Germany)

Impressive and very powerful! 🏆🏆🏆

Nicole sees right through this Master Manipulator’s Mask.

3 years ago

She does now, but failed to see it earlier when it would have prevented her from being harmed. LOL

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

To Anonymous at 2:02 am
Just like you, LOL. And how long were you in Amway? Wasn’t it over 7 years? Then you should know how it feels, right?
Why did it take you so long to quit Amway?

LOL, let’s talk about your relationship with Amway. Have you been deceived, or have you deceived yourself, or have you been manipulated? I would like to know more about that. And how do you distinguish psychological manipulation and skillful negotiation and sales techniques from ordinary lies?

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

All good questions, would you like to come on Scott’s podcast to discuss these issues? LOL

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Frank, please tell LOL this is not me so he is not provoked.

Susanne Schuberth (Germany)
Reply to  Anonymous

Yes, that is sad, but learning is a lifelong process. Is there anyone who did never get hurt by trusting the wrong people? 🙄

3 years ago

Most people let others get scammed because they don’t really care about other people, very few of us make an effort to educate people so they don’t have to learn the lesson for themselves. LOL

Susanne Schuberth (Germany)
Reply to  Anonymous

Often times it is difficult to teach ppl to discern right from wrong as our human nature does not really want to be taught by others. We want to be right as our self loves pride. It needs a lot of humility to accept correction or admonition by another human being.

3 years ago

Susan, your question is an eternal question.

We have all been there or at least those of us who trust and have hearts to break.

The individual anonymous LOL is not of our good nature.

He is of an unhappy sort and misanthropic in nature.

They say the ones who need the most understanding are the toughest to understand and empathize with.

Susanne Schuberth (Germany)

@ ReformedGentleMan

You raised an important question here. I believe that the eternal ‘question’ has been answered by Jesus as the rich young ruler had asked him,

““Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.
You know the commandments: ‘Do not murder, Do not commit adultery, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Do not defraud, Honor your father and mother.’”
And he said to him, “Teacher, all these I have kept from my youth.”
And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”
Disheartened by the saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.” (Matthew 10:17-22 ESV)

Eternal life (i.e. knowing God and Jesus Christ as explained in John 17:3) is all about loving God and our neighbors, I believe. The problem arises when we try to improve ourselves (or ‘our selves’) without God’s loving help. Improvement on this horizontal-self-help-level through another human being only reaches the mind and remains superficial at best or it destroys the lives of many as it has happened in the NXIVM cult. 🙁

As for me, I do not want to judge others (if you like, cf. 1 Corinthians 5:12)

3 years ago

“Allison commanded her not to have sex with anyone and also not to shave her pubic hair. It is well known – and was first published here years ago – that Raniere prefers his female wives/students do not shave their pubic hair.” Nicole’s statement

Here is a curious circumstance.
On the Instagram page of NXIVM 101, managed by Kim W. there is a photo of a beaver with this caption:

A clean beaver is a happy beaver. Don’t liter!

What does the word “beaver” mean in slang?
Beaver in slang refers to the female pubic region.
Both Raniere and Mack are obsessed with females sporting long hair in their pubic regions.

The NXIVM 101 Instagram page is probably a class project for Allison Mack’s UC Berkeley Gender Studies Zoom class.
Kim W. is probably Allison Mack.
No new pictures have been posted to this Instagram page since September 25, 2020 when the other students wanted Mack to leave.

3 years ago


3 years ago

RE: Nicole and Her Tormentor Allison Mack:

After reading Nicole’s and India’s impact statements, Allison Mack is looking at some serious prison time.

Mack is a victim but is also a victimizer.

I’m glad I’m not the judge.

How do ensure justice when the lines between victim and perpetrator are so blurred?

Is Allison 1/3 villain and 2/3 victim – or is she 3/4 victim and 1/4 villain?

Even King David or King Solomon would be perplexed with regards to this case.

3 years ago

I think Allison should get the minimum. She may have broken the letter of the law, but if India is a victim, so is Allison. There is a scene in Seduced where a therapist tells India she is not responsible if anyone else was hurt because of her because it’s like it someone pushes you and you end up knocking into someone else and they fall. It’s the person who pushed you who is responsible for that person falling and getting hurt. If that analogy applies to India, why not to Allison? I do not believe Allison poses any danger to society that merits extreme jail time.

Mexican Lady
Mexican Lady
3 years ago

Allison is dangerous because when she had a position of power (being a teacher and public figure) and she used her power to abuse others. Nicole I believe was recruited because Keith told Allison she needed to work on her jealousy issues. Allison, through her power, enabled Raniere to have access to young hot actresses.

Allison needs time to reflect on what she did. How could she not realize she was trafficking and branding other women? On Seduced, they played the audio of how the brand was defined with Keith, Padilla, and Allison. If you knew all that and you still helped Keith recruit women to be branded, something is wrong with you. Allison was participating actively in all of the DOS activities. I am sorry. I know she is a hot blonde, but she does need to do time and be responsible.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mexican Lady

She’s not that hot, but she has cankles galore. LOL

3 years ago

Astute observation. I agree.

The only question I have is if Allison is done with DOS and recruiting. I wish for her own sake she had made more of a public denouncement of Nxivm. She has not helped her case at all. Allison has been skewered unfairly more than Nancy Salzman or Clare Bronfman because of Allison’s television fame.

Regarding punishment, I have to agree with Mexican Lady, especially if Allison does not publicly denounce DOS and Nxivm.
Considering the current state of penitentiaries dealing with Covid, I believe Mack’s sentence should be served home confinement.

3 years ago

Someone Mack’s age have an extremely low risk of dying from Covid. LOL

Besides, Trump is making the vaccine available soon and I will let Mack take my place in line just so she can go to prison where she belongs. LOL

3 years ago

If you continue reading about Allison Mack, you’ll change your mind. She came into the cult with personality disorders and vulnerable to manipulation. She was at one time just a victim. Over time, she crossed line after line and became or was allowed to feel unashamed about her sadism. I do feel sorry for her, but I also think she has a cornucopia of personality disorders, some of which are evident superficially. She is like Clare, but with less money.

Read about her petty jealousies and what she did to pivot herself above others in that hierarchy. Some people “thrived” in that environment. It’s worth noting why.

Watch her with the volume off, watch a variety of settings. Do you see that light behind her eyes, do you see the facial expressions that perform the expected response? What you’re watching is a narcissist feeding off of validation and attention. She emanates a void that can never be filled with validation.

Do you remember her rolling in the nasturtiums? Looking ponderously introspective, performing it for the camera. I suspect Allison Mack is like Keith, one who performs emotion and expected responses. Watch their first meeting, watch it with the sound off. Those are two narcs, feeding off one another like twin stars.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Don’t you think Keith likely had “collateral” on her too? And as a person with celebrity status, she had a lot to lose if it was released. She could easily have been coerced based on that.

Thanks for the suggestion, but I don’t believe I can accurately psychoanalyze someone based on how they appear in a video clip, even if I were a psychologist, so the exercise of watching clips of them with the volume off is fairly futile. To me, that clip of them at the volleyball match looks like two people with chemistry with each other, although I get the feeling KR knows how to manufacture that on demand using NLP techniques. Also on that note, I recall a clip in The Vow where KR says, “Go ahead, ask me” and you see his mouth kind of quiver and his eyes look like they’re welling up with tears. There’s no context given to that clip, but I guess we can conclude that he is a deeply feeling human being based on it? My point is IMO you can’t diagnose someone based on a few video clips.

3 years ago

The study of body language is called Kinesics, used in State Craft by the FBI, CIA and NSA. It’s a field devoted to that very thing. You can.

Superficially shown in side by side comparison of Donald Trump and Charles Manson interviews, it’s the reason you can decipher the body language being communicated to you.

Mexican Lady
Mexican Lady
3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Great points. I had not thought about Mack as a narc. Her behavior makes more sense under this lense.

3 years ago

Mack should get the maximum, she is a convicted felon who was described as evil during the Bronfman and Raniere sentencing hearings as being a main player. LOL

3 years ago

Reading Nicole’s letter was difficult. You can feel her pain in her words. She has been through an ordeal no woman should ever experience.

I wish Nicole well.

3 years ago

Congratulations on procreating, you used to be just a singular Reformed Gentle Man. LOL

3 years ago

“ Frank Report has chosen to follow the guidance of the court and has used only Nicole’s first name. However, I had a role in Nicole becoming a witness in the first place.”

This makes me happy. Thank you for facilitating Nicole’s testimony and thank you for following the guidance of the court. That’s more welcoming and respectful to victims.

Nothing is lost by doing this.

3 years ago

In Seduced, India recounts a screaming match between Nicole and Allison during the infamous Berkshires trip over Nicole learning of Keith’s “all mine” text. I had heard of the trip and the awkward photos forced on the poor girls, but had not heard about the blowup between Nicole and Allison. Did that come out at trial?

3 years ago

Starting to think Allison will get at least ten years. Nicole’s statement mimics India’s statements in Seduced in that they put a lot blame on Allison.

3 years ago
Reply to  benjicarver

I agree, it doesn’t look good for Mack or Salzman the Elder. Salzman Junior is lucky she flipped and testified against Raniere, but her role in the two year confinement still does not bode well for her getting a light sentence, either. LOL

3 years ago

Damn….that was powerful.

3 years ago

Wasn’t Nicole a romantic interest of Mark Hildreth? Way to go, Mark. First, you brought in Kreuk (lucky she escaped) and then you brought in Nicole.

3 years ago
Reply to  Frank Parlato

If only you gave as much leeway to female members who were just as likely ill-intended.

Everyone in that cult outside of the inner circle was deceived to some degree. He may have not been ill-intended, but he was a gullible fool and used his male dominance position to emotionally enforce–or at least coax–his gullibility onto the malleable females he recruited by buying the whole NXIVM shtick that members should tell those they attempt to recruit to ignore all of the negative information associated with the company/cult. That right there is a red flag in itself because if NXIVM was legitimate, it would have nothing to fear from such critical data (a favorite term often used by NXIVM) because all companies, no matter how successful they are, suffer negative press.

In hindsight, can it be considered a surprise to anyone that he recruited two good looking women who happened to be actresses into this cult, one who was likely their most famous member, and the other, an aspiring one who suffered the misfortune of DOS and wrote this brilliant statement? Has he even done anything to truly show that he was remorseful since he was one of Raniere’s most ardent supporters and it is a known fact that he was in NXIVM until 2017?

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

“Hildreth may have not been ill-intended, but he was a gullible fool and used his male dominance position to emotionally enforce – or at least coax – his gullibility onto the malleable females he recruited”

Well said…but I suspect that over the years his gullibility could evolve into ill-intention as he enjoyed his status and power over women.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Kreuk didn’t “escape”. She was still a willing member in 2016, possibly into 2017 according to this website’s owner. To escape means one is trapped against their will. No fan boy responses will be tolerated.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Was any Nx-ian (even before collateral) really “a willing member” after years of hearing Vanguard’s teachings and Nancy’s EMs and NLP, plus the universal reinforcement of all your friends and flying monkeys?

That’s how cults keep people in line. For years devout Catholics believed their priests rather than their own children who said they were molested.

Your definitions of escape and trapped are appropriate for someone safely outside the cult making judgments, not for those inside Nx.

3 years ago

I love how she laid into Agnifilo. Really well done. The whole statement should be applauded.

3 years ago
Reply to  Natashka

The problem is that Agnifilo was just doing his job and he didn’t have much to work with. LOL

It’s like being handed a two and three of different suits in poker and bluffing your way to a win, except all of the cards are face up. LOL

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I agree. Wiser words have never been spoken. Lord hear our prayer.

You can still get a straight with different suits or a three or four of kind. Two pair is decent too.

Agnifilo was bluffing with a high card, a 9.

3 years ago

That was really good.

3 years ago

Very powerful impact statement. Very well said and very courageous.

3 years ago

“Nicole believes Mack used The Source as a means to recruit young, attractive women for Raniere to be his slaves. ”

Nicole is 100% Correct!
Mack’s use of her bogus acting school as a recruitment tool for a sex slave harem shows that Mack is a predator.
Don’t take it from me.
Take it from a commenter on the nxivm101 Instagram page.
I believe that sookiemylov is a person who knows Allison Mack personally.

Allison Mack is a predator.

Watch The Vow.
7w1 likeReply

Alison Mack is a predator.

Alison Mack is a predator.
5w1 likeReply

Mexican Lady
Mexican Lady
3 years ago

Thanks, Shadow, for posting this. I think also this shows how right on the UC Berkely students were.

Alisson was likely taking classes to recruit women. I think other people would be embarrassed. They would have shame and be low key. It says a lot that she was highly participatory and reaching out to young women students.

Mexican Lady
Mexican Lady
3 years ago

Shadow, can you explain this Instagram account? I found it disturbing.

3 years ago

You mention in different answers that Allison is a predator, no! It implies that this person really knows Allison Mack – when, in reality, she says rather the opposite, since at this point many of the people who were in knowledge of something first-hand have had the opportunity to speak and have not done so. On the other hand, we know that Raniere established a recruitment system based on 666, so we know the 8 first-line slaves each had to recruit 6 slaves, and those, in turn, would recruit 6 slaves each, which, in turn, would recruit 6 slaves. Let’s remember Allison’s group of slave girls that included Michele H, India O, Danielle R, Nicole, Jay, I don’t remember who the other 2 were but until Frank can confirm or deny how many women in DOS were recruited by Allison within from The Source. I think the rest is speculation.

3 years ago

People should take more care to spell names correctly (Alison vs. Allison), it helps with search engine results. LOL

Archie Bunker
Archie Bunker
3 years ago

Calling Mack a predator means this poster knows Mack personally? Then 1/2 the country knows her personally.

3 years ago
Reply to  Archie Bunker

—Then 1/2 the country knows her personally.

People watch a fictional or reality show and always believe they l know the person.

Bill Cosby is the prime example.

You, Archie Bunker, most of all, should know watching someone on a television show constitutes “knowing” someone personally.

I always felt like you and the dingbat(Edith) should get a divorce. Do you think your daughter and MeatHead husband broke up because of her weight gain in season 4 of your show? I always suspected as much.

3 years ago
Reply to  Archie Bunker

No, it means we’ve seen enough evidence and her behavior, calling someone a predator isn’t a medical or legal diagnosis, it’s an opinion. LOL

Nomin Jerabek
Nomin Jerabek
3 years ago

It couldn’t have been easy for Nicole to go through it and talk about it later. But now that she has told her story in public, she can maybe take that burden off and start a new life. I wish her luck.

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083


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