‘Is This Justice?’ SOP Leader Damon Brink Admonishes Judge in Raniere Case

Damon Brink said Keith Raniere was so smart he could build you into a millionaire. Too bad for Damon that Raniere was not smart enough to leave child porn in his library right out in the open for the FBI to find it.

In an attempt to review and understand the role of Keith Alan Raniere in the world of his followers and society in general – and to try to determine if he does indeed deserve a sentence of life in prison – Frank Report is publishing statements of his victims and supporters.

One of his supporters, Damon Brink, is married to a woman who is one of Raniere’s victims, Sally Brink. She spoke in court as a victim at Clare Bronfman’s sentencing hearing – and reportedly filed a victim impact statement in the Raniere case.

See: Cancer Survivor, Sally Brink’s Statement at Clare Bronfman Sentencing: ‘You’ve Caused so Much Destruction in so Many Lives’

Damon, on the other hand, has not flinched in telling the public about his support of Raniere even though it is unpopular to do so.

As prose, Brink writes a pretty good letter. However, he is so sure of Raniere’s righteousness that he assumes a tone of moral superiority with the judge whom he is trying to persuade to treat Raniere leniently in his sentencing.

Besides seeking to show the judge that Raniere’s good works prove he is not a monster, Brink seeks to show the judge the error of his ways, declaring that the judge failed to understand and impose justice at the trial.

The example Brink uses is the judge’s stopping the cross-examination of Lauren Salzman, then scolding Raniere’s attorney, Marc Agnifilo, in front of the jury.  He may have a due process point, but this unusual strategy of telling a lifetime-appointed federal judge that he failed to administer justice while simultaneously seeking leniency for a defendant was not likely to be persuasive. This argument is better made as an issue on appeal.

As readers know, the judge sentenced Raniere to 120 years in prison.

Here is Brink’s letter to Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis


Dear Judge Garaufis,

My name is Damon Brink. I’m from Jericho, Vermont. I’m a coach, director of a local community center, DJ and entrepreneur. I have a family, a son and a wife and I’m concerned for their safety because of the unhinged, abusive and vengeful nature of those determined to destroy Keith Raniere and everything and everyone he represents.

My reason for writing is to bring light to the injustice and corruption of this case. The story of Keith Raniere and ESP is and has been propagandized and corrupted to such an extent that it has and continues to cause great harm not only to Keith and his co-defendants but to thousands of people who have associated or continue to associate with ESP.

I came to NXIVM in 2010, well, really in 2009 after experiencing a profound perspective shift in my partner. We had a fight and her reaction to me changed the course of my life. Instead of her normal reactions she met my fear and anger with love and compassion. I wanted to find out more so I went to Albany to take an intensive of my own.

In 2010 after having taken a full 16 day intensive and getting to know some of the people in ESP, my wife found out she was pregnant and with a child coming I decided to move my family to Albany, NY to be close to the ESP community. It was one of the best decisions of my life.

While in the ESP community I was a leader and had close ties with leadership, including Keith. Today I have love for most of the people on all sides of this terrible case. I know them. I know the defendants, I know the accusers. I’ve spent countless hours with all of them and often in the most compassionate and touching human connection I’ve ever experienced. This is what we did in ESP.

The stories that are being told are opinions and perspectives that have been blown up by a voracious media and used as fuel for a zealous and politically motivated attack. There is not enough room to detail the litany of dishonorable, unjust, destructive and quite possibly illegal activities perpetrated by those with tremendous power, power that dwarfs that of any Upstate NY “Guru”.

People who care about Justice will be examining everything about this case forever. Every decision, every slander, every abuse of power, every government coercive tactic, every corrupt association. Every mal intended action will be identified and brought to light and the scope of the injustice will become self-evident, but I do have one particular injustice that I witnessed first hand, in your courtroom.

It was the day your impulse to protect a female exhibiting distress overcame your oath and commitment as a Judge to “… .without respect to persons… faithfully and impartially discharge the duties incumbent on me… “.

You stopped the questioning of Lauren Salzman and you scolded defense attorney Agnifilio in front of a live jury and full courtroom for doing his job defending a man who has a life sentence against him. Is this Justice?

Also many of my friends have experienced the coercive overreach of the FBI and the government. These friends have suffered every abuse that the government has accused Raniere of and more. These friends have lost much more than I. They’ve been vilified, lost jobs, communities, reputations, houses and financial security. They’ve had agents with guns show up at their homes, they were threatened with having their children taken from them, they were coerced to change their own narratives and much, much more. Is this Justice?

Today I had my social media account trolled by someone who wants to share lies written about me in regard to this case. This person, anonymous, wants to bring attention to the lies and the false narrative in what I can only assume is a tactic to discredit and, what? have me fired from my job, vilified in my community, disgraced? For what? For supporting the things and people I believe in?

If ESP is so monstrous, if Keith is the ultimate monster, if all those involved in ESP are part of a criminal racket, why must the government, the media and the accusers use so much hatred and coercion in their pursuit of Justice? What does it mean for Justice when the foundations are fear, anger, hatred and violence? Is this Justice?

In regard to Keith Raniere, I have my experience of him and what he created and the people involved. All of which is nothing like the narrative in the press and prosecution. I have experienced Keith as a man of honor and principle. I experience him as a most compassionate human who cares about people and works tirelessly at something he feels is good and important for the world. I have known him for eight years and I have never witnessed or heard of him raising his voice in anger.

As for my experience with what Keith created. I personally witnessed the transformation of those who came to ESP with Tourettes and I will be forever confounded at how people can take something that was (is) so beautiful and powerful and turn it in to some cheap parlour trick in order to justify their own violent and destructive behavior. There is hard evidence of success in the treatment of Tourettes with tools that Keith created, it’s real, it’s the result of thousands of hours and dozens if not hundreds of people working together. Could a monster create this?

I was deeply involved with Rainbow and with the kids program within the community and I witnessed many parents transform in ways that brought them closer to their children. I was fortunate enough to work with dozens if not a hundred children and families who experienced profoundly positive shifts in their family dynamics by learning to instill boundaries and parent from a place of love and not fear. This was done with tools Keith created. Could a monster have created this?

I was and am friends with many in the Mexican community. I had the privilege of travelling to Mexico with SOP and to work with Mexican men and women in an effort to bring to light the roots of the violence in Mexico. I heard, first hand, stories of the most horrendous crimes, beheadings, kidnappings and witnessed Keith’s ongoing commitment to creating a peaceful response that could help transform the violence. This wasn’t a short term project, it took place over years, thousands and thousands of hours, effort and care from hundreds and hundreds of people and it was and is recognized as having great potential for reducing the violence. Would a monster want to reduce violence?

In regard to all the stories about how impossible it is to leave ESP. It’s not. I left in 2016 with no drama. I was a founder of SOP and had been a leader in the organization, I held close relationships with Keith and most everyone in leadership. No one came after me. I told the people who were important to me and agreed to stay in touch and I packed up and moved with my family to Connecticut, just like normal people. I also know many others who chose to leave in the same way. There was none of the drama that has been foundational to parts of the false narrative that you couldn’t leave. It’s not true.

I have no idea why Keith and others made all the decisions they did. The accusations are repulsive and I understand why people are horrified. I can understand why a click-hungry media would stoke the fires in this modern day coliseum. I can understand that masses scream for blood and the men rush to protect the defenseless women. This is our human experience, this is what we’ve learned and created, this is what we do.

But you, Judge, you hold a different role, a higher role. You are the difference between civilization and savagery. You are the one who stands above the masses, above the viciousness, above the guns and unlimited power apparatus. You are the Judge and you cannot allow yourself to be seduced by repulsion and emotion because you have to decide what Justice looks like for all of us.

Our entire system and structure of civilization is based on your Oath, “…without respect to persons… I will faithfully and impartially…”. What a decision you have, when it appears true Justice is waning in the United States. You could change that and I ask that you let your sentence forever reflect a return to Justice, a return to civilization. I ask that you do not succumb, Judge, even to your own impulses but opt, instead, for your rock, your oath.

I wish you strength and compassion but most of all I wish for you to choose Justice over savagery and let your choice be an example, for your grandchildren, for my children and for all, of what true Justice should be.



About the author

Frank Parlato

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3 years ago

Too much cunning, not enough courage.
This is a character that prefers lies to truth.

Jane Smith
Jane Smith
3 years ago

I find it very interesting reading things written by people on the other side. They are very wrong and it is fascinating to work out what makes them think as they do. As FP said, trying to get leniency whilst being critical of the court is never going to get you anywhere and shows that these people were not writing on the advice of KR’s lawyers in my view.
Even the first part – in which he says anyone against KR is “unhinged” – is going to get him nowhere as so many people are told you must be mad because you do not agree with me, etc.

This is weird “People who care about Justice will be examining everything about this case forever.” There are miscarriage of justice cases in the US and here in the UK although nothing like as many as in places like China, Saudi, Iran of course but the KR case where there was so much wrong on the KR side is not the case to use as the poster child for miscarriage of justice. Instead, the authorities did something which is extremely hard – prosecuted people in a cult. It is normally very difficult despite all the wrongs that go on. The case is a great victory and protective of people.

Didn’t like this bit either “impulse to protect a female exhibiting distress” – it implies all men buy into the sexist nonsense of KR – that we women are really weak useless things who need a bit strong man to protect us. He has swallowed the Kool-aid if he thinks those views are going to go down well even with men.

On the child thing Rainbow – boundaries? I don’t think changing nursery workers every day and different languages are good for very small children – and likely make it harder for them to bond with one key nursery worker. As a working mother, I am not against daycare but the child needs consistency, not constant change.

He left he says without problems (although with a branded wife apparently). Just because he found it easy to leave does not mean others did not. Also, he hasn’t really left, has he? He still buys into it all – his mind is still trapped.

Even mentioned the judge’s grandchildren – that is unwise, almost threatening although probably not tipping over into that.

On the fact he says he had a recent hack of his social media account – that is worth looking into. Maybe his followers did it so it would make the state look bad? Maybe it was done by the state (unlikely) or someone else.

3 years ago

Trump defeats Benedict Arnold Biden, the Chinese spy and child molester.

3 years ago

If you’re a current follower of Keith Raniere, child rapist and convicted felon, know that your delusional letters helped to ensure his long sentence. They illustrated the need for a life sentence for a dangerous psychopath.

All that good Keith did served himself. Everything he taught was recycled discredited philosophies, generally created by other psychopaths.

Ayn Rands Objectivism

This is the toxic kool-aid of psychopathic ideologies Keith hijacked and put his own spin on.

Google is your friend if you know how to use it. Start small. Right now, many of you are probably being surveilled by the FBI/NSA. That’s a good incentive to start over and build a life of your own without a Daddy telling you how to think. It’s not too late to accept your mistakes, make amends, and build your own community of people that don’t control you, or you them.

NXIVM was always going to be a dead-end until you stopped providing value. They were the parasites all along, feeding off your insecurities and loneliness.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Voila! Only each one in the pyramid feeds off from those that were down under their dominion in the structure. That’s MLM.

Single Bullet Theory
Single Bullet Theory
3 years ago


Courageous letter

Keith did do much good

However, he did bad that you don’t mention.

Yup, There are haters, ready to pounce for their own political motivations

There are also those that have been abused or legally assaulted by Clare and/or Keith.

You’re right: The judge was off his rocker when he stopped Agnifilo to protect Lauren Salzman and did that in front of the jury. It biased the trial

You say he only did good, yet many have testified to the bad.

You don’t talk about accountability, about Keith being accountable for his actions, being remorseful for his actions. Kidnapping, sex trafficking, child pornography, money laundering, tax evasion and forced labor are all crimes

The punishment is excessive in relation to commonly accepted standards in the US and abroad

A good deal of that excessive punishment was brought on by Keith’s own lack of accountability and remorse; some brought on by the social effects of the “me too” movement and some by the conservative media (Frank Report) who demonized Keith. All played a role.

3 years ago

Dude’s a member of the Society of Protectors. His wife is a victim of Keith and Clare. He’s failing to protect and care for his wife and family. Damon! Wake Up!

3 years ago

A man with a child and a wife whom he claims to feel protective about continues to clap for Raniere like a seal out on a rocky cliff. What is irrationality, anyhow?

Alan Charles
Alan Charles
3 years ago

Sounds like an arrogant douchebag to me.

Jane Smith
Jane Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  Alan Charles

What I have read about the SOP makes me think all Nxivm men should come with a warning sign – not likely to treat women fairly and think they have to be some kind of big great important protector entitled to many lovers – avoid like the plague.

3 years ago

Damon, you are so lost, amigo!!!

Mauricio Ricardo Urtaza Reyes
Mauricio Ricardo Urtaza Reyes
3 years ago

Sounds like a blind, immoral coward trying to make sense of why he lost everything for supporting a rapist, pedophile, etc. I mean who would want to have women dressing in cow udders for being little princesses. The only thing that people have to know about Raniere is that he believed in the shit that he preached. So, we have to look to society in general to see what the fuck did we did to create someone so monstrous and that life in jail doesn’t make the world better. But that’s it, he should be stopped and studied to find a solution

Dianne Lipson
Dianne Lipson
3 years ago

“Could a monster have created this?”
The answer is yes. People are multi-faceted. The same person who is loved at work might abuse their spouse at home. The same person who is feared at work might be henpecked at home. It’s a complicated world. People show different parts of themselves in different situations.
In addition, Keith’s good actions were probably self-serving. His good works burnished his reputation, and bound his followers to him.

a tiny speck of dust
a tiny speck of dust
3 years ago
Reply to  Dianne Lipson

It is a complicated world. It would be less complicated if people who claimed to serve the greater good actually did so. Why didn’t we hear more about the supposed ideas this lunatic liar had about easing tensions China and Tibet? What were his high altitude strategies to counter the violent situation in Mexico? If this scumbag coward really had any substance behind his words, he would have said he was sorry, he would implore for the chance to show his intentions were good, he would say how he lost his way and he hopes to learn from his mistakes. He didn’t even come close to mounting a palpable defense, or an issuing an apology, or uttering any words of substance because his sick sham of a worldview collapsed down on his bullshit spewing skull.

Jane Smith
Jane Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  Dianne Lipson

Yes, well said. Everyone is a mixture of good and bad. I don’t understand why people saying Keith did good makes them think, ergo, things he did wrong should go unpunished. I can understand it in a sentencing hearing about a reduction of sentence but those writing these letters seem to be using it instead as a chance to say, therefore, the bad he allegedly did was not done and was all made up. That, as FP says, is a matter for appeals not for sentencing. In sentencing, you almost fall on your sword and say mea culpa, this person did these terrible wrong things and will be regretting them for life but I just want to add judge, the lovely wonderful judge who has done so much right, please show compassion on this wicked man because he did XYZ good things. None of them seemed to get that with their statements which just seemed designed to annoy any court.

Adam Hayes
Adam Hayes
3 years ago

This man confuses the reaction to savagery with actual savagery.

3 years ago

“ They’ve had agents with guns show up at their homes, they were threatened with having their children taken from them, they were coerced to change their own narratives and much, much more. Is this Justice?”

No, children should never have been exposed to this ideology, or a community in which rape and child rape is normalized. 2 mothers offered up their daughters for Keith’s use. No, all children should have been removed by court order long ago.

3 years ago

“ People who care about Justice will be examining everything about this case forever. Every decision, every slander, every abuse of power, every government coercive tactic, every corrupt association. Every mal intended action will be identified and brought to light and the scope of the injustice will become self-evident, but I do have one particular injustice that I witnessed first hand, in your courtroom.”

This is true, but not how he means it. Someone looking to unseat another candidate or an investigative journalist is already looking into corruption that extended for decades for the cabal of Espians wealthy enough to buy “justice” in the Northern district of New York.

Not Frank, those are his buddies.

3 years ago
Reply to  Frank Parlato

Isn’t that why you were hired? To do clean up work because of your connections? Is that not what you do, smooth the way among those that owe you favors and trade information for services rendered? A lobbyist of sorts. Influence peddler, fixer.

3 years ago

“We had a fight and her reaction to me changed the course of my life. Instead of her normal reactions she met my fear and anger with love and compassion. I wanted to find out more so I went to Albany to take an intensive of my own.”

‘She was taught by barbaric misogynists to coddle me like the spineless baby-man, that I am. Toxic enabling in the face of male violence may not be healthy, but it made my wife more subservient to my petty ego and kept her from leaving me until mean scary bad people told her the truth”.

3 years ago

Ok now commenters, which one of you trolled and upset Mr Brink on his social media? Shadow? Scott? 😂

3 years ago
Reply to  Natashka

Link please….

3 years ago
Reply to  NiceGuy

This time I don’t have one, it’s just what Brink mentioned in his letter to the judge 🙂

3 years ago

“ I wish you strength and compassion but most of all I wish for you to choose Justice over savagery and let your choice be an example, for your grandchildren, for my children and for all, of what true Justice should be.”

That wish was granted.

“ The story of Keith Raniere and ESP is and has been propagandized and corrupted to such an extent that it has and continues to cause great harm”

So the Government did to Keith what Keith did to others, interesting.

3 years ago

Judge: [Reads annoying, judgmental, holier-than-thou letter. Tacks on another 20 years to the sentence.]

3 years ago

He has a point or two. However, if he has “never witnessed or heard of him [Raniere] raising his voice in anger” is just because he [Brink] is a man. From Toni Natalie on, those who witnessed his bursts of anger were all women. Many of the curriculums he created were obviously designed to disempower women.

Nomin Jerabek
Nomin Jerabek
3 years ago

What can I say to that? A poet was lost in this gentleman. There’s just a discrepancy in your letter to Judge Garaufis. He asks the judge to rule emotionlessly, without feroness, in the name of his oath. But this letter is full of emotion (as if written by a woman).

Jane Smith
Jane Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  Nomin Jerabek

Although in my real world which is not some fake Games of Thrones SOP stuff, my sons and I all have emotions. Imagine that!

3 years ago

Damon Brink-

You are a pussy-ass-crybaby and yes I would say it to your face if we met.

Jimbo is your leader. Need I say more…..Run along, it’s volleyball night.

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083
Email: frankreport76@gmail.com


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