Keith Raniere Declares War on His Federal Prosecutors – Proves That NXIVM/ESP Is Alive and Dangerous as Ever

Keith Raniere

Keith Raniere may actually have lost his mind – or wants the Honorable Nicholas G. Garaufis, the U.S. District Court judge who will be sentencing him on October 27th, to think he has.

Judge Nicholas G. Garaufis will sentence Keith Alan Raniere.

That’s really all anyone can conclude from the latest “strategy” that he has deployed in his effort to prove that he should have never been prosecuted – let alone convicted – for some of the crimes he committed as the head of the NXIVM/ESP criminal enterprise.

In a letter that was sent on Saturday, September 26th, Seth DuCharme,  the Acting U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, has informed Judge Garaufis of the following events that took place on Friday:

  • Just before 5:00 PM, Suneel Chakravorty sent an email to DuCharme, former EDNY U.S. Attorney Richard Donoghue, and Assistant U.S. Attorneys Mark Lesko and Tanya Hajjar.
  • Around the same time, approximately ten people – one of who had a video camera – showed up at the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the EDNY and left a paper copy of the attachments to the email.
  • Also around the same time, another individual attempted to leave a package of materials at the law firm where former Assistant U.S. Attorney Moira Penza works.

For those who are relatively new readers of the Frank Report, let me explain who each of these individuals is.

Suneel Chakravorty is a passionate follower of Raniere – and one of the leaders of The Forgotten Ones, a group that has been having dancers perform every Friday night outside the Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC), which is where Keith has been incarcerated since March 2018.


Suneel Chakravorty looks skyward to see his Vanguard


Seth DuCharme is the Acting U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York (EDNY).

Seth Du Charme


Richard Donoghue is the former U.S. Attorney for the EDNY (He held that position when Raniere was indicted – and throughout the trial in which Raniere was convicted of seven felonies).

Former US Attorney for the EDNY Richard Donoghue


Mark Lesko is the Chief Assistant U.S. Attorney in the EDNY – and was a member of the prosecution team for Raniere’s trial.

AUSA Mark J. Lesko


Tanya Hajjar is an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the EDNY – and was a member of the prosecution team for Raniere’s trial.

Tanya Hajjar


Moira Penza is a former Assistant U.S. Attorney in the EDNY – and was the lead prosecutor for Raniere’s trial.

Moira Penza


Demand for Public Accountability

As set forth in his email, Chakravorty sent each of the named parties “a petition, an affidavit, and some signatures of support from the media”.

He also set 5:00 PM on Wednesday, September 30th, as the deadline by which they needed to respond to the so-called affidavit.

As described in the email, “The affidavit contains 8 simple statements that we would like you to review and respond to, either affirming or denying each point, regarding your conduct, and that of your office, in the case of USA v. Keith Raniere et. al (18-cr-204)”.

Chakravorty gave each of the recipients the option of emailing him directly – or sending their responses to


The Petition

The petition – which was sent on behalf of an entity named “We the People” – begins by noting that their intent is to bring about major reform in the U.S. criminal justice system through a partnership with the media and with a set of well-delineated tools – and to do so “in months, not years or decades”.

It goes to explain that the first tool they will use is “an affidavit process that holds prosecutors accountable through media exposure and public pressure” – and that the first case to which this tool will be applied is that of Keith Raniere, which “has one of the biggest spotlights and incontrovertible evidence of prosecutorial misconduct and corruption”.

The petition indicates that “Mr. Raniere’s prosecutors will be served the enclosed affidavit which contains nine simple statements of basic ethical conduct that every prosecutor should be able to affirm easily and automatically” – and indicates that We the People “have evidence proving they will not be able to honestly affirm even a single statement”.

In addition to noting that each of the named individuals will be asked to affirm or deny the statements set forth in the affidavit, the petition also delineates some of the other “tools” that We the People plan to use to prove that Raniere was unfairly prosecuted and convicted.

These include a “$35,000 innocence challenge, a podcast and other provocative public actions that bring hidden transgressions to light and send a message to judges, prosecutors and federal agents that they answer to us, We the People”.

Thus far, the petition has been signed by four individuals: Walter Pavlo, Amanda Knox, Valentino Dixon, and Donna Davidson (More on them in a future post).


The “Affidavit”

The so-called affidavit contains eight statements (rather than the nine mentioned in the petition) – and asks each of the recipients to initial all the statements they personally affirm or if they deny any of them, to initial and write “denied’ next to their initials. It also gives them the option of attaching an explanation for any of their denials.

The eight statements are as follows:

  1. We the Prosecutors did not knowingly make any false or misleading statements to the public or the media.
  2. We the Prosecutors did not knowingly make, or allow any federal agents to make, any false statements to the court.
  3. We the Prosecutors handled all potential witnesses properly. No witness was in any way intentionally challenged to augment or change his or her opinions or beliefs by us.
  4. We the Prosecutors never threatened any potential witnesses with indictment in an attempt to dissuade him or her from participating in, or supporting, the defense.
  5. We the Prosecutors either had no reason to suspect collusion or hidden financial motives amongst our witnesses or we made sure our suspicions were properly investigated We did not object to any evidence, including cross-examination, that might realistically show collusion amongst our witnesses.
  6. We the Prosecutors have stated in open court we have victims who feared for their lives. We made sure that these representations were properly investigated and, in each case, we discovered there were legitimate threats to the life of the witness.
  7. We the Prosecutors did not allow any of our witnesses to commit perjury about events and/or evidence known to, or possessed, by us.
  8. We the Prosecutors have never tampered with evidence. All evidence presented had a well-documented chain of custody, with no gaps. All evidence was secure and there was no unrecorded accesses. No evidence presented was modified before or during forensic analysis.


Kudos to Suneel Chakravorty for a Job Well Done – or Maybe Not

Wow…it’s really hard to know where to start in terms of doling out praise for this masterful plan for getting Keith Raniere’s conviction overturned – and allowing him to return to his glory days as the Vanguard of the NXIVM/ESP criminal enterprise.

Clearly, this must have taken a great deal of work on Suneel’s part – especially getting such luminaries as Amanda Knox to sign the Petition.

And coming up with those exquisitely-worded eight statements must have taken numerous drafts and re-drafts.

Actually, not so much…

As it turns out, this entire scheme – and the wording of the “affidavit” – were all the work of the inestimable Keith Alan Raniere.

The brilliant strategist Keith Raniere

Yep, as the third attachment to the letter to Judge Garaufis clearly shows, it is Keith who deserves all the credit for this brilliant strategy.

It was back on June 9th that Keith emailed the “Affidavit points” to Suneel.

At that time, there were actually 10 points that the prosecutors were going to be asked to affirm or deny.

Here are the other two – which, for some reason, didn’t make it into the final version:

  • We the Prosecutors did not know of, and had no reason to suspect, a potential civil law suite [sic] through Neil Glazer involving trial witnesses other than Mark Vicente.
  • We the Prosecutors have stated, and allowed to be stated, by sworn affidavit, to the court and elsewhere, Mr. Raniere left the U.S.A. only once to travel to Mexico and never returned until his arrest”.

There is also another email to Suneel dated June 16th in which Keith details additional information regarding each of the ten statements. And we’ll be analyzing that additional information in a later post.


What Happens Next?

What’s going to happen next as a result of yesterday’s activities is unclear – but I’m pretty sure that Judge Garaufis is not going to order that Keith be freed on Monday.

And I’m also pretty sure that Suneel and anyone else associated with this incredibly stupid plan will probably get a visit from an FBI agent and/or a U.S. Marshal sometime in the near future.

Judges and prosecutors do not take kindly to threats and intimidation tactics of any sort.

This is especially true after a disgruntled lawyer recently killed the son – and wounded the husband – of a New Jersey federal judge.

Criminal charges are certainly a possibility here – and this fiasco may well be taken into consideration when the Bureau of Prisons decides where Keith should serve his sentence.

In fact- the chances of Keith being assigned to the supermax facility in Florence Colorado where he will be underground in solitary confinement for years just went up exponentially.

By this threatening gesture on the part of Keith Raniere and his follower, Suneel Chakravorty, Raniere’s chances of living in solitary for years in the supermax prison just increased.

The only question now is whether this latest example of Keith’s contempt for the legal process will finally get a law enforcement official in the Northern District of New York to get off their bribed/blackmailed/intimated asses – and do something to put an end to this cult once and for all.

Clearly, NXIVM/ESP is alive – and even more dangerous and unpredictable now that  it’s becoming clear that its leader may be spending the rest of his life in prison.


Here are the documents that were filed today:

Cover memo

Email from Keith to Suneel June 9, 2020

Email from Suneel to Prosecutors Sept. 25, 2020

Letter from Prosecution Regarding Affidavit Request



About the author

K.R. Claviger

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3 years ago

Prosecutors du Charme & Lesko look like brothers. Prosecutors Hajjar & Penza look like sisters. Mack & Clyne also look like sisters. Am I the only one noticing this pattern?

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous


Clifton Parker
Clifton Parker
3 years ago

Stupid is as stupid does…..

Mexican Lady
Mexican Lady
3 years ago

I love the picture KR Claviger selected for Keith at the top. Ha Ha, Keith always scheming! Nice article KR

3 years ago

Nicki Clyne has added a new profile picture to her Instagram page
comment image?

3 years ago

Maybe she is scared Amanda Knox will be the new love of Keith and she will be again out. Watch out, Nicki!

3 years ago

Even before Raniere and his friends were arrested in 2018, Nicki Clyne in her Instagram page was following Criminal Justice groups advocating prisoner rights.

And Nicki’s Weareasyouare Instagram page follows many groups affiliated with BLM as well as the radical Islamic activist from Brooklyn named Linda Sarsour.

ALWAYS Anonymous
ALWAYS Anonymous
3 years ago

As predicted, Raniere is now a political prisoner.

His group is trying to extend his appeal to the broader population by bringing up a new defense: the mob’s desire for vengeance. The NYT article forced prosecutors to act. They wouldn’t act at NDNY and when EDNY acted, it overacted, thus ignoring Raniere’s right to an unbiased trial to satisfy the mob’s lust for blood.

The goal of his group is to bring broader support for a new trial with a new legal team representing him.

3 years ago

Poor guy. He is simply too evolved for all of us. Raniere’s plan of having a growing pyramid of sex slave pods of women “marked by the beast” near their vaginas exposed during the atmosphere of #metoo was such an unfortunate travesty for the world. He is the hero we deserve, just not the one we need right now.

How can we the people not feel sorry for him? How can the government be so unjust by putting away this pinnacle of human excellence who is only seeking to bring about the next step in female evolution–DOS female empowerment?

3 years ago

I would have thought he would want to do something to help Clare, this close to her sentencing. Like maybe send a letter to the judge begging for mercy on her behalf and assuring the judge that Clare was not attached to the enterprise and an innocent but naive dupe, or something to that effect.

He could have done something to help her yet he appears mostly concerned about himself.

Mexican lady
Mexican lady
3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Great point . He only cares about himself

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Crazy child sex trafficking porn lusting pig!
And obvious follower

3 years ago

Let’s put Nicki Clyne’s comical antics in perspective.

In Portland Oregon, for the last 100 days, mobs of Communists and Anarchists have been trying to burn down the Federal courthouse.

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler is encouraging them.

Oregon Governor Katie Brown is encouraging them.

Congressman Jerry Nadler says it is a myth that organized mobs are trying to burn down the Portland courthouse.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stirs up riots around the country with her rhetoric.

New York Mayor Andrew Cuomo threatens President Trump if he visits New York City.

By the standards of today’s Communist Democratic Party, Nicki Clyne’s asinine stunt is rather tame.

3 years ago

It’s nice that an article about deranged cultists has attracted some “whatabout” nonsense from a deranged member of a different cult.

EM Tech
EM Tech
3 years ago

Some of us have a theory about why Suneel’s suddenly risen to the surface. Some of us hypothesize that Suneel had a significant part, or possibly a leadership role in, the analysis of Keith’s hard drive access statistics. Consider this: Keith had access to Clare’s millions to get the best electronic analysis team on the planet, but this evidence never surfaced in his defense. That leaves two possibilities: Keith had the evidence and wanted to suppress it so he could be declared guilty and have evidence in his pocket for a mistrial motion or this next jabberwocky movement he’s invented, or Keith didn’t have the evidence in hand because Suneel failed to produce it.

As you read through the transcription of Keith and Suneel’s telephone exchanges, any reader could see that Suneel is more or less stuttering out half-sentences to Keith, never once completing a full thought to Keith. If Suneel was put in charge of hard drive analysis and failed to produce sufficient data indicating Keith never accessed the hard drive with Keith’s own laptop (which is a possibility that would indeed paint a far different picture and indicate that the Dani Fernandez testimony was perjury and the Cami photos possibly planted by her older sister Dani to enact revenge for the whole locked in a bedroom incident, which Dani did indeed herself perpetuate by the way – she was a kleptomaniac and kept stealing and looking for ways to steal information online), then Suneel’s failure to deliver on a set of evidence to use in defense would constitute an ethical breach against Keith, and Suneel may have chosen to step up into a spotlight supporter role for the jail dancers and this new we the people movement.

It is a possibility that logically follows from the way Keith enrolls people to do difficult things for him and loops them into further labor (usually free labor) to “heal their breach” against him. Oddly, this system is a system of victimhood, painting Keith as the ultimate victim of everyone around him, because they broke their commitment to do what they said their were going to do, or as Jim Del Negro puts it, “you broke a promise to Keith.” This black-and-white topsy-turvy surface analysis has an obvious flaw in the premise that Keith has no responsibility in what he asks people to do, and as an outsider looking in this seems obviously crazy cakes, but to those still inside, still dedicated, they cannot or will not see this system playing out over and over again — this is sad.

3 years ago

Is this a set up, a foretelling, of an insanity plea?

3 years ago

With each passing day that gets closer to his sentencing, it’s now become a question of how high can he build the walls of narcissistic self-delusion that surround himself?

3 years ago

Raniere traveled to Mexico, but they do not mentioned he went to Dharmsala violating a court order not to abandon the US in 2009. Frank, please check that, he flew and I think he didn’t use his passport.

3 years ago

Here is the Team for the NXIVM front group Make Justice Blind:

Nicki looks the part of a prim and proper legal eagle.
You would not recognize Nicki from when she is twerking outside the MDC with her Butt in the air.

When you read Nicki’s Manifesto, which is printed below, you will see that Nicki has brass balls.

Make Justice Blind

Our Team

Eduardo Asunsolo
Eduardo is a professional interpreter and voice over artist. He owns a translation business, working with the political asylum office, immigration court and federal court. He lives with his wife and son in Brooklyn, NY and they have a daughter on the way. He studied acting at the revered conservatory NAW New York with Mike Nichols, and graduated with a degree in marketing from ITESM University in México. He has been committed to wrongful conviction advocacy for the past two years and is thrilled to be bringing these initiatives to life.

Nicki Clyne @nickiclyne
Nicki Clyne began her career as an actor, most notably on the hit television series Battlestar Galactica. She has worked as a writer, a news analyst and television host, but it wasn’t until she experienced the failings of the criminal justice system first-hand that she decided to dedicate herself to much needed advocacy efforts in the field. She works directly with people inside prison, as well as produces media that brings awareness to important, and sometimes controversial, issues.

Michele Hatchette @thismixele
Michele was born and raised in Harlem and attended one of the first historically integrated schools in the country. Michele has spent her career in education, agriculture, hospitality, and community building. Most recently, she has become a co-leader of several efforts that seek to reform the ‘justice’ system by exposing and addressing the conduct of the people who make the decisions within the ‘justice’ system.

Suneel Chakravorty @suneelius
Suneel grew up in South Florida and studied mathematics at Harvard College. He started his career as a software engineer at Yipit (now YipitData) in NYC, co-founded a software consulting firm called SimpleFractal, and now trains teams to use machine learning and data science. He believes that the justice system needs to evolve and become data-driven and devoid of prejudice and hate, and that technology and public participation can facilitate this quickly.

Marc Elliot @MarcE_talks
Marc Elliot is an award-winning inspirational speaker on compassion and tolerance who lived with Tourettes Syndrome for 20 years. He ended up beating it completely mind over body with tools from NXIVM. Marc is no stranger to prejudice, both from living with Tourettes and then being a proud supporter of NXIVM. These experiences have inspired him to join these initiatives in the fight against hate.

Here is the Make Justice Blind Manifesto:

Make Justice Blind

Justice Reform through Public Accountability
The Affidavit contains eight simple statements that every prosecutor should be able to affirm.

A justice system is only as good as the people who enforce its laws. If there are corrupt actors within it, no matter what the laws, the system will be ineffective and unjust.

It is not enough to exonerate innocent people after they’ve spent 30 years in prison. These wrongful convictions should be unacceptable in a civilized society, and the individuals who contribute to this type of injustice should be exposed and held accountable.

The Affidavit is a tool that, through a partnership between the media and the people, sends a message to prosecutors and judges everywhere: we, the people, are watching.

The petition explaining the Affidavit and the specific points of this first application of it can be found below. We are starting with the provable corruption that occurred in Keith Raniere’s case, and intend to apply it to other cases of misconduct as people demand public accountability.

Petition for Media
We the People,
Police the Police,
Prosecute the Prosecutors,
Judge the Judges,
Investigate the Investigators.

A justice system is a system of people – justice comes from the quality of their conduct. No number of rules, structures, organizations, or laws will change that. The quickest method of justice reform is through exposure and public accountability. Through a partnership between the media and We the People, and with a set of well-delineated tools, we can bring about major reform in months, not years or decades.

Within this partnership, the first tool we will launch is an affidavit process that holds prosecutors accountable through media exposure and public pressure. The first case to which this will be applied is not without controversy, but it has one of the biggest spotlights and incontrovertible evidence of prosecutorial misconduct and corruption. It is The United States vs. Raniere et al., which took place in May and June of last year.

Mr. Raniere’s prosecutors will be served the enclosed affidavit, which contains eight simple statements of basic ethical conduct that every prosecutor should be able to affirm easily and automatically. Additionally, there are three statements of conduct specific to this case that the prosecutors, if they acted within the confines of the law, should be able to affirm. This affidavit is necessary and exists because we have evidence proving they will not be able to honestly affirm a single statement.

n addition to this affidavit, there will be a $35,000 Innocence Challenge, a podcast and other provocative public actions that bring hidden transgressions to light and send a message to judges, prosecutors and federal agents that they answer to us, We the People.

Please support prosecutorial accountability by covering this event and keeping the pressure on the prosecutors until their transgressions are addressed. Please email us at if you would like to be added to the petition.

The Affidavit

We, the Prosecutors, of the United States vs. Raniere et al, specifically Richard Donoghue, Mark Lesko, Tanya Hajjar, Moira Kim Penza, in upholding our vow of office, and sacred duty to the people of the United States, do hereby affirm and personally initial all that are true with respect to this case (if any of these are denied, please initial, write “denied” next to your initials and, optionally, attach an explanation):

We the Prosecutors of the United States vs. Raniere et al, specifically Richard Donoghue, Mark Lesko, Tanya Hajjar, Moira Kim Penza, and Seth DuCharme, in upholding our vow of office, and sacred duty to the people of the United States, do hereby affirm and personally initial all that are true with respect to this case (if any of these are denied, please initial, write “denied” next to your initials and, optionally, attach an explanation):

1. We, the Prosecutors, did not knowingly make any false or misleading statements to the public or media.

2. We, the Prosecutors, did not knowingly make, or allow any federal agents to make, any false statements to the court.

3. We, the Prosecutors, handled all potential witnesses properly. No witness was in any way intentionally challenged to augment or change his or her opinions or beliefs by us.

4. We, the Prosecutors, never threatened any potential witness with indictment in an attempt to dissuade him or her from participating in, or supporting, the defense.

5. We, the Prosecutors, either had no reason to suspect collusion or hidden financial motives among our witnesses, or we made sure our suspicions were properly investigated. We did not object to any evidence, including cross-examination, that might realistically show collusion amongst our witnesses.

6. We, the Prosecutors, have stated in open court we have victims who feared for their lives. We made sure that these representations were properly investigated and, in each case, we discovered that there were legitimate threats to the life of the witness.

7. We, the Prosecutors, did not allow any of our witnesses to commit perjury about events and/or evidence known to, or possessed, by us.

8. We, the Prosecutors, have never tampered with evidence. All evidence presented had a well-documented chain of custody, with no gaps. All evidence was secure and there were no unrecorded accesses. No evidence presented was modified before or during forensic analysis.

A word to the wise for Nicki and her friends:

Prosecutors don’t like people barging into their offices with cameras recording them especially at 5 PM which is closing time.
If you have a beef with the US DOJ there is an Inspector General’s office to handle allegations of misconduct.

Years ago a top Federal prosecutor in Chicago named William Hogan was fired for using false testimony in the El Rukn street gang case.


Matt O’Connor, Tribune Staff Writer

After a lengthy internal investigation of its tainted prosecution of El Rukn street gang leaders in Chicago, the U.S. Justice Department has fired the lead attorney in the case, it was disclosed Wednesday.

Assistant U.S. Atty. William Hogan Jr., once hailed as the star prosecutor who convicted more than 50 Rukns and effectively dismantled the notorious street gang’s leadership, later came under intensive judicial criticism for the way he did it.

3 years ago

So what are Raniere’s lawyers up to now that he has better representation, helping to send him to a better prison?

This stuff is very funny. Suneel, ice, ice baby. I t’ot I saw a puddy tat.

Round’em up, head ’em out, Rawhide. This is a good time to dance.

3 years ago
Reply to  Shivani

“This is a good time to dance.” Shivani

One dance coming up!
Real McCoy – Another Night

3 years ago

Here’s Scott’s email (the LOL was included in the email. LOL):

Scott Johnson

Sun, Sep 27 at 12:43 AM

Your demands are meaningless. LOL

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Why did you remove Scott’s email address? He’s not chicken like most of the commenters here, the email is present in his call to action message regarding MLM scams which have repeatedly been published on this website, not to mention thousands of times across the internets:

Do your part and copy/paste this message, including this part, all over social media (unless owned/operated by current Amway IBOs or the Amway scam company), and encourage them to do the same, and so on, à la network marketing/MLM. Also, submit a complaint to the FTC at If you don’t, then you’re part of the problem. Amway has 2 major problems, and most MLMs have at least one of these issues:

1. The products are overpriced, which makes them almost impossible to sell to customers and results in Amway being an illegal pyramid: , and also according to the FTC and SEC websites and previous court decisions and settlements; and

2. The Tool Scam is hidden profit for the top level distributors only, and the vast majority of distributors operate at a net loss as a result: This is RICO fraud.

For recent examples, google “FTC” along with the following companies, one at a time: FHTM, BurnLounge, Zeek, TelexFree, Vemma, Advocare, Neora, Javita, Waiora, Business For Health, and Herbalife. Make a complaint on the FTC website:

Although there is no federal law defining pyramid schemes, the FTC has a long and successful track record of using its Section 5 law prohibiting “unfair and deceptive” business practices to go after MLM scams: which states, in part, “Not all multilevel marketing plans are legitimate. If the money you make is based on your sales to the public, it may be a legitimate multilevel marketing plan. If the money you make is based on the number of people you recruit and your sales to them, it’s probably not. It could be a pyramid scheme. Pyramid schemes are illegal, and the vast majority of participants lose money.”

Read about these and much more at these websites: and, and, and email to help shut down Amway and other MLM scams.

Watch this video about Amway and other MLM scams, then forward it to everyone you know, except for current Amway IBOs, and encourage them to do the same. When enough people know, these scams will collapse:

English version:

Spanish version:

Visit my YouTube channel:

Listen to my weekly radio/podcast:

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083


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