Vicente Gives Striking Details of Nxivm Intensive – Including ‘The Fall’

This is part #2 in our series on the testimony given by Mark Vicente, one of the chief whistle blowers of Nxivm.

He was the second witness in the trial of Keith Alan Raniere, a witness for the prosecution.

In Part 1 entitle  Inside the Cult  – Mark Vicente Explains the Various Nxivm Groups and Subgroups, as the title suggests, Mark explained something about the number of sub groups and offshoots of Nxivm, used to recruit and interest people in joining the larger body of Nxivm.

In this post, Mark explains what happens inside a Nxivm class, called an intensive. It is probably one of the best explanations ever given and by a man who not only took the intensives but taught them as well.

AUSA Mark Lesko is examining Mark. It is the second day of trial, Vicente followed Sylvie, the first witness, who had concluded her testimony earlier in the day.

The date was May 8, it was Friday and Vicente testified to the conclusion of the day, and was set to return on Monday.

This is the remainder of his Friday testimony:

Mark Lesko examined Mark Vicente


Mark Vicente took his first intensive in 2005. Nancy Salzman taught it.

Q   Mr. Vicente, what is an intensive, could you describe that for us please?

A   ….it was a 16-day training one could take… at the first– five days and then if you decided to continue, you could take the entire 16.

Some people committed to only five days. That was my case; some committed to the entire 16 days….


A   … The training was typically held at a center. In my case it was held at the headquarters, 455 New Karner Road. When you first came in, there was a registration process. You filled out a pretty in depth psychological survey… that survey [supposedly] was sent to some independent group that was supposed to study the results.


NXIVM headquarters at 455 New Karner Rd., in Colonie, NY, a suburb of Albany.

I don’t know if that happened or not. I think the survey…  turned out to be a narcissistic personality disorder survey. There was [also] a … NDA agreement….

Q   What does NDA stand for?

A   Nondisclosure ….agreement….  you signed basically saying that you wouldn’t talk to anybody … about what you experienced.

There were a lot of restrictions. You couldn’t use [the teachings] for certain things and…  you were not allowed to use what you learned once you left [Nxivm].…  In order to get the [Nxivm] education you had to sign the agreement and [then] they were going to give you this incredible… vault of knowledge.

…. in my [first intensive] …Nancy Salzman ….was there teaching it.

Most people [in other intensives] got the education [from Nancy] on video… they might watch an introductory video from Nancy Salzman. It would be … around 50 minutes of her explaining who she was, talking about Keith Raniere, talking about this incredible model that they developed …. sort of the warm-up.

Once she had gone through that, the first module we did was called Rules and Rituals…. Basically, the ground rules of how [the intensive] is going to work, talking about…  ‘are you open to feedback,’ ‘you’re not open to feedback,’ introducing the idea of sashes.

Colored sashes on the wall.

[It was] much like in … martial arts… this is what we were told….  in martial arts … you wear different colored belts. Instead of a belt, you wore a sash….  On a wall there was [a] huge array of sashes that went from … white to yellow to orange, all the way up to reds, and white at the very end… At that point the staff … working there were not wearing the sashes, but they explained the sashes and Rules and Rituals was the setup…  from that point forward there were a number of modules that you did every single day…. modules like ‘Communication Being a Cause’ which we were taught was actually a concept borrowed from Neurolinguistic Programming.

And pretty early on a number of the philosophical ideas began being introduced…  for example, there were ideas that … everybody had [something] called an inner deficiency…  an inner deficiency is like… this …gaping hole inside of you of emptiness and… abject whatever, fear, whatever it is, that causes you …  to feel like you need something from somebody else or from the external world to feel better…. we were told this is the thing [your inner deficiency] we’re going to help you work on.

So, that was one of the concepts that ….for the entire 12 years that I was there, that …concept …was always there.

Nancy Salzman teaching a class

Another concept was … “being at cause.”

… that they got from neurolinguistic programming. The idea that all the things you’re feeling that you think other people are causing are not caused by other people. You are the only one causing your feelings and you are the only one responsible for what you are feeling. They [others] are not doing anything to you.

In essence, what’s happening is that they [others] are a kind of stimulus. You do a bunch of things internally and you are causing your own reaction. So, really no matter what anybody else does, it’s not really them, it’s you.

And that idea also was present…  in all the curriculum, the idea that really you’re the one responsible for everything….  all the upset you have at other people, all the complaining…  about what people are doing, really it’s not them, it’s you… it was constantly pointed back at you.

There was a module, for instance, called “Honesty and Disclosure” … a lot of the intensive, the beginning is about redefining ideas…. In Honesty and Disclosure, the idea [is], well, maybe disclosure might not be good… there [are] circumstances under which one should not disclose things, [disclosure] should be strategic.

There was a module called “Good and Bad,” [which] again [is] redefining good and bad.

Q   So, these were themes that were taught in various modules?

A   They were taught in various modules and the first three days was full of this kind of redefining… redefining new words. … there was talk about tribute.

Q   What was tribute?

A  … Tribute was basically recognizing that you are who you are because of who came before you, who taught you…  What they did with you, whether good or bad, is why you are the way you are right now and tribute is a very, very important thing.

…  they talked about … the ranking structure of ESP – it’s very, very important to give tribute to those people that are of a higher rank, that have achieved…  what you have not achieved and that was a constant focus.

In addition, there was an enormous focus on giving tribute to Nancy Salzman and to Keith Raniere who was called Vanguard… there was a lot of discussion about giving tribute to Vanguard….

…. there was another [module] called Pride and Prejudice, looking at…  if you have the inability to give tribute…. [if you do] clearly it’s a pride problem. You have too much pride and so part of what this curriculum will help you do is… do away with that pride because that stands in the way of so many things for you.

You were filled with pride, if you did not offer tribute to Keith Raniere

Q   So, pride was considered to be a bad thing?

A   Pride was considered to be a bad thing. It was definitely something that would get in your way.

Q   So…. these  modules were … like classes basically?

A   They were like classes…. an idea was introduce… let’s say Good and Bad [module]… what is good… what is bad… and [then] you would break out into groups and let’s say the intensive [had] 30 people, you break out into groups of maybe six or seven, with facilitators and you would discuss these questions and pretty soon you’d find out … you really didn’t have a clear definition of a lot of these things [discussed in the module] and you’d end up pretty confused…  then what would happen [next was], a video would be played, or in my case [ay my first intensive] Nancy Salzman would come up and say, “great, let’s give you the answers.” They weren’t called the answers… it was called a debrief and later the term would be “disquisition.”

Q  …. was the debrief session after the breakouts?

A   Yes.

Q   Breakouts, [are] participants…discussing questions?

A   Correct.

Q  [Then] Reconvene as a group and then you received the answers?

A   You’d hear this module’s version of what the answers are.

Q   And that debrief session was later renamed?

A   Later it was renamed to disquisition.

Q   Disquisition, is that a real word?

A   I have no idea.

THE COURT: How do you spell it?

THE WITNESS: D-I-S-Q-U-I-S-I-T-I-O-N. I hope that was right.

Q   Sounds good to me.

THE COURT: All right.

Q   So, describe this debrief or disquisition?

A   …. basically once you discussed a bunch of ideas, if you have six, seven, eight people in a group discussing what does something mean or what’s the meaning of this thing or what’s the definition, it’s chaos.

So, usually by the end of 15 minutes you have no idea what to think anymore, so then you’re listening to this version…. for instance. So, you know, they [trainer] would describe good as, you know, pro-survival and building of value; bad, — anti-survival and destruction of value, and you sort of say, “well, that’s a pretty good definition, I seem to like that.” They would say these are our working definitions that we’re going to use so we can keep on moving and things moved very, very quickly so…  if you raised an issue, you know, it was like, well “stick with us because it is leading somewhere.”

Q   What happened after the debrief sessions?

A   Then we’d go back into breakout groups again and the same process would occur and then it would be anywhere from three to maybe up to seven [after] these…. debriefs that would occur and then there would be the final debrief or the sort of punch line of the message that they wanted to get across.

Q   Did that have a name, that final debrief?

A   It may have…I can’t remember if it did.

Q   So, what happened after the final debrief?

A   In the case of the intensive, you would have a very short break and then you would go back into another two hours, there were typically five two-hour sessions every day. They tended to be longer because in reality things run longer but, you know, …you were basically in session for anywhere from ten to twelve hours. This is Level 1 I’m describing…. Level 2 is a whole other thing.

Q   We’ll get into that later. So, after this process of breakouts and debriefs, how did the intensive end?

 Keith Raniere wrote the module for “The Fall”.

A   … basically the first three days was pretty much like that. The end of the first day was quite unique because there was a …  module called “The Fall”.  The Fall was Mr. Raniere’s version of … describing somebody’s fall from conscience into no conscience. So, basically, you know, somebody has very low self-esteem, it gets lower and lower, they’re miserable, depressed, a horrible human being, they get to like zero self-esteem and then what happens is they make a discovery and the discovery they make is that if they just abandon their conscience and abandon morality, life could be amazing. They could have anything they wanted and they start to have what’s called a negative self-esteem, which is they start to feel good having no conscience and they start to feel good hurting and torturing other people. It actually thrills them….  this always produced in the class — the class was terrified because everybody was like, “oh my God, I hope this wasn’t me.” “No, no, if you’re asking the question, it’s not you.”

And then on the fourth day they would introduce what’s called an EM, which is an “exploration of meaning,” and then you would receive one of those pretty much every day until towards the end of the intensive…  at the end of intensive there was something called the “Magnificent Series” which is basically “now [that] you’ve figured out all these things about you and all these issues and all these problems, who is the real you?”, and that was discovering your essence at the very end and there was a lot of stuff in between.

[The court recessed at this point for the weekend.

Nancy Salzman, with Mark Vicente, Alex Betancourt,,Karen U, Clare Bronfman, Lauren Salzman and Emiliano Salinas – all wearing their sashes indicating rank.


A couple of observations are in order here:

The “in depth psychological survey” that supposedly was sent to some independent group to study the results turned out to be a narcissistic personality disorder survey.

Could it be that Raniere was looking for that type of personality? At the very least he was seeking to probe deeply into the personalities of the students to cull from these ones who were suitable [damaged enough] for his inner circle.

I have always found it interesting that students regularly signed NDA’s that they never got copies of. This showed they were by and large not business people, for sharp business people always insist on getting a copy of everything they sign.

It was also interesting that people regularly signed an agreement that said in effect, you couldn’t use the teachings without Nxivm’s consent – for any business or money making venture.  Although it might be impossible to enforce, technically you were not allowed to use what you paid to learn if you left Nxivm.

This is rather unique in the history of education. Imagine Harvard, for instance, telling students that they could not use what they learned once they stopped being members or taking classes.  And Nxivm was every bit as expensive as Harvard.

The main difference is that most people who graduate from Harvard go on to become successful in their fields. Very few who ever attended Nxivm intensives ever were successful at anything. And no one ever graduated. The courses went on forever.

The indoctrination started almost immediately. Nancy, either on video, or in person, gave the introductory and almost at once she starts to talk about Keith Raniere, and how incredible he is.

In Rules and Rituals you are supposed to be ‘open to feedback,’ which is to ensure you will listen to what the trainers tell you [feedback] as to what is right and what is wrong.

The sashes are a ranking system to allow Raniere to control power in the organization by deciding who is promoted.

The idea that everybody has an “inner deficiency” is also an excellent control feature since Raniere – and through his minions – could find your weaknesses and point them out to you; it was their job to find your weaknesses and the fact is you would never correct them no matter how many intensives you took.

“Being at cause” is also quite perfect since it is always your fault and never the course, or never Raniere for the horrible things you are experiencing from him or his teachings,

“You are the only one causing your feelings and you are the only one responsible for what you are feeling,” Vicente says, and it is what the misled students – especially those who took numerous classes [for Nxivm was nothing more than a giant sifting machine to sift out the people who would not be his servants and slaves] began to believe: No matter what harm Raniere did to them, things that made them unhappy, it was really their issue., They were at cause.

It is the perfect recipe for Raniere to ruin lives and have them blame themselves for it.

Tribute was also part of the hypnosis or indoctrination technique . While every bad thing you felt or experienced is all about your inner deficiency and you being at cause, there was one thing that you had to always be constant in — giving Raniere tribute.

You owe it all to him because of what he taught you – this prized teachings [that is actually undermining all your self confidence and robbing your wealth] –  and the whole time you are thanking, giving tribute to your secret enemy, Raniere.

Of course if you did not give him tribute, the fault lies in you – you are prideful.

As for the method of doing a module and then going into breakout groups, this was meant to confuse the student and get them receptive to the debriefs where Nxivm would provide new answers to questions like “Good and Bad’ or “Honesty and Disclosure.”

Your morals would be revamped.

The use of the word “disquisition” to replace the old word “debrief” is revealing in itself. A disquisition is a long and elaborate dissertation on a topic usually meant to be the last word. To end any further inquisition into a topic, one provides a disquisition.

In short, Nxivm would tell you what to think. Then you would have a break out where you would realize that you really didn’t know what to think, then you would go back and do the debrief [or disquisition] and you would be told what to think.

Then there would be another breakout where, if you were not yet in agreement with the Nxivm teaching, you would be deliberately confused and confounded by the coaches or they would tell you at least to “stick with us, we have a point.”

Then you would go back for the final debrief and be told again what to think.

Combine this with the long, long, early morning to evening sessions, with minimalist meals, a room either too cold or too warm and very few breaks and you begin to wear down.

Short breaks and more two hour sessions, then break outs and debriefs and more break outs and disquisitions.  There were five two-hour sessions every day. And they ran longer than two hours.

Of course Nxivm was a sifting machine.

Then there was Raniere’s likely favorite model — “The Fall”.

He is basically describing himself- and it must have given him such glee, as many psychopaths experience glee when they drop hints about their true intentions.

But he also used the Fall as a weapon against his followers. It was they who – having some conscience, which he of course lacked – who were always worried about having the fall.

As Vicente explains. “The Fall was Mr. Raniere’s version of … describing somebody’s fall from conscience into no conscience. So, basically… somebody has very low self-esteem, it gets lower and lower, they’re miserable, depressed, a horrible human being, they get to like zero self-esteem and then what happens is they make a discovery and the discovery they make is that if they just abandon their conscience and abandon morality, life could be amazing.”

This is precisely what happened to Raniere and very early on in his life.  As soon as he lost his conscience, he lived gleefully for decades using everyone, without regard to how he hurt them.

It went on until karma caught up with him.

Vicente continues; “They [i.e. Raniere] could have anything they [he] wanted and they [he] start[s] to have what’s called a negative self-esteem, which is they [he] start[s] to feel good having no conscience and they [he] start[s] to feel good hurting and torturing other people. It actually thrills them [him].”

Spot on.

It was interesting that Vicente and others, including Sylvie, had the same reaction when they heard about the Fall  — “this always produced in the class — the class was terrified because everybody was like, ‘oh my God, I hope this wasn’t me.”

No, it was not you, it was the guy you were giving tribute to.


About the author

Frank Parlato

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[…] Part 2 Vicente Gives Striking Details of Nxivm Intensive – Including ‘The Fall’ […]

S Todd
S Todd
3 years ago

Frank, I find this fascinating. Just like boot camp the psychology to break you down and rebuild you into a member of the armed services. Lack of sleep, lack of food and imparted reasoning while acting as a unit. But I feel like this a once in a lifetime deal. Once you have been through the crap, you recognize the manipulation and try to figure how you can get what you want; easy duty, more money, challenging experience, attention or education and you migrate to your personal goals to the best of your ability and circumstances. This may be a false assessment but I never picked up on any Law Enforcement Officers nor military veterans participating in NXIVM. Although there was a suggestion of a dirty cop with a computer changing locations for jurisdiction purposes but that smelled like a bribe or undue influence situation.

That also answers my question on why no one ever beat KAR ass or set him up for arrest. His marks were too timid and avoided truly earned authority and traditional structure.

Keep the reports coming Frank, good piece.

3 years ago
Reply to  S Todd

Good points. Of course, the difference is boot camp breaks you down AND builds you back up in a short period of time and most of the recruits are very young, whereas NXIVM broke people down, mostly experienced adults, and down, and down, etc. There was never any rebuilding.

3 years ago
Reply to  S Todd

S. Todd,

Excellent observation!!!!

I had not thought of it myself whatsoever in the slightest.

The Frank Report is at its best when individuals like yourself share their thoughts on NXIVM and other subjects.

I do not believe anyone has ever made that observation before; at least not in the 20 months I’ve been following the Frank Report.


A question for our host
A question for our host
3 years ago

Mr Parlato’s analysis of Mark Vicente’s description of the Intensive process, starting with a personality disorder questionnaire, then destruction of students’ confidence in their self-worth, then redefinition of morality via confusion followed by replacement by a new morality that served the cult leader’s desires, seems spot-on.

But Mr Parlato has written that during his time as a consultant to NXIVM, (he never did the Intensive, although he was urged to), he didn’t recognize any destructiveness, except perhaps that high-rank members seemed unable to make basic business decisions on their own.

After Mr Parlato was fired by Raniere for questioning Raniere’s real estate business judgement to the vital cash cows of Clare and Sara Bronfman, he basically just walked away.

But characteristically, Raniere harassed him through his minions with civil lawsuits and eventually criminal indictment (on trumped-up charges by an allegedly corrupt US attorney). The Frank Report started as a counterattack to that.

There was already a rich literature on misbehaviour by Raniere and NXIVM, and early Frank Report articles (understandably) largely re-hashed that.

We know now that Mr Parlato assisted is Kristen Keeffe’s defection with her (and Raniere’s) son. He may have learned more about the inner workings of NXIVM from her, but couldn’t report it at the time for fear of giving leads to finding her. But there was not a lot of analysis of how the Intensive broke people down and rebuilt them into Raniere’s unwitting servants/victims.

Of course the big breakthrough was the DOS story, with reports from at first a few defectors, then a flood. But again, the reporting was on DOS and not on the Intensive.

So my question for Mr Parlato is to tell the story of how he came to understand the mind-bending of NXIVM. Is it recent, from reading the trial testimony and /or talking to the witnesses? Or were there other defectors (they need not be named), experts, or other sources ?

3 years ago

Kim Snyder
Yes- he did a good thing in bringing Keith and his minions down- he still needs to finish my sister, Kristin’s case- I have given 100 percent off the evidence that we have here at home- and things that have been sent to us.
Frank needs to finish this case and solve her death- and the other girls- he has to win his case as well.
The other issue is- leave the Religious Universities and Churches alone- they are NONE of his business!!!!!!!! He doesn’t need to mess with the Franciscan University Of Steubenville- he won’t know how to get out of there. That college is a beautiful place.
The other places he needs to leave alone- are the Religious Schools all over the country. Politics is NOT his strong suit.
Kris case needs to be solved!!!!!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Kim

You sound rather demanding. Leaving religious universities and churches alone would be akin to how the Catholic church operated until fairly recently, and it isn’t a very good picture. Any institution, religious or otherwise, should welcome a fair-minded journalist, unless they have something to hide.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

If she could burn you at the stake she would.

3 years ago
Reply to  NiceGuy

Good job, niceguy!

3 years ago

I have a lot of problems with Frank Paralto’s politics but he did a wonderful thing in bringing down this monster and stopping Nexium from continuing on as a cult.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dave

I have a lot of problems with your politics and you haven’t done anything wonderful.

3 years ago

Kim Snyser
At cause is what the chiropractor and Esther Chiapone Carlson used on my ONLY sister, Kristin- in Heidi’s hot tub and on the floor during the intensive.
At cause- meaning- everything is her fault. We finally get a definition for that stupid word.
EM- and At Cause- to me, are the same thing- excuses. They want people to believe they are at fault for everything.
Kris went through this toward the last of her intensive- this is what led to her death. She wanted out- they wouldn’t let her out.
Every one on that team is at FAULT for her death.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kim

I’ve known what “at cause” means for about two years, ever since I started reading this website.

3 years ago

This is the only specific concept that was defined in this testimony, “So, you know, they [trainer] would describe good as, you know, pro-survival and building of value; bad, — anti-survival and destruction of value, and you sort of say, “well, that’s a pretty good definition, I seem to like that.”” These are very bad definitions. Hitler was all about survival and building value, for himself. This is part of the sifting process Frank describes. If you accept the definitions, you stay in and can be further manipulated. If you didn’t accept the definitions, you probably took no more intensives and tried to think of something of value you got out of the class you just wasted thousands of dollars on. LOL

While surviving is a good thing, so is helping others, such as educating them about Amway and other MLM scams. Destroying the wealth value the MLM scam artists have built for themselves is a very good thing.

3 years ago

Interesting how Vicente and many others who later turned against NXIVM weren’t repulsed by all of this to quit, whether immediately after experiencing it or while they were getting paid to teach it, until the cauterizing started. I can’t think of a stronger argument than to keep all of the convicted felons in prison for as long as possible, why would the judge want to release them back into society until as long as possible?

A couple of observations are in order here: — Yes, there are, this ALL comes from Raniere’s Amway training.

The “in depth psychological survey” that supposedly was sent to some independent group to study the results turned out to be a narcissistic personality disorder survey. — Amway occasionally “thinned the herd” with an extreme story of “loyalty” or “edification,” which kept in those who were more dedicated, particularly after “investing” (getting scammed for) more time, effort, and money.

Could it be that Raniere was looking for that type of personality? At the very least he was seeking to probe deeply into the personalities of the students to cull from these ones who were suitable [damaged enough] for his inner circle. — Amway mainly looks for those who don’t see/choose to ignore/want to participate in the scam. That’s why the organization is so much larger than NXIVM could ever dream of being. Not that Raniere wanted to be as large, there are only so many women a creep can f*ck at one time.

I have always found it interesting that students regularly signed NDA’s that they never got copies of. This showed they were by and large not business people, for sharp business people always insist on getting a copy of everything they sign. — Amway used a different tact, they simply made the rules so complex and confusing that people didn’t bother reading them. In fact, the upline told their downline to not even bother reading the rules, because they will teach people what they need to learn. Apparently Raniere’s business model meant he had to not just hide the rules and keep people from being able to read them, he just kept them from getting any outside input on the whole program.

It was also interesting that people regularly signed an agreement that said in effect, you couldn’t use the teachings without Nxivm’s consent – for any business or money making venture. Although it might be impossible to enforce, technically you were not allowed to use what you paid to learn if you left Nxivm. — I think it went beyond that, you couldn’t even tell anybody what you learned in NXIVM. In Amway it is quite common to disallow any kind of recording of a meeting.

This is rather unique in the history of education. Imagine Harvard, for instance, telling students that they could not use what they learned once they stopped being members or taking classes. And Nxivm was every bit as expensive as Harvard. — That’s because what they learned was useless anywhere else other than inside NXIVM. At least in Amway some practical things were taught, which helped make it look legitimate while they had their hand in your back pocket, ripping you off.

The main difference is that most people who graduate from Harvard go on to become successful in their fields. Very few who ever attended Nxivm intensives ever were successful at anything. And no one ever graduated. The courses went on forever. — Some were successful at NXIVM, I think the high-level teachers made money AND a lot of students who took a course or two and didn’t go any further, which makes them a customer under MLM rules. The idea behind education in NXIVM and other MLM scams is to pay to get educated so you pay some more to get even more educated, a never-ending cycle.

The indoctrination started almost immediately. Nancy, either on video, or in person, gave the introductory and almost at once she starts to talk about Keith Raniere, and how incredible he is. — Same with the Amway upline, build them up by “edifying” them as the best person you’ll ever meet in your life. This gives the upline credibility with your downline and prospects. Not a bad idea if used properly, but neither NXIVM nor Amway and other MLM scams do use it properly.

In Rules and Rituals you are supposed to be ‘open to feedback,’ which is to ensure you will listen to what the trainers tell you [feedback] as to what is right and what is wrong. — It’s called “teachable” in Amway. Absorb the half-truths being taught and don’t ask questions, because that would create doubt within the group.

The sashes are a ranking system to allow Raniere to control power in the organization by deciding who is promoted. — Sashes, martial arts belts, Amway pins, it’s all the same thing, a sign of status, for NXIVM and Amway, while hiding massive lies.

The idea that everybody has an “inner deficiency” is also an excellent control feature since Raniere – and through his minions – could find your weaknesses and point them out to you; it was their job to find your weaknesses and the fact is you would never correct them no matter how many intensives you took. — This is called your “why” in Amway. What do you want, and they keep holding that in front of you.

“Being at cause” is also quite perfect since it is always your fault and never the course, or never Raniere for the horrible things you are experiencing from him or his teachings, — Similar to the Amway training and motivation “system” being perfect, and if you fail it is obviously your fault, you didn’t follow the system.

“You are the only one causing your feelings and you are the only one responsible for what you are feeling,” Vicente says, and it is what the misled students – especially those who took numerous classes [for Nxivm was nothing more than a giant sifting machine to sift out the people who would not be his servants and slaves] began to believe: No matter what harm Raniere did to them, things that made them unhappy, it was really their issue., They were at cause. — Similar to the “no crossling” rule, which means you have zero interaction with any other Amway distributor unless they are in your immediate, and their immediate upline, etc., or your downline. Definitely a very well developed information control and sifting system.

It is the perfect recipe for Raniere to ruin lives and have them blame themselves for it. — The “self-blame” routine is hammered home constantly in Amway.

Tribute was also part of the hypnosis or indoctrination technique . While every bad thing you felt or experienced is all about your inner deficiency and you being at cause, there was one thing that you had to always be constant in — giving Raniere tribute. — Same with edifying the Amway upline. No matter how much money you were losing, the “secret” was to always speak highly of the upline.

You owe it all to him because of what he taught you – this prized teachings [that is actually undermining all your self confidence and robbing your wealth] – and the whole time you are thanking, giving tribute to your secret enemy, Raniere. — Ditto in Amway.

Of course if you did not give him tribute, the fault lies in you – you are prideful. — And if you didn’t “edify” the Amway upline, you were ignored.

As for the method of doing a module and then going into breakout groups, this was meant to confuse the student and get them receptive to the debriefs where Nxivm would provide new answers to questions like “Good and Bad’ or “Honesty and Disclosure.” — Amway doesn’t allow discussion, they just “preach” their lies and expect to be believed. Discussion would be very dangerous, as people may ask the wrong questions. Of course, Amway wasn’t as much “all in” for most people as NXIVM, either.

Your morals would be revamped. — Amway isn’t so much about revamping morals as it is about hiding the lies and only tell the half of the truth they want you to know.

The use of the word “disquisition” to replace the old word “debrief” is revealing in itself. A disquisition is a long and elaborate dissertation on a topic usually meant to be the last word. To end any further inquisition into a topic, one provides a disquisition. — I’m surprised the lawyer pretended not to know what that word meant, surely it must have come up during the discussion prior to the testimony. I think that’s why the judge moved them along quickly, too much show-boating.

In short, Nxivm would tell you what to think. Then you would have a break out where you would realize that you really didn’t know what to think, then you would go back and do the debrief [or disquisition] and you would be told what to think. — In short, Amway and other MLM scams tell half-truths.

Then there would be another breakout where, if you were not yet in agreement with the Nxivm teaching, you would be deliberately confused and confounded by the coaches or they would tell you at least to “stick with us, we have a point.” — Amway tells people not to question the “system,” just follow it and the brilliance of it will become apparent over time.

Then you would go back for the final debrief and be told again what to think. — No asking questions, allowed in Amway, just follow the “system.”

Combine this with the long, long, early morning to evening sessions, with minimalist meals, a room either too cold or too warm and very few breaks and you begin to wear down. — The 4/year major functions were very long, it started Friday early evening until 2-3 am, then Saturday was a session from 9 am until 3-4 am, then Sunday non-denominational fake “worship” service in the morning and the afternoon more training and it’s off you go back home, half-way across the country normally.

Short breaks and more two hour sessions, then break outs and debriefs and more break outs and disquisitions. There were five two-hour sessions every day. And they ran longer than two hours. — Amway sessions were much longer.

Of course Nxivm was a sifting machine. — Same with Amway and other MLM scams.

Then there was Raniere’s likely favorite model — “The Fall”. — “The Fall” actually occurs on this website all the time.

He is basically describing himself- and it must have given him such glee, as many psychopaths experience glee when they drop hints about their true intentions. — People like to leave comments, but they won’t actually do anything to help others.

But he also used the Fall as a weapon against his followers. It was they who – having some conscience, which he of course lacked – who were always worried about having the fall. — People here are worried about using their real name, worried about putting themselves out there to help educate others about Amway and other MLM scams.

As Vicente explains. “The Fall was Mr. Raniere’s version of … describing somebody’s fall from conscience into no conscience. So, basically… somebody has very low self-esteem, it gets lower and lower, they’re miserable, depressed, a horrible human being, they get to like zero self-esteem and then what happens is they make a discovery and the discovery they make is that if they just abandon their conscience and abandon morality, life could be amazing.” — Life is also “amazing” for those posting here for no apparent reason, no goal. That’s a sign of very low self-esteem, they are miserable, depressed, horrible human beings, they get to like zero self-esteem and then what happens is they make a discovery that they have no conscience and abandon morality, making useless comments could be amazing.

This is precisely what happened to Raniere and very early on in his life. As soon as he lost his conscience, he lived gleefully for decades using everyone, without regard to how he hurt them. — That is precisely what happened to all of the commenters and very early on in their lives. As soon as they lost their consciences, they lived gleefully for years making worthless comments on this website, without regard for helping others getting scammed by Amway and other MLM scams.

It went on until karma caught up with him. — It goes on and on, because they are so clueless.

Vicente continues; “They [i.e. Raniere] could have anything they [he] wanted and they [he] start[s] to have what’s called a negative self-esteem, which is they [he] start[s] to feel good having no conscience and they [he] start[s] to feel good hurting and torturing other people. It actually thrills them [him].” — Ghost of Scott continues, “They (i.e., commenters) could have helped others but they have such negative self-esteem they let others get scammed by Amway and other MLM scams.

Spot on. — Bingo!

It was interesting that Vicente and others, including Sylvie, had the same reaction when they heard about the Fall — “this always produced in the class — the class was terrified because everybody was like, ‘oh my God, I hope this wasn’t me.” — Most people who leave Amway and other MLM scams won’t speak up, either. This is because they are too embarrassed and ashamed that they got scammed.

No, it was not you, it was the guy you were giving tribute to. — No, it was not you, it was Amway corporate and your upline that you were edifying.

So sayeth the Ghost of Scott.

3 years ago

Here is the video banned by the Gangsters of Youtube and Google.

3 years ago

That’s the right answer, not b!tching and moaning about YouTube and Google.

3 years ago

This material is 99% lifted directly from $cientokogy, including the terminology. Not one piece of original material.

3 years ago
Reply to  THAT Bob

There’s a strong contribution from Amway as well. Raniere was actually IN Amway, I don’t believe he ever joined Scientology.

3 years ago

According to Legatus Pro Tempore, aka Nicki Clyne, Mark Vicente is the Reincarnation of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

“Mark Vicente was Vladimir Lenin.”

How come Keith Raniere, the world’s Third Smartest Man, did not realize that the reincarnated Lenin would ultimately betray him?

3 years ago

How come you pay any attention to this tripe? LOL

3 years ago

Lenin didn’t betray anyone…he was betrayed

3 years ago

Raniere is basically a casebook study in diabolical narcissism. There’s a lot of it in our world and culture these days, and the diabolists are getting bolder, where they used to be far more subtle.. There are a whole mess of deliberate tells proliferating across our politics, media and entertainment, where it seems they’re telegraphing their intentions to us, their intended victims. It’s almost as if the entire culture is one great cult, in which we have been gradually conditioned by the acolytes of Ayn Rand and the Marquis de Sade to accept exploitation and degradation as our inevitable fate.

3 years ago
Reply to  Charlie

That sounds rather dark and pessimistic. LOL

3 years ago

on EMs–did instructors just discuss EMs, or demonstrate them on the students? Privately or in front of the class?

Were all the students new, or were current Nx-ers planted in the class and breakout groups to guide or control the real students? Maybe focusing especially on the rich, famous or slim and pretty?

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083


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