Sex Slave Allison Mack Is Taught by Her Slave Master ‘Men and Women Are Not Equal’ and ‘Sterilize Only Female Cats’

Allison Mack

This is Part #9, the final part, in our series on sex-slaver Keith Alan Raniere teaching his sex-slave, former actress Allison Mack, based on a conversation he had with her that is published on YouTube and was once a part of his Keith Raniere Conversations Series.

The YouTube video can be found here:

The work of transcribing was accomplished by Marie White.

Here are the other parts of the series:

Part #1 Allison Mack Questions Her Sex Slaver Leader Keith Raniere on β€˜What Is Creativity?’ 

Part #2 Allison Mack Breaks Down and Cries When Sex-Slaver Raniere Speaks to Her About β€˜Authenticity’ 

Part #3 Sex-Slave Allison Mack Gets Lessons on Acting From Her Sex-Slaver Master Raniere

Part #4 Allison Mack’s Incredible Conversation With Sex-Slaver Raniere on the World Calling Her β€˜Terrible, Terrible, Terrible’ 

Part #5 Sex Slave Allison Mack Learns From Her Master Keith Raniere About Suicide and β€˜the Magnitude of Love Is Through Pain’

Part #6 Allison Mack Tells Her Master Her Sex-Slavery β€˜Educated My Inner Light’

Part #7 Sex Slave Allison Mack Tells Her Master Keith Raniere She β€˜Wanted to Change the Way Women Thought and Felt About Themselves’

Part #8Β Sex Slave Allison Mack Tells Her Master Keith Raniere That β€˜Women Need More Power in the World’ – His Reply

In this excerpt, Keith explains a little more of his philosophy on gender, saying he hates the idea of men and women being equal and uses the concept of sterilizing cats to make his point.

Keith: I’ve seen some people say something, and obviously I didn’t come with this, maybe I did, but who knows: I don’t believe in equality. Equivalence maybe, but not equality. It would be awful to say that men and women are equal.

Allison: Right

K: They’re not. You know, sometimes, I’ve had friends that were pretty, you might, you would call radical feminist, almost as radical as I am — no I’m just teasing, but you ask them the following question and it’s a trap. It’s a structural question.

You know you have 100 male cats and you have 100 female cats, and you want to stop the problem of overpopulation and I say, “you know, something. Don’t even sterilize the male cats. Sterilize all the female cats.’ You say it like that, and they say,Β  “How dare you?” You know dudda dudda dudda dudda and then you point out it’s a trap question. It’s a structural question. You know why?Β  Why should you sterilize all the female cats and ignore sterilizing the male cats?

A: The males can’t reproduce without the females, and the males can produce many, many, many, many cats and the females can produce.

K: Right. In essence, I think a shorter way of what you’re saying is that you know you can sterilize, you can have 100 female cats and a hundred male cats. Sterilize 99 of the male cats, how many litters do you have?

A: 100

K: Of course. Now 100 male cats, 100 female cats, sterilize 99 of the female cats how many litters do you have?

A: One.

K: Every female cat that you sterilize, you cut off the duct. They’re not equal. If they were equal you could sterilize 50/50; you could sterilize da da da. They’re not equal. Structurally they are not equal and it would be horrible in the world if we were equal. We would be so far behind. Men desperately need women and women desperately need men. They need the differences.

The similarities are important in the basis that they’re both human. You know, it’s interesting, you have even other difficulties. You have sex and you have gender. So I’ve known two people in my life who were hermaphrodites and sometimes they may not even know. So the question is, all right, you have Jness and you have someone who was a hermaphrodite and then they chose, if you will, the male sex organs over the female sex organs or whatever. Should they be allowed in Jness? [Jness is Raniere’s women’s group.]Β  Well I think it’s more of the answer of how were they brought up?

A: Right

K: What was their identification? Did they have that? and then it’s not always clear, and it’s really sad that all of these issues, yeah, sure, we have these different gender issues, sex: male, sex: female and there’s a whole bunch of different types of things that are non-common variations. What’s more important is they’re human. Don’t forget that they’re human.

We can work out the other stuff, but people just get all trapped in that sort of thing. Well what is Jness? About people who have been brought up and identify themselves as a woman. If someone identified themselves as a man, even if they were woman, and they were treated that way, Jness may not even apply to them. We have another organization, SOP, that is for men. And then there might be some people that unfortunately don’t fit in either camp and you always have that when you have, you know, you have people. I knew a woman in my high school, in my public high school, who was albino African American.

A: Wow

K: She didn’t fit anywhere. She was African-American with white, white, white skin, you know, and a lot of people experience that sort of a thing. The only way we are ever going to resolve those questions, because you’re not going to have an absolute resolution like that, is the humanist – this is a human being you’re dealing with more importantly than any of those descriptors.

A: I guess that’s just the toolbox that you get to express yourself or experience yourself as the other features.

K: So do you have any other questions?

A: I feel like I could talk to you all night but I think I covered all of the questions on my–

K: Your list?

A: My list, yeah in different orders, but it’s amazing you went through them all.

K: Excellent

A: Thank you

K: You’re welcome


The entire conversation would not be worth watching or listening to at all if it were to be viewed at face value. It is all pretty commonplace and humdrum and nowhere near what you would expect from the world’s smartest, most ethical man.

But it is fascinating to view as part of our study of cults and how they work to slow boil the frog.

What is very nearly meaningless drivel, Allison takes as profound and deep.

Keith likes to emphasize the differences in men and women, and in his cult, there is a big difference since he is the only man in it.

I say he is the only man, because the other males in the cult, though biologically male, are subservient and feminine in their attitude towards the “Big Alpha” or “Big Dog” as they called Raniere in his men’s group SOP [Society of Protectors].

The men in his group were of the cuckold variety, most of them probably hoping that Raniere would sperminate on their women, if they had a woman. It is curious that in Nxivm, women outnumbered the men four to 1, yet many of the men did not have a woman since so many of the women were dedicated to Raniere.

Allison was one of these women.

Toward the end of the conversation, Raniere makes what he thinks is an elegant, heartfelt tribute to humanity trumping all gender issues.

He says, “It’s really sad that all of these issues, yeah, sure, we have these different gender issues, sex: male, sex: female and there’s a whole bunch of different types of things that are non-common variations. What’s more important is they’re human. Don’t forget that they’re human.

“We can work out the other stuff…. The only way we are ever going to resolve those questions, because you’re not going to have an absolute resolution like that, is the humanist – this is a human being you’re dealing with more importantly than any of those descriptors.”

It is intriguing because this is a man who abused women for decades, who raped little girls, who branded women, who blackmailed them, starved them, sleep-deprived them, who sued his ex-lovers and filed criminal complaints against them, who tortured women, who lied to women, forced them to have dozens of abortions, and may have killed some of them, and had he not been arrested and stopped, Allison and a lot of other women would still be enthralled and trapped in his cult today, following him, thinking he is the only one who could save them and lead them.

He is talking about humanist ideas, that the human being transcends gender.Β  He talks of himself as compassionate and ethical.

This is the lesson. Debunk everyone. Think for yourself. Submit to no one. Break free of anyone who tells you they know better than you.

At the very end of the conversation, Keith asks “So do you have any other questions?” and Allison answers obsequiously, “I feel like I could talk to you all night but I think I covered all of the questions on my… list, yeah in different orders, but it’s amazing you went through them all.”

She is amazed that he – almost like it is more than genius – but somehow something mystical occurred – he wasΒ  – without even seeing the list – able to get to answer all her questions – even the unasked question – and in the order he chose.

He is in masterful command, she thinks.Β Β He’s just amazing to her. Yet there was really nothing out of the ordinary, possibly not one original thought and a lot of drivel.

But she saw magic.

Undoubtedly, these conversations did not attract new followers. I am quite certain that no one who saw the video ever said “Wow, this guy is profound, I want to learn from him.”

I suspect that these conversations with Keith Raniere were exercises in keeping his followers in line. In putting it out there that he was doing something for the world, he was really putting it out there just for his small sect of followers.

Today both of the conversationalists, Allison and Keith, stand convicted of felony crimes. Both await sentencing.

Both will likely spend years in prison.Β  Raniere probably decades and Mack perhaps in the 3-5 year range.

Perhaps Judge Nicolas Garaufis will go easy on Allison and give her a light, 1-2 year sentence. Perhaps he will even sentence her to home confinement.Β Β That would be fair, I think, for she has suffered plenty for her foolish following of a master conman and cult leader.

As for Raniere, he is going away for decades. He will not get leniency. He may get life.

Just as Raniere tried to get Allison and others to take the fall for his crime, he is taking the fall and, rightly so, for he masterminded it all.




About the author

Frank Parlato

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Heidi Hutchinson
Heidi Hutchinson
3 years ago

Frank’s analysis on this post is exceptionally terrific.

Keith’s psychosis, once again profoundly manifests itself in his “cat sterilizing” equation for population control — a la’ Chairman Mao.

For me, it’s like seeing parts of my suicided sister’s guts being vomited out by a cannibal.

Brings me back to the days when Camille Paglia was vying with Phyllis Schlafly to be the IT darling who defeats that fearsome feminism, when Mormon teens like Gina were struggling to reconcile their faith with their desires for equality and freedom — along with other dormant ones. When along comes a psycho diddler like Keith Raniere, with all the answers and dazzling equations like “3 + 2 = 4 + 1” (he’ll recall that calculation if he does have a phone stored up his ass at MDC) and coined words like “equal equivalency” — the wisdom that only by realizing the full, authentic value of each number — or some such deduction that Gina oft recited as Keith’s math student — is equality achievable.

For the acolyte it’s part indoctrination, part directive or instruction, oozing with NLP — nothing new, same old misogynistic justifications — but think what it must be to uneducated, very young women like Allison and Sylvie geared to please some authority, seeing Keith as their father figure and Nancy or Barbara or Pam or Clare as their mothers.

Don’t mistake the nonsensical word salad as innocuous blather or expect anyone should have seen how self-serving for Keith these Socratic pontifications were — especially when coupled with the incessant training in Keith’s nebulous definition of an authentic woman –a broken workhorse, sex slave.

Sad that Sylvie sacrificed her dreams of rider championship and her selfhood, her life, in service of these perverts — like so many other victims — including Allison and Dani, the entire Fernandez family. The immigrants were, of course, the more vulnerable.

Thanks for the transcription, Marie.

4 years ago

“A: I feel like I could talk to you all night but I think I covered all of the questions on my–
K: Your list?”

This is a clear demonstration that this whole conversation was bogus and never genuine…obviously, this isn’t a list that Allison made but himself (so he could flatter his ego as much as he can…)

At some point, it almost feels like Allison, despite being mentally abused and controlled by him, couldn’t believe his BS (especially with the ridiculous “not equal” part…

This guy is such a joke and I feel bad as I care for Allison that she felt for his BS…But, at the same time, seeing how many people believed in his BS…maybe he was just aiming the right victims…

“What is very nearly meaningless drivel, Allison takes as profound and deep.”
So did many people (including some who weren’t tempered with their mind or weren’t drugged nor under his mental control diet…)

“most of them probably hoping that Raniere would sperminate on their women”
That’s perverse, gross and stupid as they just act like any people who have beliefs…they want to believe he knows what’s best.

Obviously, Raniere is a monster but most of those guys are (just like the girls like Nicole, Allison, Sylvie, and others) victims of Raniere (and his real followers, those who weren’t under coercion, under mental manipulation, those like Nancy or Lauren, for example)
I don’t hear you going on about Vicente (while he supported (without coercion nor manipulation) in everything Raniere said!
If it wasn’t for his wife being ostracize (and that’s obviously the reason as both wanted more power in Nxivm), he would still be hand in hand with Raniere…

“Allison was one of these women.”
No, she wasn’t…she was coerced to do it.
Funny how you like to cite her collateral to try to push them against her (despite the fact that all the victims had the same kind of collaterals) but how you decided that it was coercive material for her…

Until he screwed with her mind, she didn’t like him, she was avoiding him…he just took advantage of a serious painful moment in Allison’s life to use her by promising her to heal her pain…
Things he did with all the victims.
Why do you have to systematically twist the facts to make them look negative for her while you use the SAME excuses to defend others…are you that idiotic?

“It is intriguing because this is a man who abused women for decades, who raped little girls, who branded women, who blackmailed them, starved them, sleep-deprived them, who sued his ex-lovers and filed criminal complaints against them, who tortured women, who lied to women, forced them to have dozens of abortions, and may have killed some of them, and had he not been arrested and stopped”
I remind you (because it’s not clear from the following sentence) that it’s factual that Allison was a victim of most of those abuses (including rape as she was coerced, not willingly submitting (like you love to pretend))

“Allison and a lot of other women would still be enthralled and trapped in his cult today, following him, thinking he is the only one who could save them and lead them.”
Not sure about that as Allison was really close to leaving before the story exploded…
Allison spend a decent amount of time outside of Nxivm’s grip (end 2016 beginning 2017)

I doubt she was believing in him after her coercion…to be honest, except here and mostly to defend her, I would likely avoid the subject as I really want her to heal.

“She is amazed”
Hmm, no…you read what you want but in reality, she is just surprised he answered all the questions…it’s hardly amazing and it’s obvious you know nothing about how Allison react…Even under the coercion and mental manipulation…

“I suspect that these conversations with Keith Raniere were exercises in keeping his followers in line”
No, it looked more like a form of showcasing from his side…you seem to remember that he pretended to be self-aware and a genius but in reality, he was nothing more than an idiot (at best)…
It’s obvious that he believes he is smart and that what he was saying is profound…
For him, it’s not a game, he believes in his own BS.

“Mack perhaps in the 3-5 year range.
Perhaps Judge Nicolas Garaufis will go easy on Allison and give her a light, 1 to 2-year sentence. Perhaps he will even sentence her to home confinement. That would be fair, I think, for she has suffered plenty for her foolish following of a master conman and cult leader.”

Stop pretending you have any kind of feeling…you are here for the clicks and that’s it (and I know, I, unfortunately, give you a click per day).
She suffered plenty but not just because of Raniere …your permanent false attack (defaming her about several debunked subject) and the fact that you refuse to let it go and find another subject (but for this, you’d need to be a real journalist, of course) are more damaging to her while she already has a hard time healing from everything she got through.

If you had any kind of compassion, you would stop talking about her all the time, leave her alone FFS…don’t you have something better to do with your life.
it’s already not flying high with you but you manage (lately) to put the bar lower than what Raniere would do!!!

4 years ago

What is your definition of “tons.” If Frank actually had “tons” of different readers, he would publicize the number of unique visitors to his site per day or month, rather than the bogus “page views” which are grossly inflated by the likes of Scott, Omar, Anonymaker, and a few others commenting incessantly. Even the number of unique visitors would be inflated by most people logging in using VPNs

But Frank isn’t manly enough to share how few readers are actually left reading his conspiracy right wing shit and recycled stories. Although the paltry number of comments for each piece of dreck generated by him and his tiny cast of loony toons should indicate to even the dimmest among you the dwindling readership and interest in what he’s pooping out.

BTW, Cheng’s last tweet generated more likes than any Frank Report tweet. Maybe if people like Mark Vicente, Sarah Edmondson, Catherine Oxenberg, and any of the real journalists covering NXIVM weren’t so embarrassed or repulsed by Frank and supported him publicly by retweeting or even following the FrankReport account, this site would be doing better.

4 years ago

Yes, men and women aren’t equal, just like VanFake said. A broken clock is right twice a day. Big deal. But practical, real equality is practically a myth anyway. The thousandth ranked man in tennis will have little to no problems beating the number one ranked woman in the sport. Big deal. Some general (perceived or actual) superiority/inferiority doesn’t make one gender any more/less essential to the human race where the existence of both is necessary. And since the most important forms and powers possessed by both genders–the moral soul and the capability of the mind for abstract thought which forms the basis for intelligence–are essentially immaterial, these are also fundamentally equal in both sexes (though either be stunted or can grow to its perfection or intended purpose). Besides, when people talk about equality, they’re typically referring to equal opportunity and rights, where impartial justice is supposed to be the arbiter. This should be clear to those who still can comprehend things correctly.

4 years ago

All true and yet there is a much bigger cult in America. The cult of Donald Trump a “very stable genius” and Frank peddles the nonsense that Trump, who lied and bragged and did nothing about the Coronovirus for months was ahead of the curve. It is an obvious lie as the US has become the most infected super spreader of the virus.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dave

Thank you for identifying yourself as the other low ratings, fake news CNN watcher. Trump stopped planes coming in from China in January and the Dumbocrats called him racist. Just filthy NYC, not the entire US. LOL

4 years ago
Reply to  Dave

Did you forget that the Wuhan virus came out of a Bio-Weapons Lab in China?
Did you forget that Greedy business people have spent decades outsourcing the medical supply business to China?
Did you forget that when Trump tried to shut down travel with China in January he was attacked as a Racist?
Did you forget that in February Nancy Pelosi encouraged people to go to Chinatown for the New Year’s festivities where many of the participants came from China and were ALREADY INFECTED?

4 years ago
3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Something’s Fishy About Nancy Pelosi
Nancy Pelosi’s special favors for Star Kist Tuna, a company which her husband owns `7 million dollars of stock in.

Nancy Pelosi and husband involved in some fishy business

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s home district includes San Francisco. Star-Kist Tuna’s headquarters is in San Francisco.

Star-Kist is owned by Del Monte Foods and is a major contributor to Pelosi. Star-Kist is the major employer in American Samoa, employing 75 percent of the Samoan work force.

Paul Pelosi, Nancy’s husband, reportedly owns $17 million of Star-Kist stock.

In January 2007 when the minimum wage was increased from $5.15 to $7.25, Nancy Pelosi had American Samoa exempted from the increase so Del Monte would not have to pay the higher wage. This would make Star-Kist production less costly than their competitors’.

Now, when the huge bailout bill was passed, Pelosi added pork to the final bill, adding $33 million for an β€œEconomic Development Credit” in American Samoa.


Pacific Heights, San Francisco

Notable residents (NANCY PELOSI’S NEIGHBORS)
Larry Ellison: cofounder and CEO of Oracle Corporation[26]
Jonathan Ive: chief designer at Apple Inc.
Jay Paul: billionaire real estate developer[27]
Nancy Pelosi: Speaker of the United States House of Representatives
Danielle Steel: author
Peter Thiel: cofounder of PayPal,_San_Francisco


3 years ago

StarKist Tuna a brand of tuna produced by StarKist Co., an American company based in Pittsburgh’s North Shore[1] that is now wholly owned by Dongwon Industries of South Korea. It was purchased by Dongwon from the American food manufacturer Del Monte Foods on June 24, 2008

4 years ago

“This is the lesson. Debunk everyone. Think for yourself. Submit to no one. Break free of anyone who tells you they know better than you.” How can everyone be debunked? What if they happen to be right? Thinking for herself by ignoring her father when he attempted to educate her about Bronfman and NXIVM is what got her in trouble. Better stated, question everyone, get multiple sources, THEN think for yourself. Consider the sources, their history, and what incentive they may have for their position. Some people are better than you, we’re not all equal in every respect. For example, Scott is an expert when it comes to Amway and other MLM scams. That makes him better than you in that area. He also knows more than most about nuclear power, electrical engineering, and wireless communications. Hutchinson is more of an “expert” in all kinds of weird ideas than Scott, so she is better than Scott in weird ideas. LOL

4 years ago

Allison Mack, through her alter ego charger426hemi1, is as delusional as ever.
Yesterday she posted a new photo in which she uses emojis to call herself Wonder Woman.
Here in the upper left she posts three images of Wonder Woman’s emoji.

πŸ‘ΈπŸ‘ΈπŸ‘Έβ€β€β€ #allisonmack #chloesullivan #smallville #powergirl #inspiration #beautiful #gorgeous #amazingwoman #greatactress #blessed #caring #gentlesoul #unique #extraordinary #exceptional #angelic #heavensent #captivating #majestic #devine #freeallison #goddess #queen #phenomenalwoman #intelligent #compassionate #

In a list of emojis those three heads with the head band represent Wonder Woman.
What does Wonder Woman Mack miss most?
The cunnilingus or the Group Fellatio?

All of Them Witches
All of Them Witches
4 years ago

So how will you feel in three years when her misdeeds are forgiven and forgotten, but you are still creepy and obsessed? And how come no more Pom Pom waving for Con and Graft?
Seriously, hope you are well and hope you have read Richard Preston’s brilliant “Hot Zone”!

4 years ago

Perhaps if you are lucky when Ms. Wonder Woman Mack gets out of the Joint she can brand you on the butt with a red hot iron.

4 years ago

Frank is a cheerleader for Trump the moron con man- that is for sure.b

4 years ago
Reply to  Dave

Are you a Biden cheerleader? He doesn’t even know what team he’s on. LOL

4 years ago
Reply to  Dave

And you are a cheerleader for Nasty Nancy Pelosi who has a 24,000 dollar refrigerator in her home packed with luxury brands of chocolate ice cream.
𝑳𝒆𝒕 π’•π’‰π’†π’Ž 𝒆𝒂𝒕 π’Šπ’„π’† π’„π’“π’†π’‚π’Ž.” – π‘΅π’‚π’π’„π’š π‘¨π’π’•π’π’Šπ’π’†π’•π’•π’† Pelosi

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like β€œCaptive” by Catherine Oxenberg, β€œScarred” by Sarah Edmonson, β€œThe Program” by Toni Natalie, and β€œNXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en MΓ©xico” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries β€œThe Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s β€œThe Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb β€” Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083


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