Sex Slave Allison Mack Tells Her Master Keith Raniere That ‘Women Need More Power in the World’ – His Reply

This is Part #8 in our series on sex-slaver Keith Alan Raniere teaching his sex-slave, former actress Allison Mack.

Part #1 Allison Mack Questions Her Sex Slaver Leader Keith Raniere on ‘What Is Creativity?’ 

Part #2 Allison Mack Breaks Down and Cries When Sex-Slaver Raniere Speaks to Her About ‘Authenticity’ 

Part #3 Sex-Slave Allison Mack Gets Lessons on Acting From Her Sex-Slaver Master Raniere

Part #4 Allison Mack’s Incredible Conversation With Sex-Slaver Raniere on the World Calling Her ‘Terrible, Terrible, Terrible’ 

Part #5 Sex Slave Allison Mack Learns From Her Master Keith Raniere About Suicide and ‘the Magnitude of Love Is Through Pain’

Part #6 Allison Mack Tells Her Master Her Sex-Slavery ‘Educated My Inner Light’

Part #7 Sex Slave Allison Mack Tells Her Master Keith Raniere She ‘Wanted to Change the Way Women Thought and Felt About Themselves’

The work of transcribing was accomplished by Marie White, working off a video of Keith Raniere’s conversation with Allison Mack.

In this interesting excerpt from the master and his slave’s conversation, Raniere, the master, waxes poetic on female empowerment and proclaims that he has no authority to teach any woman about women’s issues.

This is peculiar coming from a man that created an organization called J’ness which purports to teach women about their femaleness – and that created a female sorority named DOS – which involved branding and blackmailing women and which required his first line slaves, including Allison Mack, to keep it secret from the lower ranking slaves that he was the head of the sorority.

It was interesting that DOS, the secret sorority, was created by a man – and to hear that man say to one of his chief abettors in the deception – that he has no authority to teach a single woman about their femaleness.

Yet DOS was all about Raniere teaching women to be badass women. Not men, but women. It was all about gender distinction, with women as slaves and Raniere, alone, as their sole, male master.

And Allison went along with every bit of it.

Keith:  For the longest time there are these things called Zen koan. They’re questions. ‘What’s the sound of one hand clapping?’ ‘Tree falls in the woods. No one’s there to experience it; does it make a sound?’

All of these things. Does it have an answer? They could go many ways. On some of them, you know, and, but it’s the contemplation that’s important. Living an examined, contemplative life is what ethical humans are about.

Way back when we were in the jungle, what we alternately strove to be able to do was feed ourselves, have a family, and feed that family and we’re set, and that’s important.  You know, people say, ‘oh well, the world should be about having a family.’ Well if none of us had a family there would be no future generation, so it is about procreation to some degree


Allison: Right


K: But that is no longer sufficient. It is no longer sufficient just to be able to support yourself, just to be able to have children and just to be able to support those children, and bring them up in some way.

The world is too small for that. Too many people on this planet. We need to consider ‘other’, we need to be able to consider other people, be able to consider other groups of people, and ultimately be called what I refer to as an ‘ethical humanitarian,’ someone who, you know, maybe they don’t have either have the strength to act a certain way all the time, or the other abilities, who knows what, but they have an eye to also what’s good for humanity, what’s good for the understanding principles, because principles are abstractions that transcend ourselves.

There are abstractions that we make seemingly out of nothing, but they are principles that are our stand against our primitive nature, our in-the-moment impulses, and, like I say with the cats, you know, how many cats do you know that wake up in the morning and say, ‘Gee what am I going to do today for the betterment of all cats?’, you know, and I say this particular example because I sort of think cats are sort of arrogant, and sometimes they seem, you know, very contemplative, but I don’t think that there is a single cat that does that,


A: Right.

K: And I also say, maybe there are other animals that do, but I haven’t met them so much, but humans have the ability to do that certainly, and now having the ability isn’t enough, because if we are to look at our human planet as a family, as an organism in itself, ecologically, compassionately, we can easily take many paths with that, and many of those paths lead to destruction.

So we need to say, ‘Okay, it’s not just about what feels good. It’s not just about what’s comfortable. It’s not just about what’s good for us. It’s about what’s good for the whole and the more wisdom is taking our life experience and bringing it to each decision.

The more of our life experience that we can bring to a decision, the better. So what does that involve? One: Taking your life and experiencing it fully. Two:  Means being able to access that fearlessly and bring it forth to decisions and to mindfully do this, and to do these as practices and that allows you to be an ethical humanitarian.

You know, I don’t know what everyone’s morality is, but what’s important is that they act within their morality, not amorally, not impulsively, not just by comfort-satiation and when humans start to evolve beyond just becoming adults who can support themselves, have children, and support those children, and then you start to have civilization, and Albert Einstein said, I believe, “Civilization, great idea.”

A: So a wise woman would be a woman that exemplifies that process basically.

K: Yes, so the wise woman would be aware of, if you will, her femaleness, her womanhood. What it is in society. What it is in her life, and that that is not as important as being human and what it means to be human and what is most important with humans, and understanding whether it’s a wise woman or a wise man – there, where their wisdom comes from, and the fallibility that they have in that, that our experience is limited, you know, alright, so here I write this curriculum for women. I know well that I don’t have the authority to speak to any woman, not a single woman, on many, many different issues. I could speak to them about human issues.

A: Right

K: I can speak to them about my male observation of them as women. I can speak to them about what is in literature from the male perspective of women, and a whole bunch of things like that, but can I tell a woman what it is to be a woman? I don’t have that authority at all.

A: Hmm. I was thinking, there’s a push right now, just culturally, similar to like the creativity push. It feels like a lot of people are talking about writing books about studies on this idea of like the need for more female strength in the world. You know, we have the elections happening with Hillary Clinton as being a candidate and all this in everybody’s like ‘Women need to take more leadership roles’ and things like that and I was just wondering like what your take was on that, giving that your perspective on the more humanness.

K: I’m going to give you a short thing

A: Yeah

K: And you’re using a lot of male language.

A: Right

K: And male, male things to describe this

A: Right. Hmm.

K: and that’s disrespectful to women

A: Hmm

K: Now, you know, should women be in leadership roles? I think women are in certain types of leadership roles. Unfortunately, it is controlled a lot by men. Can women rise to be fuller in the world, in the principles that they experience, and bringing that wisdom, they’re unique upbringing, and even the cultural poison that they have, to transform the world? Absolutely, they have to become aware of it and they have to have a desire and they have to struggle.

It’s going to be a big struggle and it’s a type of struggle because they have to struggle about, against the type of oppression, a type of box that they’ve been placed in by men, if you will, and, you know, it’s not just men now, it’s men that were formed by literature, that were formed by men, that were by literature, that were formed by men, that was formed by literature, that was formed by men, that is formed by the jungle.

A: Right

K: And it’s sort of that, and you know men need to change in a different way, but both sexes have to become more self-aware and understand outside of gender, outside of sex, there is human.

A: Right

K: And there are things that are transcendent – as human.

A: It seems like that is true for any sort of movement. If you look at like any group of people that are trying to get more empowered, are trying to overcome some sort of thwart or something like that they get so stuck in their issue, or their thing, that they forget that.


Keith, the masterful bullshitter, begins with Zen koans, speaks about the importance of contemplation: “Living an examined, contemplative life is what ethical humans are about” – as if he knew the first thing about being ethical or for that matter even being human.

And he refers to “the jungle” as if he was remote from that. His whole world is a jungle. First – when he was free, he was a beast who preyed on women. Now, I understand in prison, he is the one that other beasts prey upon.

He speaks, albeit often inarticulately, about being compassionate, about concerning oneself about others. He says, “We need to consider ‘other’, we need to be able to consider other people… and ultimately be called what I refer to as an ‘ethical humanitarian.’…[to] stand against our primitive nature, our in-the-moment impulses.”

But he stood against none of his primitive nature. He always went to satisfy his in-the-moment impulses, whether it was to have sex with a woman, or brand them or sue an ex -girlfriend that he had previously said he would love forever and sire with them an avatar child.

He speaks of being an ethical humanitarian, and all of this is fine language. It appeals to Allison and others not at their lower, primitive levels [which is the only level he ever operated out of] but to their higher nature.

And this is the secret.

He is appealing to Allison’s higher nature, not her lower. She wants to be elevated. He secretly wants to take her down, to use her and to destroy her.

He gives a classic line about bending morality and one must consider how many times he did this so subtly – bending people’s conception of good and evil, so that they would think there is no distinction, that everyone has the right to create their own world of good and evil, moral and immoral, regardless, reckless even, of the common wisdom of humanity or the mores of the society we live in.

He says, “You know, I don’t know what everyone’s morality is, but what’s important is that they act within their morality… not impulsively, not just by comfort-satiation.”

Yes, he sets it up splendidly. Each individual has their own morality [and we know what Raniere’s is – of comfort-satiation for him and hardship for his women] and the only thing that is important is that the individual acts within their own morality.

If branding and blackmail are – to that person – moral, say for a higher cause, the only important thing is to act up to it.

If poisoning his roommates is moral because they are aging and can no longer please him, or if encouraging young women to commit suicide because they might be impediments to his plans is moral – then the only important thing is to act with your own morality.

This is the secret of his diabolical teachings.

There are no ethics, but what the individual proclaims for himself and further, if you want to learn from him, you have to accept his morality, his ethics.  He is the ethicist, which is defined as someone who decides the ethics for a group of people.

So if the ethicist proclaims that adults having sex with children is moral, his followers accept that. This is why Pam Cafritz would hire Rhiannon, at age 12, to walk her dog, so that Keith could have a shot at having sex with her at their home.

This is why it is unsurprising that Allison was seen by neighbors talking and rubbing the chest of an eight year old girl.  This is why Allison would give graphic nude pictures of herself to Raniere and sign confessions that her father sexually abused her and that her nephews were molested – even though she knew those things were false.

Or why Allison would lie to women, as she recruited them into the sex slave ring she helped lead, called DOS, that it was an all -women’s group, when she knew damn well that it was led by a man – as she collected blackmail -worthy material from them.

When Keith speaks about female empowerment, about “the wise woman” “her femaleness,” “her womanhood” it is in the construct that his morality, his ethics, his decision making is supreme and that women are to be his slaves.

Allison surrendered her thinking and her ethics to him.

She cannot parse the hypocrisy of his saying, about women, “I can speak to them about my male observation of them as women. I can speak to them about what is in literature from the male perspective of women…. but can I tell a woman what it is to be a woman? I don’t have that authority at all.”

Yet he assumed all authority for Allison and many women, of what they should feel about being a woman.

In the end, it is not enough to say he is a simple conman. Conmen don’t get away with this much, with so many, for so many years. He did more than con these women. He hypnotized them. He controlled them. He brainwashed them. He exploited them through many different devious methods to become something that they never dreamed they would be – evil – just like him, yet all the time thinking they were doing good.

Here we have the essence of it. The real true, slow boil of the frog.

If you would have asked Allison or Lauren or any of them, would they have done the worst things they were accused of – before they met Raniere, I think they would have said: “Absolutely not.”

If you would have asked Rosa Laura before she joined Nxivm, would she have offered her 15-year-old virgin daughter to a 50-year-old man, she would have found you repugnant for asking the question.

Yet not only did all of them do these foul things – to other women – they thought – while doing so – that they were pursuing higher ethics.

They were not like cats, who care not about the welfare of other cats, they were thinking themselves ethical humanitarians – superior in ethics and eschewing the selfish and mundane world’s petty and self-centered ethics for something higher, while all the while only serving one petty and self-centered beast’s comfort-satiation.

That is the secret of his genius. And perhaps is the essence of cults and cult leaders.

Taking otherwise good women and turning them into villains – while they thought they were being moral, ethical and having – because of him – a superior morality, a superior ethics. They were not only following higher principles [as they enslaved each other and other women] but they possessed by virtue of his genius, a higher intelligence themselves.

It was a masterwork of diabolical intention.

When Keith speaks, in reply to Allison’s statement about “the need for more female strength in the world”, that she is using “male language” which is “disrespectful to women,” it’s impossible not to think that he was supremely disrespectful to women, yet, and this is important, Allison sees no such contradiction.

She was not in this for money. She lost all her money doing this with him. She was in it for higher purpose. She really wanted to be part of a movement to help women.

She wound up enslaving and hurting many women.

Raniere says for women to rise, “it’s going to be a big struggle … against the type of oppression, a type of box that they’ve been placed in by men.”

In Allison’s and many other women’s cases, it was not men in general – but one man, in particular, who oppressed them.

But his talking about male oppression was merely a dodge, a false front. He was hell-bent on oppressing them and he succeeded, for a time that is.

He is in prison now – and will likely be there for decades to come, if he lives that long.

Allison is still under home arrest, waiting for a sentencing date. Her sentence may be anywhere from zero to 40 years, based on the strict letter of the law. A likely sentence, based on sentencing guidelines is 3-5 years.


About the author

Frank Parlato

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4 years ago

“And Allison went along with every bit of it.”
No, not during the DOS period…she believed that Nxivm could help her (like most of the members) but when DOS occurred, Allison was already manipulated and heavily coerced…

From the trial, it is known that the collateral released is “the final vow” and this means more collaterals were gathered by Raniere on Allison…the last vow occurred in October 2015 (if I remember well) while DOS started BEFORE that period…

Allison entered when she was already coerced.
Also, stop considering the diet and other mental manipulations for everyone but Allison as it’s factual that she was abused the same way as the other victims…clearly stated since the beginning of the trial.

“This is why it is unsurprising that Allison was seen by neighbors talking and rubbing the chest of an eight-year-old girl. ”

Defamation per se…especially based on a BS hearsay from an “interview” made on a guy you have no background info…for all we know, he could likely be the one preying on that child (if that child exist)

Also, this is debunked heavily through the whole time Allison was there (especially since the period he “saw” Allison was …when she wasn’t in NY state…

Seriously, stop bringing this fake story because this is the furthest point in defamation you’ve reached and this means a prison sentence for your defamatory statement!
Especially since
1. it’s a neighbor, not plural (so it’s a lie from your side)
2. you say it as a reality, a fact while it’s nothing more than hearsay.

The border was crossed enough for a court to consider a prison time for you Frank…you accused her of MANY crimes while the facts showed that the only crime she ever committed (except trusting the wrong person) was to collect the collateral.

Don’t forget that we have a trial with material proof to debunk all your lies so don’t go too far…

I advise you to stop using this fake story or they’ll be judicial consequences (Ask a real lawyer like I told you, see if you risk nothing…Especially in the state of Florida)

“This is why Allison would give graphic nude pictures of herself to Raniere and sign confessions that her father sexually abused her and that her nephews were molested – even though she knew those things were false.”
SHE WAS COERCED !!!! Nicole did exactly the same and I don’t see you trying to shame her! Well you did blackmail her thou (and no, it’s not defamation, it’s stated by herself in the trial)

“In the end, it is not enough to say he is a simple conman”
As much as it’s true, so are you…

“If you would have asked Allison or Lauren or any of them, would they have done the worst things they were accused of – before they met Raniere, I think they would have said: “Absolutely not.”
For Allison, no doubt and she didn’t do much, contrary to the lies you spread here…she collected collaterals and what else? nothing, that is what.

Lauren, on the other end, went happily without mental manipulation and made money (while doing not much) for her criminal behavior.

“She wound up enslaving and hurting many women”
No for any of those statements…
It’s clearly accepted by the people who have a brain and those who DO NOT IGNORE FACTS, she was a slave herself…and she didn’t hurt anyone (neither physical nor psychologically…she didn’t blackmail, she didn’t punish, it’s in the court document, I advise you to read it instead of making your own BS stories)

“Allison is still under home arrest, waiting for a sentencing date. Her sentence may be anywhere from zero to 40 years, based on the strict letter of the law. A likely sentence, based on sentencing guidelines is 3-5 years.”
There is no guideline as far as we know…and I doubt, with the time she spent under home arrest, that any judge would punish her further than the 2 years she already did…

I remind you that collecting collateral (without any excuses) is 2 years max… I know you wished for more but nope.

Allison, being coerced (officially and it’s recognized by the law (despite your refusal to acknowledge it) has a major excuse.
An excuse that Nicole herself used to explain why she accepted to act a certain way (against her own interest).

Add to this the mental and physical abuses Allison got through (and some is documented in court…like when Vicente stated CLEARLY and UNDISPUTABLY that Raniere admitted that he was trying to destroy Allison.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I think Allison could easily put together a 200 pages defamation lawsuit, from everything what I read here in the last two years. And yes the line was more than crossed.

4 years ago

Swami Flabturd can now relax his sphincter, sit in captivity and contemplate a new zen koan or two, utterly liberated by his enforced, ascetic withdrawal. His MDC supremacy can continue completely undaunted. That is, unless farts really do contain co(vert) vi(rtual) d(ominance.)

In case he can’t get to the library right now, perhaps the former sperminator would appreciate some help finding handy koans to contemplate. I am not exactly the Martha Stewart of zen koans but here are two, straight from these hips (that don’t lie.) The first koan is my own sentimental favorite, and the second koan has been personalized especially for Swami Flabturd, and it’s been updated so Flabturd can be fully contemplative, restocked with 2020 envisionment.

Flabturd’s first koan ?

If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him.

A recommended and 2020-ready second koan for Swami Flabturd?

Why has the bearded Barbarian no Preparation H?

4 years ago

I love when you break up the stories with the funny faced Mack and Raniere. I was giggling and reading at the same time.

4 years ago

Frank Report is a guilty, addictive, sinful pleasure.

4 years ago

“All of these things. Does it have an answer? They could go many ways. On some of them, you know, and, but it’s the contemplation that’s important. Living an examined, contemplative life is what ethical humans are about.”

No you windbag. It’s not the contemplation that is important. It’s the correct resolution that results from that contemplation which is important. Otherwise, it’s just mental masturbation. Contemplation just for the sake of it is pretentious to the self. And to tell others the above is even more pretentious. There is thinking and there is doing. If you think and don’t act or withdraw from acting based on it you’re just as vacuous as someone who acts without thinking. I don’t know how this guy fooled so many people.

4 years ago

Speaking of Allison Pimp Mack,her biggest fan Charger426hemi1, has been having a tough time during the lockdown.
Recently Charger started following an Instagram page called theabcparty.
In this case abc stands for anything but clothes
This Instagram page features provocative photos and cartoons of a sexual nature.
One must apply to join and have an adult profile.
Here is the introductory page


29 posts
147 following
The ABC Party
Not for the easily offended🤷‍♀️🤦‍♂️
DM For shoutouts or featured content 📲

4 years ago

Could Charger426hemi1’s real name be Allison Ackmay?

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083


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