New Art From MK10ART: From Raniere to His Victims Kristin Snyder and Rhiannon and a Word on Kendra

mk10art raniere in balarina

MK10ART has once again provided us with more excellent artwork. You can see more of it on her Instagram page.

As I usually do when I post a collection of her artwork, we post the painting and then the comments that the artist makes about her painting. That often includes quotes from Frank Report. This is followed by asterisks ***** and my own comments on the artwork or the subject of the work.

I am very grateful to the work MK10ART has done, bringing a new dimension to the ongoing tragedy of Nxivm.

#KeithRaniere claims he is dying in jail. But Raniere has lied about dying before.


Yes, Keith has claimed many times he was dying. Now it is hard to believe him. He told girlfriends, he told harem members, he told anyone who might feel sympathy toward him. I have little doubt he used it on his mother or vice versa.

Speaking of his mother, a former girlfriend told me that he told her he had sex for the first time when he was 11. He told her his mother was a lesbian and he had sex with one of his mother’s partners.

He told another girlfriend that he had sex for the first time when he was about 13 with one of his mother’s friends but seems to have left out the lesbian part and said instead that the woman was married.

The point is that Raniere told many stories and seems to have had a fascination with sex with adults and children.  Perhaps he was molested when he was young (There are some who think that Raniere may have been molested by his mother).  She died when the lad was 18.  He often told people that he was only 16 – perhaps to elicit more sympathy.

Any way you shake it, Raniere loved to garner sympathy and did not mind lying to get it.


Rare Nxivm Video: Emiliano Salinas and Lauren Salzman Do Botox Comedy


She captures Lauren in an intriguing way and truly captures the nose that launched a thousand Exploration of Meaning (EM) sessions.  Lauren was at a V-Week celebration and gave a slight comedy performance with her good friend Emiliano Salinas before an audience of about 300 Nxivm members and the Regal One himself Keith Alan Raniere.


Rare, Bizarre Video of Raniere With Sex Slave Discussing Babies – While Baby Cries in Background

Watch video of young pedophile Keith Raniere, with his scraggly hair, teach his slave about child development. His teachings were used in overpriced schools called #rainbowculturalgarden. #sarabronfman ran a school-based on Raniere’s cult pedagogy in France that was recently forced to close. Sara + her husband fled to Portugal.


The face of Keith Raniere may have never been sketched better. It captures all of the sinister perversion of this mighty leader of women, right down to his crossed eyes.  It is ironic and perhaps it was tragic that parents entrusted their children to these two culprits – Loreta Garza and Raniere – to raise their children in an untested school experiment where children learned up to seven languages per week, every week, a day on each language.

The notion was insane. Seven foreign nannies came  [and you had to be rich to afford it as many Nxivm trust fund babies were] and on each successive day, your child would only be spoken to of the language of the day.  The nannies would rotate to different houses. The parents were not allowed to speak to their children in any language except the language spoken on that day – which meant that if they did not speak Hindi or Mandarin, they did not speak to the child all day and night.

The languages normally were: French, Spanish, English, Mandarin, Hindi, Russian, German. But other languages were taught based on what foreign nannies Loreta could hire for $15 per hour.

The result was a failure. None of the children learned more than two languages, most spoke only one,  and, worst of all, a number of the children were reported to rather babble-speak a hybrid of different languages rather than any one language.

This is more than ironic since Raniere himself could only speak one language and he spoke it erratically and far from fluently.

Rare, Bizarre Video of Raniere With Sex Slave Discussing Babies – While Baby Cries in Background

#kendra and #kristinkreuk lured preteen girls into a website called #Girlsbydeign

#Girlsbydeign #mk10art


Now here is in part at least my promised explanation.  I spoke with Kendra [ I am only using her first name], and I have come to the conclusion that it is at least possible that she might be innocent of any nefarious intent in her role in Girls By Design. Sure the circumstances seem suspicious but according to her, and backed up by Sarah Edmondson, Kendra never met Keith. Never traveled to Albany. Keith never traveled to Vancouver.  And while the material on GBD seems godawful age-inappropriate, Kendra said there were no bad intentions. That she would never consider recruiting children for Keith. She had a child at the time [who is now about 12] and was a family woman. She said she sincerely thought – at least as far as her role was concerned – that GBD could be a place where young teen girls could feel free to get their questions answered.

I don’t know for certain if she was telling the truth. But I do know that she persuaded me she was sincere and offered some reasonable explanations for her actions. GBD closed long ago. She left Nixvm long ago. I have yet to date found any girl who claims they were abused by Raniere because of Kendra or Kristin Kreuk.

When you consider the extremely damaging aspect of the internet – and how because of Frank Reports’ fairly large audience and its high search results on Google News can damage a person’s prospects in life, I think it is important to err on the side of innocence.

Absent proof beyond a reasonable doubt, I think I have to trod carefully. The internet leaves a large footprint. So while I never accused Kendra of doing anything nefarious, I pointed out the coincidence of what I believe were GBD’s age-inappropriate stories and Raniere’s own lust for young girls.

I chose to remove the story to give Kendra the benefit of the doubt, especially since she never met Raniere, I never had a verifiable complaint of one underage girl ever coming out of GBD and over to Raniere and the fact that my story was showing up first on her Google news.

No doubt some will criticize me since the story I removed actually stands for itself – and is true. The fact is that many people will think the worst about a woman on matters that are not proven.  I liken it in a sense to an indictment. The mere indictment makes a person look guilty.  Then the accused has to defend themselves.

Kendra defended herself adequately and raised reasonable doubt.  Until there is further evidence of wrongdoing, I think it is time to move on from her and her role in GBD.

Of course, if there is more evidence that anyone has, bring it forward.


Victims of #Nxivm leader#KeithRaniere will breathe easier after he is sentenced on April 16, 2020. One victim named Rhiannon was raped repeatedly by Raniere starting when she was 12 years old and he was in his 30’s. There were other underage rape victims of Raniere that are still being investigated.


A fine sketch by MK10ART showing the lovely young Rhiannon CA. 1992 before a calendar for 2020 where the beast is to be sentenced to life in prison.

Rhiannon was raped some 60 times by the mad dog when she was 12 -13 and Raniere got away with it for more than 20 years until Heidi Hutchinson went to the Albany Times Union and told reporter Jim Odato about Raniere raping her sister Gina when she was 14.

Odato, that sterling investigative reporter that he is, began doing his work and found out about Rhiannon. And the result was the world was put on notice that Keith was a pedophile since Feb. 2012.

Who knows how many people including girls were saved by this report? One thing more and it is little known, but I found out from Nxivm sources that it was Odato’s series on Nxivm that prompted Raniere to make arrangements to get Daniella out of Albany after he being confined to a room for 700 days.

Daniella left within days of Odato’s stories being published.

More Questions About Kristin Snyder – And What Floats Floats


Another one of MK10ART’s beautiful and moody works on the victims of Raniere. Here we see Kristin Snyder who disappeared 17 years ago after leaving a Nxivm class in Anchorage Alaska paddling on her kayak.  We don’t know if Kristin actually committed suicide via kayaking out into the cold waters of Resurrection Bay or not, but the scene that MK10ART paints is impressive and haunting.

More Questions About Kristin Snyder – And What Floats Floats

#kristinsnyder #Nxivm #keithraniere #NancySalzman #estherchiappone [Name Redacted] #ElaineSmiloff #heidihutchinson #estherchiapponecarlson #allisonmack #laurensalzman

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Marie White

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4 years ago

Kim, are you mad or naw? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. There is no proof Raniere raped your sister. There is no proof your sister was pregnant. Women really need to quit pulling the rape card. It’s an easy route to cover the shame of fucking some loser. How about you Kim? Have you ever cried rape after a night of passion to save face with your holier than thow attitude?

4 years ago
Reply to  Brooke

You seem triumphant as you mock the afflicted, did you lose a sibling through nxivm?

Who are you to judge ‘Holier than thou”? seems to me anything above snake would be holier than you.

4 years ago

Kim Snyder
Frank has done the last insult to our families this time. The picture of the Keith monster in a dress with my sisters name in the title of the story, how disgusting and sick can you be? You have NO empathy or sympathy for our families. How dare you do this!!!!

We allowed you to come into our home, to interview us for the “Lost women”, and this is the “Thanks” that we get for that? How rude!!!!!!

Kris was nothing but a story to you!!!!! I am beyond ANGRY with this crap! You have NO feeling for anyone else, Frank. This is NOT cute, nor is compassionate!!!!!!!

Your antics are a thing of the past with us!!!! The picture of Keith in a dress, with my sisters name in the title of the story? I NEVER thought you would stoop SO low!!!!!

Are you just a writer? A real detective? Or just some sort of person that uses others? It is obvious- you have HURT our family for the last time.

Your obsession of the Rainere- has hit an ALL time LOW! Thanks for being so rude and hurtful. What if I did this to you? How would you feel? Your reading audience is small too. This is an outrage!!!!!!

You have used my sister to get a name for yourself. Why did you do this to us? He raped & killed my sister- how dare you!!!!!!!

I have cried for hours over this!!!!!! I lost my sister 17 years ago, and now this!!!!!

Rude and NO call for it!!!!!!!

4 years ago
Reply to  Kim

Kim, you’re the biggest narcissist on this site.

FrankReport was created to report about all things related to NXIVM.

It wasn’t created to focus only on Kristin Snyder.

You seem to think the whole world should revolve around you and your family. You’re mentally warped in my opinion. Not retarded of course —- but also not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Now I know why Toni Natalie told everybody that you were mentally unfit to give interviews. …Because giving you a microphone is akin to giving a microphone to a 3 year old child.

As much as I dislike Frank, he’s still done far more to investigation Kristin’s death than anybody else.

It’s time to move on with your life and accept what happened.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kim

Kim – In order for Frank to find the answers about Kristin, he needs the story to gain traction. All the articles on Frank Report have been for traction, and to recruit others to join in this search for justice. The Investigation Discovery show was even more important. If ID airs other shows, it would be huge.

Ignore Pablo. He only said two things that are true. 1. Frank has done more than anyone to help. (I’d add that Frank is the only one continuing to help find answers.) 2. Frank Report was created for all things NXIVM.

There were many shady/non-Christian things with NXIVM. Part of reporting on NXIVM and helping to find answers for your family, will involve reporting on non-Christian like things. The drawing of Keith in a tutu was bizarre, but nothing compared to some of the real things that have been reported on this site. I’m sure Frank will think twice the next time he mentions Kristin in an article. To me, he is trying to find every way possible to keep Kristin front and center. This article was a way to report on “all things NXIVM”, yet he found a way to include your sister. WIthout new info, he needs to be creative in finding ways to gain traction. Putting restrictions on him is understandable, I just hope it doesn’t hurt his efforts.

I type this last part simply in hopes of helping you feel better (and because it’s true). I just reread the article, and I don’t think anyone other than your family would even remotely connect the drawing to your sister. Other than being in the same article, they clearly have nothing to do with the other.

Hang in there and God bless!

4 years ago
Reply to  Kim

Kim, how can the humiliation of Keith be a bad thing for your sister? Think about it. The tutu on Raniere relates to a woman whose life he used up and destroyed partly by dangling a dream of her becoming a Prima Ballerina in her autumn years, not likely, and also something of a cruel joke shared by Keith and his minions. That painting addresses that injustice with wit and style- and lets us have a good laugh at a monster, now locked up thanks to Frank. Sadly, your sister was not his only victim. I think you have been made very welcome here by Frank, and the mystery of your sister’s death has been scrutinized more by him than anyone, including Law enforcement.

Maybe you don’t like Frank as a person or anyone on here. But don’t let that get in the way of the gratitude he deserves.
That’s not good for you or your family and only plays into the very unkind things Toni Nathalie had to say about you, reasons that kept Frank, and all here on FR, from helping you to the extent he has. Chin up Kim, embrace your differences with FR, and keep pulling in the same direction – justice for your sister AND all the others.

Ignore Pablo/Bangkok, he’s upset because he knows he’s going straight to hell after a particularly nasty colon disease, at least that’s what most of his writing here implies.

Great Artwork !
Great Artwork !
4 years ago

The artwork is “spot on” showing Voth as a Lizard and Kruek as a Snake. Just wish she would do a rendition of the Mad Spanker, the Sultan of Six with his many masks defending Kruek. No doubt Kruek is somewhat guilty and hiding something.

Anonymous for Kristin
Anonymous for Kristin
4 years ago

LOL, More mean girl Kristin bashing weirdo art…sad. As you can see, the twisted mean girl mind is convicting Kristin with no proof, no documentation of any type of investigation from law enforcement, ignoring any clear documented support from ex-NXIVM women who back up Kristin’s innocence. You see, folks…Kristin is guilty! She ran the NXIVM empire to capture innocent children as the weirdo art depicts! Look at the chains on the children! Worship the mean girl dehumanization of Kreuk! Surely, this is the truth because mean girls say so!!! We must destroy the beautiful Kristin because she exists. Our speculations should be the Law!!! Who cares if Kristin innocent?
Mean girls must have revenge! Meanwhile, Kristin continues to live her life loved by her fans.

Spanky Bringing it Out
Spanky Bringing it Out
4 years ago

You are one sick individual, Spankmaster.

4 years ago

Anonymous for Kristin- here is the correct spelling of her name.

4 years ago

Well, there you have it folks.

Note to Allie Mack, Lauren and Esther:

Just reach out to Frank Parlato (aka the Sicilian wimp) and defend yourself, then he’ll sympathize with you and remove your negative stories from hist site. LOL.

He’s such a wimp at heart.

Frank deserves whatever bad things may befall him in life cuz he’s a fucken pussy.

And guess what?

If you’re a pussy in life, the Lord will fuck you.


Because pussies are meant to be fucked.

4 years ago

From March 11 CDAN—looks like actresses commonly demand not to be questioned about their cults when on publicity tours.

Blind Items Revealed #4

A whole new press tour for a whole new movie with dozens upon dozens of interviews to give and somehow this A- list actress who also has a hit streaming show was once again not asked one question about the cult to which she belongs. Reporters were told in advance not to or they would lose their access to other press events for other movies.

Elisabeth Moss/Invisible Man

4 years ago

This is not the first time that I have wondered whether or not Ms. Kreuk would benefit by a consultation with an experienced urologist.

4 years ago

What did Kendra say about the “Sexy 7” questions?

4 years ago

Did Kendra deny Keith Raniere and Nancy Salzman had involvement with Girls By Design?

4 years ago

Question for Frank…

I respect that Kendra at least phoned you and defended herself, while claiming never to have met Keith.

So if you wanna give her the benefit of the doubt, okay, I can respect that.

If she never met Keith, at least that’s something solid to give her the benefit of the doubt.

*But are you also capitulating to Kreuk’s involvement?

Is this the beginning of a period where Frank Parlato is running away — with his tail tucked between his legs — due to legal pressure?

Is this a case of Frank Parlato signaling to his readers that he’ll be quietly refusing to report on any subject involving Kreuk, GBD and/or Kreuk’s role as a teacher/recruiter within NXIVM?

I’m guessing that no new Kreuk articles will EVER happen again on FrankReport, without any new ‘proof beyond a reasonable doubt’. Is that right, Frank?

Can you comment on the fact that you’ll likely never report again about Kreuk?

If true, you’re a wimp.

Just like you ran away — with your tailed tucked firmly between your legs — from reporting about the other movie actress that you allegedly claimed had sired a child with Keith, after being threatened by her attorney.

Is this another movie actress ‘capitulation’ by Frank the wimp?

If so, okay. Just wanna be sure that’s what you’re really saying.

Have a nice day. 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  Pablo

Can’t believe I’m going to be the d-bag to give this moron his reaction, but whatever…

If there’s one thing we’ve learned over the years, it’s that Frank is petrified to bring up the name Kristin Kreuk. Same with Allison Mack. Frank is such a wimp when it comes to them. Imagine how great Frank Report would be if those two weren’t off limits?

4 years ago

So much truth and beauty in your depictions of Kristin here in her canoe and the painting you did of Gina in her dress. poignant. Dont get to use that word over much. Thank you MK10 for your excellent art.

Where is Gina in a dress?
Where is Gina in a dress?
4 years ago
Reply to  Wtf

Wtf- I don’t see a painting of Gina. Where is the link so I can see it?

4 years ago

Sorry for the delay, hope you still catch this!

Scott Johnson
4 years ago

The Albany Times Union does NOT put the world on notice, it’s a small town rag that hardly anyone pays much attention to, it’s NOT the NYT. LOL

Frank Parlato
4 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson

The internet puts the world on notice in my opinion. And anyone who sought info about Keith would have been able to search him on the internet.

4 years ago
Reply to  Frank Parlato

Unfortunately, as we see ample evidence of here all the time, many people can’t be bothered to fact check – or when faced with inconvenient truths, will even simply refuse to accept things that conflict with what they have come to believe.

Cults, of course, are particularly effective at exploiting those human traits, and getting people either to not just look, or else to disregard and ignore anything they might come across.

Scott Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  Frank Parlato

The internet is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, anybody can put anybody else “on notice.” However, it’s not like the “old days” when there were three major networks, and when there was a story that made the cut, a very large percentage of the population was aware of that story. Now, there are literally hundreds of millions of “channels” (websites) and the three major networks have a much smaller audience, so unless you are made aware of something or stumble across it as I did with Raniere/NXIVM, you would never know the story exists. Many people are so focused on their own sliver of interest that the rest of the world doesn’t even exist in their experience. So there’s a catch-22, being both put “on notice” and at the same time “being noticed.” I can assure you I’ve put Amway and other MLM scams “on notice” probably 10s of thousands of times over the past 15 years, but I haven’t “been noticed” in terms of their illegal behavior being well-known, whether by the general population, government, or the rest of the media. It’s akin to shouting in a large, noisy, city street, hardly anyone can hear you, because there is so much background noise and they all have their heads staring at their own smart phones. As I said when we first spoke and I wrote in my “Why I’m Here” article almost two years ago, one of the reasons I’m here is because of the much larger readership of this website compared to my websites.

Fool Me Not
Fool Me Not
4 years ago

Excellent art work, as always!

4 years ago

Good to hear the explanation on Kendra. I’m with you on the decision and reasoning.

Scott Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  Nutjob

I would have been more impressed with Voth had she approached Frank much earlier and explained her role. She could have done so years ago, even before the Girls By Design (GBD) story broke, or at the very least, when she first found out the story broke. Instead, Frank spent lots of time and effort chasing down leads to determine the true nature of GBD. It was ONLY when Voth felt personally reputationally threatened by the GBD stories did she reach out to Frank. How many times did he first reach out to her and got no response?

4 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson

Agree. I’m sure Kendra would take a mulligan.

Scott Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  Nutjob

I doubt it. She’s like most commenters here, too scared to step forward, as they hide in anonymity. LOL

4 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson

You doubt it? She just took it. Frank was just nice enough to give it to her after her round had ended.

Look up the word mismatcher. Or, rather – DON’T look up the word mismatcher.

Scott Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson

It’s too late to take a mulligan after the round has ended. LOL

18 Holes
18 Holes
4 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson

It ain’t over til the fat score keeper sings.

Sheriff Moonbeam
Sheriff Moonbeam
4 years ago

MK10ART, magnificent as always.

As the article says, “The face of Keith Raniere may have never been sketched better. It captures all of the sinister perversion of this mighty leader of women, right down to his crossed eyes.”

Not now, nor have I even been Sultan
Not now, nor have I even been Sultan
4 years ago

So…does the same go for Kristin?
Unlike Kendra, she did go to Albany, and met Keith (how often and to what degree?) and probably was mentored by Not Nice Nancy. But maybe Kristin still had the same innocent thoughts about GBD that Kendra had.

Because Kristin is a B-list pretty celeb, it can be fun to mock her acting and virtue-signalling and imagine the sex she had with Keith and others. Though it is possible she had sex with him, she probably was never in his harem and certainly not in DOS, despite being an obvious target for Keith’s penis. Kristin also never let Keith get his hands on her money. So why procure girls for him?

As for GBD, the Feds have not hinted at charges, and Frank says there is no evidence of a GBD girl becoming part of the sex cult. So based on Frank’s report on Kendra, does the same go for Kristin?

It is at least possible that she might be innocent of any nefarious intent in her role in Girls By Design. Sure the circumstances seem suspicious…..and while the material on GBD seems godawful age inappropriate…she said there was no bad intentions. She said she sincerely thought that GBD could be a place where young teen girls could feel free to get their questions answered.

GBD closed long ago. She left Nxivm long ago. I have yet to date found any girl who claims they were abused by Raniere because of Kendra or Kristin Kreuk.

When you consider the extremely damaging aspect of the internet – and how because of Frank Reports’ fairly large audience and its high search results on Google News it can damage a person’s prospects in life, I think it is important to err on the side of innocence.
Absent proof beyond a reasonable doubt, I think I have to trod carefully. The internet leaves a large footprint.

I never had a verifiable complaint of one underage girl ever coming out of GBD and over to Raniere. Until there is further evidence of wrongdoing, I think it is time to move on from her and her role in GBD.

Of course, if there is more evidence that anyone has, bring it forward.

4 years ago

Hi, Sultan.

4 years ago

“So…does the same go for Kristin?”


“Unlike Kendra, she did go to Albany, and met Keith (how often and to what degree?) and probably was mentored by Not Nice Nancy.”

Yes to all.

“But maybe Kristin still had the same innocent thoughts about GBD that Kendra had.”

Yes she did.

“Because Kristin is a B-list pretty celeb, it can be fun to mock her acting and virtue-signalling and imagine the sex she had with Keith and others.”

Such type of activity is typically fun only for bullies.

“Though it is possible she had sex with him,”

Possible only in the limited sense that men and women can potentially engage in the sex act.

“she probably was never in his harem and certainly not in DOS, ”

Yes, she never was in both.

“despite being an obvious target for Keith’s penis.”

Yes, as beautiful women are targets for many men.

“Kristin also never let Keith get his hands on her money.”

Yes, thanks to her father.

“So why procure girls for him?”

I understand the questions asked are rhetorical, but it is best to emphasize that she didn’t.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

What do you know?

Not now, nor have I even been Sultan
Not now, nor have I even been Sultan
4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Anonymous 9:46
Your comments are as valid as mine, but both are speculation. I do think you are overly dismissive of the sex possibility and just guessing as to what was in Kristin’s heart/head about GBD.

Sex–Kristin and Keith possibly having sex is not like any man and woman. He is a sexual predator who had a beautiful, rich woman as his devoted follower for years. There is no evidence they had sex, but we can’t prove a negative.

GBD–It is hard to reconcile “innocent intentions” with, as Frank said, “godawful age-inappropriate” articles like the New Orleans Madame. Did both K’s just simply forget what was appropriate for impressionable girls, or was GBD really controlled by Keith or Nancy?

That said, without real evidence, both K’s deserve the benefit of the doubt.

4 years ago

From what I could tell of the New Orleans piece saved in the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, it was posted by a user of GBD’s forums. Perhaps Voth and Kreuk had a largely laissez-faire moderation policy like Frank – or just didn’t keep up with such housekeeping.

I do have to say, it does stick out as inappropriate, and I even have to wonder if it was the work of Raniere or one of his inner circle henchwomen testing the water – I think someone who frequented the original forums has said that the person posting was a known regular, though I’m still not sure that rules out a lurking poser. But it still may just be that the two young women from the entertainment industry were clueless, regardless of whatever sinister designs Raniere might have had – and whatever the overert or covert impetus was, focus and energy to pull it off quickly dissipated and it was abandoned.

I think one reality check is the videos they did that are still to be found on YouTube, in which they come off more as do-gooder sorority girl types (an ET Tonight video says the website was aimed at girls 14 to 19):

O Canada!
O Canada!
4 years ago
Reply to  AnonyMaker

Kristin, in that video, in that Canada hat—never looked prettier!!!!!!!

Question: How do you get your pics or vids to show up here, and not just links????

Questions for Frank, re Kendra/GBD
Questions for Frank, re Kendra/GBD
4 years ago

“I have yet to date found any girl who claims they were abused by Raniere because of Kendra or Kristin Kreuk.”

What about “Jane” the DOS slave? She told you she was a part of Girls By Design and later DOS and presumably NXIVM in between?

“GBD closed long ago. She [Kendra] left Nixvm long ago.”

When did Kendra tell you she left? A Vice article claims she left in 2009, but she was clearly on the 2011 coach list. Also, Kendra herself, through her personal Facebook page was talking on the Girls By Design Facebook page about relaunching Girls By Design as recently as July 2013.


Did Kendra admit to you that Girls By Design was Kristin Kreuk’s NXIVM project and Keith Raniere and Nancy Salzman were involved?

Did Kendra admit to any NXIVM/Jness “teachings” being taught to girls at GBD?


A comment from a supposed GBD member on a Frank Report article:

“I was a part of GBD in 2008 when I was 17 years old. KK would have girls fill out questionnaires (usually open ended questions about your experience as a teen) on facebook, and Kendra would contact us privately if we said something that interested her. Here’s one thing I do remember– it seemed Kristen and Kendra were more interested in recruiting girls much younger in age than me, closer to middle school. I ended up leaving GBD because of that. I also remember them both posting numerous vlogs on youtube.

I do remember at one point Kendra was much more interactive with having one on one’s with individual girls than KK was. I remember thinking that perhaps GBD was Kendra’s thing and KK was there to generate attention (at least she didn’t seem to want to get her hands dirty).

Not sure if that information is useful, but I wanted to put it out there.”

Did Kendra tell you anything about these questionnaires or where they went?


Obviously, Kristin Kreuk was deeper in NXIVM then Kendra and knew Keith Raniere personally. You said Kreuk was asked to comment. What did you ask her and has she even found the ovaries to answer or is she still hiding to preserve her image?

Did Kendra offer any information on the origins of GBD or any new information? She and Kreuk posted to their GBD page a statement denying any connection to NXIVM, which is obviously false. Did Kendra say anything about that?

4 years ago

All good questions for Frank

4 years ago

Frank already admitted last year that “jane” wasn’t a teen when she supposedly worked for GBD and was never introduced to Keith or sexually exploited by him. Sorry that doesn’t fit your desired narrative.

Why are you questioning Frank as if he doesn’t know how to conduct an interview or can’t tell if someone is lying to him. He’s the acclaimed journalist, not you. He’s the one who knows how manipulative Keith and his closest whores/conspirators are having been used and suckered in by them himself.

Sarah Edmondson was head of the Vancouver center and would know when a fellow Vancouver member, especially one known to her would have been active.

You seem stuck on certain erroneous information and can’t seem to incorporate or absorb the facts that contradict your preferred story line. You got kicked out of the cult for being too creepy even for them. After your 5 day, nobody wanted to see your pudgy, revolting, mug even if you were more than willing to fork over for the 11 day so now you come on here trying to get your revenge.

Hello Sultan-Spank,
Hello Sultan-Spank,
4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

That was a very long emotional essay HAA.

Don’t cry about the above-mentioned questions you don’t want answered.

Who are you imagining you are talking to HAA?

Are you still desperately lonely wishing you could turn back the clocks and force a minor to be your jihadi bride instead of wasting your life masturbating to and internet white knighting Kristin Kreuk?

With this coronavirus panic, you are going to have to stock up on all that Vaseline before shelves empty.

Your dream spank Kristin Kreuk is probably getting fucked on all fours right now and definitely not by you lol. It must KILL you inside lol.

Brace yourself… comment image

4 years ago

That was a long winded emotional response written to someone who isn’t me. I wonder what people must think every time they respond to a Kristin Kreuk related post or comment when the obsessive freak who pretends not to be obsessed with her calls them out as Sultan. The same obsessive freak who is so obsessed with her he cares about what a fan of hers does that he’s also stalked him on the Internet? Practically everyone of those who I’ve witnessed has to state they’re “Not Sultan”, but they get called out as being me because of the freak who’s obsessed with her and me.

And since this person you responded to is certainly not me, I can presume it must be someone who had some former relationship to the cult from the last paragraph and the way they are responding to you in they’re comment. I believe this person has repeatedly called you out and mentioned you specifically OMAR ROSALES, especially your unethical behavior as a lawyer which you were rebuked and fined for, something I would not know, would not care to know, would not search to know, and only found out about because it was posted here. Your constant calling out of Kristin Kreuk as “Kook”, your repetitive lying that GBD was Kristin and Kendra’s NXIVM project even though they put out a statement saying otherwise and no other evidence has been provided proving the contrary (your constant repeating that they lied doesn’t count), a long ago mentioned in the comments here nominal attempted relationship where you tried to produce something with them and they rejected you or something along those lines, and now this person describing you as “creepy” and having a “pudgy, revolting, mug”, are the things that give you away.

Hello Sultan-Spank 2.0
Hello Sultan-Spank 2.0
4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

“your repetitive lying that GBD was Kristin and Kendra’s NXIVM project even though they put out a statement saying otherwise”

Nothing qualifies you to make such a statement re GBD/NXIVM and to accuse others of “repetitive lying” about it, when you have zero insider information.

Believe it or not, people lie to protect themselves, like when Kristin Kreuk LIED about leaving NXIVM and got called out and you LIE pretending to be other people.

“I believe this person has repeatedly called you out and mentioned you specifically OMAR ROSALES”.

Frank, you know Omar Rosales and any moniker he has used on Frank Report. Is “Hello Sultan-Spank, March 11, 2020 at 4:36 pm” Omar Rosales?

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

–Nothing qualifies you to make such a statement re GBD/NXIVM and to accuse others of “repetitive lying” about it, when you have zero insider information.

Yes, I can accuse you of lying about the notion that Kristin and Kendra lied about GBD’s relationship to NXIVM because providing no tangible evidence that contradicts their statement while repeating such a claim over and over again in a “Goebbelesque” attempt to present it as a truth is in fact a lie, and a very deceptive one at that.

–Believe it or not, people lie to protect themselves, like when Kristin Kreuk LIED about leaving NXIVM and got called out and you LIE pretending to be other people.

That some people lie to protect themselves is not an argument that two people in this particular case lied to do so. And again, you repeating that Kristin lied, Kendra lied, or I lied does not prove, nor make it, a lie. It’s ironic that you repetitively engage in this tactic. It must be the projection of a liar.

And if you’re not Omar, you’re likely Bang-Cunt. Regardless, whoever you are, you’re certainly someone who has the mentality of a jilted loser with an ax to grind.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

“Yes, I can accuse you of lying about the notion that Kristin and Kendra lied about GBD’s relationship to NXIVM”.

No. You are just a crazy masturbator.

“because providing no tangible evidence that contradicts their statement”

Every adult involved with GBD was involved with NXIVM. Including at one point, Allison Mack and Nancy Salzman. That contradicts their statement.

“while repeating such a claim over and over again in a “Goebbelesque” attempt to present it as a truth is in fact a lie”

Pointing out facts you don’t like is not a lie.

“and a very deceptive one at that.”

Telling facts you don’t like is not deceptive. Putting an online fatwa and declaring e-jihad on anyone who dares suggest anything unpleasant about your “dream spank”, creating dozens upon dozens of fake aliases to “defend” Kristin Kreuk, for years, is very deceptive. And creepy. But easy to spot and identify.

“That some people lie to protect themselves”

Like your dream spank in 2018 and Keith Raniere, for ever?

“is not an argument that two people in this particular case lied to do so.”

Other people lying is not why they lied.

“And again, you repeating”

Who is “you”?

“that Kristin lied, Kendra lied, or I lied does not prove, nor make it, a lie.”

GBD was connected to NXIVM. They claimed otherwise. That was a lie.

“It’s ironic that you repetitively engage in this tactic. It must be the projection of a liar.”

Which “you”? The more you white knight, the more you get called out and the more Frank Parlato draws attention to your “dream spank”, defeating the purpose of your white knighting. If it were not for you, Kristin Kreuk would not have been exposed as much as she was on Frank Report.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Still at it, Spanky? Your daddy must be in his seventies. That is just a few more years of life to watch his failure of a son, fail some more and be a bitter disappointment. What do you say to him to explain why you are such a sexless loser in your forties, nearly fifties? Have you told him that you were waiting for a kafir c-list television actress you have never met to become your spouse!? He would be disgusted with you. What happened to make you this retarded, Spanky? Did you get an autograph or something from Kristen Crooked with a few x’s or a love heart and believe you were going to marry her? What else could it be? If so, that is mental illness. You said in one of your rants a while back your brother has a spouse and children. Based on your age, let’s assume they are between 10-15. They will certainly lose their virginities (probably to white or black cock) before you ever get a whiff of pussy. They surely know at their age now uncle Hasif is a cuck. Did you make an appointment to test for Aspergers yet, or are you still in denial about that too? 🍛💣🧨🐖👳🏽‍♂️👳🏽‍♀️🧕🏽💩

4 years ago



–You are just a crazy masturbator.

Don’t project your crazy desires onto me, sociopathic coward.

–Every adult involved with GBD was involved with NXIVM. Including at one point, Allison Mack and Nancy Salzman. That contradicts their statement.

No it doesn’t. NXIVM purported to be an organization that offered services to help people establish and build companies. That members and its leadership were involved in helping those who wanted to start a business and grow it would be in line with such services. That doesn’t mean that GBD was a NXIVM business, and the fact that the government never put them on the list of dozens of NXIVM shell companies proves it.


–Pointing out facts you don’t like is not a lie.

The delusions of your jilted, projecting mind aren’t “facts”.

–Telling facts you don’t like is not deceptive.

You don’t tell facts. You reiterate lies in a deceptive attempt to present them as truth.

–Putting an online fatwa and declaring e-jihad on anyone who dares suggest anything unpleasant about your “dream spank”, creating dozens upon dozens of fake aliases to “defend” Kristin Kreuk, for years, is very deceptive. And creepy. But easy to spot and identify.

As opposed to creating the dozens of aliases to put her down like you and your ilk do?

Aw. You’re fucking crying inside. All you have is ad hominems and attempts at self-esteem humiliation. Very cult-like. You’re mad that I did actually help Kristin. That’s why you chase me around the Internet.

–Like your dream spank in 2018 and Keith Raniere, for ever?

Again, repeating the lie.

–Other people lying is not why they lied.

Speak English.

–Who is “you”?

Who is you? That’s your fucking response?

–GBD was connected to NXIVM. They claimed otherwise. That was a lie.

Fuck, you’re a liar.

–Which “you”?’

Which you? LOL.

–The more you white knight, the more you get called out and the more Frank Parlato draws attention to your “dream spank”, defeating the purpose of your white knighting. If it were not for you, Kristin Kreuk would not have been exposed as much as she was on Frank Report.

Yes, because reacting carries more responsibility than acting. How morally sick of an individual are you? Always blaming the other for your own issues. Such a fucking sociopath.

And “Infidel”, I hope enjoy your prison cell for years to come.

Lol spanky is really mad! “Tee hee”.
Lol spanky is really mad! “Tee hee”.
4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Explain to the world why you, the brown beetle Spanky, whose initials are “HAA”, “helped” your dream spank? You crazy lunatic.

It kills you inside that your dream spank lied about leaving NXIVM years before she did, when you want to believe so desperately that you somehow saved her with your computer keyboard LOL!!!!

Cry, cry and spank, cry and spank some more, GBD was connected to NXIVM. And….. wait for it…. Kristin Kook still could not care one bit, if you crashed your gay Lexus/Spankmobile into a street lamp lol. Nothing you say, believe and try and make people believe changes anything.

You got nothing to add, zero insider information and no self esteem. Beg your daddy for forgiveness for being such a worthless son. He should of just pulled it out and sprayed that awful load on your mommas brown ass instead of wasting it on you. Speaking of momma, go to her grave and beg her for forgiveness too. You must by why mooooslims do honour killings on their kids lol.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

You lost, stalker.

Game over.

You have nothing except the same lies, sociopathic, and demeaning insults that you’ve always used. NOTHING. Like the pea-brained cowardly, bully you are, you shoot from a position of one-sided cowardice.

There’s nothing you can say or do to hurt me.

And that kills you.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Because of you Spanky, Kristin Crooked got more & more exposed as a liar for her cult activities & the internet is full of information about your craziness! Win! You lose! 😂 Remember to beg daddy-spank. 😂💩💣👳

to Anonymous 2:49
to Anonymous 2:49
4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

–Why are you questioning Frank as if he doesn’t know how to conduct an interview–

You missed the point–we would like Frank to tell us how Kendra answered these valid questions in her interview.

More Lies, More Aliases, More Sickness

It defines the mad spanker, the sultan of six

4 years ago

Now, unless I get that picture of Raniere in his ballet Tutu out of my head, I will have nightmares all night.

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083


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