Waldorf Schools Are Quirky, Culty and Just the School for Young Keith Raniere

Keith Raniere, a joyful child.

By AnonyMaker

Rudolph Steiner’s followers are scientific illiterates who believe in various of his pseudo-science and even pseudo-history, from the heart not actually being a pump and and continents floating in the ocean, to superior souls reincarnating as members of the Aryan race.

“Blond hair actually bestows intelligence” he pronounces.

The dangers are exemplified in such teachings having helped spawn someone like Keith Raniere.

The faulty underlying premise is much the same as in any cult like NXIVM (founded by a former Waldorf kid) or Scientology (founded by someone with much of the same background as Steiner, such as Theosophy).

There is a man (it almost always is a male authority figure) who was supposedly one of the world’s smartest men and top problem solvers, whose theories – developed in the absence of actual training, expertise or research – about everything from how we should live our lives, to educating our children and appreciating music, represent timeless truths not subject to question or scientific verification.

Because the approach is ideological and dogmatic, they can never adapt or evolve to focus more on whatever is “good” or “works,” and abandon bad ideas or outright counter-factual nonsense.

Depending on how hardcore the organization is, there may be some compromise around the margins (such as US Waldorf schools trying to ignore Steiner’s odious German-Aryan racism), while they typically dance around opening the can of worms of openly admitting that any of their guru’s teachings were actually wrong.

Scientology, like NXIVM’s inner circle, is known for having higher reported incidences of cancer deaths, and shorter lifespans, probably due to a combination of avoiding modern medical care, and the mixing of dangerous supposedly “natural” practices along with some relatively healthier ones, plus added risks like food and sleep deprivation in some cases.

The same is likely true of the followers of Steiner, who himself suffered from ill health and died at the relatively young age of 64.

There’s no research specific to the group that I’m aware of, but they probably run typical risks of dogmatic adherence to, and reliance on, failed and even dangerous pseudo-medicine like homeopathy.

For instance:

Indirect and non-health risks associated with complementary and alternative medicine [CAM] use: An integrative review

“Use of ineffective CAMs as direct alternatives to potentially more effective forms of conventional treatment not only poses substantial risk to the patient, but research also suggests this risk is the primary concern related to CAM use amongst conventional medical practitioners”

Choosing alternative cancer treatment [more than] doubles your risk of death

Here’s a classic example of Steiner’s pseudo-scientific and pseudo-historic, racist mush, much in the same vein as Raniere’s word salad and his “modules” about rape, polygamy, and pedophilia:

Waldorf Schools are based on the teachings of Rudolph Steiner.

“Because the earth has less vitality, only the black and brown peoples attain sufficient driving force; blonds and blue-eyed people are already marked for extinction because they can no longer drive nourishment with the necessary force through their bodies.”
“You see, when we really study science and history, we must conclude that if people become increasingly strong, they will also become increasingly stupid. If the blonds and blue-eyed people die out, the human race will become increasingly dense if men do not arrive at a form of intelligence that is independent of blondness. Blond hair actually bestows intelligence.”

The credulous, uncritical acceptance of people – usually men – holding themselves out as authorities on some topic that they pose as crucial to our existence, is just what caused people to also fall for Raniere and NXIVM.

Here are a couple of reminders that NXIVM was very intertwined with the local Waldorf school – including Karen Abney, who was Kristin Snyder’s coach in Anchorage, and appears to still be on staff at the school in Saratoga Springs, NY:

Waldorf School of Saratoga issued a letter to calm parents’ fears about NXIVM
September 20, 2018

NXIVM problems at Waldorf School of Saratoga
September 21, 2018

It probably says something about Keith Raniere’s parents  – and thus his upbringing in general – that they sent their child to such a school.

Keith Raniere attended Rockland County Waldorf school.

However, it should be noted that Steiner’s followers, like many culty groups, are fairly careful about hiding their more esoteric and even embarrassing beliefs and teachings from their public-facing Waldorf schools.

They attract parents who tend to want their kids treated specially, and who are lured by appealing-sounding theories and willing to accept things that sound a little quirky, but not usually ones who actually understand just how strangely alternative the educational concepts really are.

Also, in fairness, I should have noted that I don’t think Waldorf schools teach that things like gnomes are real, though it’s the sort of underlying belief of teachers who are real Steinerian Anthrosophists.

Kids’ education in the Steiner system seems to depend a lot on which teachers they get.

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11 months ago

My son went to a Waldorf kindergarten and the teachers told him that gnomes and fairies were real. This was the least of our problems.

I did not mind at all that my son’s Waldorf school wanted to instill in him a sense of spirituality. What I minded was that the teachers sought to supplant parents. They made decisions about my child’s education without consulting me or listening to my concerns. They outright lied to us, telling me that he had a great day when he had a tantrum at drop-off which my partner observed. I later learned that Steiner instructed teachers to lie to parents. It’s in his lectures. Parents were not allowed in the classroom not even to help our child hang up his coat. Even during a birthday celebration when some parents were invited because the teacher needed help, I was not allowed to stay for the birthday celebration. Our child was not allowed to bring any of his artwork home or show it to us at pick up.

Waldorf is teacher led and this is the opposite of child centered which is what they advertise themselves as. In Steiner’s lectures he said a young child should obey his teacher without question. The grades also spend a lot of time sitting in desks listening to the teacher.

They also said the school was nature based and they would have circle time outside. Circle time was inside, so the handbook we were asked to read was simply lies. They did go on daily hikes but if they didn’t stay in line the teacher punished them (this was kindergarten).

Waldorf has art but not creativity. Children are told what to draw and they all must draw the same thing.

This is not the alternative school that was advertised. It is a school from the dark ages where teachers are not credentialed and have absolutely no training in classroom management. Before pulling my son out I observed fourth graders throwing rocks at each other in front of the teacher, during a class activity, and the teacher did nothing.

Waldorf has no differentiation. All instruction is delivered to the whole class. This would be bad enough but not only do they not allow gifted children to progress, they discourage gifted children, make them feel wrong for being curious, and try to hobble them because they think intelligence is a sign of the demon and they want to shepherd the child’s soul away from the demon.

The school was very disorganized and dishonest. The way the teachers and administration treated me was abusive and dismissive. The way the teacher treated my son sucked the joy out of him.

Some of these problems may not exist in all Waldorf schools but I will never take another chance on a school that calls itself Waldorf.

Barbara Doyle
Barbara Doyle
2 years ago

My son suffered greatly at the hands of bullies. Waldorf School believes a child deserves whatever he gets because it is karma. More than one believes in gnomes. It is a foul environment. Toxic and dangerous lies are told. Parents are kept in the dark and unless your child tells you that it is well hidden in the cult-like behavior of the adults.

3 years ago

I actually have my own criticisms of Steiner and think he went wrong in numerous areas. But the author of this article manages to lie, distort truth, and openly express their own hateful bigotry while trying to construct an argument against Steiner.

Steiner said that the heart is not merely a pump, his particular lecture on that subject was merely aiming to have the audience think of the heart in a new way. It still could be described as a pump in the material sense, but it is also more than that. One is being lazy to claim that Steiner was saying that the heart cannot be described as a pump. It would be good if the author provided references so that people can see for themselves rather than just take the author’s word at face value. This is actually my criticism of Steiner, there is too much that he claimed based on so-called “clairvoyance”. Ironically, the author is repeating the very method of Steiner by making claims that she just expects the audience to accept in order to follow her larger argument.

Then the author openly displays hatred and bigotry of men by claiming that men like Steiner are some kind of common occurrence. Steiner was literally living in the same time as Helena Blavatsky, a woman who made very similar claims about knowing how to organize society for the better, without technical training. Anyone not blinded by hatred would understand that both Steiner and Blavatsky are quite unusual, regardless of whether one likes or dislikes them. They are far from being representative of either men or women. The author can only be speaking out of irrational hatred when writing things like “There is a man (it almost always is a male authority figure) who was supposedly one of the world’s smartest men and top problem solvers….” How can anyone say “almost always” when these kinds of men are rare occurrences, and when there are multiple examples of similar women? Not without obvious irrational hate.

It is true that Waldorf schools are not honest about Steiner, on that we agree, Otherwise, the article is quite dishonest in its thesis. Articles like this only support the Waldorf movement because they are obviously irrational and only serve to make Steiner followers feel misunderstood.

samir sardana
samir sardana
3 years ago

I present some innovations in Education by the Indians

Even the Indian Courts agree that Indians are fit to clean toilets !


Even Gandhi said that Indians are fit to clean toilets


Which is Y Indian teachers make Indian students clean toilets in schools !


The Indian PM (himself a Tea Vendor) feels that Indian Bureaucrats should clean toilets



People ask Y? dindooohindoo

Education is not for Indians !











0.15 – 0.26 – OPEN CHEATING !!

4 years ago

Rudolf Steiner is genuinely not easy to grasp. Taking some of his obscure sayings out of context is a very cheap form of attack. If you want just one book to get some idea of the scale of his approach, look at “Knowledge of the Higher Worlds”: https://wn.rsarchive.org/Books/GA010/English/AP1947/GA010_index.html
Read this carefully, let it sink in, and you will find an extremely balanced, ethical, systematic, scientific and rational approach to spiritual investigation. If you thought that “chakras”, reincarnation and the like were the property of Eastern religions, you will actually find that the very best and clearest explanations of these phenomena were given in West, within the tradition of Grail Christianity.

I’ve got a good friend whose father was a priest in the Christian Community, the church founded on Steiner principles. As a kid, she used to tease her parents: “Steiner says do this! Steiner says do that!” — implying that they would hop and jump and do anything the great master said. And it’s true of many Steiner followers.

In all the reading and research I’ve done on Steiner, however, I can only find one genuine mistake that he made. He obviously thought he was going to live longer than he did; and he died with much of his work incomplete. This is the cause of much of the rigid thinking you find in the Steiner movement — people are taking what were just his bare indications about a subject, and making them into great pillars of truth.

As to why he died early: there is still a huge argument as to whether he was poisoned or not. There’s no doubt that sheer overwork and the trauma of seeing his wooden Goetheanum centre burned down (it had a dome bigger than St Peter’s) contributed to his death.

If you really want to understand the genius of Steiner, I can highly recommend a series of lectures he gave in 1922 called World Economy: https://wn.rsarchive.org/SocialIssues/GA340/English/RSP1972/WldEco_index.html

This is the most brilliant treatment of economics I’ve ever read, clearly and simply explained, and it describes the problems of globalization that only hit the world decades later. This work completely shreds Marxism, for one thing. In order to fix the mess in this world, we need clear concepts above all, and Steiner was highly concerned that working class people had access to correct concepts, instead of the muddled Marxist claptrap that still rattles in many heads.

And if you really want to understand Waldorf schools, read Steiner’s Soul Economy lectures. You’ll find the least dogmatic approach to education you can imagine. All he really does is describe what is happening with children at particular ages, and provide the best indications for dealing with these different phases. I can tell you flatly, as an experienced teacher and teacher trainer, that I’ve never found more useful or practical guidelines in teaching than these.

Above all — again and again — Steiner states that allowing the free development of each child’s capabilities is the aim. I’ve taught in several Montessori schools, and found very rigid curricula in place — you must use the Montessori bells, the Montessori blocks. There’s nothing programmatic like this in Waldorf education at all, the teachers are very free to approach subjects in their own way.

The only possible exception that I’m aware of, is the subject of eurythmy, which is taught at all Waldorf schools. Eurythmy is truly another art altogether, it’s a kind of poetry or music in motion. Each sound has a corresponding gesture, and if it’s badly taught, it can be quite rigid. The more you get into eurythmy, however, the more you’ll discover that it truly is an entire new art form, and very much one of the future.

There are specific reasons why I am pushing Rudolf Steiner on this forum, because he warned of a very particular cult of materialism that would arise in America around now; and with the advent of 5G, the Internet of Things and the global super-surveillance state, this cult is now seeking to dominate the world, exactly as Steiner predicted. The profusion of cults and gurus we see is a reflection of this, including NXIVM.

Listen: when Pi**agate hit, I took it upon myself to do a full investigation of the Waldorf school associated with the Comet Ping-Pong pizza parlor. Large swathes of the liberal tech elite don’t want their own kids overexposed to technology and smartphone screens, so they send their kids to Waldorf schools. I’ve said flatly and will repeat, that there are cranks and posers and infiltrators within the Steiner movement, be very careful. But the founding principles of Waldorf education are extremely sound.

Sorry; very difficult to keep this short. I am going to try get more to the point in future, about the particular dangers Steiner saw arising in America in our present era.

4 years ago
Reply to  Fred

Can you explain what you meant here:

“Listen: when Pi**agate hit, I took it upon myself to do a full investigation of the Waldorf school associated with the Comet Ping-Pong pizza parlor. Large swathes of the liberal tech elite don’t want their own kids overexposed to technology and smartphone screens, so they send their kids to Waldorf schools”

Why would Walforf schools be associated with the fabricated pizza gate story? I didn’t understand what you meant by that remark, or how it connected to your next sentence about liberal parents.

4 years ago
Reply to  Fred

Fred, I get that you’re enthralled with a teacher/guru who wrote all sorts of interesting things.

But the same could be said of more teachers and gurus than you could throw a stick at – including NXIVM’s Raniere.

It seems to me that you’re just promoting another cultic belief system that is supposed to be accepted whole as timeless wisdom, in spite of obvious absurdities and unrealities – which true believers rationalize away or try to ignore (that reaction to cognitive dissonance, is actually part of the mechanism of entrenching loyalty and adherence).

For another fun one, what about Steiner’s claim that the heart is not a pump – an idea dredged up from the theory-based science of antiquity, disproved in the era of empirical science by William Harvey in the 17th century? That’s a ridiculous one to have been peddling in the 20th century, but it’s still taught, and defended, by his followers.

There are also some more fun quotes from Steiner’s book “The Occult Significance of Blood” that I can drop later – just the title of the work is a tip-off as to the basis of his ideas and theories. And if the reference to blood sounds related to German race theory, it is – we can also look at Steiner’s involvement in occult groups that tie him not only to the roots of Nazism but to Aleister Crowley and his student, L. Ron Hubbard, the latter of whom founded another system of supposedly all-encompassing perfect wisdom and life advice in Scientology.

4 years ago

An article explaining why these schools are so controversial.


Girl Scout Cookies
Girl Scout Cookies
4 years ago
Reply to  Flowers

Interesting article. Thanks!

4 years ago
Reply to  Flowers

Flowers, thanks for the link to that excellent piece,

“Pupils may not have been sold this creed, but Steiner was very strict that teachers were not supposed to pass them on to children – just to act on them. ” – that’s what the sneakiest of cults do. That was the aim of all of Raniere’s front groups like The Source and exo/eso (which Dr. Roberts was running or promoting). Though Anthroposophy’s approach through Waldort if a bit more of an occult one, in which they seek not to ultimately recruit many, but instead to attract just a few to their inner teachings.

4 years ago

I realized that the second to last line should have read:

“in fairness, I should have noted that I don’t think [ALL] Waldorf schools teach that things like gnomes are real.”

The problem is, that some teachers and some schools do teach some of the worst of Steiner’s Anthroposophist nonsense, or at least teach and treat children based on accepting or believing it, and they can never outright reject any of it because of the culty orthodox ideological adherence that prevents them from overtly acknowledging that their guru was ever wrong about anything. Thus classrooms still have to be painted in the particular colors that Steiner originally specified rather than say a choice of calming pastels, and kids have to be held back in learning to read according to some largely uninformed theory laid down more than a century ago regardless of what the best modern research says about childhood development.

When it comes to racism, US Waldorf schools explicitly reject it – though one or two cases are questionable (I did a quick check of the one that is perhaps most infamous, and its online photos are mostly full of white kids, in spite of its being located in a very diverse city). The problem is, it’s a “yes, but” sort of situation – Steiner’s more progressive statements can be taken to mean that he thought that non-Aryans could be educated and brought up to the same level as white people, but there’s still the underlying presumption, based on his explicit doctrines of karma and reincarnation by race, that such people have different origins and still-persistent differences. This is the best that an official Waldorf defense/apologist site can come up with:

“In our own epoch the concept of race will gradually disappear along with all the differences that are relics of earlier times….We can still speak of races but only in the sense that the real concept of races is losing its validity.” https://waldorfanswers.org/ARacistMyth.htm (a pro-Waldorf site)

And it turns out that Steiner’s underlying belief in how that will come about, is through some sort of extinction of the other races, with the superior white race coming out on top:

“On one side we find the black race, which is earthly at most. If it moves to the West, it becomes extinct. We also have the yellow race, which is in the middle between earth and the cosmos. If it moves to the East, it becomes brown, attaches itself too much to the cosmos, and becomes extinct. The white (weiß) race is the future, the race that is spiritually creative.” https://sites.google.com/site/waldorfwatch/steiners-racism

Again, the problem is that there are contemporary reports of non-Aryan children being treated differently in Waldorf schools because of their race, based on Steiner’s philosophy, by at least some teachers. And Anthrosopophists and Waldorf schools are too ideological and dogmatic to engage in rational analysis and winnowing of Steiner’s ideas and teachings, and admit that some were simply wrong, so instead they can only equivocate and engage in cult-like apologism, cherry-picking and hair-splitting.

4 years ago

Just leaving this here..


and this..


Steiner schools are just as effective as Yeshivas, Madrassas, Tabernacle schools, and most, um, ‘homeschooling’, which, let’s face it, saves a lot of parents the trouble of getting up in the AM, getting the kids ready, schlepping down to the bus stop. Also, if you keep the adolescent girls at home, they can learn the really important things like housekeeping and childminding and save on childcare costs!! Once they rebel or the parents finally concede the necessity of having an education, why, these kids can just rock up at a shitty community college, get their GED’s, rinse, repeat..

Why we bother with any of it, given the marvels of Steiner, is a complete mystery to me, Science? Humanities? Whaaat?!! Don’t these libs have the internet? Someone didn’t receive the memo and is still going on like the earth is A GLOBE!!!!! HELLOOO!!!!

4 years ago

It’s sad to see Reniere as an innocent child. I wonder if it’s a case of there was always something brewing and his strange upbringing and schooling brought it out of him and then it grew in adulthood, buying law enforcement and the court systems then enabling it to grow to such an extent. It is such a strange case. I wonder if he can sit back and be shocked how much he got away with. Did he simply go through life being entitled and enjoying inflicting distress on people or does he believe his own BS and is crazy?

4 years ago
Reply to  Natashka

It’s all BS and I’m pretty sure he knows it. He has always toyed with people – destroying them is his version of play. When he breaks a toy too badly, he just goes on to the next one.

Met him when I was 17; he had just turned 19. He started the mind games on me the first day we met. He was already also playing several women against each other with lies and manipulation at the time. I was really sheltered and naive and didn’t figure all that out soon enough though.

We’ve seen reports from old primary school classmates that he was already playing malicious mind games on people as a child.

He’s a habitual liar so take these with a grain of salt… He told me he had started having sex at 11 years old and it was with an older woman. He also claimed he had never left a girlfriend – said it to elicit sympathy for how misunderstood he was that his ladies always left him. And finally, he claimed some people thought he was the anti-Christ.

When I asked an old girlfriend of his about his behavior, she said she felt it changed (to evil) when his mother died (he was 18 at the time).

My conclusion: he is probably a psychopath; maybe some abuse in his past reinforced his malignant tendencies; maybe his mother kept him a little under control until she died (kind of like Pam Cafritz maybe had some small dampening affect on his maliciousness).

But I feel pretty certain he’s not crazy – he knew exactly what he was doing to people and it was deliberate.

4 years ago
Reply to  L

L, THANK YOU very much for sharing these first-hand insights. Very valuable information.

4 years ago
Reply to  L

Thanks, L, for your insight into the young KR. This is really interesting and answers a lot of what I had been pondering

Girl Scout Cookies
Girl Scout Cookies
4 years ago
Reply to  L

thanks L!

4 years ago

Part of this was originally written in response to “Fred,” but not intended to be confrontational.

Fred seems to me to be someone well-intended, but I have to take issue with his suggestions that the answers to some possible problems of modern life, are to adopt the century-old pseudo-science of some guru and eschew participation in the modern world. As a sort of reality-check, I’d point out a couple of things:

* During Steiner’s heyday, the average life expectancy in Western Europe and the North America was around 50 to 55, and even then people often lived with chronic conditions that are inconsequential nowadays. Life expectancy is now approaching 80, with people generally being healthier, and also not having to live with consequences such as the likelihood of losing children to once-untreatable diseases – including those prevented by immunization. It’s technology, and medicine, and people going to college to learn those and other skills that have improved the state of health, not Steiner-style pseudoscience and and Luddite ideas.

* Also in that older era, about half the population lived on farms, but they were not necessarily always healthy – including suffering from now-unknown conditions such as rickets. Before modern transportation, dietary variety was limited, resulting in significant levels of malnutrition, and then of course periodic crop failures could lead to virtual starvation; the infamous Year Without a Summer of 1816 or “eighteen hundred and froze to death” resulted in an increase in mortality from a variety of diseases and food shortages. Romantic notions of a supposed earlier, simpler time don’t hold up to scrutiny, and thus don’t really hold answers.

And I’m reminded that in NXIVM, Raniere was pushing his own faulty concepts of earlier eras regarding polygamy and pedophilia.

Scott Johnson
4 years ago

Like Raniere, Waldorf also gets them very young: http://www.waldorfearlychildhood.org/directory.php

Scott Johnson
4 years ago

It figures most of the Waldorf schools are in lefty states: https://www.waldorfeducation.org/find-a-school Even the one in Texas is in a lefty city. LOL

4 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson

It figures most of the assholes are in righty states.

Scott Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

It figures the Libtards in lefty states think righties are a$$holes, whereas we are really just using our brains.

4 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson

Fundamentally, it doesn’t have anything to do with any particular ideology, though individual examples like Waldorf will of course lean one way or another.

In “righty” states there’s more likely to be different varieties of pseudo-scientific, pseudo-historical education, like “young earth” creationism, in which children may be taught that Jesus rode on dinosaurs:

Did Jesus Ride on a Dinosaur? Oh, my…
“A saddled Triceratops is on display at the Creationist Museum”

And in Texas:

Best of Dallas®
Best Cold, Hard Evidence Jesus Rode a Dinosaur
Creation Evidence Museum

(though most such creationists believe that there was just about 2,000 years’ separation between the two – still as ludicrous and counter-factual)

And isn’t Amway more of a “righty” thing? Seriously, why is that?

If you really want to inoculate people against such things, and not just play the whack-a-mole-game of trying to expose whatever is the current version of such scams, I think you have to look at the root causes of why people fall for nonsense.

Scott Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymaker

Most conservatives don’t associate or believe those extremist views, whereas many liberals support Crazy/Commie Bernie.

Amway is fake righty, as conservatives are seen as being pro-business, that’s why. Amway is pro-business scam.

People fall for the nonsense because MLMs are very good liars and people like you don’t want to help educate them. Simple as that, I’ve already identified the root causes.

4 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson

Scott, your perception of the Left is inaccurate as the perception that most on the Right believe that the earth is flat. We are all being targeted by Russia in attempt to divide, to see “sides” and “other” as bad. They saw that 9/11 brought us all together, and knew their battlefield was in our minds and hearts. A house divided is their strategy… Let’s try to actually use our brains to outsmart them instead of focusing on the other “side” like they want us to.

Scott Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  Bennie

Russia, and the USSR prior, has been meddling in our elections and politics for several decades. It is nothing new. They are having negligible impact, because the Dems are dividing the reasonable conservative people from the crazy libs all by themselves. As I said above, there are a lot more libs voting for Crazy Bernie than conservatives who believe the Jesus dinosaur story, on the order of a million to one or more.

4 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson

Scott, it turns out that among conservatives, somewhere around half essentially believe that Jesus could have ridden on dinosaurs – check out the polling on young earth creationism, which I did, but am not going to cite here as I really don’t want to get into politics and naming parties.

If you find that incredible, I ask you to consider the implications of such beliefs actually being shockingly prevalent, rather than just shrugging it off somehow.

And, yes, I think there’s just about as much of it at the extremes of the other end of the ideological spectrum, so it’s not just a partisan swipe.

Research shows it also ties in to why people fall for other sorts of scams, including MLMs. It’s not a simplistic matter of people simply needing to have information about scams put in front of them, but gets into habits of thought that leave people more or less prone to falling for things that aren’t true.

Here’s a very basic article on the subject that points out how susceptibility varies based on factors other than just access to information:

Who Gets Scammed: Why Some People Are More Vulnerable

Scott Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  AnonyMaker

You didn’t cite any polls because there aren’t any. LOL

No, you’re a Libtard who equates 25% of Dems voting for crazy Bernie with a sliver of conservatives who think that Jesus rode dinosaurs (it made me LOL just typing that last sentence). LOL

It is as simple as people being educated about MLM scams, except for Libtards. You’re a dunce. LOL

4 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson

Scott, I’m afraid you may still be making the same sort of mistakes of thinking that got you into a scam like an MLM in the first place, including not doing your homework, and ignoring inconvenient facts. It seems obvious that people’s willingness to believe things such as that Jesus could have ridden on dinosaurs, has to be related to their susceptibility to accepting that a pyramid scheme will somehow make them wealthy; I’d think you’d recognize that besides just informing people about specific scams, if you want to make a real difference regarding the problem you also have to address the mental errors that contribute to people falling for such things – such as reinforcing the old but apparently all too often ignored adage, “if it seems to good to be true, it probably is.”

As for the research based on ideology, if you really want to see the ugly numbers and labels:

“58 percent of Republicans believe that God created humans in their present form within the last 10,000 years”

“fully half (50%) say humans and other living things [along with the earth itself] were created within the last 10,000 years”

“Significantly fewer Republicans believe in evolution than did so four years ago”

Meet the Flintstones
“Nearly a third of Texans [irrespective of ideology] believe humans and dinosaurs roamed the earth at the same time, according to the latest University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll.”

Note that with disbelief in science increasing on the right as the world moves into the 21st century, those 2010 numbers from Texas are almost certainly a fair bit higher now.

p.s. As far as scams, there’s an excellent book I’m pretty sure I’ve previously recommended, The Confidence Game by Maria Konnikova, that does a great job in discussing the mechanisms at work in all sorts of scams, with references to modern research, plus it’s relatively short and very readable.

Scott Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymaker

I love it when people try to tell what I should be focusing on. Let’s make a deal – YOU can educate people that Jesus did not ride a dinosaur and I will continue to focus on stopping Amway and other MLM scams. Those “polls” are up to a decade out of date, done mainly by liberal institutions with more of a political purpose than a fact-finding one, and are therefore designed to achieve the answer they desire, to try to make Republicans and conservatives look stupid. Virtually every “poll” also predicted Hellary THE Horrible would beat Trump, and how did THAT work out? LOL

I’m also still not interested in reading your book, although I have read and highly recommend a book by the same name, minus the “The” written by Christine Richard. MLM scam artists are liars, and often very good ones, so people need to know the facts.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymaker

LOL, but you curiously remain silent on Lefty states promoting tolerance for Allah and Muhammad as being true gods and prophets who transcend the same scientific world that you purport to believe in.

Are Allah and Muhammad any more real than Jesus, AnonyMaker?

If creationism isn’t real, as you’ve asserted, than Allah and Muhammad aren’t real either (according to your theory).

Question: What makes Allah and Muhammad different from Jesus and God?

Now explain that. Can you utter the words? If not, you’re a lefty sympathizer and a commie.

You see AnonyMaker, I just proved you’re the same type of hypocrite that you assert others are.

Have a nice day. 🙂

Scott Johnson
4 years ago

I made some great comments in those two stories linked above, if I must say so myself (which I already know I do).

4 years ago

The one near us has a thriving unofficial Nazi Party.

Scott Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  Paul

Where is that?

4 years ago
Reply to  Paul

That shows the problem with the sort of uncritical thinking and theorizing exemplified by Steiner and Waldorf: it may seem just quirky, but it can easily turn quite ugly, and when people have been acculturated to adhere to irrational beliefs and counter-factual worldviews, then there’s almost no amount of reason or evidence that can sway them.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymaker

counter-factual worldviews, then there’s almost no amount of reason or evidence that can sway them

Too funny coming from a devout leftist.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I’m actually a centrist though, typically, diehard partisans on either side seem only able to imagine me as being the other when I question their beliefs. My lefty friends apparently think I’m an archconservative.

And you apparently haven’t been paying attention or thinking things through, but in the US, Waldorf schools tend to attract liberal-leaning parents, so it’s actually something of a leftist sacred cow that I’m skewering here.

That shows how faulty and culty your simplistic, black-and-white, us-versus-them worldview is.

Scott Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymaker

Centrists are libs that don’t want to admit it.

Richard Desrosiers
Richard Desrosiers
4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

How could anybody, unless they are truly gullible, believe this guy ( the fake journalist ) just by the way he writes with plenty of demeaning accusations and some obviously false statements. A mix of mostly untrue accusations and some truth . Very hateful…

4 years ago

So what’s “obviously false” – or is it just that confronting the truth is uncomfortable?

I cited Steiner’s own words and scientific research.

This piece was actually written as a couple of replies or comments to other pieces, and compiled by Frank into a piece of its own – which is fine by me, on a blog like this that is a bit rough-edged. If I’d intentionally written it as a standalone piece for publication, I’d probably have been a bit more nuanced on a couple of points, though I did try for objectivity and balance such as when I wrote:

“in fairness, I should have noted that I don’t think [all] Waldorf schools teach that things like gnomes are real.”

4 years ago

Once again, I issue my challenge to you crybabies…

Please post one lie or false fact or fabrication written by AnonyMaker.

None of you have posted any response or rebuttal except insults.

All of you hate the truth that shows the cracks in your perception of reality.

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083
Email: frankreport76@gmail.com


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