Where Did Clare Bronfman Go Wrong — Glazer Lawsuit Lays Out Crimes of Vicious Seagram’s Heiress

The great and glorious Vanguard not only stripped Clare Bronfman of scores of millions of dollars, he stripped her of her clothing and made her wear a jockstrap. Lastly, he stripped her of her freedom. She is going to prison soon.

On behalf of 80 former Nxivm members, Philadelphia lawyer Neil Glazer has filed a federal civil lawsuit against the leaders of Nxivm.

Most of the leaders are broke, but at least two of them, Seagram’s heiresses Clare and Sara Bronfman, have enough remaining assets that the lawsuit could be quite lucrative after all.

Let us, over the next few posts, examine what these two dunderheaded but vengeful heiresses did while they financed the brutal Nxivm cult, while following their leader, Keith Alan Raniere, AKA Vanguard.

In the lawsuit, Glazer not only lays out civil claims but alleges clearly criminal conduct that could form the nucleus of additional charges for Clare and possibly Sara.

Here are some excerpts from Glazer’s suit:

Also, for the delight and delectation of Frank Report readers, we will be including numerous photos of Clare Bronfman.


Readers Beware a Collection of Uniquely Ugly Photos Ahead; Please Use Caution

Clare Bronfman leaves court with high-priced lawyer, Mark Geragos. She may soon be headed to court to face additional charges.

Funded Human Fright Experiments

The [Nxivm racketeering] Enterprise and Defendants were… responsible for conducting experiments on NXIVM members that strayed far beyond the bounds of what is acceptable in the medical and psychotherapeutic professions.

Indeed, these reckless experiments, sponsored, financed and facilitated by Defendants Clare and Sara Bronfman, seriously damaged many people.

For instance, at least forty members of the NXIVM community, trusting in Raniere, Nancy Salzman and Defendant Dr. Brandon Porter, M.D. were subjected to a “human fright experiment,” in which individuals were seated in front of a video display with electroencephalogram (“EEG”) electrodes placed on their skulls to measure brainwaves.

These subjects believed they were going to watch a talk by Raniere, but instead were subjected to scenes of escalating violence including actual, extremely graphic footage of the brutal beheading and dismemberment of five women in Mexico.

Clare Bronfman trying out some orange-colored clothing…

Vexatious Litigation and Threats of Litigation

In order to silence critics and witnesses, Defendants engaged in withering campaigns of abusive, vexatious litigation and the initiation of bogus criminal investigations, by falsely accusing people who left the community, going so far as to inject themselves into these
victims’ NXIVM-caused bankruptcy proceedings.

It has been reported that, with the involvement and backing of Defendant Clare Bronfman, NXIVM hired 50-60 lawyers from 30 or so law firms to pursue litigation or threats of litigation against actual or perceived potential NXIVM critics.

These highly publicized in terrorem legal wars were financed in large part by Defendants Clare and Sara Bronfman. Also, as part of a pattern of vexatious litigation, witness tampering, and retaliation, Defendants engaged in and directed unlawful activities including
perjury, making false statements to law enforcement agencies, destroying or altering evidence, spying on victims and their attorneys, computer hacking, intercepting communications, and even attempts to unlawfully obtain financial account records and other private information about federal judges and other “enemies.”

Filing False Criminal Charges

After Sarah Edmondson stopped participating in all NXIVM programs, the Defendants attempted to silence her. Among other things, Clare Bronfman made false statements to the Vancouver Police Department that Edmondson had allegedly committed crimes against NXIVM.

As a result of the police investigation, Sarah retained an attorney to defend her, incurring legal fees and other expenses. The police department ultimately concluded there was no evidence to support Bronfman’s allegations, and they closed the investigation.

Clare Bronfman got great joy out of punishing people…

Subsequent to [Jane Doe #2’s] her departure from NXIVM, Defendants Raniere and Clare Bronfman directed a co-conspirator [Alex Betancourt] to cause false criminal charges to be lodged against Jane Doe 2.

Raniere and Clare Bronfman then instructed an attorney to send Jane Doe 2 a letter threatening legal action if she told anyone about what Defendants did to her. That letter and the charges have never been rescinded, and thus Jane Doe 2 is still subject to this intimidation.

The photo used by the prosecution during the trial of Keith Raniere. Some say it suggested she is related to Alfred E. Neuman.

Subsequent to [Jane Doe 3’s] departure from NXIVM, Defendants Raniere and Clare Bronfman directed a co-conspirator to lodge false criminal charges against her.

Defendants Raniere and Clare Bronfman then wrote several letters threatening prosecution if she told anyone about what Defendants did to her, which they sent to an attorney, who printed them on his law firm’s letterhead and then mailed them to her at an address in this
judicial District, where she resided.

Defendants Raniere and Clare Bronfman subsequently directed another attorney to send an additional threatening letter to Jane Doe 3. The letters caused her to experience tremendous fear and intimidation, and instead of coming forward and speaking with an attorney or authorities, she went into hiding and avoided contact with authorities for a period, even after learning that the FBI was investigating the Defendants and others. Those letters and charges have never been rescinded.


Subsequent to Jane Doe 5’s departure from NXIVM, Defendants Raniere and Clare Bronfman directed a co-conspirator to cause false criminal charges to be lodged against her.

Defendants Raniere and Clare Bronfman then directed an attorney to send a threatening letter to Jane Doe 5 at an address in this judicial District, where she had been hiding. The letter, delivered to an address that was not hers, caused her to experience tremendous fear and
intimidation, and she felt compelled to continue moving in order to avoid the Defendants’ wrath. The letter and the charges have never been rescinded.

As a result of Defendants’ scheme, criminal acts, and misrepresentations and omissions, Jane Doe 5 was emotionally and financially harmed

The “cleaned up” Clare Bronfman staring vacantly into the future…

Jane Doe 16 concluded she could no longer endure the hardships and coercion Defendants and others subjected her to, the abject poverty she had fallen into, and the psychological abuse inflicted upon her by Clare Bronfman whenever she tried to complain about her lack of compensation and her poor working conditions.

Paralyzed by the fear of retaliation by NXIVM, Jane Doe 16 quietly severed her ties to the NXIVM community, moved far away, and kept silent about her experience.

Clare Bronfman appeared to have deteriorated quite a bit after she was arrested

In 2014 Raniere invited Jane Doe 17 to be a member of the Ultima committee tasked with developing and running exo/eso, which required meeting with Raniere, often in the middle of the night.

Raniere, Clare Bronfman and other Individual Defendants convinced Jane Doe 17 that she had a promising career waiting for her at NXIVM, and so she moved to the U.S. on a work visa based upon terms required by that visa and promised by Defendants, including
Clare Bronfman who personally wrote a letter attesting to the terms of her employment.

Once in the U.S. and immersed in the NXIVM system and community, Jane Doe 17 realized that Defendants had no intention of providing her with the kind of work or the level of compensation required by her visa.

Raniere assigned her to help develop and run exo/eso, as one of six women he personally selected with assistance from Clare Bronfman and other Individual Defendants. She was required to work enormous numbers of hours, including meeting with Raniere, often in the middle of the night. She was also required to continue performing other work for the Defendants.

Only after she complained to Clare Bronfman that she was in violation of her visa’s terms, and thus in the U.S. without immigration status, did Clare Bronfman begin to provide her with the funds required by her visa.

Later, however, Clare Bronfman informed Jane Doe 17 that the payments she received were not compensation, but rather a loan that she would have to repay, leaving Jane Doe 17 in mounting debt and with no real compensation.

Eventually, Jane Doe 17 was unable to keep up with the requirements of NXIVM. She was constantly fearful that if she was labeled as “defiant” by Raniere and the other Individual Defendants, she could be reported to authorities for being and working unlawfully in
the United States, and so she returned to Canada.

After [Jane Doe 17 left] the NXIVM community, Defendant Clare Bronfman harassed Jane Doe 17, demanding that she repay the “loan,” threatening her with legal action for taking work as a yoga instructor, which they alleged was a violation of exo/eso. They insisted that she return to NXIVM and Albany and earn her way back into their good graces. Paralyzed by the fear of even greater retaliation through NXIVM’s infamous abusive litigation tactics, Jane Doe 17 quietly severed her ties to the NXIVM community and kept silent about her experience.


Clare Bronfman –  there is no other way to say it – is a bully.


I love this last one.

Clare threatened Jane Doe 17 [who I have interviewed] because she was teaching yoga in Canada.

Clare claimed it violated her non-compete in her eso/exo agreement.

Now imagine how preposterous this is.

Jane Doe is in a remote region of Canada. She is broke because she lost money working for Nxivm.

What could she be making as a yoga teacher? $1,000 a month? How could her teaching a few yoga students in Canada possibly harm Nxivm or exo/eso?

It’s just plain bullying. Clare did not care about the yoga classes. She wanted the woman to starve so she would have to come back to Nxivm. That’s all this was about.

But there is something surreal about this.

The claim Clare made in part is that Jane Doe 17 had learned secret, valuable teachings from Nxivm/exo/eso that she might use in her yoga classes.  As if yoga stole anything from eso/exo.  But exo/eso stole plenty from yoga.

As I recall, Jane Doe 17 was a yoga teacher before she came to the US to be part of Nxivm.

I am quite certain Clare and Raniere did not tell her that once she took some yoga rip off exo/eso classes, she could not go back to her work as a yoga teacher.

This is the kind of endless, sinister games Keith and Clare played.

And consider the end result.

Consider the felony that Glazer alleges Clare committed – by not paying her the wages she swore she would pay on her immigration papers. This is a truly stupid financial crime.

Clare did not need the money she sought to save.

She did not need to cheat this woman. She did it because she is a sadist and a skinflint and also because Raniere told her to do it.

Raniere said that it was unethical to pay Jane Doe 17 the $40,000 or so she was promised – and so Clare committed immigration fraud over something like $20,000.

An heiress worth hundreds of millions committing a felony for $20,000.

She could spend years in prison for that $20,000 and,  remember, this is the same dunce who blew $100 million on Raniere on litigation and insane investments and lost it all.

And she is torturing a poor woman for $20,000.

It would be one thing if she had not signed immigration paperwork under penalty of perjury to get Jane Doe 17 in the USA guaranteeing her a certain salary.

Being cheap is not a crime. But perjury is – and that’s what Clare has done and this is a criminal charge she has not been charged with yet.

So Clare shortchanges Jane Doe 17 and several others over what amounts to nothing – at least to her.

Put it in perspective – Clare committing a financial-based felony over $20,000 would be like a person with a $200,000 net worth committing a financial felony for $20.

Literally, Clare committed felonies that could land her in prison for years to gain the equivalent of $20.

It was never about the money.

For Clare, it was about sadism – just like it was for Raniere. But his sadism was not just played upon Jane Doe 17, but also upon Clare. He wanted her to commit felonies. Wanted her vulnerable. Wanted her doing psychopathic deeds like this that were also criminal.

He could always get her, blackmail her, threaten her if he had to. And he loved destroying others.

He only made one miscalculation. He did not consider federal RICO charges and that despite his name not being on anything, he could be charged for the racketeering actions he committed – or had others commit.

He had this wonderful dunce, an heiress and he could bend her to do almost anything. And all he really wanted was to use her to destroy others and to destroy herself.

We are dealing with a true psychopath, or rather two psychopaths. Don’t forget to include the crazed woman who still believes in his almighty powers, the world’s stupidest heiress, the most sadistic, Clare Webb Bronfman.






[To be continued]


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Frank Parlato

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EG Gordon
EG Gordon
4 years ago

Federal statute of limitations for felonies in general is 5 years, same for most felonies in the state of New York. Time has run out on prosecuting Bronfman for nearly all of these criminal allegations.

Balls of Fire
Balls of Fire
4 years ago

I can only take Clare’s abuses in small increments. Seeing this all laid out at once is upsetting my digestion.

I think I would feel better if she gets indicted for perjury. Wait, I know I will feel better when the EDNY comes to its senses and throws another punch at her. If not, It better be a long long sentence ……

4 years ago


I have no dog in the fight, and I respect your pain. Raniere was engaged in some very unsavory practices and needed to be stopped.

But many of the facts of this saga don’t make sense.

So, I have to ask…

Did you try to cut another man’s grass? Or rather, did you get caught trying to cut another man’s grass?

When witnessing Clare’s awkward uncertainty, and the ease at which the sisters had lost control of 90 million dollars, did you not think, “this guy Raniere is a bit of a dweeb, I’m sure I can do better”, and set out to take his place?

Did you seek to mentor and influence the sisters to your own agenda, only to be sabotaged in the process by Raniere who was apparently keeping his paycheck – and his protection – on a short leash?

Why, when you had recovered 26.4 million dollars in assets why did you decide to investigate the other lost 60 million of your own volition?

I notice you left it out in your previous explanations.

You stated in a Youtube interview that Raniere had told Clare that her father had such a dislike for Mr. Raniere, that he used the illuminati to manipulate the markets against Mr. Ranieres 60 million-dollar investments on their behalf. You implied that Clare believed the explanation. So, you decided to look into the lost money.

Who asked you to do that?

You said in an earlier response that by the time you became involved with Nxivm, Clare had been Raniere’s lover for approximately 2 years.

Did it ever once occur to you that if you found untoward activity while investigating the lost 60 million, you would effectively be “outing” her lover Raniere, – if he was indeed responsible for the loses as you have claimed.

If Mr. Raniere was responsible for the loss of 60 million of Bronfman money, by fraud, outright theft, or plain incompetence, did you expect Mr. Raniere to thank you for outing him?

And while the Bronfman sisters might have been intensely grateful for getting their money back did you expect Clare to thank you for potentially ruining her relationship and destroying her vision of the man she revered, who had helped her establish her identity as a master competitive equestrian and upon whose training organization her self-image was built?

You knew that Nxivm was litigious; you stated that during your initial “honeymoon period” with the group, you were presented with a list of names and amounts of money Nxivm principals were prepared to pay in exchange for your assistance in “stitching people up”.

They were playing “hard ball” and had the will and the money to do it almost indefinitely.

So, if you knew all that beforehand, why did you decide to investigate where the other 60 million went?

Who asked you to do so?

None of what has transpired since needed to occur had you just taken your one-million-dollar fee, which they had already paid, ignored the lost 60 million and gone to make whoopee somewhere else. It doesn’t make sense.

Except, if it was personal…

I’m just a lowly working guy, but I occasionally see someone steal anther persons client, and the consequences frequently fit the actions. And the consequences you’ve endured are all out of proportion with the actions as you’ve explained them.

So again, I have to ask: Were you trying to cut another man’s grass?

Or was there another reason?

I’m on your side, but the details are a bit lacking.

Just asking

4 years ago

Maybe there are more charges awaiting Clare than just a charge for lying under oath, and her attorneys have probably informed her of what possible charges could be brought against her, as things stand now. From what I can see, a federal perjury conviction wouldn’t add much time to her potential incarceration in a federal prison. At the maximum, she’d get potentially 5 more years.

Any more time that Clare might receive upon sentencing, due to the Judge’s informed evaluation of her, Clare is likely to appeal.

Clare could have a double whammy coming, wherein Judge Garaufis gives her a longer sentence in April, for what she took on with her disorganized plea bargaining, AND then more charges are still going to be heading her way later.

Already if Judge Garaufis decides to give Bronfman more time than she originally accepted, very likely Clare will be going into tougher incarceration conditions than she might’ve found “acceptable” while she’s been stagnating in her fancy apartment under home confinement.

I wonder how Judge Garaufis has been weighing whether it is better to lengthen Clare’s sentence while he can, versus if he’s aware that more criminal charges are probably coming to expand her legal challenges ahead. What will he decide is the most practical and just way to handle his decisions? He has seen so much more detailed info about every Nxivm defendant’s crimes and possibly chargeable offenses than any of us who are in the audience. The entire case has been expanding rather than finishing up or dwindling. Plus, as we’ve seen, in Clare Bronfman’s case, Judge Garaufis has fired a warning shot at her already.

Clare isn’t the only Nxivm defendant who made a plea bargain and who has, so far, avoided more charges. Of the six Nxivm members who have been convicted, every one of them could be facing more charges, even Kathy Russell, who has seemed like almost comically small change with her more minor role, cleaning up after Raniere’s sperminating while being his sneaky accountant and keeping herself dependent and stuck with years of Raniere’s occasional sexual attention, as long as she was ready to join in as an elderly, bisexual threesome dingbat.

Nancy Salzman appears to have put herself in the best possible position, yet I think that she has been one of the three worst offenders, amongst those who were convicted. To me, all that Nancy Salzman really represents is a lying and coldhearted, insane danger to others, just like Keith Raniere and both of the Bronfman sisters.

So far, Clare seems to be the only Nxivm co-defendant who has been given warnings that her sentence could be lengthened by Judge Garaufis, and it is most likely that he will address these matters with exactitude when he sentences her, if and when he sentences Clare to prison beyond what he had been considering initially. The explanatory and decisive words of the Judge’s at the sentencing of Clare Bronfman are going to be of deep interest. Raniere is a done deal and is extremely unlikely to leave prison alive. Clare Bronfman has managed to get herself identified as the worst villainess of the batch after Raniere. Meanwhile, Nancy Salzman has been much more clever.

Clare has kept herself quite invisible and unphotographed, even though she can leave her apartment a couple of times each week. What could her psychological state be like, by now? Does she still feel so entitled and so possessed by her Raniere conditioning?

My sense is that Clare is still a diehard Raniere follower. Is Clare the actual “leader” of Nxivm in her mind now? Will she still be “a danger to society” if and when her prison term ends? How does one see any hope for Clare Bronfman to even want to redeem herself? She has said and done nothing, since her arrest, to indicate that she is anything but an insanely devoted believer in Raniere and his sadistic “philosophy” and that she continues to practice Raniere’s (and her own) methodologies of chaotic thinking and cruelty. Just my opinion, but what Clare has shown so far, is that she is very much still immersed in her dark waters and, thus, she continues to be a danger to the rest of the world.

The only changes seen in Clare so far are that she got her GED and that she’s aging more rapidly. Clare could have been doing so much better for herself since her plea bargain but seems determined to keep on self-destructing. Clare could have been trying to improve her current image, but she hasn’t even tried. She could have finished off several of her questionable legal situations by now if she had wanted to improve her chances and circumstances.

One thing is for sure, though. Once in prison, if Clare ever really gets there, she is going to deteriorate even more swiftly. Her increasing deterioration could be her only substitute for any authentic rehabilitation or redemption. Clare looks that lost and that hopeless. She has zero skill as an actor and doesn’t seem to be able to fake it, even. Clare has behaved as if she hasn’t a shred of practicality and as if she has no insight at all into what would be best for her own longterm well-being. She can hire the most expensive representatives and probably will still remain absolutely nuts, her own worst enemy.

4 years ago

The Bronfmans use their money like old-time gagsters used their tommy guns.

They’ll hopefully meet their just desserts in court, just as those old and forgotten thugs did.

Andrew Zebrun III
4 years ago

Well, this disturbing, click to read it all.

Azov Films, based in Toronto, sold ‘child porn’ films to customers worldwide.

Azov Films was closed down in 2011.

Church of England vicar Charles Richardson, who reportedly bought Azov products.

The Canadian police handed to the UK police a list of around 2,000 Britons who were linked to Azov Films.

Some of the suspects worked for the government,

The list was ignored for two years.


We have written about this before, but, in response to a legal request submitted to Google, Google has apparently removed 1 post.


Heidi Hutchinson
Heidi Hutchinson
4 years ago

Google “Machine Learning Fairness” Whistleblower Goes Public, says: “bur… https://youtu.be/g1VeElBAeas via @YouTube

Off Topic but Germaine to Frank’s troubles — and the woes of all rise of the 4th Reich whistle blowers alike.

See how they schoolin’ you!

Heidi Hutchinson
Heidi Hutchinson
4 years ago

Again, and you prolly won’t publish this comment…again, but I’m feeling truly sorry for Clare Bear reviewing some of the facts and photos, especially. Looks to me like she was a victim of the experiments she financed and then some. What is she ON in that first photo? Some of her half-brother’s “God molecule”?

You’ve never answered my question about why Clare wasn’t pictured in any of the Necker Island photos, either. Or wasn’t she there? Or who took those Necker Island photos, or the photos of Sara’s hot tub dalliance with the Monk for that matter, etc.?

WHO or WHAT’s BEHIND THE CAMERA is always a legitimate question.

Heidi Hutchinson
Heidi Hutchinson
4 years ago

Kristin Keeffe is the woman behind the curtain Frank’s been foolishly protecting here and in reality from the start! She knows it all but has told too little to ever be safe even with Frank looking out for her.

Double dare ya print this, too!

(Give me an inch…🤣)

4 years ago

The Monk and Sara hot tub pic? Good catch. I had never entertained the notion someone leaked it.

Nice one!

4 years ago
Reply to  NiceGuy3.0


You wanted me to talk about Flu?
Chinese Kung Flu has caused 50 million people to be quarantined.

4 years ago


4 years ago
Reply to  NiceGuy3.0

Around 1918, the Spanish Flu hit Europe and then the whole world killing around 50 million people.
More people died of the Spanish Flu than on the Battlefields of Europe.

Scott Johnson
4 years ago

I feel sorry for Clare Bear, too. Sorry didn’t hasn’t slipped broken her skull open. Perhaps Clare is the photographer.

4 years ago

Frank, it would be interesting if Claviger could specify what size of judgement/settlement Glazer’s clients can realistically expect to make a case for.

I realize that Glazer hasn’t indicated what type of judgment/settlement he seeks yet. I’m merely asking what type of realistic judgment/settlement ‘range’ can he realistically expect — based on the number of plaintiffs and the alleged harm caused to them?

Is this just a case of settling for a ‘few million’ bucks from 2 heiresses worth $500 million together?

If so, that’s chump change to them.

It’s also chump change to Glazer’s clients, especially when you divide it up among 80 people (after subtracting the attorney’s portion of the settlement/judgment).

I mean, even if they get a settlement for $10 million —— that would only leave around $85k for each client assuming the attorney’s get 30% of that figure for their own expenses/effort/work.

$85k isn’t even enough to buy a top level Mercedes. It’s enough to get a decent BMW, with maybe some leftover money for a ping pong table and some potato chips. That ain’t shit though. Not exactly a huge payday for those victims.

IMO if Glazer can’t realistically make a case for at least $100 million (against these 2 heiresses) then his clients are gonna be left with JACK SHIT. lol.

Maybe your resident legal turd (Claviger) can offer his own perspective on the size of judgment that might be possible.

But then again, it took that bastard 6 tries to pass the BAR exam so I won’t hold my breath. Plus, most of his clients are currently residing in the slammer so I’m sure he’s busy visiting them and buying them macks.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bangkok

Good points Bangkok-


How will the lawsuit verdict or settlement money get divided amongst plaintiffs?

Will it be an equal split?

Dani deserves a bigger share than Mark Vicente or Toni.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bangkok


We all need another update on Vanguard. Crack the whip on Claviger!

….Those updates help me get through the week and warm the cockles of my heart.

Scott Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  Bangkok

$85k is much better than what the Amway distributors got in Pokorny v. Quixtar (Amway’s North American name from 1999 to 2009).

4 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson


What was your settlement amount again?

How many boxes of powdered detergent did you receive?

Is it true you were able to use your Amway soapboxes to build a second home?

Pea Onyu
Pea Onyu
4 years ago

In the end Clare shall you all what she is. Truly great. She will defeat this wretch Glazer dude.

4 years ago
Reply to  Pea Onyu

Pea Onyu aka “vmommy”

I don’t know about you vmommy, Nicki, but if I inherited 300 million dollars the way Clare did I would invest it in blue chip stocks and good quality mutual funds and then live in a warm climate in the winter and a cool climate in the summer and enjoy life.
And thank God for my good fortune.
If the world wants reform or improvement then let the world do so on its own.
Let the world reform itself.

4 years ago
Reply to  Pea Onyu

Oh, by the way, Nicki, have a Happy Birthday tomorrow.

4 years ago


You know when Nicki’s birthday is and how she takes her coffee…..

…..Damn—you do have a photographic memory. I take back what I said about you having ESP.

Your memory is excellent!

Scott Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  NiceGuy3.0

It’s not memory, Mr. Shadow is infatuated with Mack and Clyne.

4 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson

It’s not memory?
Presidents of the US from Washington to Trump
(Without looking at any book or website.)
JQ Adams
Van Buren
W. H. Harrison
A. John son
Benjamin Harrison
Teddy Roosevelt
Franklin Roosevelt
Lyndon Johnson
George H. W. Bush
George W. Bush

Scott Johnson
4 years ago

Sure you didn’t look them up, Mr. Shadow! LOL

Do you REALLY think I’m impressed by that, after you consistently refuse to answer simple questions, and attempt to answer a different question? I see right through it. LOL

4 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson

“after you consistently refuse to answer simple questions, ” Scott Johnson

Here is the simple answer to a simple question.

Amway is a scam designed to enrich a few people and leave everyone else in the hole.

It took people in my family about a minute to figure it out.

You took twelve years to figure it out and then spent the next fifteen years whining about it.

Scott Johnson
4 years ago

You are SO much smarter than I am, I bow to your every presence. LOL

But thanks for answering a different question, AGAIN! LOL

4 years ago
Reply to  NiceGuy3.0

Nice Guy,
I’m beggining to suspect Shadow is not a human but an undercover A.I. project.

It’s getting too much!


4 years ago


It may be Nicki’s birthday today, but I have a gift for you; Another Scott Johnson web archive gem!!!!


Scott’s been attempting to get random callers for almost a decade, and at the same time getting himself banned from a number of blogs for being an obstinate asshole.

I took Scott Johnson 12 years to finally find the Frank Report. A place he can’t get kicked off of!!!

Dianne Lipson
Dianne Lipson
4 years ago
Reply to  Pea Onyu

“In the end Clare shall you all what she is.”

Proofread, Pea Onyu, proofread.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dianne Lipson

Dianne, Tomorrow is Nicki’s birthday.
She probably started celebrating early.

4 years ago
Reply to  Pea Onyu

And what about you?

What will happen to you in the end?

4 years ago
Reply to  Pea Onyu

Pea ~Are you into heavy petting on the first date? Are you DTF? If I were your Vanguard, would you blow me like a rock star?

4 years ago

Supposedly Edgar Bronfman Senior wanted a Guardian appointed to look after Clare and Sara after he passed away.

He understood how juvenile his daughters are.

4 years ago

If that’s the case, then why did he give them inheritances that allowed them access to large amounts of cash – just what got them into trouble? Typically in estate planning, when there are such concerns, trustees are put in control of any access to large amounts of capital, and may even limit the income heirs receive from trusts.

There might be a more satisfactory answer to such questions, but it would require researching and fleshing out the full story of what happened.

4 years ago
Reply to  AnonyMaker

If you read the full story of the third generation of the Bronfman family the current head of it, Edgar Bronfman, Junior, has turned a 30 billion dollar fortune in 1990 and through bad investments turned it into a six billion dollar fortune today.
Maybe Edgar Bronfman Junior needed a Guardian too.

From Canada’s Globe and Mail newspaper:
Lunch with Charles Bronfman
For years, the Montreal native said little to nothing publicly about the choices that destroyed Seagram. Now, Mr. Bronfman is more candid. “It was a disaster, it is a disaster, it will be a disaster,” he says. “It was a family tragedy.”

His (Charles Bronfman’s) response is devoid of self-pity. It is the thought of his father (Sam Bronfman), whom he adored, that brings sorrow. “I think about how hard my dad worked to build up what he built up,” he says. “When I think of his dreams of building something and then all of a sudden, it disappears – that’s pretty tough.” The physical manifestation of that dream is the Seagram Building on Park Avenue, an architectural landmark which is no longer connected to the Bronfman family, he noted, something that would distress his father.

Charles Bronfman opens up about Seagram’s demise: ‘It is a disaster’

4 years ago

That doesn’t tell us anything relevant about the topic at hand, the two younger Bronfman sisters and just how much money they have left, and what the restrictions were or weren’t on various parts of their inheritances.

Did Edgar Bronfman, Jr., even lose any of those sisters’ money, or just his own and perhaps his fathers’, or other siblings’? If the sisters’ inheritances were set up prior, or separately, what he did may have absolutely no effect or relevance to anything here.

Those are the sorts of things we don’t know, and for which you have no answers. They could probably be determined through real research and analysis, however.

Scott Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  AnonyMaker

Mr. Shadow is normally non-responsive. Go do the research yourself and report back by tomorrow morning.

4 years ago
Reply to  AnonyMaker

‘That doesn’t tell us anything relevant about the topic at hand, the two younger Bronfman sisters ”

It tells us that the current generation, the third generation, of Bronfmans are screwballs.
The first generation was led by Sam Bronfman who was a ruthless businessman who did deals with gangsters.
The first generation built the fortune.
The second generation, Edgar Senior and Charles, preserved the fortune and tried to diversify it and build a respectable reputation.
The third generation, Edgar Junior and Clare and Sara, will piss most of the fortune away.

As for Clare and Sara the issue will be whether Glazer’s lawsuit will erode what is left of their inheritance.
Only time will tell unless you’re a gypsy with a crystal ball who can look into the future and give us an early answer.

4 years ago

A quick fact-check shows that there are no easy generalizations to be made about Edgar Bronfman’s numerous children – at least one seems to be doing just fine:

Matthew Bronfman

“Bronfman graduated from Williams College in 1981. After working at Goldman Sachs he attended Harvard Business School where he graduated in 1985. Bronfman began his career at Goldman Sachs and the Cadillac Fairview Corporation.

As one of the largest American Jewish investors in the Israeli economy, Bronfman is also the main shareholder in IKEA Israel, Israel Discount Bank and the Shufersal supermarket chain.[1] He is also the chairman and CEO of BHB holdings, a family holding company. Previously, He was a managing director at ACI Holdings, a private equity firm based in New York.[3]

He is a former director of Jenny Craig, BizBash Media Inc., Palace Candles, Inc., EARNEST Partners, LLC, Tweeter Home Entertainment Group Inc., and James River Group, Inc.”


4 years ago
Reply to  AnonyMaker

Give them another generation or two and people will be saying “Bronfman Who?”
“What were those people famous for?”

Get that bitch off the streets!
Get that bitch off the streets!
4 years ago

Frank, there is a program called, ‘World’s Dumbest Criminals’. Will she be a featured presentation?

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083
Email: frankreport76@gmail.com


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