Allison Mack Was Set up to ‘Take the Fall’ By Nxivm Cult Leaders

Heidi Hutchinson

By Heidi Hutchinson

I’m a huge fan of Shivani’s unabashed, free-flowing writing style and often agree with her, however in her article –Allison Mack Decided to Be the Snidely Whiplash of Female Empowerment, but She Was Really White Trash –  Shivani missed the mark.

Before Shivani showed up here on Frank Report, there was much discussion about the New York Times Magazine NXIVM interview(s) in which Allison Mack took the credit for dreaming up the branding.

Allison Mack at United States District Court in Brooklyn in May.
Allison Mack at United States District Court in Brooklyn in May 2018. .Photo Jemal Countess/Getty Images

From the New York Times Magazine: “In her apartment, I was surprised to hear Mack take full responsibility for coming up with the DOS cauterized brand. She told me, ‘I was like: “Y’all, a tattoo? People get drunk and tattooed on their ankle ‘BFF,’ or a tramp stamp. I have two tattoos and they mean nothing.”’ She wanted to do something more meaningful, something that took guts.”

The general consensus supported by the facts and circumstances is that that New York Times Magazine story — which appeared in May 2018, months after the branding story broke — after the arrests of Keith Raniere and Allison Mack but prior to the arrest of Clare Bronfman — was part of an entirely contrived, expertly planned and staged, criminal defense media misinformation strategy — down to NXIVM’s preselection and manipulation of the young female writer, Vanessa Gregorialis, who was flown to Mexico to conduct the interviews at the Mex-NX headquarters in October 2017, in addition to visiting Allison Mack at her alleged Brooklyn high-rise apartment where, in fact, Mack was only briefly situated — or, perhaps, “where she was ‘set-up’” is a more apt description.

As the DOJ themselves pointed out in media reports at the time of Allison Mack’s rather surprising arrest: Allison “took the fall” — starting with the false and possibly forced ‘confession’ she made in that Gregorialis interview.

So, sorry Shivani, I loves ya but I find it a bit unfair of you to judge Allison based on her lies to Gregoriadis in that yarn that was, obviously, spun by some expert defense strategists.

I agree that Allison should not have made a martyr of herself or “taken one for the team” — as she seems to view it.

Allison Mack was overheard in a crowded restroom in court by writer and filmmaker Roberta Glass saying, “I’m used to taking one for the team.”

Allison should not have lied for any reason but the distinction for me is that Allison was, indeed, not only strung-up like a marionette — including by Nxivm’s powerful purse strings — but was strung-out on Keith Raniere and Nancy’s Kool-Aid for many years prior.

In fact, Allison’s starring role in Nxivm — which Kristin Kreuk also auditioned for — “Pinochiette Takes the Fall” — was cast waaaaaay back before she ever set foot on the Bronfman jet, IMHO.

Allison Mack and Kristin Kreuk at a Nxivm gathering.  Kreuk recruited Mack into Nxivm. They were co-stars on the TV show Smallville. Kreuk was able to quit the notorious sex cult. Mack stayed in and wound up being charged for various felonies and secured a plea deal with two felonies – racketeering and racketeering conspiracy.


Lauren Salzman

Lauren Salzman persuaded Allison to admit [lie] that the branding was Allison’s idea when she knew damn well it was Keith’s idea.

Here is another quote from the New York Times Magazine article 

To be honest, I was surprised that she was sitting there at all. And Mack told me that she’d been experiencing some anxiety talking to a reporter. It felt “scary and pressureful,” she said.

But Lauren Salzman, who along with Raniere and Clare Bronfman had guided my highly controlled tour of their world, helped her by telling Mack to cast her mind back to when she was a child and received praise at the same time that other kids didn’t. This made Mack feel uncomfortable. But now she was surmounting her fear. “So when I was 8, I created a conclusion and built a foundation of my assumptions that was faulty,” she told me. “Now that I’m 35, I can look back at that 8-year-old’s belief. And I can say, ‘Oh, that doesn’t make any sense anymore.’ ” She continued, “Boom, my belief system is upgraded.”

And so “boom”… Lauren helped Allison get her belief system upgraded – upgraded to lying that she thought up the branding.

Nice work, Lauren.

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Anna Mercury

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4 years ago

In life we always have the option to say “No!”

Allison Mack set herself up.

4 years ago

I am a survivor of a smaller scale situation where my handler attempted to turn me into his Ally, so to speak. I wouldn’t be surprised if his former teacher (head of Agama was a member of NXIVM). It was brutal to recover from, but I did. Thankfully I never committed anything truly illegal. If I was given Mack to my care and direction for a year, I could fully recover her. It’s not easy work but I figured it out. She needs de-programming more than anything else right now. They need to be ordered zero contact from one another, because their actions are a result of a slippery slope of half-truths and forces which are using and baiting them to get what they want out of it. These forces take actual Truths and covertly bend them and take our natural life-loving responses and invert them until we are willing to do things that are no longer recognizeable as the person we once were.

4 years ago

It was Krook’s fault Allison got involved in the first place. Krook joined first. Then Allison did but only because Kreuk convinced her to try a course. Krook got out and somehow didn’t go deep down the NXIVM rabbit hold to get tangled up in DOS. It must have been sheer luck. Allison was brainwashed by NXIVM to start DOS. If it wasn’t for Krook’s introduction of NXIVM to Allison, she would still be making film or TV, and it could’ve been Krook in big trouble. But Krook is still making boring entertainment while one of her former besties is now going to jail. Frank, do you know if Krook tired to get Allison out, or did she just leave her hanging because she didn’t want to get in trouble? Has she ever apologized to Allison for what she did? Did Krook sever her friendship ties with Allison just like she did with NXIVM just to keep her hands clean? We already know Krook lied when she said she left in 2013 but was still coaching in 2016. Krook lies about a lot of things. That’s why she’s an actress. Actors are paid professional liars.

Elektrah Wright
Elektrah Wright
4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Allison Mac needs real justice and help to get out of this big sex cult scandle mess. I super believe she innocent in all this and she was set up in the first place….kisten kurek introduced her into this sex ckult why isn’t she in jail too along for the ride too? … What some danm freaking friend she is…. I wish she would be taking and get her self out before of confession to something she didn’t do…she doesn’t deserve that in any way!

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Nah. Everyone has a free will choice each moment they have to make a decision to do something. Introducing someone to a front organization that was good at hiding its evil is non-existent on the responsibility scale for what AM did many years later.

4 years ago

Heidi, one of the first things that I thought about with reference to Allison Mack was her availability as a fall guy for the branding ritual. In fact, initially I felt kind of sorry for her, but studying her words and her personal actions has caused me to look at her differently.

She allowed herself to become increasingly cruel, coldhearted and vicious to others. She stayed on this chosen path for many years, making it her entire life’s environment and taking pleasure and reward from this destructiveness. More than one woman has said, specifically, that Allison Mack was cruel to her “slaves.” She belittled them and apparently even took sexual advantage of them, as well as calling them “worthless” and punishing them. She can be seen on video proud as all get out of herself and espousing Raniere’s fictions as her very own, even when she knew that she wasn’t being honest. She gave and then collected blackmail material, as if this were a some kind of a special, spiritual way of living. Who does that shit ? Almost everyone knows better.

Both Frank Parlato and federal prosecutors have said that Allison presided over 50 DOS slaves, and it’s estimated that altogether there were about 250 DOS slaves. She came into a position of being second in command to Raniere over DOS, a dynasty of humiliation, misery and pain. Allison Mack not only thought that this was all fine and dandy, but she celebrated it.

I cannot even begin to express how repugnant it is to me that Allison, or anyone else, accepted the concept of slavery as a good thing. It is one of the worst things that one can do to another person.

Allison knew that Raniere was calling the shots and consciously misrepresented these circumstances to bring others in to get branded and to get more blackmailed, to engage in pornographic posing for Raniere, and much more. Yet Allison was blasé about her own viciousness, publicly whitewashing the truth, trying to sound stylish and contemporary, spiritually “advanced” and appealing. Schilling for recruits, full of egotism. How is that so naive? She had already seen show business, closer at hand than most people.

I think that you and I have only slightly different “tinges” about Mack’s personal culpability for her choices. My approach is mostly one of questioning, who is she now? Is she still caught up in this madness, or has she begun the hard personal work of breaking away from a lifestyle of criminality, confusion, anxiety and delusional thinking?

If Allison is facing herself, she has my compassion behind her for that change. If she hasn’t done the genuine work, interiorly as well as exteriorly, to remove herself from this madness, that’s too bad. I wait for any indicative signs, from how she behaves, when Allison receives her sentence from Judge Garaufis. I would love to see her moving on into a wiser way of living than what she devoted her energies to for her recent dozen or so years.

She once said that she thought that she wouldn’t have any children because she thought that she was too fucked up herself. This was something I read in yet another pre-trial article about how Allison Mack got into Nxivm, Raniere, etc. in the first place. It was written by Taryn Rider for Yahoo Entertainment, although it seemed to cover the same ground that I saw first in the Hollywood Reporter. (rereading my own notes.)

Thanks for understanding that I am not a journalist and never have claimed to be more than what I am, a commenter and an observer. It seems that I’ve acquired a Frank Report stalker who is becoming more and more outré. Since I’ve seen plenty of publicity already in life and have had some stalkers before, this is considerable grounds for amusement. much fondness, respect and love, Heidi, from Shivani. I remember Gina’s birthday, not as deeply as the day would sweep through you, but she will not be forgotten, not ever.

Heidi Hutchinson
Heidi Hutchinson
4 years ago
Reply to  Shivani

Well spoke as usual, Shivani. It may be true that Allison is corrupted to the point she doesn’t recognize it in herself or anyone else. At least not enough to seek the help she desperately needs, apparently. My angst is mostly over the fact that she was clearly steamrolled by those who continue to deflect blame from themselves onto her — using her celebrity status and, yes, her egoism, her need for attention, her Hollywood stardom ambition, all that, against her.

That’s what NXIVM does, that’s what they’ve always done. They pinpoint their client’s weaknesses and proceed to use those “issues” against them, to their own advantage. Plus, let’s face it, the girl is not the sharpest tool in the shed. She lacks education, has very low self-esteem, inverted superiority complex, prolly suffers from battered woman’s syndrome, too, is way too eager to please. Susan Dones said it best: Allison Mack had sucker written all over her face.

Frank can tell you, he was right there, when I went off a time or two over the fact that no one requested or allowed Allison time off house arrest to see a therapist. She was not permitted to show remorse in that or any other way. I think it was part of Aggie’s (Agnifilo’s nickname on here) — Raniere and Salzman’s defense strategy. Nothing to see here, nothing wrong with female empowerment, she’s another “sorority sister” (notice Lauren speaks of Keith being proud of “starting a sorority” and how SHE was in a sorority co-founded by a man, etc.) down to her backpack toting costume. Add the comparisons to male NFL branding ceremonies, the sexual liberation talk — group blowjobs — “what’s the problem if everyone knows the deal.” Quoting Aggie. Then, there was the attorney switcheroo on Allison. It wasn’t an upgrade, just more expense for Clare & Sara and well worth it to keep their stooge, Allison, thinking they cared.

Allison was the ONLY defendant not allowed to go near a computer. What’s up with that? Kept her in the dark is what, if you ask me. When did the Allison set-up start? The NXIVM “principle” of “taking the fall” has been around since Gina’s time, I can tell you that for certain. As were the brainwashing techniques. The starvation, the sleep deprivation, the social pressure, the blackmail, the spying, the hacking, the online prompting, the gaslighting……It was more detectable back then bc it was less refined and Allison was most subjected and subjugated to it, maybe even drugged and/or poisoned.

The “creation of DOS” is bullshit. NXIVM IS DOS through and through. Here’s a little window for you into my 2020 hindsight: Master-Slave-Slave-Master is COMPUTER SPEAK. Take a peek at a code sheet. Gina pointed that out to me in relation to ESP circa 1999. I’d be very interested to hear your thoughts, Shivani. Steel up against those stalkers. I’m in hiding of sorts myself to tell you the truth.

Way I see it, Allison’s lucky she didn’t take a bullet instead of the fall. She’s lucky she WAS needed.

4 years ago

The only real question is why is this child sex trafficker and body mutilator not in prison yet?
Oh yeah, thats right. Sex trafficking defenders like Frank Parloto.

4 years ago

The incorrigible horde of morally repugnant people who defend sex traffickers and child rapists because of gender alone is absolutely sickening but in no way astonishing.

It’s part and parcel of this deteriorating world. The acceptable notation that females are perfect and can do no wrong.

*pukes on frank report* (how much are you pedophiles and sex offenders being paid? You work overtime to take the blame away.

4 years ago
Reply to  SalientTruth

Child sex trafficking? Come on now. What the heck are you actually talking about? Read up on this case before you spew about it.

Roberta Glass
Roberta Glass
4 years ago

Hey, it was me who overheard Allison Mack’s in the bathroom. Can you correct this? Thanks, Roberta Glass

Frank Parlato
4 years ago
Reply to  Roberta Glass

Yes Roberta – you are right – you are the one who first reported that and overheard her. I have made the correction.

Heidi Hutchinson
Heidi Hutchinson
4 years ago
Reply to  Frank Parlato

Thanks Frank. Apologies Roberta. I love your NXIVM coverage! That was an especially great catch.

Joshua David Weasenforth
Joshua David Weasenforth
4 years ago

I love her forever, people make mistakes, if her life story was told fully, concerning childhood & adolescent tragedy she underwent, society would understand her fully, & would predominantly forgive her also. It was a dream to have her as my best friend, & she gave me so many favorite memories. She is a treasure of life forever that cannot be replaced, as there will always only be 1 of her. 🥰

4 years ago

She raped children. She trafficked the most vulnerable. You are a disgusting member of society.

Elektrah Wright
Elektrah Wright
4 years ago
Reply to  SalientTruth

I feel is is a real hard thing to believe that Allison was a leader in this sex slave scandal… This doesn’t seen to fit her personality or framing of life of her…. But what I can tell from her story she exclaimed that her co- star Kristen kurik got her in to the cult in the first place why isn’t she in jail herself for exstorion of follow of action? Either way it’s not a fair thing to do to your friend and and get her in trouble like that…i say what goes around Comes around!

4 years ago
Reply to  SalientTruth

You’re an idiot You have no idea what you’re talking about.

Dianne Lipson
Dianne Lipson
4 years ago

Just to set the record straight, it wasn’t me. It was some other female journalists who heard Allison Mack’s remark about taking one for the team. If I remember correctly, Allison asked the judge for a bathroom break. Some women journalists observing the hearing needed a bathroom break just as bad, and said so in the ladies room. I believe that’s when Allison said she was used to taking one for the team.

Dianne Lipson
Dianne Lipson
4 years ago

Young and old are relative, but as she is in her mid-forties (according to the internet), I wouldn’t necessarily call Vanessa Grigoriadis a young writer. Nor do I think she was successfully manipulated by NXIVM. One of her quotes you selected, where Ms Grigoriadis speaks of her highly controlled tour of the NXIVM world, shows that she was a step ahead of them.

Many saw Ms. Grigoriadis’ article as a puff piece. But on reading her NYT magazine article a second or third time, I saw what she was doing. She is the kind of writer who does not tell you what to think. She lets the reader decide. It’s unusual in journalism.

Heidi Hutchinson
Heidi Hutchinson
4 years ago
Reply to  Dianne Lipson

Thank you, Dianne. I am tre’ impressed that you credit Vanessa so highly and with your honesty. I agree, at times some sly skepticism shone through her report. I liked when she wrote: “Belief is a tricky thing” about her encounter with Allison — another example of what you’re saying but on this topic that’s so personal for me I find it difficult to appreciate any subtlety. Your own coverage, btw, is magnificently direct.

4 years ago

I am not so sure if the intentions were for her to take the fall if they all got prosecuted for it, as that never materialized in his defense and also, at that point, I don’t believe they ever thought they would get prosecuted. Surely, they would have come up with a better plan than orchestrating this little interview. Perhaps more of a case of damage control after Frank’s blog hit the mainstream media and they were hoping people would just see an airhead blondie coming up with a stupid idea that everyone happily went along with so no harm done, everything has been exaggerated, no need for law enforcement to get involved. Then shortly after, it would all blow over and they’d be back to business as usual or so they hoped.

To Frank or those in the know:
To Frank or those in the know:
4 years ago

“Allison Mack and Kristin Kreuk at a Nxivm gathering. Kreuk recruited Mack into Nxivm. They were co-stars on the TV show Smallville. Kreuk was able to quit the notorious sex cult. Mack stayed in and wound up being charged for various felonies and secured a plea deal with two felonies – racketeering and racketeering conspiracy.”


Was Kristin Kreuk still coaching in NXIVM beyond 2013? There are comments on this platform that she was still a member/student in 2016. There was that guy in 2015 who thanked Kreuk, Mark Vicente and Lucas Roberts for their “encouragement” on his five day intensive. We know a little about Kreuk’s role in NXIVM before 2013, but what was she doing in the cult between 2013-2016/17?

Frank broke the branding story in June 2017, but Sarah Edmondson left a month earlier, so perhaps Kreuk found out about the branding then. If she was still in NXIVM in 2016 and the branding story came out May 2017, did she even leave the cult between 2016 and the branding story 2017?

As for Allison Mack, was Kreuk in contact with Allison Mack at the time of the branding? Did she make any effort to get Mack to leave the cult once all this branding stuff came out?

4 years ago

Of course, Alison Mack is gonna take the fall. We have KR The Vanguard and half a dozen worth millions and billions of dollars socialites. And then we have a B list actress who has already been replaced ironically by her fake wife.

Sorry, AM, you were always gonna take the fall.

4 years ago

Heidi as an actress identifies with Allison Mack a fellow actress.

In the process, Heidi ignores Allison Mack’s complicity in the PHYSICAL TORTURE, BLACKMAILING AND SEX TRAFFICKING of over one hundred women.

Mitch Garrity
Mitch Garrity
4 years ago

This whole notion that Mack was set up as a fall guy is laughable. It doesn’t work in any way shape or form. It’s a fantasy at best conceived to make the guilty appear more guilty.

At the time, she was next in command and targeted and charged as such. Had she taken a plea early instead of last to do so, things would have gone differently for her. It’s said that Keith mindfucked all these women, that there was a slow boil and they were brainwashed. Mack was a relative newcomer that rose to the top, was enthusiastic in her role and arrogant, thinking they were untouchable.

I’m confident that she remains committed to “the mission” and regrets nothing

4 years ago
Reply to  Mitch Garrity

I disagree. Testimony, facts, and common sense show Allison was set up as THE fall guy for DOS.

4 years ago
Reply to  Nutjob


Allison Mack committed a variety of crimes besides the “branding” you allege was a frame-up.

Allison Mack took advantage of a young woman she knew had been sexually assaulted and molested, and used collateral to manipulate the young woman into having sex with Keith Raniere. Yet, many of you believe Allison Mack should walk Scott-free.

Mack is not the Antichrist, but she is far, far-away from being an innocent victim. She is a victim of sorts but deserves to go to jail. She deserves 3 to 5 years.

4 years ago
Reply to  NiceGuy

Argue that with Allison’s relative. He’s already coming at you strong on the other thread. I’m just saying a couple of things.
1. Allison was set up to take the blame for DOS. (Luckily, shit hit the fan and nobody is now buying this)
2. Allison has already been severely punished. Both in her attachment to Raniere and by the courts. Nobody can argue this. The only argument is what comes next? I fully trust the judge to make the correct decision on what her future punishment will be.

4 years ago
Reply to  Nutjob


Allison was obviously set up to be the fall- guy. I agree.

Mack does not get a free pass for assisting Rainer in blackmailing Nicole. Mack helped coerce Nicole into having sex with Rainier. Nicole was raped and Mack assisted.

If Mack was a man or a fat ugly chick we would not be having this debate.

And Shadow would probably not care as well.

Mitch Garrity
Mitch Garrity
4 years ago
Reply to  Nutjob

Examples? What testimony, what facts? Common sense? She was a gung ho true believer and probably still is.

Common sense shows me that those following the NXIVM story are disappointed with how justice works in regards to the Bronfmans and Salzmans so they come up with a conspiracy and go Team Mack.

The bottom line is none of them were very smart. They are not a sinister and cunning criminal organization. They failed at most of their attempts. They’re a bungling group of new-age misfits attracting others with talk of joy, humanities and a new world.

Without the Bronfman money, they wouldn’t have done near the damage they did. And hell, they lost in court. Their victory came in the form of being able to bankrupt their “enemies”. That didn’t involve cunning but funding.

That Bronfman money grew the cult because of the trips, the parties and the chance that some might come a person’s way. People were charmed by the money, not Keith’s bullshit or claims or by the so-called mission. People joined because it was like summer camp for almost grown-ups.

One last thing, wasn’t that interview before word of an official investigation was underway? And maybe I’m wrong but no one was charged with branding so her “admission” is a nothing burger

NXIVM and all involved are given way too much credit. My sympathy is for Rhiannon, Dani, Gina, The Snyders, and those that fought back and were met with Bronfman money and the Courts.

Not so much those that signed up for Dos and sucked dick because of “fear” their blackmail that they provided time and again may or may not be released. They were the farthest thing possible from badass warrior bitches or empowered.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mitch Garrity

—People joined because it was like summer camp for almost grown-ups.

Human beings are social creatures. They’ve formed all kinds of social structures throughout history to nurture social relationships. What it appealed to was this same intrinsic desire that underlies all of them—validation of the self and a sense of belonging.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mitch Garrity

I’m simply talking about Allison being the fall guy for DOS. Not to be the fall guy for all NXIVM crimes. I agree with Heidi when she says it probably would have worked except for RICO getting them.

There was Vanessa’s NYT magazine article were Allison verbally takes the blame for DOS. Frank wrote articles prior to that where he told of NXIVM’s plan to have Allison take the blame.

Lauren testifies about how DOS was all Keith’s idea.

Everything was always Keith’s idea. Keith also always had a plan to put blame on others.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mitch Garrity

I am now on Mitch’s bus and none of you are welcome aboard unless you got free Booz!!!!

Heidi Hutchinson
Heidi Hutchinson
4 years ago
Reply to  Mitch Garrity

Appreciate the sentiment and much of what you say is true, Mitch. But Gina is gone, there’s no turning that back. There is, however, hope to turn around some of these victims/perpetrators. I don’t see that so much in punishment as is in truth.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mitch Garrity

Mack was a relative newcomer who reached the top.

This is not really true. Maybe Allison went up quickly in the inner circle, but there are stories that she was already in the harem long before Kristin Kreuk left, it is possible that KAR would have been with the two or three if we told Nicky, and anyway, there is no evidence to prove that she was placed in that position by chance or by her own effort, and with evidence, I mean testimonies such as Daniela Fernandez’s and Lauren’s, what I want to say is that no one even woman in his haren enters the intimate circle of KAR if he does not want it that way from the beginning, he concentrates on his victims and where he wants to take them and if someone is close to him, it is because he wanted to take her to that point, his game is that of the fisherman who places a hook and then plays with the rope that gives them until they are tired.

Heidi Hutchinson
Heidi Hutchinson
4 years ago
Reply to  Mitch Garrity

And you’ve also got weapon of mass destruction symbol for an icon, Garrity.

4 years ago

—Allison’s starring role in Nxivm — which Kristin Kreuk also auditioned for — “Pinochiette Takes the Fall” — was cast waaaaaay back before she ever set foot on the Bronfman jet, IMHO—

I agree that Mack and Kreuk were cast to be Nxivm stars, to recruit directly or indirectly…but I don’t think there were any plans for either to be scapegoats, because Keith and the monkeys had no thoughts THEN that Nxivm would collapse.

Heidi Hutchinson
Heidi Hutchinson
4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

No plans for NXIVM to collapse, prolly not, but for Allison or whomever could be worked over into taking the rap, alone, for Keith and the top tier — before RICO hit ’em between the eyes — that’s always been their pattern, their MO for many of their crimes. Don’t forget Keith and Nancy have been crooks and had companies collapse, long before many of what Keith calls his flock of “sheep and GOATS” were born.

4 years ago

“I’m a huge fan of Shivani’s unabashed, free-flowing writing style”
We probably don’t read the same Shivani then…the most important about Shivani is that it’s always based on unproved things…
It’s not just with Allison but with everyone.
It’s frequently pointing the debunked things and base it’s opinion only on theories…

“I agree that Allison should not have made a martyr of herself or “taken one for the team” — as she seems to view it.”
I love you, Heidi, and I know you try to be fair but you are talking about this whole interview as something she accepted willingly…

We know it was forced and there are the little Raniere and Lauren’s convincing behind this interview…Allison didn’t want to do it, the interviewer said it clearly.
They (Raniere and Lauren) blackmailed her to do it.
It’s hardly willingly…

I don’t believe the 8-year-old excuse either, it’s obvious it’s to hide the blackmailing…

Reminder for those who like to forget:
Allison was coerced (and blackmailed)
Allison was also semi-starved (and it’s a fact that it has an impact on decision making) and sleep-deprived (confirmed by Nicole And it’s also having a factual impact on decision making)

Add this that she could have been drugged (what was the powder that she was asked to put in her water…i have an idea about a couple of medical drug having impact on decisions)

It’s not the first time that Allison didn’t agree with what was asked but quickly put back on the wrong rail after a conversation with…Lauren.

Like it or not, Allison is a genuine victim in this case, it’s not debatable because it’s an easy conclusion (for anyone sane) to reach…
And this can be reached without her testimony (about her situation) but also with the lies of Lauren.
If Allison had committed bad actions all her life (like Lauren), or if Allison did that since her beginning in Nxivm (in 2006)…it would be different.

But chronologically, Allison got semi starved from 2013 and then in 2015 after partial collateral were collected (not that willingly), she entered the whole inner circle + DOS.
Her “crime” start in 2016…From end 2016 to mid-2017, she was out of NYC (to her parents).
She asks for the collaterals mostly in 2016.
Lauren, in the other end was deep in since 2002 (at least), a nxivm executive who profited the crime fully (she had the power and the money (to buy her expansive house).

Allison was wealthy pre-nxivm and post nxivm, they (DOJ) had to seize her only house and part of her 401 is gone…
Hardly the sign of someone who profited the crime (especially when we know she was still perceiving 70k per year for her residual…and all that money is gone too)

Allison don’t have her own house, barely got on holiday (except when paid through her convention trip) and kept her old audi for a long time before being out of cars.

She didn’t had any power and started her “criminal” life only once coerced.

People should stop talking about “enthusiasm” or “willingly” before they read the whole facts.
The only one who was enthusiast and willing in the DOS case was Lauren…She just play the martyr afterward but 20 years…
And she wasn’t just collecting the material for Raniere…she is the one who decided not to give Dani her document back when she was “released” from her prison.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I have not read about the white powder you mention. Could you go into more detail please?

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

As usual, you get many things wrong – even when they’ve been pointed out to you before.

Last I checked, Mack still owned the home at 7 Generals Way in Clifton Park, that she bought in 2011. She had use of another property in Knox Woods as well, and the branding operation was run out of what Lauren Salzman described as Mack’s “home.”

And she had several extended periods away from NXIVM, including a couple of months when she was doing a play in San Diego, and then when she was in California after Raniere fled but before she joined him in Mexico (something you have harped on in the past when it suited a point you were trying to make). She had multiple opportunities to take a break, recover, and possibly decide to do something reasonable and obvious like call an attorney or a battered women’s hotline – particularly at the end there when Raniere was on the run from the law and things were obviously starting to collapse.

4 years ago
Reply to  AnonyMaker

Oh kiss my ass, blabber beyoch.

Mexican Lady
Mexican Lady
4 years ago

Great article. I agree she was a puppet on a string. She should pay for her crimes. But at the end she was a puppet.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mexican Lady

Agree. I’d also say she’s already paid a shitload for her crimes.

4 years ago
Reply to  Nutjob

” I’d also say she’s already paid a shitload for her crimes.” Nutjob

I would say that Allison Pimp Mack has been full of shit for years and still has lots of shit to lose.

4 years ago

I would say that Allison Pimp Mack has been full of shit for years

A subject says that surely you have your EYES very clean

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083


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