Allison Mack Reveals Monster Side – in Email to Nicole 24 Hours After Sexual Assault by Raniere

This is Part 5 of Allison Mack’s role in the sex trafficking of Nicole. It is part of a larger series on how Allison Mack was revealed during the trial of Keith Alan Raniere.

It is a fact that a large number of people are interested in reading more about her role. And it is important because it shows a spectacular fall from grace. Mack was a TV star who met Raniere and within years became a foolish slave and criminal for him.

She is an excellent example of the cult theory of the slow boil – the idea that a frog will jump out of boiling water at once – but if placed in warm comfortable water – with the heat slightly getting hotter – the frog will stay and get lulled until it is too late and is boiled alive.

By May 31, 2016, Allison was well boiled. She was already a slave master. And Nicole, a 31-year-old aspiring actress, was Allison’s slave in DOS, that master-slave ‘women’s empowerment’ group – an offshoot of Nxivm – run by a man, Nxivm leader, Keith Alan Raniere.

Here are previous posts on Nicole being sex trafficked by Raniere [and Mack?].

Part 1 Allison Mack’s True Role in the Sex Trafficking of Nicole describes how Allison ordered Nicole to make contact with Raniere. Allison did not tell Nicole that Raniere was the secret leader of DOS.  Nicole successfully made contact with Raniere by email.

Part 2 Allison Mack Begins to Set up Nicole for ‘Sex Trafficking’ Via a First Walk With Raniere  tells how Nicole goes for a walk with Raniere.  She is concerned when he calls it “a first date”. She has no attraction to him. She is 31, he is 56 at the time [April 2016].

Part 3 Allison Mack’s Pubic Hair Clues Nicole Into Raniere’s Intent to Traffic Her -‘ I like It Unshaved,’ Pervy Sex Cult Leader Says reveals that Allison ordered Nicole to tell Keith she will do whatever he tells her to do. He leads her to a home and tells her to strip naked. Finding her pubic hair ungroomed, he tells he likes it that way. Nicole realizes, having previously seen Allison Mack has ungroomed pubic hair, that Raniere and Allison are likely having sex.

Part 4 Day of Infamy – the Gruesome, Graphic Details of Keith Raniere’s Sex Trafficking Nicole – and Allison Mack was ‘Freaked Out’ describes the actual sex trafficking of Nicole [May 31, 2016]. Raniere blindfolds Nicole, takes her to a house. Ties her down on a bed naked and while he discusses her previous sex life, another woman – unknown to Nicole [who we later learn was Camelia Fernandez – one of his First Line Slaves] performed oral on sex on her. Afterward, Raniere lets her get dressed and takes her blindfolded back to the original house and tells her she is brave, as if it was a test. Nicole then meets with her master, Allison, who seemed ‘slightly freaked out’ when she heard what happened, but also tells her she is brave.

Part 5 describes what happens next. How Allison responded to Nicole’s anger and anguish about her life as a slave.

To help us learn more about the immediate aftermath of her being sex trafficked, we are fortunate to have emails between Allison and Nicole on the morning of the following day, after Nicole returned to New York City where she worked at a nightclub.

Even prior to the May 31, 2016 sex trafficking experience, Nicole realized she was angry about being in DOS, angry at herself for giving  collateral that seems to have compelled her to obey Allison.

Allison generally responded to this anger with, “You made this commitment.”

And when Nicole would persist in expressing anger, Allison would say, “Yeah, but you’re choosing to be angry; you don’t have to be angry about this, you’re choosing to be angry.”

Nicole kept a journal which she would email to Allison. There are many emails back and forth.  I think the exchange which is most instructive is Nicole’s first email to Allison after the sex trafficking incident and Allison’s response.

I called it a journal because it is written like a diary – but, because it was emailed to Allison, it was not pure diary inasmuch as when Nicole was writing it, she was fully aware Allison would read it.

Nicole would write about Allison referring to her as “A” in the third person, knowing full well that Allison would read everything that was written.

In this journal, which she shared with Allison via email, Nicole would reflect on her emotions.

She admitted she could not always be completely truthful because she knew Allison was reading her entries. In fact, in one of her earlier journal/emails, she had written that she’d given out her phone number to a young man who seemed interested in her.

Allison flipped out on Nicole, for she had been ordered to be celibate and even the giving out a phone number to a man was a gross violation of Allison’s command of celibacy.

Nicole did not write anything after that which she thought might get her in trouble. Still, it was Nicole’s attitude with the journal that she should provide as much candor as possible because she still believed there was some good in DOS and Allison was trying to help her.

There were also rules about the journal. She couldn’t reference DOS or certain relationships, like master and slave, in case anyone got hold of the emails. She was not permitted to discuss explicit details – like, for instance, what happened with Raniere when she was blindfolded. No one, other than Allison was supposed to know what happened the day she was trafficked and if she put it in her journal, then emailed it to Allison, someone might find out – and everything about DOS was supposed to be secret.

The Day After Sex Trafficking

Following her being blindfolded and sexually assaulted, after she talked to Allison, she took a bus back to New York City – for she had to work that night.  She worked her job and finished about 5 am.

She was required to check in with Allison so she wrote one of her journal/emails – the first since she was trafficked – about 24 hours after the event.

Here is the journal/email sent to Allison. It speaks about how hard it was for Nicole to keep up a weekly schedule where she had to work five days a week in NYC then come to Albany on her two days off.

She was clearly exhausted. Remember this is her journal – that she wrote knowing she would share it with Allison who she refers to as A..

Nicole wrote:

It’s 6 a.m. I’m just getting to bed and am insanely angry right now, beyond angry, because once again I’ve gotten back to the City and my life is a mess here. Nothing is organized and I have so much to catch up on. I was so on board with the convo. A. and I had this morning about the benefits of coming to Albany and taking full advantage of the time I have up here, watching movies and working on my art. I am done fighting the growing process. It’s obviously good for me and even though I was very emotional and uncomfortable, I can feel it helping. I’m excited about embracing the Vow and working with Keith, but coming back every week to an unorganized home and hectic life here feels awful. Words can’t even express how stressful and bad it feels to me. And it makes me hate the whole growing process because I can’t catch up.

If fills my whole body with this raged up anger and pain which clearly feels awful. A. wonders why I come up in a fit and upset. It’s because no matter how much I say, I just need a couple of days and she doesn’t believe me. And I have to come home every week to a mess and then work until 5 a.m. in the morning. It sucks. And I have a hard time focusing on Source stuff [her acting class with Allison as teacher using Raniere’ techniques] and moving forward with my acting when my room is a mess and my taxes still aren’t done and there’s no system set up so I can push myself and learn and not feel like I’m flailing around.

I would like to enjoy this process and enjoy going up to Albany. I’m going to go this coming week because I said I would, but I have to have a break soon. I need to talk to A. I need her to understand that I need a couple full days to get organized. I need a week where I don’t go up. Not to avoid feeling vulnerable but to get grounded so I can be more vulnerable. I hate going to bed filled with so much anger.

It is interesting to observe that the DOS teachings were about Nicole feeling vulnerable [as a means to empowerment] and that she wanted a week off from being ordered to come to Albany. It is interesting also that she did not even allude to what had happened with the blindfolding by Raniere in this email. During the trial, Nicole was asked a lot of questions about the blindfold incident and she said, “I don’t think I processed what had actually happened for a really long time, but I was emotionally upset.”

Allison Mack responded to Nicole’s journal/ email within the hour.

June 1, 2016, 6:36 a.m: Allison wrote:

Same pattern as always. I could have predicted this check in. I feel sad, thought you were through this, but okay. And by the way, maybe part of your growth process is to have your life a mess and find the calm in the eye of the storm. It’s not freedom to be enslaved to your life not being a mess. You are very attached to your physical comforts. It’s weak, spoiled and entitled. Grounded is the opposite of vulnerable but choose as you wish. I miss you. I love you. XO. A.


It is interesting that Allison, after chastising her, concludes with “I love you and I miss you”.

And that Allison [and Keith Raniere – who just blindfolded her and made her undergo sexual assault] taught Nicole that to make oneself vulnerable [like by being blindfolded] is a method to attain “freedom.”

And not just Keith’s insane perversity.

In our next post, we shall see how Nicole continued to see Raniere and how Allison exerted a coercive influence on Nicole to ensure that she did see him – all in the name of freedom and female empowerment – when it was in reality the exact opposite.

Naturally, we have to ask the question – as we observe Allison’s manipulative behavior – was she just as coerced as Nicole. As a slave herself with collateral in Raniere’s hands – did her gruesome, monstrously insensitive behavior arise out of her own slavery to Raniere.

Was she forced to respond and react the way she did? Or was Allison Mack genuinely enjoying commanding Nicole?  Or perhaps in her insane devotion to Raniere – did Allison Mack actually think she was teaching, helping Nicole?


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Frank Parlato

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4 years ago

All of these woman were told to do things over several weeks yet never did they go to the police why? They were not forced to do anything other then follow someone else’s commands to do things. This is no different then Scientology yet I don’t see anyone arrested over there.

Tasha Freeze
Tasha Freeze
4 years ago
Reply to  Kelly

I know Years ago, (i was 19) their was the spiritual group that practiced lots of methods. I didnt have this level of abuse happen. But i went to take reiki lessons. Several had from this guy. I went through it all but at the end something uncomfortable an odd happened. He was in his 60s. He came in the room in uumm driud clothing and put symbols on me. He Than told me (as he seat Indian style on a pillow on the floor) to Seat on his lap. I found it odd but i knew nothing of what the process for the certificate was like. So i seat on this mans lap, he than idk how to explain this. He rocked am swayex an he wrapped his arms around me under my breast an in a way that pushed the up. I was uncomfortable, i could feel his breathe on my neck an him talking in my ear in a low growl when i would tense like what the hell. He was basivally make vowel sounds to cont with the idea that this was a ritual. So than he put his hands on my inner tighs. (I had a tank top an shorter shorts on) he was like ‘rock with the ocean. Relax and open with the waves’ when i tensed he squeezed a bit on my tighs. He made it like this story. That my discomfort was me not being “open” or “allowing myself to be vulnerable or to allow healing” i final said, i just dont see the point to the “ocean with this. And my aunt Never mentioned anything like this” an i never “relaxed” into the sickos body. I hadnt felt any uummm activity down below on the guy til towards the end when i finally said something. I felt a couple uummm small rises. Again i was 19, my brain was freaking out. Idk how to remove myself from the situation. I realized too that i was alone at night with him. He could try to rape me or god knows what. Anyways, after i mentioned my aunt an he could tell i wouldnt fully play along. He said i was certified. The thing is. I felt so uncomfortable, i thought the others in the group must of gone through it. They were women i trusted an respected. Sooo i thought they would think i was a freak or i took things way out of line or that i was that i was idk…. Just felt scared to really say anything. I slowly stopped going. 10yrs pass, I Finally asked and told about it. 1) He mainly taught in a group. 2) the “private” lessons. He did different BS that was “supposedly ” part of the process 3) there were other women who said it was “fine & A typically lesson” there faces an voice flux said something else an i think things happened. I was naive, liked to learn other cultures, seeing other women in the group lead to me, not asking questions, bc i thought well that i would offend them and thay they obviously saw nothing wrong an i admired many of them. An honestly, he knew this an used it. They were unaware sn he held himself to a higher ethical an professional code and they were basically his advertising. He later disappeared an Was charged with sexual assault an rape in the next state (Texas) that him and his Wife, moved too. Also charged with IRS fraud which is why they suddenly vanished from my state. Sooo i can see how this can happen.

4 years ago

November 3, 2019 at 6:22 pm
Kudos! You know how to use the Google translation app.

My answer to that:
All without translation app. I am German.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

My bad. I translated it and realized later it was not to me. I am sincerely sorry!

4 years ago

“Allison flipped out on Nicole, for she had been ordered to be celibate and even the giving out a phone number to a man was a gross violation of Allison’s command of celibacy.”
Correction, Raniere ordered this…It’s a fact known as he asked the same of many slave and this was testified by Nicole who is NOT Allison’s slave…

“She was clearly exhausted. Remember this is her journal – that she wrote knowing she would share it with Allison who she refers to as A..”
I’ll keep a doubt about this…

” I’m excited about embracing the Vow and working with Keith”
I thought they couldn’t tell about DOS? i remind that the vow is how Allison called it too…

“Allison wrote:
Same pattern as always. I could have predicted this check in. I feel sad… I miss you. I love you. XO. A.”

What a monster, she sound so awful…

“after chastising her, concludes with “I love you and I miss you”.”
Chastising her!? we don’t read the same things…

“And that Allison [and Keith Raniere – who just blindfolded her and made her undergo sexual assault] taught Nicole that to make oneself vulnerable [like by being blindfolded] is a method to attain “freedom.”

And not just Keith’s insane perversity.”
Excuse me but once again, It just sound like Allison was not in a mental state to understand anything and show that she believed it herself…Reminder for you Starvation, Sleep deprivation…
That is if Allison believed what she wrote…else it could also be that Allison worried that her own mail could be scrutinized by Raniere….
Another reminder for this is …Collaterals.

If anything, this mail show that Allison is anything BUT a monster.

“Naturally, we have to ask the question – as we observe Allison’s manipulative behavior – was she just as coerced as Nicole.”
What an idiot…of course she was, it was seen in some mail pre dos and her collateral were the only released publicly…

” As a slave herself with collateral in Raniere’s hands – did her gruesome, monstrously insensitive behavior arise out of her own slavery to Raniere.”
Gruesome? monstrously insensitive behavior? how about you stay realist and stop making up stories…she isn’t the one who asked Nicole to meet Raniere that awful day (she did before), she isn’t the one behind the blindfolding nor the sexual assault.
She was even shocked when she discovered what happened!
She answered normally to Nicole and finished by love you and miss you…What is gruesome, what is monstrously insensitive?
Have you read Nicole’s mail? it’s basic complain about how unorganized her life is and how she’d love some free time from everything.

Something Allison had no power to decide. Allison answered like many would outside of DOS…

“was Allison Mack genuinely enjoying commanding Nicole? Or perhaps in her insane devotion to Raniere – did Allison Mack actually think she was teaching, helping Nicole?”
…Commanding what? we know as a fact that every demand comes from Raniere…How could she enjoy the power to follow order?

And once again, collaterals…it’s not like she had a choice!

Another clickbait title “reveal monster side”…in this article, you reveal further your idiotic biased side!

The only monster here was Raniere, once again.
You ask question where we know the answer.

That you use Allison as a mean of income is gruesome but that you try to change the situation to make her look more culprit than she is is monstrously insensible.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Here is the Monster side of Allison Mack:

Allison Mack directed and supervised the ASSAULT AND BATTERY of approximately one hundred women with hot irons seared into their flesh.
Allison Mack is Torquemada.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Yes, Mack had choices – like asking for her collateral back. Confiding in family or friends, and asking for advice. Calling a hotline for abused or trafficked women. Going to an attorney or law enforcement – or a journalist. Others in NXIVM and DOS made those choices. Almost everyone who Mack had gotten into NXIVM with, had made the choice to leave, while she was still there – even after Sarah Edmondson had quit, and not had her collateral released, Mack was on her own in California before joining the fugitive Raniere in Mexico.

Manipulations, like Mack’s implied threat about having to take a cold shower, originated with her. She functioned as Raniere’s right-hand henchwoman, above all the others – which is why she is going to jail.

And remember how Mack berated Lauren Salzman for not being tough enough with her slaves – even while Mack was away for an extended period in San Diego, doing a play, and almost certainly getting her sleep and rest? She always clung to Raniere, and being an instrument of abuse, a co-perpetrator.

Mack was a monster of some sort, that you can’t confront, much less even begin to explain. Perhaps she was less of one than Raniere, but your denial of even the obvious realities does nothing to inform us about what the truth about her actually might be.

Josh. R
Josh. R
4 years ago

Allison was fucked up

4 years ago
Reply to  Josh. R

And Allison Mack is still screwed up.

Allison Mack’s inability to conform to the law hurt as many as one hundred women.

Josh. R
Josh. R
4 years ago

Yep i agree with that maybe she should go to the loony bin and be nicknamed MAD MACK QUEEN OF THE BLONDE BIMBOS


[…] Allison Mack Reveals Monster Side – in Email to Nicole 24 Hours After Sexual Assault by Ranier… […]

4 years ago

Paul & Everyone,

….As a prison warden once said, “there are only 2 types of criminals society sends to prison. One is the people we are mad at and the other is the people we are afraid of”

Allison Mack is the former, not the later.

The point of my camping analogy is to highlight what type of criminal Mack is.

She is guilty and should serve whatever prison sentence the judge decides.

4 years ago
Reply to  Niceguy

“….As a prison warden once said, “there are only 2 types of criminals society sends to prison. One is the people we are mad at and the other is the people we are afraid of””

That’s the kind of quote one would expect from National Public Radio.

I doubt that many people are afraid of Clare and Sara Bronfman.
Let Clare and Sara Bronfman out of prison,

Leave the Philosophy crap to Keith Raniere.

If your daughter or niece had been blackmailed by Allison Pimp Mack you would not take such a sanguine view of her crimes of blackmail, extortion and sex trafficking.

Allison Mack engaged in extortion and blackmail.
Allison Mack’s victims FEARED that Mack would expose their secrets and damage their reputations.
Allison Mack also engaged in sex trafficking, a crime that has been on the books for over a hundred years.

4 years ago


Mack should go to jail, just not for life.

Please! Stop purposely misinterpreting and misstating my statement. Seriously. 😉

4 years ago


That’s frigging insulting. That’s worse then comparing me to Scott Johnson. 😉

4 years ago
Reply to  Niceguy

In the Spirit of Christmas some treats from National Public Radio.

NPR’s Delicious Dish: Schweddy Balls – SNL

Mexican Lady
Mexican Lady
4 years ago

I disagree. It is actually very scary to think of billionaires using their money to hunt everyday citizens in criminal cases just because some guy dumped them or had a feud with them. The Bronfmans are DANGEROUS

4 years ago
Reply to  Mexican Lady

They are ALL dangerous. Are we forgetting imprisoned minors, internationally trafficked minors? How about cognitively abusive schools targeting the basic human development of language and attachment? Is waging lawfare against people using perjury and a bottomless pit of money for attorneys to destroy people somehow not dangerous? Clare Bronfman may be less educated than Nancy Salzman, so what, she is a sadist and a pervert. The public must be protected from her.

4 years ago
Reply to  Brigid

These NXIVM women have wreaked a lot of havoc.
All of these efforts to portray them as victims is sickening.

4 years ago


Your use of sanguine is glaringly incorrect. You should have used cavalier.

I know a former academic scholar like yourself would never want to use a word incorrectly. 😉

An example sentences of both words:

“Even though badliy outnumbered the sanguine platoon fought on!”

“Allison Pimp Mack you would not take such a cavalier view of her crimes of blackmail, extortion and sex trafficking.”

Don’t worry Shadowstate you do not have to thank me. 😉

4 years ago
Reply to  Niceguy

“Don’t worry Shadowstate you do not have to thank me. ”

Don’t worry, I won’t.

of good cheer

“If your daughter or niece had been blackmailed by Allison Pimp Mack you would not take such a (sanguine/ positive/cheerful) view of her crimes of blackmail, extortion and sex trafficking.

4 years ago
Reply to  Niceguy


Google dictionary

Your welcome! 😉

4 years ago

I believe that in the last few paragraphs of this article, you are asking whether Allison was fully cognizant of what she was doing – and, thus, a perpetrator and not a victim.
My answer is yes – just as my answer is yes for those who recruited me for the Way.
Here’s the singular clear moment I knew during my short sojourn in the Way.
We were gathered at a Way function in Jim and Tammy’s home.
Sue, one of the diehard adherents and soon to be in the Way Corps as leadership and then off to Greece with her new husband, a Way Corps grad who was from Greece, Sue leaned against the doorway between the living room and kitchen and speaking of a guy they had recently witnessed to, said “let’s love bomb him”.
You see, they know. Allison knew. She was fully aware of what she was doing.
Allison is no victim.

4 years ago
Reply to  g

The problem with “Love Bombing” is that it is so blatant and overt and phony that almost any adult can spot it.
And it is sickening to watch.

Only an outright idiot or someone who needs to be adored would fall for “love bombing.”

4 years ago


“Only an outright idiot or someone who needs to be adored would fall for love bombing”, Shadowstate.

You forgot to mention “lonely people and unloved people”.

You know the people Shadowstate the people that John Lennon was singing about in his song “Eleanor Rigby”.

I cannot explain the intelligent, married, and successful Mark Vincetes of the world going from J.Z. Knight’s Ramtha to Keith Rainier’s NXIVM…cult after cult…

…..But I can explain the lonely and abused artists types finding a sense of family and some measure of solace inside a cult.

An older sergeant in the U.S. Army Rangers once said to me, “It is the job of the strong to protect the weak”.

You and I do not see the world through the same lenses.

I guess the world would be a perfect place if it were filled with people like you…

4 years ago
Reply to  Niceguy

“I guess the world would be a perfect place if it were filled with people like you…”

It would be a safer place where the wicked would be afraid to practice their vocations.
comment image:large

4 years ago
Reply to  Niceguy

“You know the people Shadowstate the people that John Lennon was singing about in his song “Eleanor Rigby”. Niceguy

People don’t want to hear dirges and downbeat songs.
People want toe tapping upbeat songs.
If Allison Pimp Mack wants to hear downbeat songs then send her to prison for ten years.
She can learn to really sing the blues.
Let Allison Pimp Mack wallow in her own self-pity.

Lindsey Stirling performs “The Upside” at the 2019 A Capitol Fourth

4 years ago

What type of taste do you have in music?

You like Kenny G. as well?

4 years ago

What is eerie is Allison’s responses are, almost word for word, the mind games played on myself by my “spiritual parent” in the Way.
Do these cults all read from the same playbook?

Mexican Lady
Mexican Lady
4 years ago
Reply to  g

They are narcissits/psycopaths. They all act the same.

4 years ago
Reply to  Mexican Lady

And the public must be protected from narcisstic psychopaths who can not or will not control their worst instincts.

4 years ago

Well, I will have to use a new and better pseudonym now that a bible thumper is posting maudlin comments about our Allison as “John”. I never saw Smallville and I am not a Christian.

4 years ago
Reply to  John

But John is my real name. I don’t go in for fake names and I wouldn’t exactly call myself a Bible thumper. I have been forgiven much in my time. I just feel this girl is being judged for something she got into without really understanding what was going on. Having read ALL the reports, that’s my perception.

John 1
John 1
4 years ago
Reply to  John

Fair enough! It’s my real name, too, and one can take lessons from the Bible without thumping it.

As Nice Guy observed, though, no matter how much Mack was manipulated, she still made conscious decisions that make her responsible for her own actions. And I do agree, as Nice Guy also observed and I’m sure you have, too, that her crimes were hardly the crimes of the century, despite the constant comparisons to Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Satan, and Lex Luthor made by a certain Draconian and morbidly obsessed stalker who sleeps alone and sometimes slips into the native German from his einsatzgruppen days.

4 years ago

It is interesting to see the kind of language that Allison uses with Nicole to make her rationalize her moods, placing the responsibility on choosing to be angry about her situation as the problem, as if she were a girl making tantrums, this reminds me of some stories that Frank He has published about episodes of “RATIONALIZATION” by several NXIVM trainers towards his students, Keith’s teachings are great to get people to ignore the elephant in the middle of the room until they can no longer even recognize the elephant, and then They call that empowerment. ALL HAPPY IN HAPPINESS.

4 years ago

Keith wrote it or told her how to respond. Especially that sentence:
“It’s not freedom to be enslaved to your life not being a mess.”

4 years ago
Reply to  Lilly

The top members of NXIVM were so marinated in their craziness that Raniere probably did not have to write anything.
The writings of Pea Onyu (Nicki Clyne) demonstrate how efficient and pervasive this training is.

And you can bet that Clare Bronfman, Nancy Salzman and Allison Mack still are deep down NXians.

John the 4th twice removed now a farmer from Utah
John the 4th twice removed now a farmer from Utah
4 years ago
Reply to  Lilly

What in the samhill does that sentence even mean?

4 years ago

The sentence means nothing at all, raniere created several of these phrases. They just serve the purpose to confuse and gaslight people, so that you can’t even argue against them, because you don’t understand the meaning.

4 years ago

I do believe we all get things wrong sometimes. I in no way condone what Allison Mack was involved in but as a Christian I am reminded that Jesus said, “If anyone among you has not sinned, that person can throw the first stone.” We all need forgiveness and a second chance. I have committed myself to pray for Allison Mack. I loved her character in Smallville.

Ass hole retard
Ass hole retard
4 years ago
Reply to  John

Allison will find your Jesus when she goes to prison. Bibles are free. God have mercy on her retched soul. She needs a firm swift kick to her hairy crotch. Screw the rocks.

The Other John
The Other John
4 years ago

Good Name, very appropriate to your comment too!!

4 years ago
Reply to  John

” I loved her character in Smallville.”

So a fifth rate teen drama with fourth rate actresses on a third rate TV network trumps the law?

The Other John
The Other John
4 years ago

That was just a throwaway comment about loving her in Smallville! But the program did make it onto UK TV unlike much of the trash the US chucks out. Excuse the British humour!

4 years ago
Reply to  The Other John

“unlike much of the trash the US chucks out.”
Excuse the British humour!

No offense taken.
People in Hollywood themselves use four letter words and expletives to describe the stuff they churn out.
They have no illusions that they are producing Shakespeare level drama or comedy.

4 years ago

And to notice Kristin Kreuk crap has no class at all and is so bad that you can’t call her an actress.

Venus fly trap (not my real name)
Venus fly trap (not my real name)
4 years ago
Reply to  John

Allison had plenty of chances to get out. She admits in her little online journaling she expects people to do what she wouldn’t. She knew what Raniere was and loved him anyway. I suppose, she too believes in forgiveness. She’s a sexual pervert. Pimpin ain’t easy. I suggest you pray to your Caucasian Jesus because lying is a sin. If you read all the reports you would see this beast is a sex slaver. Hence the word sex slaver. If she branded your daughter or slipped her hand under your 8 year old daughters shirt would you still defend her? Smallville sucks BTW. Anyone who ever watched it probably has the same IQ as Clare Bronfman. John, if that’s your real name, prey tell, what does your Bible say about sexual predators?

4 years ago

I never said she had not done wrong. And I take your point about things being closer to home may change my view. But sexual perversion is not the unforgivable sin. Sure, there have to be consequences and I’m not denying that. I was just pointing out that nobody is perfect and anyone of us could get sucked into dark places. Many have and have found redemption. As for Smallville sucking, well that’s your opinion and I respect that. Here in the UK everybody is entitled to an opinion. BTW my Jesus is Jewish 😂😂😂

4 years ago

“If she branded your daughter”

If all of the morons who worship Allison Pimp Mack had their own daughters or nieces abused by her, there would be a lot less sympathy for this devil.

4 years ago

What an idiot you are…Allison did have chances before it got to the gruesome DOS point…before this, you could see the ups and downs and many did like her…Nicole included!

“She’s a sexual pervert” no she isn’t, there is nothing sexual in her side of the story…but whatever continues to live in your fantasy!

“If you read all the reports you would see this beast is a sex slaver”
And if you read all the court reports, you would see that Allison is not a sex slaver at all… I advise you to stick with the Truth that loves so much because “lying is a sin”…
If you believe those “reports”, you are lying to yourself! Bad venus, bad venus! you’ll go to hell for this…

I wonder how many people here will go there? You, Shadow, Frank…there are others, of course.

“If she branded your daughter or slipped her hand under your 8-year-old daughter’s shirt ”
Except neither happened…She never branded anyone (they were branded by Dr. Roberts under the order of RANIERE…that is coming from a non-lying source.
As for the 8-year-old daughter, this reminds me of another fake story debunked long ago but that some idiots still use…

I advise you to forget about Allison because you seem to be obsessed with the lies against her…
And supporting those makes you as bad as the liar who made them!

4 years ago

As far as I can see, everything she did with and for Raniere was consensual and willing, so I don’t see her as any kind of victim. Where did the myth of ‘Allison the Victim’ come from? There’s just no factual basis for it.

She’s as guilty as Raniere and no more worthy of forgiveness.

So once more for emohasis:

The whole idea of ‘Allison the Victim’ is a myth, with no factual basis whatsoever.

Prove me wrong if you can.

4 years ago
Reply to  Paul


Re Allison Mack victim or criminal

Most of us, commentators, on Frankreport have taken a stab at pointing out to Shadowstate that Allison Mack is not a female John Wayne Gacy with a C+ body sent from the underworld to destroy mankind.

I believe Allison Mack broke the law and therefore should be punished in a court of law for her crimes. Whatever the judge sentences her to is what she deserves under the law.

I do not believe as the puritanical Shadowstate believes Allison Mack is the Antichrist. There are far greater and more dangerous criminals in the United States.

My feeling is that a 1/3 of the Frankreport readers feel as I do; and the other 2/3 thirds are split between pure villain and victim.

Is Allison Mack dangerous? Well let me ask you a question…..

If you had to go camping in the middle of nowhere in the wilderness who would you rather share your tent with Allison Mack or Shadowstate?

Get my point?

Allison Mack is not public enemy number one, a rapist ax murder.

The Original John
The Original John
4 years ago
Reply to  Niceguy

Oh, I liked the camping analogy! That certainly puts things in perspective. Allison Mack never looked so good. But seriously, let’s not make her look too good. Still, the alternative is just too creepy to imagine.

4 years ago
Reply to  Niceguy

“If you had to go camping in the middle of nowhere in the wilderness who would you rather share your tent with: Allison Mack or Shadowstate?”

I don’t share my tent with anyone.

Niceguy, stay in your own damned tent and I will stay in mine.
Verstehen Sie?

4 years ago

Ich verstehe schon, aber ich bin nicht Niceguy.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous


Kudos! You know how to use the Google translation app.


4 years ago
Reply to  Niceguy

But where is the evidence that she was abused? Who did she report it to? Who ever mentioned her speaking about it? Why was it not mentioned at her plea hearing? There is simply no factual reason to believe in it. All the evidence shows that everything she did with and for Raniere was done willingly and consensually. I think some people see her as a victim out of misguided sentimentality, but the facts to support that perception just don’t exist.

4 years ago
Reply to  Niceguy

I pick Allison for my tent. I don’t want Thomas Sekerastate anywhere near my camping grounds.
I’ve got one: Who’d you rather share your tent with – Flowers or Scott Johnson?

I vote Scott
I vote Scott
4 years ago
Reply to  Nutjob

I’d much rather share a tent with Scott Johnson. No question. He has his faults but he can take it as well as dish it and comes off as an honest guy.

Another vote for Scott
Another vote for Scott
4 years ago
Reply to  Nutjob

Scott. Any day. think he’d actually be a sport in that kind of situation, y’know? help with the fire and so forth.

Flowers’d be a self-obsessed liability.

4 years ago

Agree. Give me Scott. It would be wildly entertaining instead of wildly irritating.

Scotty Wins!
Scotty Wins!
4 years ago

Yas, nutjob and what I love about this little thread is that Scott is totally unaware that unusually for him, he’s getting some love, no? A bit of hot air blown up his hoo-ha. Bless!!!

4 years ago

He’ll show up in a minute to call us all COWARDS and to make fun of somebody’s disability. Luckily, Flowers is skipping this thread and we’re dodging her unfiltered wrath.

4 years ago
Reply to  Nutjob

I think if Scott and I went camping, I would be the only one coming out of the woods alive. Not that anyone gave these options, but I’d rather go with Niceguy or Mr Parlato.

Scott Flips Burgers
Scott Flips Burgers
4 years ago
Reply to  Peaches

I bet Scott cooks a mean burger over the camp fire too!

4 years ago
Reply to  Niceguy

Niceguy would rather stick to the testimony and the results of the investigation. It’s not about whether Allison Mack is the public enemy number one or whether it’s dangerous to share a tent with her. It’s about judging proven crimes and nothing else. It is not about judging whether Allison Mack is capable of other crimes, but about judging the crimes she has actually committed.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous


Did you read my second paragraph?


What the judge decides is what she deserves…..

4 years ago
Reply to  Niceguy

Fun games to play while camping with a pimp:
1.Man hunt
2.Pin the thorn bush on the pedo
3.Tie the pimp to a tree and poor honey on her head.
4.Guess how many licks it takes by a bear to get to the honey off
5.Play naked and afraid with night vision goggles

Sorry shadow Since you won’t share your tent I have to pick the pimp.

4 years ago
Reply to  Peaches

“Sorry shadow Since you won’t share your tent I have to pick the pimp.”

No problem.
I don’t do much camping anyway.
Where I live the woods and fields are prowled by Coyotes.
You can hear them at night howling after a thunderstorm.

Where I like to vacation, Northern Minnesota, the woods are prowled by Bears.
After a hot dry summer the Bears will wander into town looking for food, including humans.
If Niceguy went camping where I live and vacation he would soil his panties every night.

Sheldon Aubut’s Duluth History


Early Sunday morning, August 18, 1929, Arvid Peterson was driving down London road at 26th Avenue East when he noticed a large black bear sauntering along behind his vehicle. Arvid was on his way to deliver fresh North Shore fish to a Duluth warehouse. The bear was obviously impressed with the smells coming from the back of his truck. Assuming the bear would tire soon leave and not follow, Arvid paid no more attention to the him until he arrived at the corner of Superior Street and Third Avenue East when he turned up the hill next to the Hotel Duluth, and realized that the bear had followed him over a mile. When the animal smelled the wonderful odors coming from the coffee shop in the Hotel Duluth Coffee Shop, he rose up on his hind feet and looked around as if greatly confused. He then walked over to the coffee shop and with one mighty blow of its paw, it smashed a fifteen foot tall plate glass window. Glass flew in every direction. The bear dropped to all fours and rushed through the window to the center of the coffee shop.

4 years ago


You have the wrong impression of me…..

I have lived in the woods with no shelter, no flashlight, no watch, no bottled water, and 90 calories a day for about a week. I have never had a bear encounter, but I have had encounters with sharks while diving.
All predators should be handled the same way …. stand your ground or die( invite attack) . The only exception being polar bears, run into them and your just plain f*cked in Alaska.

Here is a video link I think you will enjoy of a camper opening his tent to a fury surprise one morning

4 years ago

While you might have had experience in the woods with predators, you fail to recognize that NXIVM is filled with predators.
Everyone of the NXIVM defendants who were indicted were predators.
And they should be treated as predators.

4 years ago


I said I had no bear stories…..

You do not read other people’s comments do you?

4 years ago

Alison’s reply sounds just like Keith’s abusive texts messages to Camilla

4 years ago
Reply to  Natashka

Allison was Keith’s most dedicated student other than Clare Bronfman and Nicki Clyne.

4 years ago

It’s interesting to note that despite all the supposed talk of “ethics” in “NXIVM, Nicole apparently hadn’t learned anything about how to explicitly discuss her objection, discomfort or even distress, that an agreement she had made was not what she had been lead to expect it would be about – meaning that it was essentially made in bad faith by Mack and Raniere. Though of course, unfortunately that’s par in a high control group or cult, things are actually about manipulation and coercion, not higher principles. It reminds me a bit of Scientology’s claim to make people better at “communicating,” which in their case really comes down to giving and taking orders, and “disconnecting” from (shunning) anyone who disagrees – not improved ability to experes, collaborate and negotiate.

And I think that in the e-mail exchange, we clearly see Mack’s manipulative nature. She may have been manipulated and even coerced herself, but she went on to demonstrate a certain initiative as a perpetrator in her own right, as we see here, and unlike some others never was willing to leave once it had gone too far and she was being asked to do too much – and she even kept going back after a number of significant breaks away from the high control environment, of the sort that caused yet others to re-evaluate and leave.

4 years ago
Reply to  AnonyMaker

Yes, taking orders and groupthink. Nxivm at first seems remarkable for promoting ethics that is not ethical and feminism in the form of crude male dominance. I’ve started reading Sarah Edmonson’s book and for all its flaws it offers an inside look into the cult, and what jumped out at me immediately is that all these people were eager to follow orders. They craved a leader. They told themselves that this was a search for finding themselves, searching for meaning; the very fact that they went on about it so much is telling. They were all so obsessed with the issue finding meaning in their lives that it’s obvious what they really wanted was to be told, to be handed answers without ever having to think for themselves. So Raniere could tell them any kind of obvious nonsense and they believed. They craved something to believe in.

They are weak willed. They lack any sense of self. Inveterate joiners, looking to be dictated to. They not only lacked self-awareness, they didn’t WANT self-awareness. These are the kinds of people who get queasy at the very idea of asking questions. They’d never challenge their leader. Born followers, they’re the kinds of people who eagerly follow dictators down the merry path to Hell. And do his work for him, like good girls.

A Freudian would have a field day with these women’s daddy issues.

4 years ago
Reply to  AnonyMaker

when you say “others left after taking breaks” you mean exactly, because if that were true for everyone then it should NOT be left in DOS or NXIVM, but the reality is different.

Scott Johnson
4 years ago

There is also the element of a fraternity/sorority-like hazing justification going on, along the lines of “you should do this because I did it,” rather than it making any sense. At least Nicole didn’t die, which is common in frats, usually involving extremely high alcohol consumption.

4 years ago

Where is the part where Mack reveals her MONSTER side? This sounds like two girls bitchin at each other. When I write an unfriendly email to a person, then I might receive just the same thing back.

4 years ago
Reply to  ???

“This sounds like two girls bitchin at each other.”

Girl friends don’t force each other to have sex against their wills.

Scott Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  ???

You didn’t notice the up is down, left is right, right is wrong, head games?

4 years ago
Reply to  ???

Frank’s using Monster Side in the title is like using The Day of Infamy—hype for clicks.

4 years ago

As for Nicole, her response to the sex episode seems remarkably blasé. Looks to me like it didn’t really bother her all that much. She never actually objected to Raniere asking her to strip naked, put on a blindfold, get on the table and tied up. Apparently she didn’t even say “I don’t want to.” It is after all possible that she didn’t think it was all that big a deal.

In her e-mail the next day, she’s raging mad– but she’s mostly angry about being overworked, overwhelmed… and that her apartment is messy and disorganized! The sex with some anonymous girl in front of Keith… meh.

It’s not impossible that she felt that way. People do have sex, after all, it’s just a part of life. And as for kink, Raniere’s idea of bondage seemed rather plain-vanilla.

In the first chapter of “Scarred” Sarah Edmonson details her branding session at Mack’s house. She and the other women who were branded at the same session didn’t seem to object a heck of a lot, aside from the pain of the procedure of course. Edmondson gives no indication that she felt violated, and she nonchalantly held another woman down on the table while the procedure was performed. She willingly video recorded another’s branding. Her tone in telling this could be described as mildly resentful. Apparently nobody objected, nobody pleaded, and certainly nobody mutinied.

The chapter gives the impression that what bothered Edmonson the most was having to be naked in front of everyone. Which thereby gives the impression that she didn’t object all that much to getting branded, that it was in fact largely voluntary. She barely brings up the collateral, mentioning it only in passing as if it were incidental. From what she writes, it seems she went through with getting branded because if she objected or refused, it would be “turned around on her”, she’d be told she wasn’t keeping her commitments, etc. In short, refusing would be a big hassle. So she got up on the table and tried to be a good Nxian and not wriggle too much as the hot cauterizing pen marked her.

These people were fools.

4 years ago
Reply to  Actaeon

It’s possible that some of those involved in NXIVM and DOS had libertine attitudes towards sex to begin with.

However, it’s also important to keep in mind, as studies and research have revealed, that non-consensual sexual experiences result in trauma, which often then causes survivors to behave in unexpected, or even seemingly counter-intuitive, ways. It’s not possible to accurately gauge a person’s willingness or response related to sexual contact that may have been non-consensual and traumatic, from superficial accounts.

See, for instance:

Victim Responses to Sexual Assault: Counterintuitive or Simply Adaptive?
“This monograph will explore different psychological and behavioral responses to sexual violence and why these responses appear to be ‘counterintuitive’ to the general public.”

(longer abstract of same paper)

“A complex combination of individual characteristics and external factors influence how a woman will react to sexual victimization. Different psychological responses translate into different behavioral patterns or coping strategies for each survivor of sexual assault. Also, external factors–such as victim social support, severity of the assault, or a victim’s relationship to the assailant–may also have an impact on a victim’s psychological states and behaviors after a sexual assault. When the victim’s behavior does not meet normative expectations of the general public about how a sexual assault victim would logically feel and behave, this can raise doubts about the severity and the nonconsensual nature of an alleged assault. Rape myths include beliefs that rape is primarily sexually motivated (research shows it combines elements of power, anger, and sexuality); that rapists are primarily strangers to victims (most perpetrators are known to the victim); that the victim did something to cause the rape (no behavior warrants a person being raped); and that victims experience less psychological trauma when raped by an acquaintance (no differences have been found in victim psychological symptoms whether or not she knows the rapist). Public education about rape and prosecutors’ arguments to the jury in sexual assault cases should focus on the victim’s lack of consent to sexual contact with the perpetrator while cautioning the jury not to make judgments about the case based preconceptions about how sexual assault victims should feel and behave or the circumstance under which rape occurs. ”

4 years ago

To start my comment I hope that Attorney Neil Glazer sues the pants off of both Allison Mack and Keith Raniere.
Both are blackmailers, extortionists and sex traffickers.
Both are scoundrels and scumbags.
Hit them and every leader of NXIVM DOS or ‘the Vow’ with Civil RICO lawsuits for sex trafficking.

Allison Mack lured Nicole into NXIVM DOS with false promises of female empowerment and only delivered torture, enslavement and degradation.

And make no mistake about it.
Nicole was asked in court about the remarkable characteristic of Allison’s pubic region.
How would Nicole know?
Because she had seen Allison naked.
How had Nicole had seen Allison Mack naked?
Allison Mack was using Nicole as her own sexual slave.
Allison Mack had collected blackmail on Nicole that could be used to coerce Allison Mack’s student Nicole into having sex with her.
October 26, 2019 at 4:11 pm
Something’s not adding up. Allison was Nicole’s acting coach, Nicole was paying her for the stupid The Source program. So why were they sleeping in the same bed? Why were they in the bathroom together? This wasn’t your average coach-student arrangement…
They were lovers.”

October 26, 2019 at 5:44 pm

“It is your average teacher-student relationship if the teacher is having sex with the student.
That’s why I repeatedly have said that the sex slaves were for Allison Mack’s benefit as well as Keith Raniere’s.
That’s why the US Government should compel Allison Mack to surrender or forfeit all of the tuition money she collected through her bogus Source acting school.”

Allison Mack’s Pubic Hair Clues Nicole Into Raniere’s Intent to Traffic Her -‘ I like It Unshaved,’ Pervy Sex Cult Leader Says
Teacher Allison Mack had collected blackmail against Student Nicole and could use that information to coerce her student into a sexual relationship.

And Allison Mack considered any contact between Nicole and a man as a potential breach of the Master-Slave relationship Allison had with Nicole.

Allison Pimp Mack is not a victim.

Look at this gaslighting by Slave Master Allison Pimp Mack:

“Even prior to the May 31, 2016 sex trafficking experience, Nicole realized she was angry about being in DOS, angry at herself for giving collateral that seems to have compelled her to obey Allison.

Allison generally responded to this anger with, “You made this commitment.”

And when Nicole would persist in expressing anger, Allison would say, “Yeah, but you’re choosing to be angry; you don’t have to be angry about this, you’re choosing to be angry.”

First of all Nicole was tricked by Allison Pimp Mack into giving blackmail material as a condition for joiuning the group IT WAS NOT COLLATERAL.

And what kind of commitment is a Lifetime Commitment?
Even a marriage is not a Lifetime Commitment.

And what kind of relationship is it where the person has to keep an intimate daily journal where there thoughts and feelings are monitored?
And wrong thoughts and feelings are subjected to criticism and correction!
Any boyfriend who did this to a woman would be considered “controlling.”
“did her (Allison’s) gruesome, monstrously insensitive behavior arise out of her own slavery to Raniere.”

Enough of this attempt to paint Allison Pimp Mack as a victim.
Allison Pimp Mack is a Perpetrator.
People have to start taking responsibility for their own misdeeds.
No society can function where everyone is a victim.

Maybe Charles Manson was a victim.
Maybe Ted Bundy was a victim.
Maybe Keith Raniere was a victim.
Maybe Osama Bin Laden was a victim.
We’re all victims and no one is responsible for anything.

Allison Pimp Mack had plenty of fame and fortune.
She had a car to leave Clifton Park and Saratoga County at any time.
She traveled around the world by jet.
She had smartphones and lap tops to communicate with the whole world.
She lived near restaurants and grocery stores in Saratoga County so that she always had access to food.
She had three homes.
Two townhouses in Clifton Park and an apartment in Brooklyn.

Enough of this weeping and wailing how Allison Pimp Mack was a “victim.”
She was a victim of her own lust for power.
She was a victim of her own need to control others.
She was a victim of her own personal need for constant adoration.

America must never become a society of crybabies and victims like Allison Pimp Mack.
If you want to find a real victim look no further than Allison’s own family who were falsely accused by Allison Pimp Mack of sexually molesting her and her nephews.

4 years ago


I’ve noticed you have started to “boilerplate” your comments.

Is my observation correct?

4 years ago

I’ve seen the boiled frog analogy a lot here. The flaw in the analogy is that frogs are dumb animals. We expect people to be a bit smarter, a bit more perceptive and insightful than your garden-variety amphibian. Even dumbasses like Allison Mack should have more brains than a fucking frog.

She’s got no excuse.

4 years ago
Reply to  Actaeon

“Even dumbasses like Allison Mack should have more brains than a fucking frog.” Actaeon

I’m not so sure about that.
My father studied frog genetics under the late Professor Robert Briggs and frogs are usually smart enough to jump out of the water as soon as possible.
Professor Briggs was in a team that first cloned frogs back in 1952.

To me Allison Pimp Mack and her friends are dumber than the average frog.

Robert Briggs (scientist)

Robert Briggs (December 10, 1911 — March 4, 1983) was a scientist who, in 1952, together with Thomas Joseph King, cloned a frog by nuclear transfer of embryonic cells. The same technique, using somatic cells, was later used to create Dolly the Sheep. Their experiment was the first successful nuclear transplantation performed in metazoans. He was a scientist at the Institute for Cancer Research of the Lankenau Hospital Research Institute (now known as the Lankenau Institute for Medical Research) when the work was conducted.

4 years ago

Educate yourself so you don’t say bullshit,

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

VOA news???

Voice of America News?
You’ve got to be kidding!
I might as well get my news from Radio Moscow.
Radio Moscow is probably more accurate than VOA.
Why bother with propaganda from CNN and MSNBC when you can get government propaganda straight from the Source?

Here is the sorry truth:

So many Americans are so poorly educated by government schools that they no longer know right from wrong and they are too damned lazy to use their own brains.

Scott Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  Actaeon

It’s an analogy. Analogies are never perfect, they are approximations to illustrate a point. If an analogy is perfect, it would be identical to the point being illustrated and therefore it would fail to be an analogy or have any value in illustrating a point. You are truly as clueless as a frog.

4 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson

Scott Johnson,


“It’s an analogy”.


Scott Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  Niceguy

Glad I could make you laugh. It wasn’t meant as a joke, but since you’re a joke (not the funny kind), in a twisted way it makes sense. LOL

4 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson

Scott Johnson,

Who said I was laughing at Shadowstate1958….

I was laughing at you dumb-ass!

Here are some other Sott Johnson gems…

“died very often” & “murdered on the same day he died”, by Scott Johnson.

You are dumber than a box of recycled condoms.

Scott Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson

Show the link where I said those things.

4 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson


Here you go genius!!!

The article was on Jeffrey Epstein’s murder.

Scott Johnson
October 30, 2019 at 10:28 pm
Sorry Mark, nobody can really know whether someone is suicidal, especially someone who isn’t around the person who died very often. That would be you.

Your statement that your brother was murdered on the same day he died is an emotional reaction, based on zero evidence.

Sure, Epstein may have been murdered, but his brother isn’t evidence. Evidence such as DNA under the fingernails and the noose is evidence.

4 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson


No pithy reply?


Have a nice night chump change 😉

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083


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