Did Nxivm Leader Keith Raniere Rape Allison Mack?

Allison Mack

At the end of the day, I think it is very possible that Allison Mack could make a criminal complaint against Keith Raniere for rape based on my analysis of New York State law.

This would not be something that would be prosecuted by the feds. Rape is a state crime.

By her so doing, it would be a fine gesture and might set some precedent. It might also help her reestablish her reputation – or establish it as more of a victim than brutal perpetrator.

As it is there is an ongoing debate as to which she truly is.

Allison Mack has become a very polarizing figure on the Frank Report.

MK10ART’s Study of Allison Mack with her pubic brands in mind.

There are some who see her as a victim, some who see her as a perpetrator, and some who see her as both.

Valid arguments have been advanced for all three labels – and since she was never subjected to any sort of questioning under oath, we may never have a definitive answer as to how we should regard Allison.

Rather than try to resolve that issue, let me raise an even thornier one: did Keith Raniere rape Allison Mack?


What Constitutes Rape in New York State?

New York State recognizes three levels of rape.

Third Degree Rape: This occurs when a person engages in sexual intercourse with another person who (a) is incapable of consent by reason of some other factor than being less than 17 years old; (b) is less than 17 years old and the defendant is 21 years old or older; or (c) who withholds consent for some other reason than being incapable of consenting.

Second Degree Rape: This occurs when a person engages in sexual intercourse with another person who (a) is less than 15 years old and the defendant is 18 years old or older; or (b) who is incapable of consent by reason of being mentally disabled or mentally incapacitated.

First Degree Rape: This occurs when a person engages in sexual intercourse with another person who (a) is less than 11 years old; (b) is less than 13 years old and the defendant is 18 years or older; (c) is incapable of consent by reason of being physically helpless – or when the perpetrator uses “forcible compulsion” which is defined as the use of physical force or the threat of immediate death, physical injury, or kidnapping.


So, Did Raniere Rape Allison Mack?

Based on what we know, it seems likely that the sexual relationship between Keith and Allison started out as consensual.

MK10ART Meeting of the minds –Keith Raniere and Allison Mack with their thoughts about women meeting somewhere in the middle.

But what about after Keith required Allison to turn over “collateral” to him as part of his requirement to enter into a special relationship with her and later in the setting up of DOS?

As was previously disclosed on Frank Report, Allison’s collateral – which was to be released if she ever broke her commitment to Raniere – consisted of the following:

(1) A letter regarding her mother and father that would “destroy their character”;
(2) A contract that transferred custody of any children she might ever have to Keith;
(3) A contract that transferred ownership of her home to Keith; and
(4) A letter addressed to the state child welfare agency in which she claims her nephews were molested.

How would Allison Mack feel if she destroyed her parents or her nephews? Not nearly as bad as she would if she failed to be Raniere’s fuck toy slave?

Once Keith had Allison’s collateral, was their sexual relationship still consensual?

Did the collateral mean that Allison was no longer capable of consenting to sex with Keith because of her fear that he would release that collateral if she ever refused him?

When did Keith tell Allison that he wanted to start having threesomes with her and other women – before or after she gave him the collateral?

Based on New York State’s current laws, it would be difficult to charge Raniere with First Degree Rape or Second Degree Rape with respect to Allison.

But a prosecutor could certainly make a case for Third Degree Rape if Allison were willing to testify that the collateral made it impossible for her to consent to having sex with Keith – or that she only engaged in certain sexual acts and/or threesomes because of her fear that Keith would release the collateral if she didn’t.

At this point, it seems unlikely that Allison will ever press charges against Keith.

But doing so would certainly give her a chance to clean up her reputation to some degree – and to set the stage for a post-prison career.


Time to Change New York State’s Rape Laws

Despite its reputation as a “progressive” state, New York has been a follower rather than a leader on many social issues in recent years.

Legalizing Marijuana? The all-Democratic legislature and the Democratic Governor have yet to do that.

Legalizing Sports Betting? Yeah, they’re still working on that too.

Not Allowing Legislators To Hold Outside Jobs? Don’t even think of it! Even though they’re the highest-paid legislators in the country, New York’s legislators insist on keeping their outside jobs.

In recent years, other states have been moving towards a broader definition of rape.

For some states, this has involved a move away from the traditional definition of “forced non-consensual sex” to simply “non-consensual sex”.

But other states are considering an even broader change that would simply define rape as “coerced sex”.

One of the primary advocates for this broader approach is Scott Allen Anderson whose article “Conceptualizing Rape As Coerced Sex” summarizes his opinion on the subject.

Anderson argues that a victim’s “consent” or “non-consent” should not be part of the definition of the crime (He does allow that those issues could be part of an alleged perpetrator’s defense).

Instead, he believes that rape should be defined in terms of the perpetrator’s acts and mental state.

Did the perpetrator create and/or take advantage of their superior “power” to induce the victim to engage in sex?

While that “power” could be physical superiority, it could also be the kind of “power” that a supervisor has over an employee.

Or the kind of “power” that a producer has over someone auditioning for a part in a movie.

Harvey Weinstein

Or, of course, the kind of power that Keith Raniere had over Allison Mack once she turned over her collateral to him.


Would Allison Have Done the Same Things if There Was No Collateral?

There is no way of knowing whether Allison would have been willing to do all the heinous things she did if she had not given “collateral” to Keith.

Some observers have suggested that she reveled in being Keith’s “Madam Pimp” – and enjoyed inflicting punishment on her “slaves”.

MK10ART’s painting of Allison “Pimp” Mack

Others have argued that she was simply another one of Raniere’s victims.

It’s hard to calculate exactly how much the “collateral” affected Allison’s decision-making.

But when you combine the “collateral” with the sleep-deprivation, the starvation diet and the mind-fucking that were also part of the Raniere’s repertoire, it’s at least possible to see her in a much more sympathetic light.

What say you, Frank Report readers?


MK10Art’s depiction of Allison Mack reflecting on her threesome with Keith and Dani. But was her threesome actually coerced?

On Friday, March 4, 2016 10:19 AM, Allison Mack <allison@nxian.net> wrote [to keithraniere@yahoo.com]

i wanted to reach out to you both and thank you for this morning.

i arrived home and looked at myself in the mirror and what i saw was such beauty and grace.

i am new to this:

to being with more than one person.

to exploring and experimenting with my body and others in a free and open way.

to sharing and releasing and relaxing and enjoying.

the level of vulnerability is high and i feel nervous and insecure.

but when i am with you two something changes. i not only feel allowed to face this vulnerability with encouragement, i laugh my way through it.

i feel such gratitude for you both. you are the most dear souls to me and i feel such motivation to get better in every area of my life so i can provide even half the joy and satisfaction you have been able to introduce to my life.

i fight with my viscera sometimes – the unconventional approach to love and relationships is something i still wrestle with. but your care and commitment makes it so much easier. and what i find on the other side of this struggle is beyond what i ever imagined.

i am so glad to be tied to you for life.

i feel dedicated, eternally, to growing myself into a more loving, more kind, more generous, sensitive and genuine woman – even if it is only to be able to keep up with the two of you in the bedroom. 🙂

i love that i smell like a mixture of you both. i hold your love in my heart, it is obvious from the shine of my eyes.

“from wrong lead me to right.

from darkness lead me to light.

from death lead me to immortality”

within the shackles of commitment i find the greatest freedom of all. true love.





About the author

K.R. Claviger

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2 years ago

Kristin Kreuk and all the actresses were raped by Keith.

4 years ago

Let’s settle the issue of diminished capacity as a defense in a serious felony case.

Five years ago a young man in New York City named Thomas Gilbert shot and killed his father.
By all accounts Gilbert is a mentally disturbed young man.
Even the jurors believed that Gilbert has serious mental health issues.
Nevertheless Gilbert was found guilty of murder and sentenced to prison for life with the possibility of parole in thirty years.

Princeton Graduate Killed Father Over Allowance. He Got 30 Years to Life.

Just because Allison Mack was stupid enough to deprive herself of food and sleep does not get her off the hook for her crimes.

4 years ago

Who knows but at least Callum Blue isn’t afraid to talk about his involvement, unlike Kristin.


4 years ago
Reply to  Somebody

Talking now for the publicity more like it. Who the hell knows who this twit is otherwise. Frank needs to expose him for the coward that he is. Silent not brave when he could have helped expose the cult and the pedophile. Why didn’t he go to the press when he realized it was a cult. Maybe he could have saved 100s maybe thousands from getting into the cult. Maybe he would have inspired Catherine to speak out sooner instead of silently sneaking away leaving her daughter too be fucked in mind and body by Raniere, while grooming children for Keith when working at Rainbow. Catherine admits that she knew about Keith’s rape and pedophilia but ran away throwing India at Keith like the quokka, who toss their babies at predators so they can escape.This is what I’ve learned from the great commentors and the almighty Frank Parlato. Yes, yes. Anyone in the cult who left is a coward if they didn’t go to the press. Anyone who followed Keith supports rape and pedophilia, anyone who was in NXIVM is a liar,

4 years ago

From a strictly legal POV, has the prosecution even mentioned approaching this “collateral based rape” angle? If not, then there’s a good reason.

4 years ago
Reply to  BKH

If you examine Allison Mack’s so called collateral, who would be hurt by it if it were released?
Allison Mack’s fabricated story is that she was molested by a relative.
Hence Allison Mack’s collateral makes her out to be a victim.
Her story that her nephew was molested by a relative is also fabricated.
But who is hurt by it?
Not Allison Mack!
The falsely accused molester would be hurt.
Her nephew would be hurt but not Allison Mack.

And her collateral pledges her children if she ever leaves NXIVM or Raniere.
But Allison Mack has no children and does not even want children.
Allison Mack’s collateral is as empty as her head.

4 years ago

You are a pathetic idiot…Nothing else need to be said.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

“You are a pathetic idiot”

And Allison Mack, a woman who fabricates false allegations of child molestation, is not an idiot in your view.

4 years ago
Reply to  BKH

“From a strictly legal POV, has the prosecution even mentioned approaching this “collateral-based rape” angle? If not, then there’s a good reason.”
No, but that’s because they tried to try her more than to see the circumstances…
In a fair trial, anyone having collaterals on their head would be removed from the case or converted into witnesses…

They’re obviously not “willing” actions if there is collateral behind them.

But the Prosecution wanted the 15 Minutes of fame and sending Raniere to jail would do OK on a resume but Arresting and Jailing an actress…

What KR Claviger points out is a fact, the collateral is a means of force and therefore, it’s hardly consensual.
Sex that is non-consensual is Rape.

It’s not disputable and in this specific case, Allison was not willingly doing anything because of :
1. Collaterals
2. Diet that tempered her mind
3. Sleep deprivation to temper her mind

If the sex was done willingly, those would not be required!

If she wasn’t willingly having sex with him, and technically, is forced by the means of collateral, it’s non-consensual.
It’s a rape.

It’s not that you can’t prosecute it, it’s that they (prosecution) didn’t care about the potential victims of rapes…

4 years ago

“Based on what we know, it seems likely that the sexual relationship between Keith and Allison started out as consensual.”
Yes and no…From what is known, she was already collateralized (at least partly) when he started to have a “relation”…
She was also following the diet for a couple of years (at least)…I’d say it’s way more likely not consensual.

“When did Keith tell Allison that he wanted to start having threesomes with her and other women – before or after she gave him the collateral?”
It is after…It is known based on what was said in court and what is know from Raniere.
And since she was, anyway, under a forced diet (that tempered her judgment), it’s likely not consensual either.

“At this point, it seems unlikely that Allison will ever press charges against Keith.”
Well, can you blame her? How many raping charges are pressed by anyone against him? how many will likely be seriously considered?
Sadly, it’s difficult for a rape victim to obtain justice (unless there is an undisputable proof (like medical check-up showing the rape).

“There is no way of knowing whether Allison would have been willing to do all the heinous things she did if she had not given “collateral” to Keith.”
For those who personally know here, there is…She would never have done such a thing. many still have a hard time believing she was involved in any way because of that.
What was said in court, what some people say here, it’s not Allison.
She wasn’t perfect but she was not a criminal before Raniere tempered with her…
Also, I doubt the collateral would have been enough for her to fall…That’s why the diet was started BEFORE the collateralization…So she would accept more easily the situation (not being able to understand what is happening around)

Allison changed a lot (more than a normal person would…), she seems to be more reasoned since she started to eat properly but the in-between period (2014-2018) is making no sense for anyone knowing Allison.

“It’s hard to calculate exactly how much the “collateral” affected Allison’s decision-making.

But when you combine the “collateral” with the sleep-deprivation, the starvation diet and the mind-fucking that were also part of the Raniere’s repertoire, it’s at least possible to see her in a much more sympathetic light.”

Well, it’s not…see what Nicole accepted before she decided to say “fuck it”…and she wasn’t starved!
Collateral is undoublty affecting (especially Allison’s decision as she could never betray her nephews…that probably why Raniere chose this as part of the collateral. It’s amongst the last things she would have to give to him)

Anyway, for once, it’s a fresh (but a bit unrealistic as nobody will press those charges (and they could fit for many victims)) and it’s acknowledging the pressure mean against Allison that (completly) justify her acceptance of the situation.

Ticking Bomb
Ticking Bomb
4 years ago

Nope. Actually, the other way around… Allison Mack raped Keith Raniere. Yep, believe it. And she also raped or aided in the rape of the women she branded.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ticking Bomb

You are right.
Just watch that hour long video of Allison Mack talking to Keith Raniere, if your stomach can take it.
Allison Mack is literally reaching across the table to touch Raniere.
Raniere would have had to beat her off with a stick to keep her away.

4 years ago

WOW, this video has been online for several years, dozens of people saw it when Allison posted the link on his Facebook and Twitter account, many more saw it and commented on it when Frank published the history of the brand and slavery, and then when the accusation was made. The arrest and trial, no one said such a thing as she was harassing KAR on the table, but you and your eye “expert” and you discover everything, you must have a lot of “experience” with Women who harass men at the table, true shadow.

On the other hand, for those who pretend to be very smart and observant, here is something to think about.
When Allison published the link to this video in her FB and TT accounts, although I already knew who KAR was thanks to this blog and the stories published by Frank, I was surprised to see that many posted in response to the video’s theme and nobody considered KAR as a scammer who only speaks in salads of words, most focused on giving their opinion on the topic of the conversation and some even praised KAR, although no one saw him as Allison did, nor did anyone question the behavior of She’s weird, and if you don’t know who KAR is and the way in which Allison was involved with him, you wouldn’t pay much attention to detail, and here is precisely the reason why people like Allison who are absorbed by a cult, they end up rationalizing many things that happen in the cult and others are simply ignored, as if they were not part of reality, this is the focused thought that the NXIVM programs taught, to the students, who at first seems very positive, but then plays against it, allowing indoctrination to permeate their mind and in the case of some like women in the haren create compulsive obsections, making them more susceptible to suggestion.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

KR Claviger brought up the theoretical possibility that Allison Mack could charge Raniiere with sexual assault.
But observing Ms. Mack’s behavior it appears that she was quite anxious to jump on Raniere’s bone(s).

I don’t believe that allegations of rape or sexual assault should be bandied about frivolously.
Although we could ask Allison’s relative whom she falsely accused of sexual molestation in her so-called collateral which the FBI discovered.

Lots of people noticed that Allison Mack is “weird.”
How did she earn the nickname “Ally Wack”?

A woman who wakes up at 2 AM in the middle of the night screaming.
(That from Catherine Oxenberg’s book “Captive.”)
Or Oxenberg’s description of Allison Mack accompanying Raniere to a late night volleyball game acting as if she is “Queen of the Ball” while he is French Kissing all of the women.

A woman who walked all over Manhattan and Brooklyn with a scale in her purse to carefully weigh her food portions.

A grown woman who sticks out her tongue at every photo opportunity

You fanboys are unable to see anything negative about Ms. Mack.
Most sane people view her behavior as disturbed even before Raniere came along.

When one is an adult one must take responsibility for one’s actions, especially actions which are outrageous and harm others.
Excuses like:
I was brainwashed.
I was hypnotized.
I wanted to help people.
I wanted to help the world.
I was blackmailed.


And while we are on the subject many of the excuses used by Allison Mack’s fanboys could also be used by
Clare Bronfman.
Why aren’t you defending Clare Bronfman?

Allison Mack is more than eccentric.
Allison Mack is deeply disturbed.

Allison Mack is always gassing off about how she loves Philosophy.
Here is some philosophy that you NXIVM trolls and Allison Mack fanboys should learn from:
Aaron Tippin you’ve got to stand for something lyrics

4 years ago

Allison Mack was an enthusiastic recruiter and worker for Raniere for years.
In the words of the writer Paula Broadwell, Allison Mack was “All In” for NXIVM and Raniere.
Mack even went on Twitter to try to recruit the singer Kelly Clarkson and the actress Emma Watson for Jness and NXIVM.
And Allison Mack was a devoted follower of Keith Raniere to the bitter end, that is when Raniere et al. were indicted for pedophilia and Clare Bronfman’s legal trust fund started running out of money.

Here is a post Ms. Mack made to her Instagram account on August 23, 2017 as she was driving to Silver Bay YMCA with friends to celebrate V Week in honor of Keith Raniere.
This was two months after it was revealed that she was the Chief Harem Keeper in the Frank Report and that she was in charge of branding women.


Let’s read what Ms. Mack had to say and how the public responds to her sex trafficking:

Coffee shop stop on a short road trip north. I got good ingredients in my life… for sure. #nourishment #soulfood #inspiration #friendship

Friends or Sexslaves..that the question!
24w2 likesReply

You know what they do pedophiles in jail? Rikers island
41w1 likeReply

Grab you by the pussy pedophile
41w1 likeReply

I can only wonder if these people were trafficked?? You sick person
57w5 likesReply

73w4 likesReply

She tags everything with soul food and I cannot help but wonder if she is part of the elitist spirit cookers.
74w2 likesReply

74w4 likesReply

Hold down
96w2 likesReply

Are these the three who help you down your sex cattle, as you brand them?
96w6 likesReply

97w9 likesReply

omg are they your slaves? Recruiting???
97w10 likesReply

The public is sick and tired of Allison Mack’s dog and pony show and her non-stop lying.
Her fifteen minutes of fame is over and now it is time for Allison Mack to live a life of infamy.

4 years ago

“Ok, now take your pills and go back to your bedroom or i’ll call the security…you have a limited access to a computer in this mental facility ,mister.”

“The public is sick and tired of Allison Mack’s dog and pony show and her non-stop lying.
Her fifteen minutes of fame is over and now it is time for Allison Mack to live a life of infamy.”
Well she didn’t talk to anyone since she was arrested so hardly a “non stop lying” and i’d say it sound more like people are tired and sick of YOUR non stop lying…now back to your straitjacket…

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Allison Mack has plenty of air-headed fanboys and NXIVM trolls to lie for her.

Not to mention her wife Nicki Clyne.

4 years ago

Doesn’t make it less that your place is in a mental facility shadow clown…

Scott Johnson
4 years ago

I doubt a prosecutor would have much interest in a criminal complaint. However, with New York State’s new law, she could sue Raniere civilly, not that she could get much money, but the bar is lower in a civil lawsuit and she is more likely to win and claim victim status. Besides, what’s a girl in orange to do with all of her “free” time?

4 years ago

Shadowstate is going to have a breakdown when he reads this article! Or he is already pacing up and down the library shouting and muttering “she is evil, she is evil, SHE IS EVIL” as smoke rises from his laptop whilst he frantically writes his 1000th hate filled article…

4 years ago
Reply to  Truthseeker

“Or he is already pacing up and down the library shouting and muttering “she is evil, she is evil, SHE IS EVIL” as smoke rises from his laptop whilst he frantically writes his 1000th hate filled article…”

Response to Truthseeker/LieSpewer:

Libraries are places for study and quiet contemplation.
This library even has a cell blocker to block unwanted cell phone calls.
And the library computer is a desktop, not a laptop.

Who drafted this tripe for you?
The illegal alien from Canada, Nicki Clyne?

Girl Scout Cookies
Girl Scout Cookies
4 years ago

What happened to the abused horses stories?

4 years ago


4 years ago

Perhaps. Using the same standards, any of the women in Mack’s slave pod could bring charges against her for sexual assault. Same coercion, same “collateral”. Mack lied to them about DOS being a women’s group, concealing the fact that it was ultimately in service of a man, Keith Raniere. Deceived them about the meaning of the brand. The branding was done at her house. She was complicit in working out the details. She recruited them. With all this no jury would believe the women had given informed consent and were being branded of their own free will.

So if I were Mack’s lawyer I’d vehemently oppose her opening up that particular can of worms.

“…when you combine the “collateral” with the sleep-deprivation, the starvation diet and the mind-fucking that were also part of the Raniere’s repertoire, it’s at least possible to see her in a much more sympathetic light.” She deprived herself of sleep of her own volition, because she believed in Raniere’s methods. How could Keith know how many hours of sleep she got in her own house? Ditto the diet. So no, it doesn’t make me see her in a sympathetic light at all. All the more I see her as a fool who agreed with Raniere’s dopey techniques and voluntarily put herself through this deprivation. It’s a form of self-flagellation. And underlying this misplaced request for sympathy is the notion that if a person is a victim, they are a good person. It’s a false credit and debit system, stemming from the belief in a bi-polar world of victims and oppressors. In fact a person can be a victim and a complete asshole as well. Mack’s a prime example. She did the horrible things she stands convicted of and her having been mistreated by Raniere changes that not a jot. It’s not an excuse. So no, accusing Raniere of rape would not clean up her reputation one bit.

Now to Scott Allen Anderson and his theories. Rape is a terrible crime and the penalties are harsh, as they should be. Lowering the bar in defining rape is counterproductive. This has been tried in college campus Title IX tribunals and the results have been disastrous. Postmodernist and third-wave feminist concept creep has redefined rape as sexual assault and sexual assault as little more than the woman changing her mind at some point in the future. They guy turns out to be a creep? Bring him up on charges. Fortunately, what constitutes proof in a campus kangaroo court won’t fly in a real one, and these absurd cases have been overturned left and right. The Rolling Stone fiasco, the infamous Mattress Girl case, and dozens of others. Scott Anderson is a postmodernist and his theory reeks of postmodern dogma. “Conceptualizing” is a big thing with postmodernists, as they place great emphasis on how things are spoken of rather than how things are. It’s a linguistic hall of mirrors to them. They’re also big on power relationships. That’s a post-Marxist thing, power relationships. As in victim/oppressor. It replaced the old Marxist dichotomy of proletariat/bourgeoisie. Different words, same concept. So Anderson sees women as victims in the relationship: “Did the perpetrator [man] create and/or take advantage of their superior “power” to induce the victim to engage in sex? …that “power” could be physical superiority…”

Since most men are bigger and stronger than most women, any heterosexual sex could be seen as rape. As indeed it has been in the writings of Andrea Dworkin and Judith Butler (“all sex is rape”).

So no, reducing the legal definition of rape to a postmodernist absurdity would not be a good idea. For anyone.

4 years ago
Reply to  Actaeon


You finally wrote something I can agree with.


Ticking Bomb
Ticking Bomb
4 years ago
Reply to  Actaeon

Well said. You hammered that nail right where it belongs.

4 years ago
Reply to  Actaeon


How about, for once in your life, stopping to listen to the voice in your head and talk about what is REALLY happening!

Lying is all you can really do?
You also need some time in a mental facility because from here, you are no better than the old man that yell at clouds!

4 years ago

Wow! Very interesting and thought-provoking piece, thanks.

I agree that it’s hard to know about Mack – I think that’s what intrigues us about her. And without court testimony it is indeed hard to tell, though I’m hoping that future criminal or civil cases, and perhaps some investigative journalism, will shed more and better light on her case.

I’d just point out that Mack did have breaks away from Raniere and the environment of control in Albany – exactly the sort of thing that gave some an opportunity to eat, sleep, relax and reconsider. In particular, she had an especially long one of a couple months at the beginning of 2017 to do a play in California, just when things were coming unhinged and approaching their peak of abuse and depravity, and yet returned as always; and then she was apparently in California on her own, before she went down to Mexico to join Raniere one last time just prior to his arrest. I would think that would completely undermine any case that she was under coercion or something like “Stockholm Syndrome” with regards to the abuses and crimes she committed against others, and make a case for rape that much tougher.

Scott Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  AnonyMaker

Not all of “us” are intrigued about Mack as you are. Count me out.

Ticking Bomb
Ticking Bomb
4 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson

Yep, neither am I. Not one bit “intrigued” about her.

4 years ago
Reply to  AnonyMaker

And there he goes…the third village idiot reacts again to “disprove” (quote because he can never prove anything he states) something undisputable…

The “breaks” were rarely without anyone…when she was in LA for her San Diego play…if you paid attention to what I said.
She started to get away from all this but magically, Nicky (before their marriage)

And like KRClaviger said, you forget the collaterals (but you never consider them, never!)

You are just an idiot trying to analyze things he doesn’t understand…if you want to analyze like a professional, you have to consider both sides of the fence but YOU, you ignore WILLINGLY the facts that explain and when you can’t ignore them, you’ll try (and fail) to debunk them.

You are definitely no better than Shadow or Actaeon who live in a sick fantasy…

I mean now we have idiot that tries to pin a “rape” of Raniere on Allison!!!

Poor Raniere, let us release this poor victim…Allison managed to make him a criminal for more than 20 years…before she even met him once!
What a witch!

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Anonyfaker is a world class blowhard. Between him and his buttbuddy shadow, they destroy what credibility this blog once had. Ironically they are both obsessed with B grade actresses from a show long ago. Parlato would do the blog a huge service by flushing these two like rancid turds in the bowl.

4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

“Parlato would do the blog a huge service by flushing these two like rancid turds in the bowl.”
The blog ,yes but Parlato’s wallet is more important than the Truth…

4 years ago

Thank you for reiterating that Mack loves the smell of fish.

The Judge
The Judge
4 years ago

Jeez Louise, enough with this shit
Arent there other famous sickos who need exposing?? If you’re already working to do so, Frank, I apologize. I’m just sick of these NXIVM whackojbs. I have very little sympathy for cult members.

Scott Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  The Judge

Why do the other sickos have to be famous?

Girl Scout Cookies
Girl Scout Cookies
4 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson

That’s right Scott. You’re the perfect example.

4 years ago

Girls Scout Cookies,


You deserve 2 boxes of Thin Mints!!!

Scott Johnson
4 years ago
Reply to  Niceguy

…says the guy who says he will come on my radio show, then says he will only come on if Frank comes on, then chickens out after finding out that Frank was already on. LOL

4 years ago
Reply to  Niceguy

Seriously Johnson, why continue to be so damn dumb. Who in the fuck do you think would listen to the psycho niceboy, who is basically the crackpot Girl scout cookie in drag. Stick to interviewing your mother for all 2 of your listeners.

Scott Johnson
4 years ago

If you think someone who is helping educate others to not waste their time and money with MLM scams is a sicko, that makes you one.

Clifton Parker
Clifton Parker
4 years ago

[Proverbial light bulb goes off….] I can hear Mack dialing the phone to her lawyer now…..

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083
Email: frankreport76@gmail.com


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