Guest View: What is Rainiere Really Guilty Of?

By Friend of a Friend

Lying? Yes, he is a liar. He was not transparent about his role in DOS nor did he tell Nx adherants he had a harem.

Manipulation? Yes, he’s a manipulator. He manipulated everyone around him to doing his bidding, paying for courses that after the first course, just strung people along.

Sexual Addiction? Yes, he’s a sex addict. He does not have control over his sexual behavior and that sexual behavior has had negative consequences for his life

Narcissism? Yes, Rainiere is a narcissist. He requires everyone around him to serve and support him, especially women. No surprise he has a harem to take care of his incessant needs.

Pornography? Well, he’s taken pictures of naked women but he has not shared them on the internet so it is questionable if he is really a pornographer

Pedophila? Yes, he believes the age of consent for girls should be 12 in some cases. This is in keeping with traditional religion including early Christianity. I disagree with him and he should not have gone forth with having relationships with young girls because it can be very damaging for them. Was it damaging to Cami, the girl in question? Apparently not! And, this is the situation in question so I would not be prepared to convict Raniere on this if he were in relationship with her.

Tax Evasion, illegally crossing a border, falsifying documents etc? Has anyone here ever sent a sweater or a book abroad to a friend but you called it documents? If so, you’ve broken Federal law. The point is the government is reaching on a bunch of charges so they can find a reason to put him away. This is simply a means of social control to insure everyone pays taxes to pay the salaries of those in power and running the government. I am no Anarchist and I believe everyone should pay taxes but putting people in jail for minor offenses like falsifying a document is criminal on the part of the government. What the government is saying to all it’s citizens is:We are big and powerful and you should be scared of us. Well, IMO, intimidation is not the role of government.

Being easy to dislike? Yes, Rainiere is very easy to dislike. He’s an older guy with a lot of young, sexy girlfriends and gets as much sex as he wants. He also created a very successful business organization but does not live like a wealthy person. How does that make you feel? You and me are stuck with our wives and stuck working 9-5 doing some job we can’t wait to retire from. Aren’t you jealous of him? I am! Isn’t that the real crime? He has something we want: an unlimited stream of young, sexy women and the means to do what he wants every day.

Coercion? Yes, Rainiere was coercive. He collected collateral. He said he did it help others but I don’t buy it because it as not an effective means of behavior change. Negative punishment / self imposed coercive strategies have not been shown to be an effective motivator of enforcing life long behavior change. Apparently, no collateral was released so what should we charge Raniere with: using ineffective, medieval strategies?

Legal harassment and intimidation? Yes, he litigated unnecessarily and caused many people harm when he could have acted humbly, admitted his mistakes, made amends and moved on. Rainiere and Bronfman should pay people back for the harm they’ve caused them including Parlato, Ross and O’Hara and anyone else they’ve hurt. But, this is more of a civil matter than a criminal matter.

What does it come down to? A bunch of people got upset about human branding which is not a crime and then the government looked into everything and decided Rainiere was operating immorally. He was having lots of sex, had an underage girl friend at one time, making lots of money, slipping some people across the border, not paying people fairly and litigating anyone who complained and caused him problems. That’s it.

What should be done with Rainiere? Rainiere is an asshole. He’s a liar who doesn’t live up to what he preaches. What minister or religious leader does? He needs to be publicly shamed and pay those back whom he’s hurt. Does he deserve 15 years to life in prison? IMO, No! He’s just another jerk. He hasn’t committed murder, he hasn’t robbed banks or traded secrets to the Russians. He’s done nothing many of our present leaders haven’t done. He’s had affairs, lied about it, cheated people out of money. Sound like anyone you know?

About the author

Frank Parlato

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Freak 2
Freak 2
4 years ago

Eh!!!!….He stole, he lied, he committed rape against women & children, he held a women hostage for 2 years, he ruined lives, he acted as a pimp & a crime, boss, he had people killed for their beliefs. However subtle or however ludicrous, the jury saw & heard all the evidence and found him guilty on all counts! My creep factor was off the charts for the last two years. Thank god this monster has been taken out of circulation.

4 years ago

My exact thoughts. Thank you.

4 years ago

You conveniently left out the kidnap and detention of Daniela who said that she was starved and essentially tortured while in captivity. That’s hard to overlook. As far as the forced Labor and human trafficking charges are concerned simply because no one was held at gunpoint doesn’t necessarily mean that they weren’t trafficked. Which is why the legal definition of trafficking includes not only force but fraud and coercion as well. NXIVM was guilty of trafficking through the fraud/coercion variety, even IF his victims still think he was doing them a favor to this day. As victims of trafficking they aren’t allowed to simply declare they wanted it and have it suddenly be legal. Most victims, adult or minor, struggle with the fact they’re being trafficked for sometimes even years before they’ll finally admit that they were taken advantage of.

4 years ago

This didn’t age well.

FR Reader in MO
FR Reader in MO
4 years ago

What is Raniere Really Guilty Of?


Scott Johnson
4 years ago

I wondered what Agnifilo was doing while waiting for the verdict.

4 years ago

Written by “By Friend of a Friend”

Or was it written by “Fiend of a Fiend”?


124 posts
369 following
for fiends + framily
in the absence of ego, there is only alter

Who wrote this?
4 years ago

Any guesses who wrote this article? Lucas? One of the remaining Vancouver crew? Jim Del Negro? Whoever you are, it seems you at least know Raniere is a charlatan. But yes, he deserves to rot in jail. He’s a con man who has done harm to too many. Guys like him deserve to rot. And maybe worse.

Friend of a Friend
Friend of a Friend
4 years ago

Yes, Raniere is a charlatan and he does deserve jail time. He took everything way to far.

But how badly did he hurt people? Who did he kill? Did he collaborate with the Russians on getting dirt on political opponents?

Life imprisonment, No.

4 years ago

We don’t know how many were killed. He just said, on camera, “I’ve had people killed.”

Others were driven to suicide.

Life in prison?


4 years ago

How badly did he hurt people? Simply take Dani’s family, he obliterated their bonds with each other. They will never recover, perhaps their ability to create trusting, fulfilling relationships no longer even exists in them. For no reason other than he wanted to have sex with the girls. Families are a foundational unit of communities and society. And I mean families in the broadest of possible, non-traditional terms. He denied Dani’s right to an education, to a life created by herself, denied her the right of a loving partner chosen by herself. She had to live through the trauma of seeing this monster groom her younger, underage sister for sex, and then be pitted against her for his attentions. That is not merely repellent, it is an abomination. In her telling she had to put herself together piece by piece, her self-esteem, her ability to love life and others, and it is a testament to her indomitable spirit and and a drive to create a life for herself on her own terms that has allowed to overcome this trauma. Who did he hurt? This girl and her family. That should be enough.

Clifton Parker
Clifton Parker
4 years ago
Steven the questioner
Steven the questioner
4 years ago

Can someone tell me why Raniere was not charged with pedophilia?

4 years ago

Raniere might be charged with pedophilia in the Northern District of New York (Albany) which is where most of the sex crimes actually took place.

4 years ago

“He’s done nothing many of our present leaders haven’t done. He’s had affairs, lied about it, cheated people out of money. Sound like anyone you know?”

These are all very good points.
Keith Raniere is a scumbag.
And he had the good fortune to find very rich, very dumb women with low self-esteem who are gullible and easy to manipulate.

1.) “Lying? Yes, he is a liar.”

Show me a politician who has not lied

2.) “Manipulation? ”

Show me a politician or businessman who has not manipulated people.
There is a whole advertising industry on Madison Avenue built around manipulating people.
Raniere’s own father was in advertising.

3.) “Sexual Addiction? Yes, he’s a sex addict. ”

Both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump can be described as sex addicts.
Indeed Trump ran the Trump Modeling Agency that imported very young ultra skinny models from Eastern Europe.
These foreign women did NOT have work visas.

2 models who worked for Trump’s controversial agency tell what it was like for them

Today, Trump Models represents more than 100 women, which, along with its main line of talent, includes a “development” line, which focuses on new talent, and a “legacy” line, which represents more experienced models. Trump Models’ website says that the agency “is the brainstorm and vision of owner, Donald Trump.”

Coming to America, without a visa
“I was 17 years old the first time I came [to New York] and one of the girls I was with was 14,” one of the models said. “She was told to tell people she was 15 because they know that a lot of people would feel difficulty working with a 14-year-old.”

According to accounts from both models, they were specifically instructed by Trump Model agents not to take their portfolio books with them on the plane, as doing so can be a red flag to customs agents. They said Trump Models gave them the address of a booker and told them to tell customs that they were visiting a friend at that address. Under no circumstances were they supposed to tell customs that they were models.

On this second trip, she stayed at the “model apartments,” where many would stay while in town on jobs.

“It’s a box. It’s tiny,” she said. “There’s a living room with an open kitchen … a tiny bathroom, the bedrooms, and in each room there was two bunk beds.”

4.) “Narcissism? Yes, Rainiere is a narcissist. ”

Many of the women around Raniere are actresses who by their nature tend to be narcissistic.

5.) “Pornography?”

Many women to impress or capture boyfriends sext pictures of themselves.
In survey, 88% of U.S. adults said they had sexted and 96% of them endorsed it

6.) “Pedophila? ”

I personally believe that teenagers should wait at least until they are 18 to engage in sexual relations.
Teenagers while they are physically able to engage in sex still in many cases do not understand all of the ramifications of having an intimate relationship.

Regarding Pedophilia both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump have been friends with the convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and political pressure was used to give Epstein a very sweet deal after Epstein abused eighty girls.

That said Youtube and other websites display content that can and does appeal to pedophiles.

On YouTube’s Digital Playground, an Open Gate for Pedophiles

How YouTube was recommending kids’ videos to pedophiles
By Matt Field, June 13, 2019

On YouTube, a network of paedophiles is hiding in plain sight

7.) “Tax Evasion, illegally crossing a border, falsifying documents etc?”

A common reaction of people “I love My Country but Hate My Government”
comment image

8.) “Being easy to dislike?”

I assume that many of the cops and public officials who investigated Raniere over the years were envious of him.

9.) “Coercion?”

Coercion or Blackmail is always an ugly business.
Everyone has done something for which they are ashamed.
Raniere would have been well served to have avoided this practice.
He had everything he needed (sex and money) without blackmail.

10.) Legal harassment and intimidation?

I believe that a lot of the animus towards Raniere was the fact that he abused the legal system to harass his perceived enemies.
And now the legal system is finally fighting back.

Raniere is not the only cult leader accused of abusing people.
Several stories have already been published about the Ramtha cult.
And Buzzfeed is publishing a series of reports about the Self-Help Guru Tony Robbins and how he abuses his followers.

Tony Robbins Has Been Accused Of Groping More Women And Mistreating Vulnerable Followers
(One Hour old News Story)

Nine more former followers and staffers have come forward to accuse the world’s most famous self-help superstar of inappropriate behavior in the wake of a BuzzFeed News investigation.
Jane Bradley
Investigations Correspondent
Katie J.M. Baker
BuzzFeed News Investigative Reporter
Posted on June 19, 2019, at 12:06 p.m. ET

And for the Record Tony Robbins is close to both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump.

4 years ago

Um ….

“You and me are stuck with our wives and stuck working 9-5 doing some job we can’t wait to retire from. Aren’t you jealous of him? I am! Isn’t that the real crime? He has something we want: an unlimited stream of young, sexy women … ”


That’s a pathetic description of yourself and your situation, and it’s led you to a complete misunderstanding of the case against Raniere. The young, sexy women you’re fantasizing about having in unlimited streams — does your fantasy include coercion through blackmail?

Or are you thinking they’re going to arrive with their clothes off because you’re just that awesome? Raniere pretended to be that awesome, but he knew he wasn’t, which is why he hid his involvement until the blackmail was in hand.

At least the government is up front about what it’s doing, and is playing by the rules of the system that authorized it to have power over citizens. Raniere was lying and manipulating people without their knowledge, and even by his own special rules, he was cheating.

4 years ago
Reply to  hitchhiker

well said – I’ll take you as far as the county line.

4 years ago

He’s guilty of the very specific charges that were brought against him. Those are the crimes he is guilty of, and those are the crimes he will go to prison for.

4 years ago

Dearest Friend of a Friend,

Please kindly return to your Troll Lair from whence you came.

Friend of a Friend
Friend of a Friend
4 years ago
Reply to  niceguy

The truth is too much to bear? Raniere had all the sex he wanted, all the money he wanted, all the freedom he wanted. And you and me, what do we have? Leftovers for dinner, whatever beer is on sale at Stop and Shop and a partner that watches everything I do.

I’m not saying Raniere is not guilty of all crimes; it’s just that he’s getting a raw deal because he’s living the life everyone secretly wants to have.

4 years ago

omg you have rancid brains f of f ….. NO ONE in THEIR RIGHT MIND secretly wants ANYTHING ANYTHING this dude exuded


money sex material is meaningless WITHOUT PURPOSE and GRACE and efforts TOWARDS LIFE not away from it

please get your priorties straight or you will never know a day’s simple joy because the sun rose

4 years ago
Reply to  chickyrogue

I agree with you that Friend of a Friend is a douchebag who’s got a perverted sense of the world.

However, your comment about sex being meaningless WITHOUT PURPOSE is not only incorrect, but laughable. You obviously don’t know men.

Look, as human beings we all want true love and all that fairytale shit.

However, having hot women offer up their fresh pussy is something EVERY man wants and will partake in, when given the opportunity. Including YOUR man, if you have one. 🙂

Even ‘Niceguy’ (who claims to be happily married) would easily partake in extra marital pussy if a hot playboy model threw herself at him and offered up her vagina for the evening, especially if wifey was out of town and he could get away with it.

If he denies it then he’s simply a FUCKEN LIAR.

He’d be all over that pussy. So would any man.

Sex and pussy don’t need ‘meaning’ to be a fruitful endeavor, as long as said pussy is offered with full consent from the women.

But I do agree with you that all sane men would reject Keith’s tactics.

I just don’t agree that all men need ‘meaning’ and ‘purpose’ when getting some pussy. 🙂

FR Reader in MO
FR Reader in MO
4 years ago
Reply to  chickyrogue

Chickyrogue- Thank you for saying that. “Friend” has twisted values and is without grace or beauty. I hope he finds it.

4 years ago

So do many people. But they don’t do it the Raniere way.

And no. I never wanted his life. Not at all.

4 years ago

Friend of a friend (Bangkook…?)

Why in the world would any man be jealous of a short, gawky-looking, cross-eyed wimp who suffers from ED? He may have had multiple young women under his manipulative control, but he didnt have an intimate relationship with any of them, and from what we’ve heard, his sex life sounded really crappy ( at least from the women’s point of view…)

Can’t image that anyone would be envious of that.

4 years ago

The truth is that none of truly exist.

Nothing any of us do has any true consequences in the context of the universe.

The only thing that matters is what you believe.

“I think, therefore, I am. “

orangecountydreams - OCD
orangecountydreams - OCD
4 years ago

Not me. I don’t want a life without meaning. I don’t want to trick people out of money and services. I don’t want to live as a complete and utter fraud. I don’t want to spend my life smirking at and ridiculing those who actually love me.

I don’t want to be a “Vanguard.”

If your life is “leftovers for dinner, whatever beer is on sale at Stop and Shop and a partner that watches everything I do,” you can and should do something to change that. Maybe your own choices and perceptions have led you to lead the kind of life that makes you unhappy.

You should taste some of MY leftovers – they are sublime! MY partner is the love of my life and soul mate. And I drink Chardonnay, not beer.

4 years ago

” … you and me, what do we have? Leftovers for dinner, whatever beer is on sale at Stop and Shop and a partner that watches everything I do.”

Pathetic life, pathetic guy.

4 years ago
Reply to  niceguy

Sometimes even trolls tell the truth.

Raniere is a scumbag who flourished in a corrupt culture.

Friend of a Friend
Friend of a Friend
4 years ago

Yes, the culture was corrupt. It was set up to serve Raniere and not to serve humanity.

4 years ago

I like the quote from the late comedian George Carlin.

When you’re born in this world you get a ticket to a three ring circus.
When you’re born in America you get a ring side set to that circus.

NXIVM is a ring side seat to the American Circus.

Friend of a Friend
Friend of a Friend
4 years ago

“NXIVM is a ring side seat to the American Circus”

Brilliant line! Do you mind if I steal it? LOL! No really, what do believe Nx says about life in the USA?

4 years ago

“Friend of a Friend”

“Do you mind if I steal it?”
Go ahead.
I took the line from the late George Carlin.
No matter how grim the news is, and the news about NXIVM was usually grim, I tried looking on it as a strange form of entertainment.

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083


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