Kristin Kreuk defender, Sultan of Six, posts threatening photos on Twitter

Sultan of Six has taken to Twitter to do more than defend Kristin Kreuk.

He is sending a stern message to Frank Report commenters and Frank Parlato himself.

Beware. Do not criticize Kristin Kreuk!

In a Tweet with two pictures, Sultan depicts himself shooting a male person. He then asks himself, “Sultan of Six – why would you do this?”

Screenshot from Sultan’s Twitter feed. In the top picture, Sultan apparently shoots a man for despoiling the reputation of Kristin Kreuk. Is the man supposed to be Frank Parlato – publisher of Frank Report, that vile man who allows people to write bad things about Sultan’s beloved fantasy girl? Or is he shooting Angry Canadian, Scott Johnson or any and all anti-Kreuk commenters? In the lower picture, after the fantasy killing, he asks himself, “Sultan of Six – Why would you do this?”

A few days ago, Sultan stopped commenting on Frank Report, where he could be relied on to defend anything adverse that any commenter wrote about Kreuk.

He started his own blog and began tweeting about his amour and against “trolls” who chastise her on Frank Report.

Yesterday, Frank Report revealed the surprising news that sources claim Sultan is neither a friend nor one of Kreuk’s lovers.  In fact, he never met Kreuk, the woman he’s spent countless hours defending over nearly a decade.

Sultan of Six is not his real name. No one knows his true identity. Not even Kristin Kreuk.

On his Twitter account, Sultan often speaks about masturbation and calls out with increasing rage his disdain for “trolls’ on Frank Report. He criticizes them for not using their real names, while, at the same time using the moniker Sultan of Six to hide his identity.

Sultan claims to hold a job [possibly a delusion/fantasy] where he works behind a computer in the travel industry and from where he often posts his defense of Kruek.

Here are some of Sultan’s increasingly disturbed tweets:

Most of them are in reply to commenters on Frank Report – and some are addressed to me.




Mar 10

Hey Frankie @frank_report, when are you going to publish another article on how much semen I’ve jacked off to Kristin Kreuk? WTF does that have to do with seeking justice for #NXIVM? Is it because of my curry eating, brown skin and my religion? FUCK YOU and racist Scott Johnson.




Mar 11

“Baby, it’s cold outside” and your fucking hundred other aliases “Angry Canadian” at  @frank_report Fuck you too you bigoted, whiny bitch, stalking, cowardly crying loser. #nxivm




Mar 12

The bigoted sociopath “Angry Canadian” on @frank_report talking about other people having psychological issues and hissy fits when the little projecting coward hides behinds a hundred aliases because he’d get his ass kicked in reality if he said what he did to someone’s face.




Mar 12

The @frank_report  combox is a mental masturbation fest of whiny bigoted Trumptards crying about virtue signaling, libtards, foreigners, celebrities, and everyone else they’ve lost to and need a place where they mentally jack each other off to feel better about their loser selves.




Mar 12

“Obsessed much?” Not me you turd blossom @frank_report . Keep projecting like the stalking sociopath that you are. How many times you stalk Kristin Kreuk and me on social media accounts? What’s the matter? Can’t you show your real face to her and say this? Come on you big pussy.




Mar 12

How many hundreds of aliases you take on you whiny little bitch? Why don’t you reveal your true feelings without the mask to hide behind. Show your true feelings to your employer you little chicken shit.




Mar 12

Big man talking behind your aliases while projecting and doing all the same things you claim others do you big two-faced hypocrite.




Mar 12

And here again. Jesus Christ is this all you do all day? And look at the little chickenshit telling others to go kick my ass while hiding behind his hundred aliases. Do you even have a job to go to from under the bridge with your fellow trolls?




Mar 12

Look at these losers. Taking pride in slandering people like Kristin Kreuk. Big man with his hundreds of aliases.




Mar 13

This is the kind of boys Frank Parlato’s milkshake at the @frank_report brings to and allows in his yard for #nxivm.




Mar 13

Scotty Potty, you’re really stupid and haven’t got the foggiest idea how groups like #nxivm work. Let’s see a picture of your 60+ year old face and body with the mental maturity of a ten year old who was fooled by Amway for over a decade he cries about it on @frank_report




Mar 14

Poor guy talking about other people having meltdowns @frank_report. Patients in the insane asylum are laughably diagnosing others with issues. Seek professional help for your anger, bigotry, stalking, and stupidity. Unfortunately, sociopathy and stupidity have no cure. #nxivm




Mar 14

Oh Frankie Parlato. Starts his bigoted bullshit and gets called out for it and then complains about it. Pretends to be some justice warrior and can’t even be fair on his own website. You can’t have justice without fairness Frankie. #nxivm.




Mar 14

Easy to talk in the mental masturbation fest of like mind bigots and the conversations you have with yourself in the comments.




Mar 14

The idiots over @frank_report still trying to blame a person who REACTS as opposed to their constant ACTIVE attacks against the celebrity involved. Sociopaths always blaming the other and not taking responsibility for their own actions. #nxivm




Mar 14

As if I’m ACTIVELY posting misinformation and slander against the celebrity as opposed to REACTING to it by attempting to clear it up and rebut it. These idiots would blame the guy who defended a woman from attempted rape for the attempted rape itself. Stupid is as stupid does.




Mar 15

So fucking dumb. This account and my lack of a care to set up a “pretty” blog has nothing to do with her. Has to do with my ego and your shitty behavior. Never seen a bunch dumber idiots mentally masturbating each other in the comments section of a blog.  @frank_report #nxivm




Mar 15

Can’t rationally argue the points, they start mentally jacking each other off in their political views, anti-Kreuk hysteria, bigotry, and ineptitude. The blog CONTENT is what matters and has to do with her. It’s what I used to do on the Frankie Report.





Pot meet kettle, Frankie. If I spend an “inordinate amount of time defending her”, what does that say about you when I simply REACT to the articles you put out? Whoops. @frank_report #nxivm





LOL @ “enraged”. This fake account is just to show what an old bigot Frank and his audience is. I’m quite sane. Don’t group me with these people. The only thing I’m “crazy” of is being rational, patient, & trusting people in this #nxivm BS more than I should have. @frank_report


At first, it was thought that Kristin Kreuk lie awake at night waiting for Sultan to come home to her after a hard day of defending her honor. Now it appears Sultan has never met Kreuk and she does not know who he is.


A psychiatrist told Frank Report, “While I would have to personally examine ‘Sultan’ to make a diagnosis – based on his online rantings, and his zealous defending of the actress Kristin Kreuk, I suspect his disorder is erotomania. A person with erotomania has a delusional belief that another person is in love with him or her despite clear evidence against it.  The object of the person’s delusions is often a celebrity or a person of a higher social status. In Sultan’s case, it is Kreuk. Sultan may believe she is communicating with him and affirming her love, using secret messages, urging him to keep up the brave fight of defending her honor.”


This sad and lonely man may have a delusional disorder.

Kristin Kreuk is a Canadian taxpayer-funded actress, who for several years served as a Nxivm coach and whose celebrity was used to recruit followers into the cult that branded and blackmailed women. It is believed that she does not know Sultan of Sick [sic].

About the author

Frank Parlato

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[…] At one time, when criticism of his Canadian princess ran high, Sultan communicated a desire to shoot me with a pistol. […]

5 years ago

Somewhere Gina must be laughing her ass off over all this bullshit her death is still somehow causing in my life — if she’s ever awoken from the stupor these imbiciles had her in for so long…

Relevant to nothing but the Scott Johnson / Dennis Burke identity debate in which I am implicated somehow:

I believe Scott Johnson uses multiple identities under different IPN devices — he may reset his router, have burner phones, etc. — to threaten, mock, harass and slander other users on FR and other SM.

I believe “Bangkok” is one of those alias.” I believe Scott Johnson is PRETENDING to be Dennis Burke — at one point they convinced me I was conversing with Dennis Burke, Nancy Salzman and an attorney “Duran” in Mexico regarding Emiliano Salinas and Jeff Peterson.

This is all in FR comment history. I have no way of knowing if Scott Johnson was successfully imitating Dennis Burke and Jeff Peterson or if they really were the alleged. However, as I believe Mr. Johnson uses many aliases on FR it is very possible he was the imposter.

I do not know if Mr. Johnson is also the person calling himself sultan of six who allegedly set up a disturbing Twitter feed threatening me, Kristin Kruek and others. Please report any further threats or suspicious activity involving Mr. Scott Johnson in particular. Frank can forward emails to me with any information.

Thank you and Happy St. Paddy’s 🍀

5 years ago

Insane in the membrane
Insane in the brain?!?

Pea Onyu
Pea Onyu
5 years ago

Phoolan Devi took the law in her own hands and she is considered a heroine. Lorena Bobbit took the law in her own hands

5 years ago
Reply to  Pea Onyu

Pea Onyu, aka Nicki Clyne:

Please don’t do anything you might live to regret.
Your wife Allison will need you in her life as a rock of stability.
You won’t do her any good by committing a rash act that will take you away from her.

Nicki, you know how I feel about what your wife did.
But I believe in fair play and the possibly of rehabilitation.
I believe in non-violence wherever possible.
Violence will only make a bad situation worse.
And if Allison has any chance to rebuild her life, it is only with the help of lovers and friends like you.

5 years ago

I agree. can someone love bomb this child

5 years ago
Reply to  Pea Onyu

She took her disloyal husbands cock into her hands 🙂

5 years ago

Give Sultan a break. He just got the boom lowered on his entire love life by a white sound guy in a turban and manpurse.

Also, everyone but Schlock should prol stay off that website domain.

5 years ago
Reply to  Heidi

I think you upset the smelly spanker Heidi…

Remember, the Spank Maestro worships the pedophile muhhamed who raped little girls, including little Aisha. Spanky claims it’s not pedophilia if the girl can get pregnant, irregardless of her age.

Also, what do you mean by “white sound guy in a turban and manpurse”.

Scott Johnson
5 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I agree with Sultan’s tweet. Plus, he’s probably just trying to keep his chance of getting protate cancer low:

5 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous


Congratulations, you just hit a new low with this latest tweet from your fake Sultan of Six twitter account.

Wow, Scott, you are certainly obsessed with Heidi. Heidi and all the other women you attack on Frankreport must psychologically represent to you all those women that rejected you over the years.

Scott do realize that depending on which state Heidi currently resides in she may be able to now file criminal and or civil charges against you for cyber/internet stalking?

I am so sorry selling Amway soap for 8 years never worked out.

You must still have thousands of bars of soap sitting around your parent’s home from your Amway days…. maybe when your mom and dad finally kick you out….you can build a new home out of Amway soap bars. 🙂

5 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

comment image?w=473&ssl=1

Feb. 21 — Sultan posted a pic on FR of Kruek with her latest BF, Eric Putzer, urging us all to finally leave KK and the lovebirds be and free of any undeserving hate over the sins of her past guru grandmasters whose dicks Kruek should have cut off when she had the chance.

There was, however, a sublime, sharp note of genuine broken-heartedness in Sultan’s post; a bitter hint of lurking rage that gave pause. Perhaps Toni Natalie, who knew Sultan years hence from another blog, is correct in her assessment that Sultan is neither Kruek’s publicist nor father, anyone with a professional interest in Kruek’s career — my #1 theory — but he IS a decades-devoted fan suffering from severe “Erotomania” who’s mathematically evaluated probability does seem to weigh in favor of the “Spanker” vs. “Pro Troll” theory this matter. [And I’ll even bet you Sultan’s getting some real deal on the side.]

Putzer’s outfit and demeanor struck me from memory as that of a “poser” — a white guy petending to be cool by looking as not white as possible. I’d forgotten about the medallion but the turbanesk headwear and purse and that devilish, pointy-ass leoprocan beard…

Insulting, really, after all Sultan’s done for KK on social media for her to up and go for the stage sound hand who copped Sultan’s “real” schtick?!

Happy St. Paddy’s Day!

5 years ago
Reply to  Heidi

In honor of Saint Patrick, who is known for the first Irish Church and driving the snakes out of Ireland, fighting monsters, in conversation with great warrior heroes of Ireland ,the Fianna and raising the dead.

Happy St. Patricks Day

soy boys, brown stalkers and cous cous
soy boys, brown stalkers and cous cous
5 years ago
Reply to  Heidi

“Putzer’s outfit and demeanor struck me from memory as that of a “poser” — a white guy petending to be cool by looking as not white as possible. I’d forgotten about the medallion but the turbanesk headwear and purse and that devilish, pointy-ass leoprocan beard…”

White soyboys are emasculated losers who hate their own race. I wish more women tell them they are pussies. My pimp hand starts to shake when I see soy boys wear woolly hats inside thinking they are cool. In that picture, his hat looks like a condom gently placed on the tip of a penis. A lot of soy boys grow beards to try and look cool. They think it makes up for their emasculation. Clean shaven, their weak jawlines stick out like Keith Raniere’s little penis in a kindergarten room. Canada is saturated with soy boys. Pretentious coffee shop/sushi bar dwellers, wearing the condom-hat and beard/face wig, sipping on a soy latte, while typing out a “screenplay” on a laptop right in the center of the place for all to see. And these awful “manpurses” and “man buns” too.


“Perhaps Toni Natalie, who knew Sultan years hence from another blog, is correct in her assessment that Sultan is neither Kruek’s publicist nor father”

If Toni Natalie read Saratoga In Decline, she may of caught a whiff of desperation in the comments sections regarding Kristin Kook. A combination of cous cous, mango chutney, diesel fuel and explosives… and jizz.

5 years ago

Kristin Kreuk liked this tweet by this homosexual indigenous Indian arrogantly bashing a white man for his articles on Native Americans. Her tv show panders to native Americans as it is a new way for white liberals to self loathe and feel morally righteous.

So Kristin Kreuk believes this man is incapable of giving an honest assessment on Native Americans but the people who make up her virtue signalling tax payer funded show are qualified to tell people what to think about Indians?

How about 7/10 missing and murdered indigenous people are men, not women.

How about the Indian slave trade that existed long before whites arrived and the fact Indians kept black African slaves.

How about all the massacres Indians committed against white settlers?

How about Indians fighting together with white colonies against other colonies and tribes?

Washington Redskin
Washington Redskin
5 years ago
Reply to  SultanBait

So many Indian tribes attacked and enslaved other tribes. Don’t forget the violent Aztecs and what they did to the Maya and Inca tribes in Mexico and Central America.

Leftist libtards are truly clueless when it comes to actual history.

5 years ago

Is this meme just an attempt by someone using Sultan of Six’s name or alias t\o discredit Sultan of Six?

Let the real Sultan come on the Frank Report to confirm or deny this thought.

5 years ago

Thank you Shadowstate for being the voice (commentor) of reason.

I assume that you have come to the same conclusion that I have, by the preponderance of evidence at hand that the writing style, grammar, and vocabulary in no way match Sultan of Six.

Shadowstate like you I assume that Sultan of Six is casually checking the Frankreport.
Sultan please come back and address these baseless accusations and defend your good name and at the very least plead dismiss this bullshit. My guess is the mathematician(Bangkok i.e. Scott ) is behind it. Sultan we have one thing in common our disdain for Bangkok(Scott). I believe if you come forward that Bangkok(Scott) will finally be banned for crossing the line and making physical threats.

5 years ago

The meme could also be interpreted that Frank Report & commenters are shooting Kreuk.

And Sultan is asking ‘Why?’

But, the first time I saw it, I thought Sultan was saying he was angry & was going to dust someone. BOOM!

Not funny Sultan. Esp right now.

5 years ago
Reply to  NoisyMouse

Omar, you have rattled the psychotic cage of crazed lunatic Sultan Of Sick…


Didn’t you say it was your production company that filmed those Girls By Design videos and that the crew were creeped out by Kreuk’s culty behaviour?

Also, was it you who said you went to Kreuk’s house for a NXIVM house party/parties hosted by Mark Hildreth and that he was a leach not paying Kreuk any rent!?

Pea Onyu
Pea Onyu
5 years ago

Has anybody stopped to think that if someone had stopped Adolf Hitler before he became the Fuhrer how much better the world would be?

5 years ago
Reply to  Pea Onyu

Pea Onyu, aka Nicki Clyne:
No one has the right to take the law into his or her own hands.
That’s why Keith, Clare and Allison are now in so much trouble.
And how would Sultan or anyone else know who the next Hitler is?

5 years ago
Reply to  Pea Onyu

Kind of like if Heidi would have called the cops when she seen a grown ass man crawling through her sisters window or when all these idiots seen any of the long list of atrocities long before the lives of woman were lost, rapes and loss of peoples hard earned money?

5 years ago
Reply to  Peaches

Do you have a friend who can help you translate that comment to English, please, peaches?

Scott Johnson
5 years ago
Reply to  Heidi

I already did that, Frank hasn’t posted it.

I smell a brown beetle
I smell a brown beetle
5 years ago
Reply to  Heidi

“Peaches” may be SultanOfStalk. He already has insulted you on twitter regarding your sister.

5 years ago
Reply to  Heidi

I think Peaches is asking why you and your not-so-bright family didn’t report Keith to the police years ago when you realized he was a 30 year old pervert who was climbing thru a teenager’s bedroom window so he could fuck her?

Low-hanging Fruit
Low-hanging Fruit
5 years ago
Reply to  Peaches

That comment left by Peaches demonstrates he/she is the lowest form of human life.

5 years ago

peaches is Scott Johnson and he is proud to be a piece of shit

Scott Johnson
5 years ago
Reply to  niceguy


Scott Johnson
5 years ago

How does stating the facts mean someone is the lowest form of human life?

5 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson


You have no shame or pride or even a single redeemable quality.

5 years ago

Of course, his pic and posts are troubling….
But I have a very different take on what his picture represents.

Ignore who is in the image, and consider only the “labels” for the person in the image:

In the top pic–it is “Frank and anti-KK trolls”, who shoot/disparage “Kristin Kreuk.”
In the bottom pic–“Sultan” asks why would you disparage KK like this?

The pic isn’t a threat, it is an accusation…

5 years ago

I’m pretty sure that Eric Andre would appreciate that the guy uses his image to post semi-threatening content on his blog… I really like Andre,he’s a true genius to and I don’t take that travesty too kindly…
My advice is that you ignore SoS, because you don’t know how he’s gonna behave when he will decompensate, like when he’ll learn that Kreuk is pregnant and she will marry her writer (congrats btw) !
Don’t forget what did Jodie Foster’s most deranged fan, just to get her attention !
Don’t let the situation escalate, because I like you, dude !

Kreuk is pregnant----NOT
Kreuk is pregnant----NOT
5 years ago
Reply to  SFMPE

The pregnancy rumor comes from a website that admits it’s celeb gossip is all a joke, much like The Onion.
But many sources with personal knowledge say she’s still a virgin…if you don’t count oral and anal.

Scott Johnson
5 years ago

I think you misinterpreted the picture at the top. The guy with the gun is Frank, me, etc. The person shot is Kristin Crook. I know I wouldn’t shoot Crook, so this is libel.

5 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson

Scott/Bangkok stop the BS you know it’s you. The entire time Sultan posted at Frankreport he never posted anything threatening.

Scott Johnson
5 years ago
Reply to  niceguy

Everybody posting here except you is me. Sometimes I even post as you and you don’t realize it. LOL

5 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson


You use 3 personalities.

5 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson

When you communicate between aliases/personalities do you stay in character or switch back and forth between personalities and yourself?

Scott do you ever get confused to whom/who your are talking to?

Do you wear various wigs and costumes while you are commenting in your different personalities?

Scott do you consider yourself a method actor or just plain old fashioned crazy?

Scott who are you right now?

NoisyMouse/Bangkok/Scott_Johnson/tex2//Anonymous(fake random dude).
How do you decide who to be ?

Do you wake up into different characters?

It’s all very interesting. Some psychiatrists dream of having a patient like you. Scott you are very special just not in a good way.

Scott Johnson
5 years ago
Reply to  niceguy

I can answer all of those questions in one fell swoop: I am living in your head, rent free. LOL

5 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson

Yes, I think it’s been misinterpreted, perhaps deliberately. And I see that Sultan now thinks that I’m an alias of Frank (I think that’s what he means anyways)…
Apparently I’m an alias that’s being used to show that Frank is an old bigot. I have to question Frank’s motivation in doing that. Lol

5 years ago

The individual currently posting under the Sultan of Six alias is most likely Bangkok. The writing style is almost identical. Sultan has never been aggressive in his posts. Seriously think about it everyone.


Bangkok(Scott) your playing a very risky game. If you become to threatening and your imbecile attention grabbing behavior is reported to the police, mommy and daddy are going to get a knock at the door and a request from the police to speak with their mentally challenged child.

My advice to you Scott(Bangkok) is to end this foolishness before you cross the line and further ruin your all ready pitiful life.

I am usually a nice guy, but you Scott(Bangkok) are vile.

5 years ago
Reply to  niceguy

Yes, SoS wasn’t aggressive and he had an educated writing style. He didn’t make threats. Not sure about Bangkok but there was a really aggressive, threatening, rude poster here that attacked Sultan with terrible, aggressive language, much like the style of the Twitter posts. We would be foolish to believe that the Twitter is that of the real Sultan.

5 years ago
Reply to  Natashka


You are absolutely correct!

Scott Johnson
5 years ago
Reply to  niceguy

Who are you trying to direct your insane “advice” towards? I am not Bangkok, and he is not me.

5 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson


No one will ever believe that including me unless Frank states differently. Frank asked Bangkok if he wanted to come out, after Barbara Bouchey cleverly realized that Bangkok is at least an individual acquaintance of Frank Parlato and Frank knows the true identity. Frank has promised never to release the information regarding email addresses or identities of commentors. Frank will keep his word.

Scott you are Bangcock, Heidi a long time Frankreport commentor has commented that you are Bangcock. She has no reason to lie.

The Retard -- aka -- Bangkok
The Retard -- aka -- Bangkok
5 years ago
Reply to  niceguy

Bangkok is Sultan now? …and Bangkok is Scooter Johnson, too? LOL.

A few weeks ago, you and your wannabee girlfriend (Heidi) said that Bangkok was a former US Attorney named Denny Burke.

But now you claim that Bangkok is Sultan of Six?

While also claiming that Bangkok is Scooter?

Thus you’re saying that Sultan of Six, along with Scooter Johnson, are both Denny Burke too?

I’m wondering why your wife married you, since you’re one dumb mother fucker. LOL.

At least Heidi has an explanation for her wacky posts about Burke being everybody (PTSD).

However, you have no such excuse —- other than your wife possibly banging her clients and leaving you with too much extra time to post conspiracy theories about Bangkok. 🙂

I really hope you don’t have kids since they’re gonna grow up with major issues IF being parented by you and your wacky theories.

Hopefully your sugar mama will divorce you and marry the client she’s currently banging, then raise your kids the RIGHT way. 🙂

5 years ago

Whatever Scott. Barbara basically unmasked you. Frank posted your attack as your Bangkok alias by mistake. It’s over Scott everyone now knows your are nuts.

5 years ago
Reply to  niceguy

Nice guy
If Sultan of Six on twitter is really another poster on Frank Report, then my money is on the person using the name Leon Festinger. I doubt that it’s Scott. It could be Bangkok, and Festinger and Bangkok might be the same person.

5 years ago
Reply to  Flowers


I would probably agree with you but Leon Festinger’s writing skills are far above the other male web trolls/cranks on Frankreport. Occasionally Leon, when he takes the time, is quite eloquent. Leon is far more eloquent than Sultan of Six has ever been or Bangcock/Scott.

Leon Festinger
Leon Festinger
5 years ago
Reply to  niceguy

Thank you for the compliment, niceguy. I assert that Flowers bears a grudge against me since I said that I believe she exhibits cognitive dissonance. Since that time, she has been less than kind to me.

5 years ago
Reply to  niceguy

Untrue, Nice guy. Sultan has been writing on Frank report for several months, so I know what his writing skills are like.

I believe Sultan might be Festinger because Festinger is the one who is making assumptions about what Sultan thinks and believes. That may be because Festinger is attempting to sound insightful, but I wonder if it’s really a way to manufacture a dialogue between them – Festinger writes his assumptions about Sultan and then Sultan has a reason to refute Festinger’s claims.

5 years ago
Reply to  Flowers


You do make a rather interesting and solid argument…
I actually am going to think about this new argument. Seriously.

Leon Festinger
Leon Festinger
5 years ago
Reply to  Flowers

Niceguy, I believed the two of us engaged in respectful discourse on the blog. My feelings are hurt.

Scott Johnson
5 years ago
Reply to  niceguy

I’m not here to be “eloquent,” I have the facts on my side.

Whats Fair Is Fair
5 years ago

His is far worse than what MK10 was taken down for. Hope they shut him down.

Scott Johnson
5 years ago

I don’t think Twitter took down MK10.

Twitter Less
5 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson

Just some of the art work.

Scott Johnson
5 years ago
Reply to  Twitter Less

I thought it was other social media platforms, not twitter.

Spanky Has Not Left.
5 years ago

He is still here. Have seen three or so comments by the mad spanker under 2 or 3 of his aliases and anonymous.

5 years ago

I saw Sultan’s gunshot photo too and thought… perhaps that is a bit much.

Especially right now, with shooters posting manifestos and such before they strike.

5 years ago

Who are these “sources”? Real or just fans of Kreuk who are aware that Spanky’s ramblings are just making things worse for Kreuk?

Also, it’s not “anti-Kreuk”, it’s anti-NXIVM. We know she was a big player in NXIVM and she wont admit it. The fact she is in the public eye without being held to account does not help her. She has not answered any of the legitimate questions and instead took a lot of other people’s wages from their nine-to-five jobs to pretend to fight a pedophile violator of little girls on television while ignoring NXIVM and the woman she recruited. The timing of it is so bad. Her pedophile leader finally being investigated and she pretends to fight one on television while ignoring a real one, one she continued to follow, post being named in a pedophile expose along with Allison Mack. That is one such reason why Kreuk is not looked at favorably on this website. And when you have a genuinely mad lunatic (and that is not even said as an insult) defending this woman and constantly attacking those who question her and shit all over what they say about her with his snooty “yeah so what?” attitude and long-ass ramblings, he can’t blame people for thinking he is an overwhelmingly irritating c***.

Leon Festinger
Leon Festinger
5 years ago

Erotomania is often a part of delusional disorder and, I agree with your psychiatrist, the object of the adoration is often a celebrity but it doesn’t have to be. The person believes the other is in love with them and is sending messages but the two cannot be together for whatever reason. Sultan also seems to be escalating in his hatred toward people posting here and is spiralling. I wonder if this spiral has been brought back n by the trial date getting ever closer and he is fearful KK’s name could come up. Something has triggered his rage and people here using their own names to post may be wise to keep an eye on that account.

Dr. Alfred J Bellows
Dr. Alfred J Bellows
5 years ago
Reply to  Leon Festinger

Yes and I also see that with a certain contributor here with his Allison Mack obsession.These poor souls are filled with such an emptiness that fantasy and delusion are their tragic reality

5 years ago
Reply to  Leon Festinger


Simmer down your getting your getting your leg pulled. Bangkok is the one posting to an account he opened in Sultan of Six’s name

It's Spanky not Bangkok
Reply to  niceguy

The sultan waaambulance would be in high gear here on this site whining about that not being him, if it wasn’t.

5 years ago

Not if the same troll that uses the name Sultan of six is also trolling here under many aliases. He would be trying to make it appear authentic, right?

5 years ago
Reply to  niceguy

If that were true, don’t you think the spank phantom would be on here denying it? It’s him alright.

5 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Not if the same troll is playing more than one part. He doesnt want it to look like SOS is not real, so he has to keep up the charade that SOS was a separate person, who is now raging at FR from his twitter account, but it’s actually the same troll posting on twitter and then pretending to be other characters on FR.

5 years ago
Reply to  Leon Festinger

There was a good example of erotomania in the form of the character Holly Gerges in the TV series Murder One.

5 years ago
Reply to  Leon Festinger

Leon , I see no indication that Sultan believes Kruek is in love with him and is sending him messages. He’s never written anything to suggest he believes that.
Perhaps Sultan is not the delusional one here?

5 years ago
Reply to  Flowers


Scott Johnson
5 years ago
Reply to  Flowers

Sultan is delusional, just not in the manner being described. He is delusional because he think defending Kristin Crook on this website will be effective.

5 years ago
Reply to  Scott Johnson


You’re delusional.

Scott Johnson
5 years ago
Reply to  niceguy

Coming from you, I’ll take that as a compliment. LOL

5 years ago
Reply to  Flowers

Geez dennis just when I think you ht your stupid quota in comments you come through again. Sultan spank only has you to rival him in delusional thinking.

Leon Festinger
Leon Festinger
5 years ago
Reply to  Flowers

Flowers, your tone is very condescending, especially for someone who recently made a comment about spirituality on Ms Bouchey’s article. You are very quick to criticize others or mock people for misreading or interpreting comments differently than yourself and you reply with what you believe is a clever quick or just an outright insult. I will not behave in kind to you. My comment in regard to Sultan was taken directly from the posted article wherein it references a psychiatrist’s viewpoint.

Sultan may believe she is communicating with him and affirming her love, using secret messages, urging him to keep up the brave fight of defending her honor.”

Scott Johnson
5 years ago
Reply to  Leon Festinger

No legitimate psychiatrist would attempt to make a diagnosis without spending time with the patient.

5 years ago
Reply to  Leon Festinger

Leon, its not condescending to point out the truth, the truth being that you’re attributing actions to Sultan based on your own assumptions, not on facts.

I also fail to understand how my comment on the teachings of spirituality has any bearing on the fact that you tend to make assumptions in order to suit your own agenda.

5 years ago
Reply to  Flowers

you tend to make assumptions in order to suit your own agenda.

That is rich coming from you.

5 years ago
Reply to  Flowers

Trees, I’m curious what assumptions and what agenda are you talking about?
Here is an assumption I will make – that you won’t have the courage to answer me.

5 years ago
Reply to  Flowers

Wrong again little flower girl. You ask some dumb questions and feign ignorance of your own hypocritical nature. Be gone Denny

5 years ago
Reply to  Leon Festinger


I agree with your last paragraph in regards to Sultan.

I promise you Sultan is not the Sultan on twitter making veiled threats. I promise you it’s Bangkok/Scott. Sultan never alluded to violence before.

Leon Festinger
Leon Festinger
5 years ago
Reply to  niceguy

It may not be Sultan, Niceguy and if that’s the case it’s even more disturbing since someone is taking a lot of time to do such a thing. I must disagree with your theory that Scott is assuming these identities but you could be right. We, most likely, will never know.

Dr. Demento
Dr. Demento
5 years ago
Reply to  Leon Festinger

Relax Leon. You’re going off the deep end trying to diagnose a troll.

Dr Spocko
Dr Spocko
5 years ago
Reply to  Dr. Demento

Easy flowers, you like to troll so enjoy your true demented nature being pointed out. Now go take your meds as your shrink prescribed for you.

Leon Festinger
Leon Festinger
5 years ago
Reply to  Dr. Demento

Thank you Dr Demento. I believe there’s more than one troll but they each could benefit from the same diagnosis.

5 years ago
Reply to  Leon Festinger

If you check the the comment section of the following article;

and scroll down to an exchange between Barbara Bouchey and Bangkok, Barbara intelligently concludes Frank knows Bangkok. Read the comments in that section and you will come to the same conclusion that I did……Scott is Bangkok.

The writing style of the new Sultan account is exactly like Scott’s alias Bangkok. he even attacks Heidi without provocation as Scott/Bangkok frequently does.

The old Sultan of Six never attacked a woman so viciously on the Frankreport.

Only Scott/Bangkok lashes out and attacks woman in a vitriolic way on the Frankreport.

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083


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