MK10Art: NXIVM is more than some sex group with kinky participants

A sketch by MK10ART - of Vanguard and Prefect

[The following is a contribution from artist known as MK10ART whose work has been featured on Frank Report. This is her first article, illustrated with some of her artwork. Check out more of her artwork @].


For those who still think that NXIVM is just some sex group with kinky participants – think again.  NXIVM had clinics all over the world and the power of billionaire Bronfman sisters to sue the pants off of anyone who left or exposed their criminal activities.


Below are some facts that we know about NXIVM – what is the common thread?

  1. Branding torture
  2. Starvation 800 calorie per day diets (with regular weigh-ins)
  3. Sleep deprivation (with 3am walks with the Vanguard to do whatever he asks)
  4. Readiness drills day and night with texts that had to be responded to within minutes or everyone in the group was punished
  5. Dr. Porter’s fright experiments – watching videos of actual rapes and brutal murders
  6. Punishing slaves by paddling them and putting them in cages
  7. The book about torture in Keith Raniere’s library
  8. A children’s school – Rainbow Cultural Garden
  9. Allison Mack and Kristin Kreuk recruiting girls and college students
  10. Allison Mack allegedly fondling an eight-year-old

Each topic alone doesn’t prove anything but putting it all together – it all points to MK Ultra or a similar mind control program.  All of these techniques are used to brainwash people.  It has been going on for decades.  If this sounds too science fiction then do some research.  Even Rosanne Barr spoke about it in an interview.

People who join NXIVM are exposed to the brainwashing techniques right away.  Keeping people busy with intensives from early in the morning until late at night with only one short meal break.  Catherine Oxenberg writes about this in her book.

While the temperature fluctuates from uncomfortably warm followed by uncomfortably cold temperatures in the room, participants are encouraged to share their most intimate and emotionally heart wrenching life experiences.  Then they are taught to question what they think is morally right or wrong.  Apparently the NXIVM idea of “ethical” is what normal people think is wrong and what the average person thinks is right is wrong. Confused yet?  Such is the abundance of word salad that is spoken nonstop by NXIVM and its subsets: Jness, The Source, etc..



MK-Ultra is allegedly used in show business.  The torture techniques are said to induce psychological disassociation which causes split personalities.  Handlers are said to know what words or signals to give to switch an MK Ultra victim from one personality to another.  Whatever one persona does the other doesn’t know about it.  Below is a popular video on youtube ostensibly showing Britney Spears switching personalities as the result of MK Ultra or Monarch programming.

The brainwashing techniques work best on younger minds so any serious brainwashing group would want to recruit children and young people.  Hence you have NXIVM’s children’s school “Rainbow Cultural Garden” and two Hollyweird actresses recruiting college kids. You also have Allison Mack allegedly molesting an 8-year-old.  I wonder which personality she was in.

What was the ultimate goal of NXIVM?  Catherine writes in her book that Keith Raniere was going to order his DOS slaves to do something that he was having trouble bringing himself to ask them to do.  NXIVM told prospective members that they could influence elections and change the world.

As bombs show up on Democrats’ doorsteps, one wonders how – or if – NXIVM intended to do that.

This artwork of MK10Art of Allison Mack and Keith Raniere was banned on Instagram.

About the author

Frank Parlato

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John Castillo
John Castillo
5 years ago

I love it. Can I share this on my website

5 years ago

Since there is a lot of senseless posts below I’m going to move on but just a reminder just cause you say it doesn’t make it so.
MKULTRA is worth following up on, as well as other brainwashing techniques, they’ve been proven to work. Although I don’t think Keith or Clare and cronies are smart enough to take over the world, I think maybe they brainwashed themselves into thinking they could.

5 years ago
Reply to  Heather

Lol, brainwashed themselves! There’s a lot of truth to that. If there’s one thing about any of the word salad horse shit that made sense it was the strength, power of one’s beliefs.

Keith was ALWAYS into NLP and hypnosis. Way before Nancy. “Intensives” grew out of NLP 1:1 “sales training” drills from CBI.

Keith was always trying to manipulate, change belief systems. Tear down and re-establish those to his own “values.”

5 years ago

It wouldn’t surprise me if what you say is true. After the bogus 9/11 official story was foisted on us, I don’t automatically discount anything. The involvement of members of a wealthy politically connected family only adds more fuel to the fire. Even if the Bronfman sisters were not raised in the Bronfman milieu, they are still Bronfmans.
Another theory of mine is that the deep state allows groups like Scientology and NXIVM to flourish and get away with crimes, as a way of studying just how much control and abuse people will willingly accept.

Theodosias Eye
Theodosias Eye
5 years ago

Thank you, MK10ART.
Your art is excellent.
For those who want to research MK-Ultra, Hollywood and the occult there is a good website titled The Vigilant Citizen.

Here is the headline of a recent article in the Vigilant Citizen:
LATEST NEWS Co-Founder of Tween YouTube Channel Arrested for Molesting a Minor
The co-founder of the popular YouTube channel SevenAwesomeGirls was arrested after being accused of molesting a girl “under the age of 16”.

There is also the possibility that NXIVM DOS was being set up in Brooklyn to serve as a “brownstone operation” to entrap and blackmail influential world leaders.
Operation Brownstone and Operation Brownstar — CIA’s Network Abuse of Minors in Blackmail Leverage Arbitrage (‘nambla’ backronym)
Operation Brownstone

The CIA embroils politicians in sex scandals involving minors and then surreptitiously records it. They then use this as blackmail leverage to puppeteer the politician. They do this with business executives, activist leaders, celebrities and other public figures including news anchors.

5 years ago

Thanks for breaking that down for us, MK. You and your commentor, Ka-lel here, are dead-on target.

I can affirm that this is EXACTLY what Keith Et Al intended and attempted from the start — to varying degrees of awareness of their participation and some unfortunate success:

To manipulate and control through deception and mind-alteration even to the point of inducing madness, suicidal or homicidal and other criminal behaviors.

Didn’t Clare Bronfman’s mission statement declare that their goal was to determine “whether humans can be manipulated and, if so, how?”

5 years ago
Reply to  Heidi

How can you affirm this?
Also, you have no idea if this commenter is “dead on target”.
This woman (The Tanster) also believes there are lizards living among us, that she is the reincarnation of Napoleon’s step-daughter, and that Hillary Clinton eats babies.
But, if you think she’s dead on…..

Frank Parlato
Frank Parlato
5 years ago
Reply to  Flowers

Flowers I can confirm
MK10ART is not the Tanster. Two different women.

5 years ago
Reply to  Frank Parlato

Thanks Frank.
If you’re sure, I believe you, but I still don’t agree with the MK ultra theories both of these artists believe in.

5 years ago
Reply to  Flowers

please explain your disagreement with m k ultra programming as “they” believe in…is your experience different?

{not trolling just asking}

5 years ago
Reply to  Flowers

Hi chicky

Read my other post on this thread, and you’ll see that I do believe people can be targeted (by organized crime groups, NOT the government), though I do know some who make claims the government is involved. However, I haven’t seen any convincing evidence to support that. I’ve been following several cases, and, while there may be some government involvement, it is certainly not what the conspiracy theorists claim.

It is certainly true that the Canadian government did conduct MK Ultra type experiments on psychward patients many years ago. Some of those patient were able to sue the Canadian government many years later, and the government did admit to experimenting on these people. I wouldn’t doubt that other experiments have been conducted in other countries as well.

But what I notice when it comes to these conspiracy theorists, is they take a grain of truth (that the government did conduct these experiments years ago) and then exaggerate it and twist it around, and that there are always some people who buy into these exaggerations and fabrications….
*Bush is responsible for 911
*All Democrats are satanic baby murderers
*The parents of children murdered at School shootings are liars…

The list will go on and on, and those who fall for it, also start to believe EVERYTHING is a conspiracy. So now, when bombs are being sent to the Clinton’s, the Obama’s, Robert De Nero, and many others, the narrative among those believers is that it’s a “fake” story and the “fake ” news media is lying , and it’s really all a scheme concocted by the evil Democrats.
So, I guess, in a way, mind-controll IS working, when you consider that these people have been so conditioned to believe these conspiracy theories, that now they are unable to see the truth.

Scott Johnson (@ScottTexJohnson)
Reply to  Heidi

Heidi, you should defend your positions on my radio show. Then you can point others to the link with the recorded show.

5 years ago

Heidi, you don’t have to defend you positions to anyone let alone the self-promoting Scott Johnson who seems to use the Frank Report as a hunting ground to support his own agenda.

You position is just fine, right here on the FR

5 years ago
Reply to  wallywoo2

What position would that be?
What agenda do you think Scott Johnson is promoting on this site? I’m also wondering if you are ex-nxivm, so your comment seems to imply that you think Johnson has some type of nefarious agenda.

I Call Bullshit on Heidi.
I Call Bullshit on Heidi.
5 years ago

She’s too afraid to go on your show.

She’ll never do your show and she’ll use the “bigot” excuse to justify it, even though we all know she’s simply too afraid to do your show.

I Call Bullshit on Heidi.
I Call Bullshit on Heidi.
5 years ago
Reply to  Heidi

Experiments for suicidal and homicidal thoughts, you say?

You can “confirm” that’s exactly what Keith Et Al intended from the start?

You KNEW this, you say?

Yet you did nothing to help Gina get away from him, despite knowing this?

Yet you even accepted a $10k payment from him as “seed” money?

Who would accept a $10k payment from somebody that was known to be a homicidal & suicidal maniac, who was experimenting on her own sister for years?

That makes no sense and means you’re likely bullshitting us again. You can’t even keep your stories straight.

It’s more likely that you’re looking for somebody to blame so that you won’t feel so guilty about not being there for her.

5 years ago

Thanks Tanster

But where do the Lizard people and Napoleon fit into all this?

5 years ago
Reply to  Flowers

Also, Frank, I think you featured an article by Tanster before. She wrote that “fan fiction” piece about Ben Smenkus talking to Stormy at the imaginary NXIVM mixer.

Tanster, I believe you are also writing posts here using other a variety of names….which could be a legal issue if you actually pretend to be a real person.

5 years ago

Well, everything makes sense now. Mkultra is a behavior modification program with the intention to manipulate a persons action. They used multiple ways and various apparatus to manipulate a human being. In almost most cases the target is a victim.The target is commonly called a target individual or T.I. Since MKULTRA is a CIA program their operation is covert, gangstalking comes into play, this is how they do their dirty work.

MKULTRA do not limit themselves to microwave tech, the also use v2k machines, satanic rituals to summon demons to possess a target, group sex in front of the crucifix ( sex while they say words mocking Christ in the crucifix ). Some of the ways they use to control the T.I. Mkultra and gangstalking has a lot of binding contracts and the punishment for those who leave and squeal is real ( this explains KK’s dilemma ). If you ask me KK, mack, keith and nxvim higher ups are all gangstalkers and they worship satan ( satanic religion is welcome in the west. ) To understand mkultra its best to read T.I ( genuine ) stories. And yes there is a lot of group sex involve here, they often do it to traumatize their target. I can conclude that Kristin knows the operation too well, she also participate is rituals, group sex ( a kind of ritual also to summon or to please demons ), this is a blood in blood out world – that means she did not quit NXVIM and she still contact NXVIM regularly. To conclude this case will be contain too many powerful group and very wealthy individuals is involve with this.

Sorry for the poor vocabulary English is not my native tongue. I am speaking solely from my own point of view as a T.I. Im certain of the words i just wrote which was taken from my own personal experience.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ka-lel

— If you ask me KK, mack, keith and nxvim higher ups are all gangstalkers and they worship satan ( satanic religion is welcome in the west. )

You sound like a conspiracy nutbar the real conspiratorial powers (if they exist) rely on to throw the scent off the trail. They mix in partial truths with a lot of sensational falsehood to make what is actually true appear to be so false no one knows or will believe what is actually true.

And it’s “Kal-el”, not “Ka-lel”.

5 years ago
Reply to  SultanOfSix

Sultan, I thought it was K-Tel….😀
I remember buying those records, back when I was a kid.

But, yes, definitely the gangstalking devil-worshippers are getting ready for Halloween night, so let’s all be prepared.

Sultan, I actually have done a little investigation into these gangstalking stories, and I think there is a grain of truth to them, but that other groups will use these stories and then twist them around to fit their own agenda.

For example, a number of cults, not only Scientology, will stalk their enemies. What’s interesting is that I read an older article on FR , where Heidi Hutchinson says that in 2012, her cell phone was stolen, her house keys went missing, and that it appears someone used the keys to enter her house.

This is similar to what happened to me, starting in 2013. My phone stolen, (not by a random person either, as i know when the phone was taken) and then information from my phone was used to harass my kids. My vehicle, and my kids vehicles, were later vandalized, and there was an incident of bizarre harassment against me, at the place where I work.

While, I was never involved with NXIVM, or any other cult, I do believe someone I know, was connected to a certain “cult”.

I do think this type of stalking and witness intimidation is a tactic used by organized crime groups, but it’s not a widespread epidemic, as these MK Ultra believers would have us believe.

5 years ago
Reply to  SultanOfSix

I am not here to convince people gangstalking. T.I sounds like a conspiracy nutjob, i totally agree with this from my own personal extensive experience as a T.I. (in my case I noticed my gangstalking 4 years ago.)

Kristin’s position is hardly understand, the loyalty she displays for nxvim is mind boggling to most people. There is a lot of ways to remounce her position – she can file order of protection against mack, keith etc., she can sue nxvim corp., the list is endless. She also can speak out against the cult to spread ” awareness “. Her name is all she got in the film industry, why would you play with ” risk ” if your really innocent. Maybe she’s waiting for her sex tape to be leaked online to catapult her to stardom.? The only logical explanation is the gangstalker package that involves contracts to be sign so the secret wont be revealed. The individuals she is involved with are ruthless and feminist. Gangstalking do not harm the person physically, they are attacked emotionally installing trauma, paranoia, depression etc. All can which result to suicidal thoughts, suicide is common in the gangstalking community.

T.I.’s wont be understood, even by another t.i.because they are emotionally unstable and because of the involvement of the satanic world which is spiritual in nature. No one will ever bbelievea t.i. but gangstalking is widely used today by corporate individuals and those trust fund babies who are sadistic in nature wanting to play god for the purpose of controlling life/lives without the individuals knowledge.

Yes! My story can rival hollywood, I can add a lot about gangstalking as a victim who now ” like ” to be stalk. A t.i. my be a victim but t.i. controls the battlefield. At the moment I can trigger my gangstalking at will, what is used to be a miserable situation before, is now a fun place to be. I have to adapt because gangstalking never ends and it never does.

I guess I’m sorry for bringing out a wacky theory out of the basket. You guys proceed on your endless discussion, im here coz i love to read them.

I am not superman, the monicker ka-lel is my true nnickname in rl.

-No offense intented

5 years ago
Reply to  Ka-lel

“Well, everything makes sense now…”

Thank you, Ka-lel, for your new theory….I was getting bored with the tired, old stories about KK’s adventures in NXIVM so I welcome your Bizarro rewrite.
Can’t wait for the comic book of your Marvel-ous story.
And maybe the CBC will use tax dollars to produce a TV series.

5 years ago

MK Utlra is also allegedly CIA. So, if you want to reach, then you’d have to go higher to the upper echelons of the US government.

5 years ago
Reply to  SultanOfSix

Your brothers that are in ISIS are also in an organization formed by the CIA under Hussein Obama

5 years ago
Reply to  SultanOfSix

No one has to BE CIA or an official of any agency to use the same tactics as it’s operatives.

There are also plenty PI firms comprised of government agency retirees, who are trained in MK Ultra, etc. methods

“Torch stone” — an agency whose top spies include U.S. Secret Service Retired Head, Michael Sutton — made an appearance at Keith Raniere’s first bail hearing in this case. They proposed to protect Vanguard under armed guard, as if he were a former head of State.

NXIVM’s used self-proclaimed Israeli Mussad super-spy Juval Aviv, as well as “Canaprobe” to investigate, intimidate, anahilate “enemies” — sparing no expense.

With as much $$$$$$ as they control, NXIVM needs no govt. blessing to commit espionage crimes but they did need it to keep looking the other way. Unfortunately, they are no longer being obliged. Let’s pray!

5 years ago
Reply to  Heidi

I understand your point. But once you introduce the notion of MK Ultra, you also introduce the possibility of NXIVM being a shadow government operation as well, since the CIA are the ones who created the methods. Is it likely that it is? I wouldn’t know. But the fact that members of a rich and powerful family like the Bronfmans effectively sponsored it, the Libya/Basit Igtet/Sara Bronfman connection, the Salinas family in Mexico, the blatant arrogance of Raniere on display in perpetual litigation of his enemies and his disregard and alleged buying off of the law which allowed NXIVM to get away with what it did for so long, it certainly makes a person wonder.

The irony is, if this is the case, then VanFraud is effectively done. He is as dumb as he looks, because once TPTB wants you gone, then it’s only a matter of time. Just ask Saddam Hussein and Gadaffi.

5 years ago
Reply to  Heidi

Also, another “conspiratorial” idea that is very popular has to do with MK Ultra being used in Hollywood, particularly on young actors and actresses and developing musical artists, e.g., Mickey Mouse Club members such as Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, Ryan Gosling, etc. If this is true, then it could explain why Allison Mack was so susceptible to the manipulation that occurred within it, and why she would display what others have described here in the comments previously what appeared to be middle-of-the-night episodes of screaming and other symptoms of psychosis or neurosis.

Just a theory.

5 years ago
Reply to  SultanOfSix

I wouldn’t rule either of those theories out — a Hollywood connection with the underage sex trafficking and/or being a black ops arm (more like a pinkie finger) for some aspiring dictators (er, political leaders) even in this Country.

They certainly had both covered between the Bronfman’s and Salinas’ — and still managed to fuck it up! …JK.

I was half-hoping if the court granted Michael Sullivan’s — former U.S. Secret Service head honcho — offer to provide armed protective detail for Vanguard out on bail — they’d make sure he got the JFK special Dallas protection package.

5 years ago
Reply to  Heidi

Also, Sultan, I’m in mood to search it again but came across something about pedophilia charges or maybe accusations levied at one of Allison’s earliest producers in her career. It was a show about a girl who cuts herself. Anyhow, there’s some credence there. Plus, don’t forget about Edgar Bronfman Jr.’s Hollywood forays with WB — Smallville producers. At very least, Allison’s show biz, stage family might have been titilated she had a bigtime Hollywood “in” with them. I know Keith “believed” so.

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083


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