Scott Johnson recommends readers send email to Waldorf School – ‘distance yourself from Raniere’

The Waldorf School of Saratoga Springs has attracted a number of NXIVM members. Keith Raniere went to a Waldorf School when he was a lad so many NXIVM parents feel that this is the right school for their children. Tough luck for Waldorf.
One of Frank Report’s most prolific commenters, Scott Johnson, has a recommendation for other readers concerned about the damage Keith Raniere and his ghouls – like Karen Abney and Christine Collins – might have on the reputation and safety of the Waldorf School of Saratoga Springs.
The fear is that NXIVM members might try to recruit children and parents into the cult that blackmails and brands women and whose founder – though now in jail – likes to rape teen girls.
Scott writes:
FYI. I suggest your readers send similar emails [as the one below] to put pressure on these folks. It sure beats sitting back and chewing on the popcorn, like most of them do. Feel free to post on your website and encourage them to send their own emails. They are welcome to use the below as a starting point.
Scott J
—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Scott Johnson <>
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2018, 5:33:49 PM CDT
Subject: Raniere and NXIVM
Anne, Elisabeth, and Julie,
By the way, the Frank Report website has been getting about a million hits/month, so it’s not some obscure website like the above Waldorf Review blog: Stats for Frank Report: more than 725,000 for May; More than 2.3 million in 2018 to date
The difference now is that the DOJ/FBI is now going after Keith Raniere and his Charles Manson-like followers. If you don’t totally and publicly reject Raniere, NXIVM, and everything they stand for, I don’t think it’s going to go well for your future business prospects.
Email me to discuss further. If you would like to discuss verbally, I use Skype and have a number. Your choice.
Scott “Tex” Johnson

About the author

Frank Parlato

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Behold, a MLM genius from Texas
Behold, a MLM genius from Texas
5 years ago

What an ingenious idea Scott Johnson came up with:

1) Convince Frank to allow his web site to fill up with thousands of spam postings from himself, denouncing Amway.
2) Convince Frank to encourage readers to send spam e-mails to school administrators, that refer back to Scott’s spam forum which he hijacked from Frank.

This is starting to look like Scott Johnson’s personal MLM spamming scheme.

Scott Johnson (@ScottTexJohnson)

1) I didn’t have to convince Frank, he told me the very first time I spoke with him that NXIVM is largely over and he’s looking for another challenge, and it sounded like Amway and other MLM scams would be appropriate.
2) All I had to do was send an email to Frank and he posted the story. You don’t understand because you’re a coward who won’t use her own name. It isn’t spam, it’s making your voice heard to have influence. Just like writing your Congressperson. Only cowards think that it’s spam, because they are too scared to take a simple act to have influence.

This is starting to look like a scene from “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest.”

orangecountydreams - OCD
orangecountydreams - OCD
5 years ago

I think NXIVM is far from over. There’s too much to yet be uncovered, and the trial and more arrests are looming.

Scott Johnson (@ScottTexJohnson)

Frank’s point from several months ago was that the fate of Raniere & Co. is largely in the hands of the DOJ/FBI. We will have very little influence on what happens going forward.

5 years ago

I cant believe this. Has anyone heard of or use the products Weleda, a natural healthcare/cosmetic company? I discovered them a few years ago and some of the products I found quite effective. In fact I have quite a few of their products in my bathroom. Look at this:-

I’m shocked!

Scott Johnson (@ScottTexJohnson)
Reply to  Natashka

At least it doesn’t appear to be an MLM scam.

Even Pea Onyu Thinks Sultan is a filthy P.O.S.
Even Pea Onyu Thinks Sultan is a filthy P.O.S.
5 years ago

Damn, you KNOW that you’re the lowest form of humanity when even Pea Onyu calls you “Sultan of Twat”.

Even Pea Onyu thinks that Sultan of Arabia is a sick fuck.

It doesn’t get much lower than that.

That dude is a hypocrite because he prays to Allah on his knees but then admits to spanking his monkey while thinking of Kreuk.

IMO he has dishonored Allah and is now an infidel. Fuck that Piece-of-shit. I hope that God takes a gigantic shit upon the Sultan and he eventually repents for being a huge asshole/bastard.

Sultan Has Almost No Friends Left
Sultan Has Almost No Friends Left
5 years ago

I’m pretty sure that the Sultan of Arabia has almost no allies or friends left on this board.

He has alienated almost everybody here, except the Canadian psycho. I’m pretty sure that his only friend left on this board is Flowers. What an odd couple.

5 years ago

Flowers is a sicko

5 years ago

My eyes were opened to the Waldorf/Steiner phylosophy and teachings and i read absolute horror stories from parents and ex teachers. When parents complained they were threatened with gagging orders and more, trying to control student’s homelife, websites critical of them shut down. All the hallmarks of a cult. A Steiner school in the UK has recently been closed down due to serious failings regarding child protection (employing people without checks and more) . Apparently bullying is rife and nothing is done because it’s the child’s fault and their karma and some children deserve it because they arenot human. It’s actually mind blowing how they get away with this but scary how young innocent minds are being corrupted.

Scott Johnson (@ScottTexJohnson)
Reply to  Natashka

That’s all interesting information, but have you sent them an email, called, and/or visited to complain?

5 years ago

Yes as well as Shadowperv Peabrain troller and flowerchild

5 years ago

I think it’s a great idea to call the school out, just not sure an email is going to do it. Noe an article in the New York Times might garner some attention. How much does it cost to send your precious youngster to a walford/Steiner school to fuck them up for the rest of their lives? Letters to the Board of Education with specifics cc to local newspaper. Do the same with your e-mails.

Scott Johnson (@ScottTexJohnson)
Reply to  Anon

Good ideas. Have you actually done that?

5 years ago

If the parents and teachers who have actually experienced the damage caused by these schools came forward and contacted newspapers they might follow up. Anyone with factual information. Some nobody on a blog is not going to garner anything but the database. Send your e-mails and insult those who don’t follow your lead but face facts. Look at all of the attention paid to Nxivm over the years and it took branding stories to finally open a case.
And I would bet if there wasn’t money laundering and unpaid taxes involved hey might still be operating. People were shocked by Nxivm and their disgusting practices but the government wants their fucking money.

5 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Database was wastebasket..

Scott Johnson (@ScottTexJohnson)
Reply to  Anon

You didn’t answer the question. Try again.

Scott Johnson (@ScottTexJohnson)
Reply to  Anon

Numbers talk. Stop being a coward.

Scott Johnson (@ScottTexJohnson)

Why am I not surpised by the deafening silence from you cowards regarding the topic of this thread, which is emailing, calling, and visiting this school in person to wake them up?

5 years ago

They are awake. Have been for years.

I agree that letting the administration know that their actions are watched by a larger community than that of their student families, so I will contact them too. Power in numbers.

But not because you asked so nicely…

Scott Johnson (@ScottTexJohnson)
Reply to  Appeti

They are awake from the standpoint that they have been covering it up for years, not the kind of awake I was referring to, which is more related to fear. I’m not here to be “nice,” this is a place to act like adults and take action, not create a “safe space” for everyone.

5 years ago

Steiner schools supposedly exist to stimulate fantasy and imagination in children.
But children don’t need to be encouraged to encourage fantasy.
Most children already have healthy imaginations.
Children need to be taught reality and how to separate it from fantasy and make believe.

Too many of Raniere’s followers already have difficulty distinguishing between reality and fantasy.
Steiner Schools are designed to create a generation of children ripe for the plucking by demagogues like Raniere.

5 years ago

you all are so little informed of the waldorf school. most of what i am reading here is fantasy …waldorf has nothing to do with this cult. do you know how many amazing people they have helped develope??? shut up all. stop the vivid stories you are telling yourselves . Even the angle on Ranier , some might be right at the same time all wrong. everything is out of context regarding NXVIM and i am not even in it. But I know it and people in it and I know what the courses are about. I am pretty confident that the media and even ex members are blowing this out of proportion. and Frank jesus really… whats the place thsi site comes out of but venom.

5 years ago

Thanks Apetti, for the Waldorf review tip-off, browsing that site i found this parody of a waldorf school, v.funny, esp. the Teachers ONLY bit..

5 years ago
Reply to  onewomanarmy

Thanks for the link onewomanarmy – that’s a really funny yet informative site!

While the ‘Erection of the Bread Oven’ made me cringe while laughing, the ‘Soccer Field’ write-up imho sums up the main problem with Waldorf/Steiner education brilliantly:

5 years ago
Reply to  Appeti

Yes! and the chart – just like the one raniere drew for Toni Nathalie.
Can it be true they would add 2% raw milk to wall- paint? Why?
So much affinity with the ‘luciferian’ practices of nxivm.

Pea Onyu
Pea Onyu
5 years ago

The Waldorf School presents superior education and was endorsed by Keith Raniere the literally smartest man in the world. I have no children but if I did I would enroll her into Waldorf. Keith went there. I wish I had gone there as a child. I am as readers can tell an extremely intelligent person. But honestly I was only of above average intelligence until I took the tech and realized that intelligence is freed when disintegrations are resolved. The Waldorf School is good. NXIVM tech is better. Rainbow is best for children up to six years. Keith was developing a curriculum for girls aged 12 -17 with other educators but the world lost out. It was interrupted by unforeseen circumstances including the buffoonery of Rosa Laura Junco. She selected a stupidly unfit group of girls. Then India stupidly flubbed it. God she’s stupid. And worse. I was going to lead a second group. People like Jim Odato and Frank Parlato should have never been born for the havoc they wreaked on humanity. Finally for all the pervs out there with their hypocritical moralizing. A young girl matures faster than boys and at age 12-13 they are ready for a true sexual experience. Not with a Scott Johnson Shadow State or Sultan of Twat of course and not with some 17 year old boy. But suppose your daughter could be mentored not only in algebra but in sexual interventions at age 13 how much pain and stupidity she will save herself from boys and men and maybe save herself marriage with a buffoon. She will see the blue light and be unerringly guided by a true master.

Walter J. Nestor III
Walter J. Nestor III
5 years ago
Reply to  Pea Onyu

Hon, The customers at table 7 need their coffee refreshed. Could you take your highly intelligent troll ass over there and take care of it.

5 years ago
Reply to  Pea Onyu

“suppose your daughter could be mentored not only in algebra but in sexual interventions at age 13 ” Pea Onyu

And in a few years when Keith Raniere is nearing 70 your daughter will have the pleasure of changing Keith’s diapers. Shadow State

“She will see the blue light and be unerringly guided by a true master.” Pea Onyu

Keith Raniere is sure a true master baiter. Shadow State

5 years ago
Reply to  Pea Onyu

“Then India stupidly flubbed it. God she’s stupid. And worse.” Pea Onyu

Pea Onyu:
Are you jealous that India was sleeping with Allison when Allison was arrested?

Allison Mack had been arrested
They had arrived at her Brooklyn Heights apartment in the early dawn hours and cuffed her while India was there,

5 years ago
Reply to  Pea Onyu

There’s a Damn pea bug buzzing in here again, would someone swat it away please?

Gin an juice
Gin an juice
5 years ago
Reply to  Pea Onyu

Yeah NXVIM tech is great. It consists of no more then how a parent grounds a child, as well as keeping followers in a trance of confusion, unable to make a decision for themselves. That’s the tech in a nut shell. Yeah please, let me hand over all of my money to learn this “tech” no thanks. It’s real world class cutting edge stuff.

Physician, heal thyself
Physician, heal thyself
5 years ago

Here’s something that can easily be fixed: Frank Parlato can fix this web site in 2 seconds by distancing himself from Scott Johnson who is the king of spam.

Scott Johnson (@ScottTexJohnson)

Here’s something that can easily be fixed: Frank Parlato can fix this web site in 2 seconds by distancing himself from anonymous posters, by requiring them to have a real name and link to a fixed social media account, as they can’t come with a coherent idea if their life depended on it.

5 years ago

Scott has failed to learn that you attract more bees with honey than vinegar and that he may be part of the reason some post as anon!

Scott Johnson (@ScottTexJohnson)
Reply to  Anon

This website attracts cowards. I’m not here to be “nice,” I’m here to take action as an adult and encourage others to do the same, not to create a “safe space” for cowards. I’m not the reason you’re a coward, that is what is inside of you.

5 years ago

You don’t know anyone here, why the fuck do you think your king shit?

5 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Scooter needs to remove the dick from his own ass before complaining about anyone else.

Scott Johnson (@ScottTexJohnson)
Reply to  Anon

Thank you for making my point.

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083


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