More on the aiding and abetting of Bronfman- Raniere by the Department of Justice Western District of NY

Former Assistant US Attorney Anthony M. Bruce

Keith Raniere and Clare Bronfman launched my federal indictment by claiming that I defrauded them out of $1 million. They are now charged themselves with a variety of federal crimes. One of them, Raniere is in prison, having been denied any bail – and Clare is under house arrest with a $100 million bail package.

Turnabout is fair play.  But, really, how often does it happen that the accuser becomes the accused in our federal legal system?

I emphasize the word “federal” in “legal system,” since our federal system is such that the US Department of Justice has such a reputation to maintain that it rarely admits it’s wrong – even when it is..

This is why exoneration projects routinely find that 10 percent of the prisoners who are cleared of crimes while they are in prison were there because they took a plea bargain.  The US Department of Justice fairly stands for the opposite of Blackstone’s “Rule of 10.” Blackstone, the noble jurist who so influenced western law, wrote, “It is better that 10 guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer.”

Image result for blackstone rule of 10

The US Department of Justice has it exactly backward.

It is no accident – and is the shame of our history – that our nation has more people, and a higher percentage of its citizens in prison than any other country in the world. Indeed, although the U.S. makes up only 5% of the world’s population, it accounts for 22% of the world’s prisoners.

Part of that shame is due directly to the unbridled power we grant prosecutors. Because of that power, they learn not to feel any compunction for convicting the innocent. They are rewarded, promoted by convictions – not by seeking justice. This is well documented.

It is also well documented that there is generally no punishment for prosecutors who convict the innocent. In our current legal system – where defendants are routinely overcharged – innocent people often take plea bargains to spare the risk of trial before largely uninformed and reluctant juries.  Defendants who choose to go trial and are convicted will almost always receive the maximum possible sentence for the charges against them – whereas defendants who take a plea deal will get off with a much lighter sentence (It is quite common for an overcharged first-time defendant who is facing 20-years in prison if convicted to be offered a 3-4 year plea deal).

Few cases go to trial anymore. And for those that do, the presumption of guilt is strong with juries – for they think that the government would have no motive to charge innocent people [or ignore exculpatory evidence]. This is the advantage that impels the federal system – this presumption of guilt for the defendant and the nearly universal presumption of good motives [and infallibility] of government prosecutors and investigators. This is what has allowed our system of justice to morph into a system of injustice.

Of course, this is not to say the Department of Justice only charges innocent people – or that it’s completely reckless about charging people. That is not the case.. Very likely most – or at least half – of those who are charged are probably guilty of something they were charged with. But, there is no safeguard – other than the prosecutor’s moral compass – that can protect the innocent who find themselves in the crosshairs of the Department of Justice – from being charged – and, more than likely, overcharged – even though they’re innocent.

The Department of Justice has this challenge: If prosecutors want to be promoted – they need to deliver convictions. They do not get commended for investigating a target and then exonerating him. They are commended in the public and in the Department itself by racking up convictions.

Now consider that, like all government [or private workers], their work time is limited. If they spend a lot of their work hours [about 1800 per year for a federal agent] on a target – and come up with evidence that he is innocent – they have a problem. Suppose they spent 300 hours and found out that their investigation was unfounded – that the suspect is not guilty. What do they do? They just spent 20 percent of their work year on an innocent target. Do they just move on to another investigation? And lose all that time to produce nothing? This will impact their conviction results for the year – and doing it a couple of times will be disastrous. If an Assistant US Attorney or a team of FBI agents pick the wrong targets, who are innocent, and spend too much time – they cannot simply walk away.

The answer is often as corrupt as it is simple: Overcharge the suspect and secure a plea deal. Ignore all exculpatory evidence that points to innocence and simply overcharge him or her. This is what happens and is why 10 percent of the prisoners who were exonerated had taken plea deals. The pressure is too high on prosecutors to produce convictions for them not to charge the innocent.

And there is the presumption of guilt. This is a huge advantage. Once a person is indicted, (s)he is, in effect, presumed guilty. Regardless of whether they’re innocent, everyone who is indicted suffers a loss of reputation – and will likely consider a plea deal just to lessen the destruction in his life. The indictment – so easy to obtain – is a huge punishment for most innocent people. It is ruination. If they do not have the money for a top attorney, few can risk going to trial. No one should go to trial in the federal system with an assigned counsel or public defender.

Then, of course, there are political hits – or vendettas. This is perhaps a little rarer but it is a naive individual who believes that given almost unlimited power and given the highly political nature of the Department of Justice – that it does not happen.

A political hit or targeting by the Department of Justice is when a certain person – who likely pissed someone off – is targeted – without regard to whether he is innocent or guilty of any specific crime. The role of the Department of Justice  – FBI or other federal agents and Assistant US attorneys  – is to find and charge crimes on a certain particular person. This is not how law enforcement is supposed to work. Law enforcement is to supposed to have some evidence of a crime, then find out who did it. But in the federal system, they often target an individual – and then fish through his entire life to seek a crime – any crime – he may have committed. If there is no crime – or if they are unsure – they can still fashion a narrative to make lawful actions or transactions appear to have a criminal motive. Lawful actions can be charged as crimes under broad and vague conspiracy, racketeering, money laundering and wire fraud charges. All the prosecutor has to do is allege a criminal motive and our grand jury system will permit an indictment. An indictment itself is usually enough to ruin a man.

Often after a lengthy investigation – which drives his business to the ground or makes him unemployed and his friends running from him, and a highly publicized indictment that shatters the rest of his reputation – and drains his savings – the average innocent man is ready to settle for a plea bargain just to get out of the merciless and unjust grip of the Department of Justice.

The government then is often portrayed as lenient offering a man a plea bargain with just a few years of prison time when he faced 20 years. The innocent man might even get probation. He is still ruined. He is a felon. He is financially destroyed. If he was someone’s personal target – they got him. He can no longer hold his head up as an honest actor in the world. [I am not saying this happens nearly as much as the Department of Justice just wrongfully charging a man because they spent too much time on an investigation – but it happens – and more than anyone imagines – for it will never be advertised as such. Just the opposite, it is necessary to their whole shtick that prosecutors always maintain they are paragons of righteousness and infallibility.]

My case was different. Early on, I determined to never take a plea deal for something I did not do – no matter how light the sentence offered in a plea bargain. I chose to do this because I am innocent of all the charges made against me. And by taking a plea bargain – no matter how tempting – I would only enable this horrible system that makes so many innocent people felons.

In my case, they did not get a single thing right in the indictment – and at times that seemed by design – not just error. I rather suspect I was targeted by those who wanted to see me ruined- beginning with Keith Raniere and Clare Bronfman.

In the years that have passed since I became aware of the federal investigation of me in early 2012  – prompted by Raniere and Bronfman –  and the time I was indicted in late 2105, many urged me to take a plea deal offered by the Assistant US Attorney, Anthony M. Bruce – which could be within sentencing guidelines of probation and no jail time.  I refused – despite facing – because of the piling on of charges – some 20 years in prison if I went to trial and was convicted.

It was with this spirit – that I went after the Bronfman-Raniere crime organization. I fought because I had to.  Had I not been indicted, I would not have gone on to expose the Bronfman-Raniere crime organization.

The Department of Justice [Western District of New York] dropped the Bronfman charges against me, just as the Eastern District charged Bronfman and Raniere – with some of the very crimes I brought up to the Western District in 2015.

But the Western District has not dropped all the charges against me yet. Consequently, I am still in the fight and I feel like I will be bringing more crimes of other corrupt actors to light very soon.

I helped prove Bronfman -Raniere criminality. It remains for me to prove the corruption of Bruce and Hochul and other bad actors who worked behind the scenes to get me indicted. I also feel I am on the verge of breaking an important story on how Carlos Salinas, NXIVM, and top officials in the Democratic party worked together to run guns, smuggle drugs and cash across the Mexican and US borders.

Stay tuned…


About the author

Frank Parlato

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Sick of It
Sick of It
5 years ago

Go Frank Go. A modern hero.

5 years ago

All the lawyers who filed frivolous law suits on behalf of Raniere and Bronfman should be hauled up before the state bar associations for breach of ethics.
They were abusing the legal system to carry out personal vendettas.
And any DOJ prosecutors who used the prosecutorial power of the government to harass Raniere and Bronfmans’ enemies should be investigated by the DOJ for abusing their public office.

The DOJ is not to be used as a weapon to carry out personal vendettas.

Scott Johnson (@ScottTexJohnson)

I agree, but the Bronfman’s pay so well, it’s hard to turn them down.

SnottTexJohnson (@unemployedloser)
SnottTexJohnson (@unemployedloser)
5 years ago

Just keep posting Scott’s address on the internet. That seems to annoy him quite a bit.

3241 Portside Lane
Plano TX 75023

Plus, with all the people he loves to piss off – Someone might just visit him

Scott Johnson (@ScottTexJohnson)

Too bad everyone knows that clicking on the real @ScottTexJohnson’s name goes to a link to his twitter account, where they can then visit my websites. Thanks for the free publicity, LOSER! LOL

5 years ago

A great article, pointing toward a solution. It should be possible to charge prosecutors with illegal imprisonment, if they are found to be guilty of causing an innocent person to be charged with a crime they did not commit. This waiting for decades to uncover corruption in the executive by means of Enquiries, which even if finding in favour of the innocent, often lack the power to punish, is not good enough. It ought to be a clearly defined crime for a member of the legal profession to falsely impose or wilfully cause guilt, just as its against the law for doctors and other health care workers, to impose or wilfully cause ill health.

Scott Johnson (@ScottTexJohnson)
Reply to  onewomanarmy

There’s very little chance the prosecutors could be charged. The laws are designed to protect them.

Scott Loves Tanster
Scott Loves Tanster
5 years ago

Prosecutors won’t be charged with a crime, but they can still be severely punished for withholding Brady material.

Exculpatory evidence must be turned over. That’s how Nifong’s career got destroyed. He’s not a federal prosecutor, but that’s not really the issue.

Even though prosecutors won’t be charged with a “crime” for withholding exculpatory evidence, they can still be disbarred and face severe career consequences for purposely withholding Brady material.

So I wouldn’t agree that prosecutors can overlook evidence that proves innocence, since the defense team will always be given that material before trial since it’s required by law. And if not, the prosecutor is violating the law and risks consequences.

Now go eat Tanster’s raw pussy with some garlic and a bottle of Chianti.

Scott Johnson (@ScottTexJohnson)

Innocent people are charged and sent to prison, or to the gas chamber, all the time, with little to no consequence to the prosecutors. Read my answer again, I said there is little chance, not zero chance. So don’t get so bent out of shape. Lawyers protect each other, that’s why FormerNexian/Omar Rosales’ story is so significant, yet he is largely beloved on this site.

Tanster and I are no longer “going steady,” and her and Ben won’t return my calls: By the way, the end of the video used to contain Ben’s address, just as he posted it to his own twitter account. These aren’t the two sharpest knives in the drawer. LOL

5 years ago

Be very careful Frank. I hope you have defenses in place in your life to protect you and your family. Report everything, nothing is too small or insignificant when wrestling with real demonic entities.

Shlomo Finkelstein
Shlomo Finkelstein
5 years ago
Reply to  ionwhitepoetry

Frank’s no dummy.I’m sure he’s got deadman switches in place.Given how many people are mad at him, the best thing he could have done was to keep shining a light on these villians.

Scott Johnson (@ScottTexJohnson)

You’re right.

Scott Johnson (@ScottTexJohnson)
Reply to  ionwhitepoetry

Law enforcement does not have infinite bandwidth. Reporting everything here would probably be counter-productive.

5 years ago

Please don’t forget to add that YOU are not suicidal. What a shame that we cannot trust the very system originally set up for our protection. There is no doubt that once credible organizations like the DOJ and FBI have proven in recent years they are corrupt, worse they are more evil in my opinion than Rainere. We entrust them to uphold the law and we pay their salaries. Those that could knowingly charge or plea an innocent are the scum of the earth.

Scott Johnson (@ScottTexJohnson)
Reply to  Heather

Stating that you’re not suicidal is virtually meaningless.

orangecountydreams - OCD
orangecountydreams - OCD
5 years ago

This is an amazing, insightful, thoughtful article on so many levels. Thank you, Frank! And Scott, we posters are not cowards – far from it. If you think so little of us, why do you still post? To what end?

He needs attention
He needs attention
5 years ago

Like every other troll on the face of the planet, he trolls for attention.

Has to pretend to be a success somewhere.

I doubt Frank will really seriously delete every attack made, like the one below, so trolls gonna troll as long as they still get what they want, which is a reaction.

I pity him, actually. The rest of us can go on about our normal, mostly happy lives, and he is stuck in his misery. And, thank God, I don’t have to know him outside of this comment section, so there is always that to smile about.

Scott Johnson (@ScottTexJohnson)

…Says the coward who won’t even put a fake name above their comment. LOL

You’re wasting your pity on me, I’m a very happy guy. LOL

Thank God I don’t have to put with your BS outside of this comment section. LOL

Scott Johnson (@ScottTexJohnson)

Read what I said. I didn’t call all posters cowards. Think about it. I don’t post for the cowards, I post for the hundreds to thousands times of non-posters who read this website.

Scott Johnson (@ScottTexJohnson)

I think the cowards on this site won’t understand this article. I do, because I’m not one.

Boris Alatovkrap
Boris Alatovkrap
5 years ago

Who is say that man named Tex is coward?In Russia, Boris and Russian people love Texas.Spasibo!

Lazar Kaganovich
Lazar Kaganovich
5 years ago

Comrade Boris:

Tex is no coward. He is angry man. Many many uneducated housewives in Texas made plenty rubles selling Amway. Comrade Tex could not compete. Corrupt American legal system would not let him sue housewives, so he sued Amway.

Scott Johnson (@ScottTexJohnson)

Very little Amway products are sold to customers. That’s why Amway is an illegal pyramid, see which states, in part, “Not all multilevel marketing plans are legitimate. If the money you make is based on your sales to the public, it may be a legitimate multilevel marketing plan. If the money you make is based on the number of people you recruit and your sales to them, it’s probably not. It could be a pyramid scheme. Pyramid schemes are illegal, and the vast majority of participants lose money.”

Scott Johnson (@ScottTexJohnson)

P.S., Amway sued me, because I was telling their distributors the truth about Amway’s illegal pyramid and tool scam.

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083


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