Rebuttal to Executive Success “Official Statement” (VÉASE ABAJO PARA LA TRADUCCIÓN EN ESPAÑOL)

Bringing success to Keith Raniere.

Executive Success Programs (ESP) came out with an “Official Statement” in response to the New York Times story: “Inside the Secretive Group Where Women are Branded.”

For those who do not speak ESPianese, I offer the following translation of the “Official Statement” into English and some comments and questions:

“Recently a media outlet…”

Translation: The New York Times put a story on its front page…

“…unfoundedly, and incorrectly, linked NXIVM corporation, its founder and its related companies, with a social group.”

Translation: The project of blackmail, slavery, and genital branding known as DOS  (Dominant Over Submissive ? Daughters of Satan?) is just a “sorority” that has nothing to do with Keith Raniere, Executive Success Programs (ESP), the Society of Protectors (SOP) men’s group), or the J’ness (women’s group).

“The allegations relayed in the story are built upon sources, some of which are under criminal investigation or already indicted, who act as a coordinated group. This story might be a criminal product of criminal minds…”

Translation: Like Scientology, we spend millions on lawyers to attack our critics. One of our favorite strategies is to make false and perjurious criminal charges against our critics. Since we don’t actually have a case, but we do have a large budget, we can stretch out the criminal proceedings forever – which allows us to  say “under criminal investigation or already indicted” for years at a time. In the end, the original charges will be dismissed.

“… who, in the end, are also hurting the victims of the story.”

Question: Who are the victims of the story? The former ESP and members who chose to come forward (Sarah Edmondson, Anthony Ames, Mark Vicente, Bonnie Piesse, Jennifer Kobelt, and Soukaina Mehdaoui) are victims of Raniere and his cohort, not victims of the story.

“Unfortunately, this media outlet fell prey to these coordinated, criminal efforts. NXIVM was not able to participate in this story because it painfully held true to the due process of our free world justice system.”

Comment: It is true that negative factual information about Keith Raniere, Lauren Salzman, Dr. Danielle Roberts, and Dr. Brandon Porter is revealed in the story. However, the follow-up story makes clear that they were all given ample opportunity to respond to the allegations:

From the follow-up story in the New York Times: “During a three-month period, officials of Nxivm did not respond to repeated requests by The Times for interviews and responses. Neither Dr. Porter nor Dr. Roberts responded to repeated inquiries.”

“We will explore any and all legal remedies to correct these lies.”

Translation: We will send our army of lawyers after the New York Times.

Comment: The New York Times has genuine journalistic ethics (unlike the fake situational-ethics of ESP) – and standards of sourcing and fact-checking that have stood up for over a century. They have been threatened before, even by Presidents, and stood their ground. They have the legal doctrine that truth is the ultimate defense against libel – and the protection of the First Amendment – on their side. Even the Bronfman girls don’t have enough money to win this one.

“NXIVM is a professional business providing educational tools, coaching and trainings to corporations and people from all walks of life. For nearly 20 years, the company has provided these tools to over 16,000 individuals in over 30 countries. NXIVM works with some of the world’s leading companies, CEOs, and world leaders, as well as many others, with great success.”

Translation: We are yet another training company that tries to make you feel better about yourself. You could get similar results for much less money by attending Landmark Education seminars, Tony Robbins seminars, or buying his or any number of other self-help books.

“Anonymous surveys suggest the satisfaction rate of NXIVM’s clients is over 95%…”

Translation: Since we plagiarized the Landmark system (a descendant of Werner Erhard’s “est” movement of the 1970s) of tearing down the egos of our students for the first few days of the $8,000, 5-day “intensive”  and then then building them back up for the last day, only 5% of the people who take our training courses are willing to admit to themselves that it was a rip-off, while in the euphoria of the final day.

“…and an extensive psychological study conducted over the past 10 years demonstrates extraordinary psychological benefits and results.”

Cool story, bro. What were the benefits and results? Where were the results of this study published? Do you have data to support this claim? No, then you got nothing.

“NXIVM spearheaded a three-time Emmy nominated peace ceremony in the Central American and Caribbean games, which also won ten Telly Awards.”

Translation: Anima Inc. is a small Mexican firm that produces opening-ceremony and half-time events. They produced the opening ceremony of the 2014 Central American and Caribbean Games, which was nominated for daytime Emmy awards for directing, lighting, and sound mixing. They did not win an Emmy. The Telly Awards are for commercials, promotional videos, and special events. For the 2014 Games, Anima won 3 Silvers (apparently there is no Gold) and 7 Bronze.

The Anima web site lists Keith Raniere as “conceptual founder,” although there is no indication that he participates in any way with their productions. However, it is very plausible that dancer and artistic director Alejandra González Anaya has been through training at the Mexico City ESP center. Being slender with long dark hair, she would be just the type to receive “special training” from Raniere…..

“NXIVM has documented an initial case study of ten individuals suffering from Tourette’s syndrome, a neurological disease known to be incurable, who were able to radically reduce, and in some cases completely eradicate, their symptoms.”

Comment: About half of Tourette’s Syndrome patients undergo spontaneous remission in early adulthood. You can hear Keith Raniere himself say this about 25 seconds into this video:

At 2:20 into the video, Raniere makes statements implying the study was not a properly controlled and randomized trial, but rather one in which they selected patients that they thought would respond to their treatment. The study has never been published, probably for that reason.

“In the area of child development, NXIVM has achieved a scientific innovation with hundreds of children experiencing a multicultural upbringing, many who speak between 7 and 13 distinct languages fluently.”

Translation: Rainbow Cultural Garden is an unlicensed daycare program – and/or an unlicensed pre-school program –  where parents are charged $10,000 per month to have (frequently illegal immigrant) caregivers, a different one each day, speak only their native language to the child. Bonding with the parents is discouraged. There is zero research that supports the notion that this very early exposure to many languages is successful in producing multilingual children, and much evidence that it impedes development of skills in the locally dominant language. Oh, and just for the record, gibberish in any language is still gibberish.

“With college students, NXIVM education significantly raised moral decision capacity and had an increase in intelligence performance compared to a placebo.”

Cool story, bro. How was “moral decision capacity” defined and measured, and what was the increase? How much was the intelligence increased? If the placebo was “not going to college at all,” then I’m not very impressed. Where were the results of this study published? Do you have data to support this claim? No, then you got nothing.

“Also, throughout the years NXIVM has upheld the judicial system”

Translation: We have paid private investigators to find or create “evidence”, often using illegal methods –  and we even placed one of our employees (i.e., Kristin Keeffe before she left the cult) as a Legal Intern inside the prosecutor’s office, to assist in the criminal prosecutions of one of our enemies.

“…and supported victims of natural disasters, kidnapping and personal loss.”

Translation: Many cults, e.g. Transcendental Meditation, send members to sites of natural disasters since recruiting is easier when people are at a psychological low point.

“NXIVM firmly believes in human empowerment, excellence, freedom of speech and freedom of expression.”

And everyone gets a pony.

“NXIVM firmly opposes and condemns violence, victimhood, dishonor and abuse.”

And we oppose stuff that is bad. Because it is bad.

“And NXIVM firmly opposes any criminal products from criminal minds.”

Translation: Projection, writ large…

 The mark of Raniere



Refutación al éxito Ejecutivo “declaración oficial”

Executive Success Programs (ESP) salió con una “declaración oficial” en respuesta a la historia del New York Times: “dentro del grupo secreto donde las mujeres son marcadas”.

Para los que no hablan ESPianese, ofrezco la siguiente traducción de la “declaración oficial ” al inglés y algunos comentarios y preguntas:

“Recientemente un media Outlet …”

Traducción: The New York Times puso una historia en su primera página …

“… infundado, e incorrectamente, ligó NXIVM Corporation, su fundador y sus compañías relacionadas, con un grupo social.”

Traducción: el proyecto del chantaje, la esclavitud, y la marca genital conocida como dos (¿dominante sobre sumiso?) ¿hijas de Satanás?) es sólo una “Hermandad” que no tiene nada que ver con Keith Raniere, Executive Success Programs (ESP), la sociedad de protectores (SOP) grupo de hombres), o el J’ness (grupo de mujeres).

“Las alegaciones transmitidas en la historia se basan en fuentes, algunas de las cuales están bajo investigación criminal o ya acusadas, que actúan como grupo coordinado.” “esta historia podría ser un producto criminal de mentes criminales …”

Traducción: como Scientology, gastamos millones en abogados para atacar a nuestros críticos. Una de nuestras estrategias favoritas es hacer cargos criminales falsos y perjudiciales contra nuestros críticos. Dado que en realidad no tenemos un caso, pero tenemos un gran presupuesto, podemos estirar los procedimientos penales para siempre-lo que nos permite decir “bajo investigación criminal o ya acusados” por años a la vez. Al final, los cargos originales serán despedidos.

“… que, al final, también están perjudicando a las víctimas de la historia.”

Pregunta: ¿Quiénes son las víctimas de la historia? El ex ESP y los miembros que optaron por presentar (Sarah edmondon, Anthony Ames, Mark Vicente, Bonnie Piesse, Jennifer Kobelt, y Soukaina Mehdaoui) son víctimas de Raniere y su cohorte, no víctimas de la historia.

“Desafortunadamente, este medio de comunicación cayó presa de estos esfuerzos coordinados y criminales.” NXIVM no pudo participar en esta historia porque dolorosamente se mantuvo fiel al debido proceso de nuestro sistema de justicia mundial libre.

Comentario: es cierto que la información fáctica negativa sobre Keith Raniere, Lauren Salzman, el Dr. Danielle Roberts, y el Dr. Brandon Porter se revela en la historia. Sin embargo, la historia de la carta recordativa deja claro que se les dio una amplia oportunidad para responder a las alegaciones:

De la historia de la carta recordativa en el New York Times: “durante un período de tres meses, los funcionarios de Nxivm no respondieron a las peticiones repetidas por los tiempos para las entrevistas y las respuestas.” Ni el Dr. Porter ni el Dr. Roberts respondieron a preguntas repetidas.

“exploraremos todos los remedios legales para corregir estas mentiras.”

Traducción: enviaremos a nuestro ejército de abogados después del New York Times.

Comentario: The New York Times tiene una ética periodística genuina (a diferencia de la falsa situacional-ética de ESP)-y los estándares de sourcing y comprobación de hechos que han resistido durante más de un siglo. Han sido amenazados antes, incluso por los presidentes, y se mantuvo firmes. Tienen la doctrina legal de que la verdad es la última defensa contra la difamación-y la protección de la primera enmienda-de su parte. Incluso las chicas Bronfman no tienen suficiente dinero para ganar esta.

“NXIVM es un negocio profesional que proporciona herramientas educativas, Coaching y entrenamientos a corporaciones y personas de todos los ámbitos de la vida.” Durante casi 20 años, la compañía ha proporcionado estas herramientas a más de 16.000 individuos en más de 30 países. NXIVM trabaja con algunas de las empresas líderes del mundo, CEOs y líderes mundiales, así como con muchos otros, con gran éxito.”

Traducción: somos otra empresa de formación que trata de hacerte sentir mejor contigo mismo. Usted podría obtener resultados similares por mucho menos dinero al asistir a los seminarios de educación Landmark, Tony Robbins seminarios, o la compra de su o cualquier número de otros libros de auto-ayuda.

“encuestas anónimas sugieren que la tasa de satisfacción de los clientes de NXIVM es de más de 95% …”

Traducción: desde que plagio el sistema Landmark (un descendiente de Werner Erhard “est” movimiento de la década de 1970) de derribar los egos de nuestros estudiantes para los primeros días de la $8.000, 5-día “intensivo ” y luego luego construirlos de nuevo para el último día , sólo el 5% de las personas que toman nuestros cursos de formación están dispuestos a admitir que se trataba de una estafa, mientras que en la euforia del día final.

“.. .y un extenso estudio psicológico realizado durante los últimos 10 años demuestra extraordinarios beneficios y resultados psicológicos.”

Buena historia, hermano. ¿Cuáles fueron los beneficios y los resultados? ¿Dónde se publicaron los resultados de este estudio? ¿tiene datos que respalden esta reclamación? No, entonces no tienes nada.

“NXIVM lideró una ceremonia de paz nominada a tres veces en los Juegos Centroamericanos y del Caribe, que también ganó diez premios de la Telly”.

Traducción: Anima Inc. es una pequeña firma mexicana que produce ceremonias de apertura y eventos de medio tiempo. Se produjo la ceremonia de inauguración de los 2014 Juegos Centroamericanos y del Caribe, que fue nominado para los premios Emmy durante el día para dirigir, iluminación y mezcla de sonido. No ganaron un Emmy. Los premios Telly son para anuncios publicitarios, videos promocionales y eventos especiales. Para los juegos 2014, Anima ganó 3 Silvers (al parecer no hay oro) y 7 de bronce.

El sitio web de Anima muestra a Keith Raniere como “fundador conceptual”, aunque no hay indicios de que participe de ninguna manera con sus producciones. Sin embargo, es muy plausible que la bailarina y directora artística Alejandra González Anaya haya pasado por la formación en el centro ESP de la ciudad de México. Siendo delgada con el pelo largo y oscuro, ella sería justo el tipo para recibir “entrenamiento especial” de Raniere …

“NXIVM ha documentado un estudio de caso inicial de diez individuos que sufren de Tourette ‘ síndrome de s, una enfermedad neurológica sabida para ser incurable, que podían reducir radicalmente, y en algunos casos totalmente erradicar, sus síntomas.”

Comentario: cerca de la mitad de Tourette ‘ los pacientes de s del síndrome experimentan la remisión espontánea en edad adulta temprana. Usted puede oír a Keith Raniere mismo decir esto cerca de 25 segundos en este vídeo:

A 2:20 en el video, Raniere hace declaraciones que implican que el estudio no fue un ensayo debidamente controlado y aleatorizado, sino más bien uno en el cual seleccionaron a los pacientes que pensaban que responderían a su tratamiento. El estudio nunca ha sido publicado, probablemente por esa razón.

“En el área del desarrollo infantil, NXIVM ha logrado una innovación científica con cientos de niños que experimentan una crianza multicultural, muchos de los cuales hablan entre 7 y 13 idiomas distintos con fluidez”.

Traducción: Rainbow cultural Garden es un programa de guardería sin licencia-y/o un programa preescolar sin licencia-donde los padres son acusados de $10.000 por mes para tener (frecuentemente inmigrantes ilegales) cuidadores, uno diferente cada día, hablar sólo su nativo lenguaje al niño. La vinculación con los padres se desalienta. Hay cero investigaciones que apoyan la noción de que esta exposición muy temprana a muchos idiomas es exitosa en la producción de niños multilingües, y mucha evidencia de que impide el desarrollo de habilidades en el idioma localmente dominante. Oh, y sólo para que conste, galimatías en cualquier idioma sigue siendo galimatías.

“Con los estudiantes universitarios, la educación NXIVM aumentó significativamente la capacidad de decisión moral y tuvo un aumento en el rendimiento de la inteligencia en comparación con un placebo”.

Buena historia, hermano. ¿Cómo se define y mide la “capacidad de decisión moral” y cuál es el aumento? ¿Cuánto aumentó la inteligencia? Si el placebo era “no ir a la Universidad en absoluto”, entonces no estoy muy impresionado. ¿Dónde se publicaron los resultados de este estudio? ¿tiene datos que respalden esta reclamación? No, entonces no tienes nada.

“También, a lo largo de los años NXIVM ha sostenido el sistema judicial”

Traducción: hemos pagado a investigadores privados para encontrar o crear “evidencia”, a menudo usando métodos ilegales-e incluso colocamos a uno de nuestros empleados (es decir, Kristin Keeffe antes de que ella dejara el culto) como interno legal dentro de la Fiscalía, para ayudar en el enjuiciamientos criminales de uno de nuestros enemigos.

“.. .y apoyó a las víctimas de desastres naturales, secuestros y pérdidas personales”.

Traducción: muchos cultos, por ejemplo la meditación trascendental, envían a los miembros a sitios de desastres naturales ya que el reclutamiento es más fácil cuando la gente está en un punto bajo psicológico.

“NXIVM cree firmemente en el empoderamiento humano, la excelencia, la libertad de expresión y la libertad de expresion.”

Y todo el mundo tiene un pony.

“NXIVM se opone firmemente y condena la violencia, la victimización, la deshonra y el abuso.”

Y nos oponemos a cosas que son malas. Porque es malo.

“y NXIVM se opone firmemente a cualquier producto criminal de mentes criminales.”

Traducción: proyección, escrito grande …


The mark of Raniere

About the author

Frank Parlato

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6 years ago

Meanwhile another war of words has exploded on another devout members Facebook wall.

6 years ago
Reply to  Devout

Can anyone translate through the word salad exactly how the people left inside are justifying this to themselves? I genuinely am having trouble following the thought process of any of these people. Not that I want to… Is he basically taking the gaslighting stance of saying because no arrests have been made, nothing bad could have possibly happened, because if something bad HAD happened, someone would be in jail by now?

Lucas Is Lame
Lucas Is Lame
6 years ago
Reply to  Devout

Most of the people supporting him on his thread are the Mexicans. This is unsurprising since they seem to be rich idiots and are ill informed. It’s only the Mexicans who are keeping this sham of a “ethical” organization afloat (along with Bronfman money), the true mission of which (like all cults) is hidden and self serving for its leader VanDouche. Everything – the ethics and executive success – is just a tool for the latter to find young women to fuck and to parasitically live off of others.

The list of questions he asked in one of his comments is effectively victim shaming. You can see this in an analysis of the Albany Channel 13 News report on the allegations here:

yeah i get that part, sorry.
yeah i get that part, sorry.
6 years ago
Reply to  Lucas Is Lame

To be more precise – I’m not baffled by the people who are based outside the Vancouver or Albany communities and not as directly connected to this. They all have the “don’t listen to what the mean media says about Keith!!!” basic level of classes under their belt – it’s a kneejerk response.

My question is about the ones who actually ARE informed – Lucas and India are closer to this, and should be aware the NYT story is based in true events, yet both are just shrugging it off. I’ve seen a handful of other comments from people still in, along the lines of “YOU DON’T HAVE THE DATA I HAVE” or “IF YOU BELIEVE THE NYT THEN YOU’RE THE ONLY TRUE VICTIM HERE” and I’m just wondering if anyone here can provide any clues on how those inside are still justifying this to themselves when they’re branded themselves or close to someone who is? As an outsider who was never involved with ESP directly myself, both SOP and DOS seem really weak on the “saving the world” illusion, so it seems like a harder mental hurdle to keep jumping. At least with ESP, you have something tangible to aim for with the stripe path to provide a sense of accomplishment (while DOS just seems like it’s about neverending humiliation and punishment and collateral? it’s never been quite clear to me quite how DOS was “serving the mission,” aside from the vague comment in the NYT article that it was intended to influence elections somehow – it seems fairly transparent that it’s all about serving Keith).

I get on some level that “everything is great because Keith says so” might be enough of an answer in itself once you’re in long enough, and a lot of the DOS girls also probably feel like they don’t have a choice anymore once they’ve passed off enough collateral. I see the thought process behind joining DOS in how it was sold, I get that once you’re hungry and sleep-deprived enough some weird shit starts making perfect sense in your head, and I think that Keith is a soulless monster capable of anything, and that everyone he’s broken down into upholding his sham of a cult are his victims. But the branding being shrugged off by people who /know/ it’s real is just a hard jump for me to make. Even though I know objectively that there’s hypnosis and serious brainwashing in play here, and victim-blaming is always going to be the default response since anything inconvenient to Keith gets waved off with “well, that’s your issue”… Still, I’m left wondering what “data” could possibly make a person still believe they’re totally in the right and “ethical” to keep perpetuating the branding in their own community? It’s not like it’s being done to strangers, these people were your friends… It’s so heartbreaking.

6 years ago

To me the answer lies in the psychology and physiology of people. These cults feed off of the natural desire for validation that most people seek – in whatever form – often times elevating it into a type of narcissism, where members of the group eventually believe that they are better than outsiders. For many years, this cult has fed off the idea of how much pain or suffering, or how much trouble or sacrifice, a person is willing to go through to validate their “specialness”. Within these cults, an “us-against-the-world” mentality is built up, so that any events that may elicit cognitive dissonance such as what has happened, are seen as just another obstacle to the path, each one greater than the other, which must be overcome in order to reach some progress that really doesn’t exist. A perpetual cycle of change that is ever becoming, but never being. One can’t have progress and development that doesn’t end somewhere. No end means people are just shooting in the dark. It’s a yo-yo type of game that mucks with the neural circuitry of susceptible people, that oscillates particular portions of the brain, e.g., the dopamine pathways, between lows and highs, such that the highs are often made to feel extraordinary, like the drug addict who sniffs that cocaine or shoots up that heroin after a drought.

6 years ago
Reply to  Devout

Well either Lucas had a change of heart on his standing with ESP. Or he was upset that rational arguments made by “dissenters” were convincing others to question their allegiance.

Former coach
Former coach
6 years ago
Reply to  Devout

Lucas is now “unfriending” those who are posting comments that disagree with his post. It’s no longer visible unless you’re his FB friend. Really Lucas? That’s how you have meaningful dialogue? I am so sorry they have worked your mind over so badly. Hopefully you will escape their clutches … soon. We are waiting for you on the other side.

6 years ago
Reply to  Former coach

is there a FB group started for Expians? made public where if current members want to speak their truth we can certainly listen… but most importantly to support those affected?

I stand with Nxiters.
I stand with Nxiters.
6 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Precisely, my vested interest as an outsider is that NXIVM operates on my home turf and I have observed Keith on his walkabouts doing his damage for years. I also lost several college friends to religious cults back in the 1980’s. I also have first hand experience with Pam Cafritz who tried to recruit me and some of my running friends back in the early 1990’s when it was still Consumers Buyline. and then the early stages of ESP to attend classes. Obviously, I never fell for it and warned people off about her when she did her sell (and of course told the tale of how she was training for the Olympic Mile)

Jenn, Sarah, Anthony, Mark, Bonnie and Catherine Oxenberg, et al should be listened to and their story shared so this is not allowed to continue.

Mark is doing a great job with his blog. He is not only linking up to cult awareness information but giving his first hand experience.

6 years ago
Reply to  Devout

He deleted the post. But hey a little birdie captured most of it and a good chunk of the comments for posterity so let us not forget that on 10/20/2017

Lucas Roberts posted:

As many of my friends know for the last 8 years I’ve been a student and coach in a wonderful self development and critical thinking program, with a focus on ethics and humanity. I’ve had incredible and measurable results in my life.
I’ve had some friends and family reach out to me concerned about some recent media articles and whether I’m okay or not. I’ve been getting enough emails and messages that it will save me some time and effort to put this on my Facebook wall. 😉
I am completely fine, continuing to stand with and support ESP and NXIVM and all my friends in that community. They are some of the most inspiring people I know. I am continuing to be part of the organization.
I stand for kindness, personal responsibility, people’s right to try and fail and try again, critical thinking, and compassion. I stand firmly against violence, hate, trial by media, and abuse of any kind.
Feel free to message me directly if you have questions. You can expect a 2-4 day response time.

Ex-bf of Vany
Ex-bf of Vany
6 years ago
Reply to  Lucas

Another example of the cultish behavior. Control the information of your group and cut off dissenters. I felt the debate was healthy, respectful and showed love.

“Your friends that you think you’ll lose by leaving will be your friend again when this ends. Your friends you thought you lost because they left are waiting for you with love.

Let’s do something great. Start fresh.”

to EX BF of VANY
to EX BF of VANY
6 years ago
Reply to  Ex-bf of Vany

I saw your comment, you were open and warm and extending a lifeline. But it runs deeper than that for Vany, her sister and brother in law are in deep too. When your relocate to Upstate NY to be close to your guru you are deep into the core of the onion not just an outer layer.

Don’t expect a miracle but don’t give up. She will need a man like you in her life if she can extricate herself from the madness.

ex-bf of vany
ex-bf of vany
6 years ago

Thank you. I don’t expect a miracle. She has been involved with the group for 15 years. It has become her entire life and family.

A couple of facts:
She does not have a brand as of 10/17/17
She is not the sister of Bibiana , just coincidence they have the same name they are not family
She is still married, her husband refused to grant her a divorce

Not having a brand was always her go to when bringing up information from this blog, since that was a lie, it must all be lies.

While I don’t believe in Miracles, I hope that I can support those with the courage to leave.

I believe many joined the program to better themselves and believe they can better the world. Those with the courage to leave are truly the more evolved.

Orange is the new black
Orange is the new black
6 years ago

Whatever Keith Raniere and his so called leadership is blaming others for is pure projection. One finger pointing to the criminal master minds plotting against NXIVM, making up lies to destroy them. In reality, it’s Raniere who is the criminal master mind and his mobster who are plotting on how to destroy the lives of others.


I think Raniere will look good in a jail house orange jump suit when the government finally catches up to him and all the illegal activities he’s been up to.

6 years ago

“And everyone gets a pony.”


Mark Vicente's blog
Mark Vicente's blog
6 years ago

A terrific example of soul-searching and some resources for EXPians.

Keep it up, Mark !

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083


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