Somebody up there doesn’t like Alex Betancourt (VÉASE ABAJO PARA LA TRADUCCIÓN EN ESPAÑOL)

It’s strange.

And if I were Alejandro ‘Alex’ Betancourt, I would be concerned.

A threatening email from Diego Ruiz Duran – the lawyer who is representing Mr. Betancourt and NXIVM – was sent to a number of ‘enemies’ of Keith Raniere.

It was also sent to major US media.

The email I published this morning was in effect a “shut up or we will arrest you in Mexico City” message.

Is this simple recklessness?

Alex Betancourt’s name is on the email basically threatening reporters at major mainstream media outlets, particularly reporters known to be investigating Keith Raniere’s inhumane branding and blackmailing of women.

Anybody who knows anything about the media in the US and its strong First Amendment tradition, knows that threatening reporters is not a wise course of action. Alex Betancourt threatened to arrest journalists in the US for doing their jobs.

If Alex did this on his own accord, it is stupid. Mainstream US media will not be afraid of Alex Betancourt, his attorney, Diego Ruiz Duran or their poor, corrupt Mexican official, Fernando Jose Gomez.

I don’t believe Alex did this on his own. More likely, Keith Raniere is behind this. If Keith is behind it, one has to wonder why he is putting Alex in the middle of this crossfire?

[Keith has his name on nothing, to prevent the government from being able to charge him with any financial crimes]. If I were Alex, I would wonder about being set up as the ‘fall guy.’

In case Alex is unfamiliar with the term, a ‘fall guy’ is a colloquialism for a person [in this case, Alex] to whom blame is deliberately and falsely attributed in order to deflect blame from another party [in this case, Vanguard].

Alex must know that branding women on their vagina after taking ‘collateral’ [disgusting and dark material which can be used to blackmail women in DOS] cannot possibly be a wise or even legal endeavor; reports about it will not read well in print. He also knows that he was not extorted for $2 million by Toni Zarattini or anyone else. He also knows that all anyone wants to do is stop this crime against women being perpetrated by Keith Raniere.

Knowing this, Alex is trying to make Toni Zarattini a fall guy.

Now it seems, Keith might be making Alex a fall guy.

The people he is trying to imprison wanted to believe in Keith and that he was a good man – not the consummate con artist, hypnotist, misogynist and bully that he is.

They were fooled.

If I were Alex, I would get legal help – and I mean his own attorney – not a NXIVM attorney. And possibly psychological help.

One of the things Harvey Weinstein was said to have tried to do was intimidate or cajole the media into silence.

It did not work.

What Harvey did to women is not nearly as grotesque as what Keith has done and is doing to women.

I believe Keith is setting Alex up. Maybe Keith wants to blow everything up and escape to Fiji and leave Alex and others holding the bag.

Keith knows threatening the media won’t stop them. And that it may, in fact, goad them into publishing. Maybe Alex and Allison Mack will make a good fall guy and fall gal. Allison leads DOS. Alex leads the persecution of people who complained about DOS.

Or maybe Alex really thinks he can scare mainstream US media into silence with threats of arrest for 36 hours in a dank Mexican prison.

Artist conception; somebody high up in ESP really likes Allison and Alex.

BTW: below is a copy of the Barbara Bouchey 2009 email that Alex is trying to assert is part of the 2017 alleged conspiracy:

From: Barbara Bouchey <

Date: Fri, Apr 24, 2009

Subject: A Request… To:, Nancy <>

Dear Keith & Nancy, What predicated our meetings with Keith on April 21, 22 and 23, 2009 was the growing number of NXIVM community members expressing their concerns about the inconsistencies we are and have been experiencing in how the company operated.

Upon sharing data, the damages are more far-reaching than originally thought. As we compared our data of why the system wasn’t working we identified evidence of secrecy, nondisclosure and lack of transparency.

Our intent for meeting with Keith was to rectify the inconsistencies in the leadership of the company and the conflict of interest within the system. Keith’s willingness to meet with us was based in part on his opinion of the organization;s ethical breach against its members because its system of protocol and feedback failed.

We concluded at the end of these meetings that resolution was not probable. Based on the above, we believe we can no longer continue a business relationship with ESP/NXIVM.

Therefore, we are requesting the closure of outstanding value exchanges not met as well as the buyout for the Tacoma Center for the people mentioned below. We are requesting a response to this letter by 11:59 PM, Saturday, April 25, 2009.

We are requesting a written, signed, notarized contract agreeing to the below amounts by 11:59 PM, Sunday, April 26. 2009.

We are requesting a Cashier’s Check for the total amount due of $2,088,000 by Thursday, April 30, 2009.

If these requests are not met we will move forward by contacting the Press.

The below financials are only being provided to you, but the above letter has been sent to the Executive Board.

Sincerely, Barbara Bouchey, Susan Dones, Kim Woolhouse, Angela Ucci, Ellen Gibson, Nina Cowell, Jan Heim, Sheila Cote, Kathy Ethier

Barbara Bouchey: Loan to Keith Raniere for Commodity Trading Losses: $1,650,000

Legal Retainer Losey Case Retrieved: 25,000

FT Commissions on Barters never Received: 100,000

‘ProctorIFT/Organizational Renewals: 25,000

April Commission Check Approx. ?? 5,000

TOTAL: $1,805,000

Plus Assignment of Michael Sutton Loan with interest $1,350,000 (this is original principal amount plus add in interest)

Susan Dones:

April FT & Center Bonus Sue/Kim Commission approx.? 9,000

Tacoma Center: 250,000

90 Ethos Annual Renewals, 30 Coaches, 6 Proctors, Avg 80 Intensives, Avg 20 Level II’s, Developed Vancouver Center, Goodwill

TOTAL: $259,000

Nina Cowell:

Cafe Wages 2008 (includes petty cash, rent, kiosk, phone, cash advance)

Total: $21,000 approx.

Angela Ucci :

Final April Commission Check : $3,000

Grand total: $2,088,000



Alguien allá arriba no le gusta Alex Betancourt

Es extraño.

Y si yo fuera Alejandro ‘ Alex ‘ Betancourt, me preocuparía.

Un correo electrónico amenazador de Diego Ruiz duran-el abogado que está representando al Sr. Betancourt y NXIVM-fue enviado a un número de ‘ enemigos ‘ de Keith Raniere.

También fue enviada a los principales medios de comunicación estadounidenses.

El correo electrónico que publiqué esta mañana fue en efecto un “cállate o te Arrestaremos en ciudad de México” mensaje.

¿es esta simple temeridad?

El nombre de Alex Betancourt está en el correo electrónico que amenaza básicamente a los reporteros en los principales medios de comunicación, en particular los reporteros conocidos por estar investigando la marca inhumana de Keith Raniere y el chantaje de las mujeres.

Cualquiera que sepa algo acerca de los medios de comunicación en los Estados Unidos y su fuerte tradición de la primera enmienda, sabe que amenazar a los reporteros no es un curso de acción prudente. Alex Betancourt amenazó con arrestar a periodistas en Estados Unidos por hacer su trabajo.

Si Alex hizo esto por su propio acuerdo, es estúpido. Los medios de comunicación estadounidenses no tendrán miedo de Alex Betancourt, su abogado, Diego Ruiz Durán o su pobre oficial mexicano corrupto, Fernando José Gómez.

No creo que Alex hiciera esto por su cuenta. Lo más probable es que Keith Raniere esté detrás de esto. ¿Si Keith está detrás de él, uno tiene que preguntarse por qué él está poniendo a Alex en el medio de este fuego cruzado?

[Keith no tiene su nombre en nada, para evitar que el Gobierno pueda acusarlo de cualquier crimen financiero]. Si yo fuera Alex, me preguntaría acerca de ser creado como el “hombre de otoño”.

En caso de que Alex no esté familiarizado con el término, un ‘ hombre de la caída ‘ es un coloquialismo para una persona [en este caso, Alex] a quien la culpa es deliberada y falsamente atribuida para desviar la culpa de otro partido [en este caso, Vanguard].

Alex debe saber que las mujeres de marca en su vagina después de tomar ‘ colaterales ‘ [material repugnante y oscuro que puede ser utilizado para chantajear a las mujeres en dos] no puede ser un esfuerzo sabio o incluso legal; los informes sobre el mismo no se leerán bien en letra impresa. También sabe que no fue extorsionado por el $2 millones por Toni Zarattini ni por nadie más. Él también sabe que todo lo que alguien quiere hacer es detener este crimen contra las mujeres que son perpetradas por Keith Raniere.

Sabiendo esto, Alex está tratando de hacer que Toni Zarattini un hombre de otoño.

Ahora parece que Keith podría estar haciendo de Alex un hombre de otoño.

La gente que está tratando de encarcelar quería creer en Keith y que era un buen hombre-no el consumado estafador, hipnotizador, misógino y matón que es.

Fueron engañados.

Si yo fuera Alex, conseguiría ayuda legal-y me refiero a su propio abogado-no un abogado NXIVM. Y posiblemente ayuda psicológica.

Una de las cosas que Harvey Weinstein se dijo que trató de hacer fue intimidar o persuadir a los medios de comunicación en silencio.

No funcionó.

Lo que Harvey le hizo a las mujeres no es tan grotesco como lo que Keith ha hecho y le está haciendo a las mujeres.

Creo que Keith está preparando a Alex. Tal vez Keith quiere volar todo y escapar a Fiji y dejar Alex y otros sosteniendo la bolsa.

Keith sabe que amenazar a los medios no los detendrá. Y que puede, de hecho, incitarlos a publicar. Tal vez Alex y Allison Mack harán un buen chico de otoño y Fall gal. Allison lleva dos. Alex lidera la persecución de personas que se quejaron de dos.

O tal vez Alex realmente piensa que puede asustar a los medios de comunicación estadounidenses en silencio con amenazas de arresto por 36 horas en una prisión mexicana húmeda.

  Concepto del artista; alguien de arriba en ESP realmente le gusta Allison y Alex.

BTW: a continuación se encuentra una copia de la Barbara Bouchey 2009 correo electrónico que Alex está tratando de afirmar es parte de la conspiración 2017 alegado:

De: Barbara Bouchey < Date: vie, 24 abr, 2009 tema: a petición … para:, Nancy <>

Estimado Keith & Nancy, lo que predicaron nuestras reuniones con Keith el 21, 22 y 23 de abril de 2009 fue el creciente número de miembros de la comunidad NXIVM expresando sus inquietudes sobre las inconsistencias que somos y hemos estado experimentando en la forma en que la empresa operó.

Al compartir datos, los daños son más trascendentales de lo que originalmente pensaban. A medida que comparamos nuestros datos de por qué el sistema no estaba funcionando, identificamos evidencia de secretismo, no y falta de transparencia.

Nuestra intención de reunirnos con Keith fue rectificar las inconsistencias en el liderazgo de la compañía y el conflicto de intereses dentro del sistema. La voluntad de Keith de reunirse con nosotros se basó en parte en su opinión sobre la brecha ética de la organización en contra de sus miembros porque su sistema de protocolo y retroalimentación falló.

Concluimos al final de estas reuniones que la resolución no era probable. Basándonos en lo anterior, creemos que ya no podemos continuar una relación de negocios con ESP/NXIVM.

Por lo tanto, solicitamos el cierre de los intercambios de valor pendientes no cumplidos, así como la adquisición para el centro de Tacoma para las personas mencionadas a continuación. Estamos solicitando una respuesta a esta carta por 11:59:00 PM, sábado, 25 de abril de 2009.

Estamos solicitando un contrato escrito, firmado, notariado acordando las cantidades abajo por 11:59 PM, Domingo, 26 de abril. 2009.

Estamos solicitando un cheque de cajero por el monto total adeudado de $2.088.000 para el jueves, 30 de abril de 2009.

Si estas solicitudes no se cumplen, avanzaremos poniéndose en contacto con la prensa.

Las finanzas de abajo sólo se le han proporcionado a usted, pero la carta anterior ha sido enviado a la Junta Ejecutiva.

Sinceramente, Barbara Bouchey, Susan hace, Kim Woolhouse, Angela UCCI, Ellen Gibson, Nina Cowell, Jan Heim, Sheila Cote, Kathy Ethier

Barbara Bouchey: préstamo a Keith Raniere para las pérdidas comerciales de la materia: $1.650.000

Retenedor legal caso perdido recuperado: 25.000

FT comisiones sobre barters nunca recibió: 100.000

‘ ProctorIFT/renovaciones organizacionales: 25.000

Comisión de abril cheque aprox.?? 5.000

TOTAL: $1.805.000

Además de la asignación de Michael Sutton préstamo con interés $1.350.000 (esta es la cantidad principal original más añadir en el interés)

Susan dones:

¿Abril ft & Center bono Sue/Kim Comisión aprox.? 9.000

Centro de Tacoma: 250.000

90 ethos renovaciones anuales, 30 entrenadores, 6 Proctors, AVG 80 intensivos, AVG 20 nivel II, desarrollado centro de Vancouver, Goodwill

TOTAL: $259.000

Nina Cowell:

Cafe salarios 2008 (incluye dinero en efectivo, alquiler, kiosco, teléfono, adelanto de efectivo)

Total: $21.000 aprox.

Angela UCCI:

Comisión final de abril cheque: $3.000

Total magnífico: $2.088.000


About the author

Frank Parlato

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6 years ago

Un excelente post quecrea diferentes opiniones, interesante

Gay Fall Guy
Gay Fall Guy
6 years ago

Could it be that Alex was chosen because he’s a gay man? What would a gay man know about branding on a woman’s public region? It’s easy for him to deny. Emi on the other hand has a wife & sadly for Alex has slept with other women who have brands. He’d have to lie under oath.

It's only fair
It's only fair
6 years ago
Reply to  Gay Fall Guy

I personally would love to see both Emiliano and Alex have Keith’s initials carved into the very sensitive region, one inch next to their respective scrotums. I think that if they are going go to bat for Keith’s latest “curriculum”, then they should get that data first hand. 30-40 minutes of burning flesh, hand carved. After that – they can decide whose life to destroy. Anyone else agree?

Pea Onyu
Pea Onyu
6 years ago
Reply to  It's only fair

I disagree wholeheartedly branding is meant for women to train them to transcend pain and to learn to keep their word. It is wrong to do that to men since men already have to suffer and are held to a higher standard. Women are pampered. We are and every woman knows we are and we need discipline. This last comment above was meant to be a distraction. Such ignorance.

It's only fair
It's only fair
6 years ago
Reply to  Pea Onyu

Oh PEA ONYURFACE….I know that’s what Vantard WANTS you to think. He had to come up with a good pitch to get women to agree to such a ridiculous thing. Even if all of that is true (which it’s not- in fact: the branding was designed to humiliate women and cause them to de-humanize each other while creating a loyalty to keith) – do you really think the world outside the tiny and very unsuccessful nxivm bubble is going to embrace this concept? Do you think ESP will survive the shit storm of “vaginal branding”? Get a grip. And get a life. Finally- if you want discipline – there are thousands of other ways to get it. You don’t need to mutilate your body with a disgusting scar. I’ve seen it on multiple women. Gross. Go see a real therapist and get some help- you sound deranged. OH! I almost forgot. While I do agree that women are pampered- you might also want to consider that Alex and Emiliano are two of the most pampered princesses of all of the women. Have you seen their lifestyle? Or how they dress? If you really do think that vaginal branding is the way to go for building discipline, tell those two pretty boys to drop their calvin klein’s and spread the legs. I am sure Dr Roberts would be happy to spread the love.

6 years ago
Reply to  Pea Onyu

Men and women are created equal. Where is it written that men have to suffer and are held to a higher standard? Keith has taken every ounce of free will and choice from you. You may as well be a robot because your neurons are certainly not firing on all cylinders.

BTW say hello to Monte Blu. I am sure you and she have a lot in common. Which one of Clare’s servants are you.

6 years ago
Reply to  Pea Onyu

PEA ONYU if you consider that women need discipline because you do not get into the militia and bereas you get a lot of you women haren would be able to be single mother and get a business of their own or even study at the same time is a shame see how they create misogynist ideas camouflaged as self-help training please I have seen fitnees models that despite handling much sensuality and like to attract attention since of that live of its image and the popularity is important but none of that can deny nor for a second they are real high performance athletes who forged their way with effort and discipline while you only do stupid things 500 and 800 calorie diets so that supposedly serves that sleep when they are told the only discipline that is achieved with that is blind OBEDIENCE I leave this sentence for you to remember “A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the breaking branch, because h er trust is not on the branch but on it’s own wings. Always believe in yourself “- Unknown

6 years ago

Does Emi and the Vanturd have Alex taking Stupid Pills? Someone has to look like the moron & Alex is either being played a fool or drew the short straw.

United States citizens have the right to free speech. Alex & his lawyers threats from South of the U.S. Boarder mean nothing.

Someone needs to turn them into President Trump’s Homeland Security for treating U.S. citizens and breaking the law by being involved with human trafficking and money laundering from Mexico.

This way they will have their rights to enter our country taken away or find themselves in a US prison.

Tell your lawyer he can shove it Alex. None of us are stupid enough to talk with him or visiting Mexico any time soon.

Did your mommy dropped you on your head a few times as a baby.

Strike while the (branding) iron is hot
Strike while the (branding) iron is hot
6 years ago

If it is really true that someone has been so stupid as to threaten US reporters who are investigating DOS and the Raniere cult in general, and Mr. Parlato has the list of such reporters, the obvious move would be to publish thst list of reporters and their email addresses on Frank Report.

Those reporters would then be flooded with emails from DOS victims and EXPians telling their tales. Probably most would be anonymous or unwilling to be named, but even a few willing to go on the record could be enough to get mainstream US media to run the story. And that would be enough for Mexican and Canadian media to run it as well.

Then there would truly be nothing left but Fiji….

6 years ago

Interview clip with cnn asking @ronanfarrow if he was threatened by lawsuit for his reporting on Harvey Weinstein’s sexual harassment and assault. Yes he was many, many times.

For those of you in the NXIVM bubble reading only The Knife’s interpretation of the news try and wake up just for a second and read Farrow’s story on Weinstein in The New Yorker magazine. Heartbreaking. Many parallels to Raniere and NXIVM. Anderson Cooper interviewed Farrow and the headline for the interview clip CNN tweeted out –

“Investigative reporter Ronan Farrow: A culture of fear, retaliation and silence prevailed in Weinstein’s company.”

Just like the culture of Keith Raniere’s companies and all the terrified women and their supporters.

6 years ago

LOL. VanDouche can’t escape prosecution just because his name isn’t on anything. That’s a “Hollywood” fantasy that has no basis in reality.

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083


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