Lauren Salzman told two Keith stories to lure DOS women (VÉASE ABAJO PARA LA TRADUCCIÓN EN ESPAÑOL)

Arrest Sarah, arrest her. You got to get her arrested. The mission, the mission. It was your fault Clare. You must do anything pay anything say anything but get Sarah arrested.
His name is Keith Raniere. But he has instructed his followers to call him Vanguard – the leader of the new thought.

Keith Raniere wanted a woman’s group based on master-slave relationships. He did not call it blackmail, and branding. DOS was to be an intense form of training where, by being well-trained slaves, women would learn discipline; their weak little minds and ugly, morally bankrupt souls would become pure and true through his teachings in an intensified setting.

Women have always been fickle and foolish, Keith teaches. They are pampered. They do not have it tough like men. He had the answer: Make them obedient. Make them keep their word. Make them strong. In this way, they would become great and find their place in the world.

He was offering hope for women.  He implored told his original group – Lauren Salzman, Allison Mack, Rosa Laura Junco, Monica Duran, Dani Padilla, Loretta Garza and Jimena Garza: “Let’s save the world by uplifting women”.

Lauren readily agreed – and went out to find other slaves.

Lauren Salzman works hard for Keith Raniere. If DOS were to change the world, she had to recruit other women to become member/slaves.

The DOS plan was to offer unique discipline: life coaching, micromanaged until the woman got the desired goal: advanced, poised, beautiful, strong.

They were to come from the ranks of ESP [and Jness] women. Coaches would solicit the coached. Friends would solicit women they knew.

Keith knew collateral was essential. Women are so weak that without collateral, they would wimp out at the first tough order. Collateral would keep them reigned in until they got strong.

Recruitment was the first imperative. Depending on who the DOS team was recruiting, Keith had nothing to do with DOS or everything to do with it.

Lauren sized up which women would be shy about giving first collateral –  gross and graphic nude pictures – into the hands of a man, even Vanguard.

Lauren said DOS was an international women’s group. It was not run by ESP. Lauren averred Keith was not involved.  If that satisfied the woman, she was encouraged to give collateral to the unnamed women of DOS.

Sometimes, a prospective DOS woman did not trust giving graphic nudes to a mysterious group of women.  Lauren then whispered: “Keith created DOS. You trust him don’t you?”

One woman gave her pornographic video because she knew Keith was the leader of DOS.

But it was not easy for Lauren to know what to tell a woman she was trying to bring into a secret women’s slavery group.

One woman was told upfront that the genius of Keith was behind every inch of DOS.

The woman balked: ‘So you’re starting a pure woman’s group started by a man?’

A lie might have worked better.

If a lie was efficacious, Lauren told it, but she has done that for years for Keith.

I assume, she would have preferred to proclaim that all women want a master, an all-wise, spiritual father [or lover or husband]. He is Keith Raniere.

saint Vanguard
Catholic Vanguard; suitable for framing and placing on your altar for daily worship. Word of caution: Vanguard does not take Bitcoin – just U.S. dollars, Mexican pesos and Euros. 




Lauren Salzman dijo dos historias de Keith para atraer a las mujeres de DOS

Keith Raniere querido grupo de la mujer basada en relaciones de amo-esclavo. Él no llama chantaje y la marca. DOS iba a ser una forma intensa de formación donde, por ser esclavos bien entrenados, las mujeres aprenderían disciplina; sus pequeñas mentes débiles y almas feas, bancarrota moral se convertiría en puro y verdadero a través de sus enseñanzas en un ambiente intensificado.


Las mujeres siempre han sido inconstantes y tonto, enseña a Keith. Ellos son mimados. No tienen lo duro como los hombres. Él tenía la respuesta: que sean obedientes. Hacer que mantenga su palabra. Hacen fuerte. De esta manera, ellos se grandes y encontrar su lugar en el mundo.

Él estaba ofreciendo esperanza para las mujeres.  Él imploró a su grupo original – Lauren Salzman, Allison Mack, Rosa Laura Junco, Mónica Durán, Dani Padilla, Loretta Garza y Jimena Garza: “Let’s salvar al mundo por women edificante”.

Lauren fácilmente de acuerdo – y salió a encontrar a otros esclavos.


Lauren Salzman trabaja duro para Keith Raniere. Si los DOS se fueron a cambiar el mundo, tuvo que contratar a otras mujeres para convertirse en miembro/esclavos.

El plan de DOS era ofrecer disciplina única: vida coaching, manejados hasta que la mujer consiguió el objetivo deseado: avanzado, preparado, hermoso, fuerte.

Debían venir de las filas de las mujeres ESP [y Jness]. Entrenadores solicitar el entrenado. Amigos solicitar a mujeres sabían.

Keith era garantía, esencial. Las mujeres son tan débiles que sin aval, lo harían a wimp hacia fuera en la primera orden dura. Garantía sería mantenerlos en reinó hasta que fuerte.

El reclutamiento era el primer imperativo. Dependiendo de que estaba reclutando el equipo DOS, Keith tenía nada que ver con DOS o todo que ver con eso.

Lauren de tamaño hasta que la mujer sería tímida acerca de dar primera colaterales – brutos y gráfico fotos desnuda – en manos de un hombre, incluso de vanguardia.

Lauren dijo que dos fue un internacional Grupo de mujeres. No fue dirigido por Lauren especialmente afirmaba Keith no estuvo implicado.  Si satisfacen a la mujer, ella alentó para dar garantías a las mujeres sin nombre de los DOS.

A veces, una mujer de DOS futuros no confiaba en dar gráfico desnudos a un misterioso grupo de mujeres.  Lauren entonces susurró: DOS “Keith creado. Usted confíe en él no? ”

Una mujer dio su video pornográfico porque sabía que Keith fue el líder de la DOS.

Pero no fue fácil para Lauren saber qué decirle a una mujer ella estaba tratando de traer a un secreto grupo de mujeres la esclavitud.

Una mujer le dijo por adelantado que el genio de Keith era detrás de cada pulgada de DOS.

La mujer se opuso: ‘así vas a empezar grupo de una mujer pura Iniciado por un hombre?’

Una mentira podría haber funcionado mejor.

Si una mentira fue eficaz, Lauren lo dijo, pero ella ha hecho durante años por Keith.

Supongo que ella hubiera preferido a proclamar que todas las mujeres quieren un maestro, un sabio, padre espiritual [o amante o marido]. Es Keith Raniere.

saint Vanguard

Vanguardia de católico; conveniente para enmarcar y colocar en su altar para el culto diario. Palabra de PRECAUCIÓN: vanguardia no tiene Bitcoin – sólo dólares estadounidenses, pesos mexicanos y Euros. 

About the author

Frank Parlato

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"Allison was flown back to Albany in the Bronfman jet....."
"Allison was flown back to Albany in the Bronfman jet....."
6 years ago

The US Mann Act stated it a felony to engage in interstate or foreign commerce transport of “any woman or girl for the purpose of prostitution or debauchery, or for any other immoral purpose”.
Therefore the Bronfmans would be liable for transporting Allison Mack from Vancouver to Albany via their jet to be debauched my Vanguard.

6 years ago

I was wrong. NXIVM does have a mission. It’s mission – or I should say VanDouche’s mission – is to find naive people (particularly rich ones) willing to give up money on a periodic basis so that VanDouche can parasitically live off of them, and to recruit women into his sex cult, under the guise of ethics and executive success.

That is its true mission statement and even this was ripped off from other cult leaders. VanDouche is nothing but an unoriginal d-bag.

6 years ago

I was at the first Jness workshop in Vancouver Canada. Lauren & Nancy Salman along with Sara Bronfman tag team Allison Mack to sink their claws into her.
Such a big prize for the Vanguard. By the end of the weekend Allison and Lauren were BFF.
Allison was swept off her feet & flown back to Albany in the Bronfman jet so she could meet the man who would change her life forever.
That line wasn’t a lie. It has been charged forever. Just not the way she was most likely was thinking about on the plane ride to Albany.
Since Pam has died, some on has to be Vanguards Head Pimp

Former jness fan
Former jness fan
6 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I was at that Jness wknd too. The love bombing from the upper ranks on Allison was disgusting. Poor girl thought she was special. Lauren must have been so excited to bring back Allison like a rack of lamb for keith to devour. I wonder how mom- mindy mack feels about this. Has anyone reached out to her ?

Wronged Woman
Wronged Woman
6 years ago

Lauren Salzman is a deceitful woman. These are not the only lies she has told. She lies to your face with a sweet understanding smile and fucks with your head while she tells you she’s trying to help you be ‘at cause’. She believes blindly in the mission of her Raniere and has no boundaries of what she will do for him.

6 years ago

These women are retarded.

About the Author

Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist.

His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents.

His work to expose and take down NXIVM is featured in books like “Captive” by Catherine Oxenberg, “Scarred” by Sarah Edmonson, “The Program” by Toni Natalie, and “NXIVM. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en México” by Juan Alberto Vasquez.

Parlato has been prominently featured on HBO’s docuseries “The Vow” and was the lead investigator and coordinating producer for Investigation Discovery’s “The Lost Women of NXIVM.” Parlato was also credited in the Starz docuseries "Seduced" for saving 'slave' women from being branded and escaping the sex-slave cult known as DOS.

Additionally, Parlato’s coverage of the group OneTaste, starting in 2018, helped spark an FBI investigation, which led to indictments of two of its leaders in 2023.

Parlato appeared on the Nancy Grace Show, Beyond the Headlines with Gretchen Carlson, Dr. Oz, American Greed, Dateline NBC, and NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, where Parlato conducted the first-ever interview with Keith Raniere after his arrest. This was ironic, as many credit Parlato as one of the primary architects of his arrest and the cratering of the cult he founded.

Parlato is a consulting producer and appears in TNT's The Heiress and the Sex Cult, which premiered on May 22, 2022. Most recently, he consulted and appeared on Tubi's "Branded and Brainwashed: Inside NXIVM," which aired January, 2023.

IMDb — Frank Parlato

Contact Frank with tips or for help.
Phone / Text: (305) 783-7083


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